
Mixed Emotions Quotes

There are 372 quotes

"It's the most mixed bag of emotions and I love it and I wouldn't trade it for the world and simultaneously it is so hard."
"Reese, she's doing well. She got her last chemotherapy treatment, and it's a mixed bag. The tumor is still there, it seems to have stopped momentarily."
"I was so joyful that I had that last experience with her, but so saddened and horrified."
"I felt elated that he'd been found guilty but I felt deflated that life didn't mean life."
"It's a lot of good and bad stuff, it's always a mixed bag of emotions."
"I regret doing it a little bit, but part of you was glad you did."
"Combination of like super happy but also so sad."
"This is the end of a situation that brings relief, sadness, or both. The opportunity for new happiness is here."
"It's empowering and terrifying at the same time."
"It's a very, very weird, wonderful, strange, depressing, concerning industry."
"That's fucked up, but also, that's fucking great if he did that."
"The game was actually scary and fun as well."
"It's been a bittersweet day... the country's going through a lot of drama but we're getting a lot of accolades."
"He's feeling bitter about a few things... He's disappointed... And he's also feeling guilty because he's let himself down."
"It's kind of a little bit sad but it's also just so great... once again, that nostalgia really brought me back to the story."
"The reality of this event is pretty bad but pretty cool."
"It's been difficult, it's been sad, but it's been beautiful, and God is good."
"There's a real sadness to that weirdly conflicted with the joy of like, is that [ __ ] Luke Skywalker?"
"I'm feeling kind of scared, but at the same time really excited."
"This is absolutely terrifying to some and to some this is exciting."
"It's a bittersweet ending but at least there's some type of resolution here."
"I love City so I want to do well, I want more, but if I'll score a goal and we lose, I'm happy, sort of thing."
"This is crazy this is incredible I I'm listening to the storytelling and I want to laugh but for some reason I also want to cry oh I do too."
"I don't know if it's a genuine sickness or excitement, probably a mixture of the two."
"If you don't got anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
"Sadness provides context and it can intermix, it can sort of be joined with joy, hope, and other emotions."
"Seeing Joe leave was bittersweet. Take care, remember, don't sabotage nothing, okay?"
"It's sweet to be wrapping up Valguerre, but it's bitter as well."
"I'm an adult now, it's terrifying, but exciting."
"You hate to see it blow up but you love to see it try."
"It's weird that it's a bittersweet feeling. Like it's the last character there... I mean, no matter what, it's an exciting thing, but it's also the end of a road."
"It was an event marked by both Jubilation and tragedy."
"You're beautiful. You are beautiful. Scary but beautiful."
"Holy [__], they don't need to be long to be a banger. I'm so mad and so happy at the same time."
"Welcome back to another video! I am excited... actually, I'm 50/50 excited right now. Brandon is driving, he's been driving since 5:00 a.m. to get to us all the way in South Florida right now."
"This scene is weird, creative, scary, and funny. It reminded me why I like filmmaking so much."
"It's like a mix of genuine sadness and chuckles."
"Starting uni soon? So many mixed emotions, but I'm grateful for the journey ahead."
"This is the first step in this new journey, and we are filled with fear but also excitement and a little bit of wonderlust."
"I felt fear and unbelievable relief hit me at the same time. My roommate and this guy started cracking up."
"It takes me three days to complete this room and I love and hate every minute of it."
"I'm honestly really excited too, it's a weird feeling."
"Goodbye, adios. It's been real, it's been fun."
"Wow, I'm proud of you and mad at you at the same time."
"I'm excited, but right now I'm not actually excited."
"We went home smiling and crying. And the emotions were just volatile."
"I'm just so baffled and confused kind of thing but I'm so happy at the same time."
"Excitement over Spider-Man and then terrifying fear of monopolies."
"This feeling of true excitement and deep gratitude to have made it to this point in my life mixed with a lot of fear and anxiety."
"You had a great thing here and I give us the bad news then you give us a whole bunch of games we're all excited get it out of the way."
"It's gonna be real bad, but real good, lamer."
"The public reacted to the passing of the King of Rock and Roll with mixed emotions."
"It's over... and it's like I'm relieved, but also really angry at myself."
"It's just a love-hate relationship, like people have with my channel."
"There's something coming to an end, there's something opening up, there's a grief and a sadness and there's also a hope and an excitement."
"An awful finish, quite frankly, but you know what? It's been a really good day."
"As much as fear was the focus, there was a lot of laughter as well."
"Children, you know, it's the best awful thing that's ever happened to you."
"It's a two-week feeling because obviously it's like it's tragic and is everything but it's also so how find the right word but just how like the earth kind of stands still for like a moment."
"The act of growing up... kind of weird, funny, painful, and precious."
"It's both creepy and hilarious at the same time, and I absolutely loved it."
"I felt like I wanted to take a nap and then at the same time I felt like I wanted to get up and run, and I don't run so really interesting kind of day."
"Oh my gosh, look at the final product! Oh my gosh, I want to cuddle him but also eat him at the same time."
"Wow, I hate it and I love it at the same time."
"Excited but also nervous, I mean both right?"
"It's bittersweet it is like it's bitter sweet that two years flew by."
"That felt really cheesy but I also loved it at the same time."
"It was simultaneously a place of great pain, heartache, even death, and the best times of their life."
"It's a weird feeling, bittersweet; you're pleased to get it done but sad also."
"It's sad and it's disheartening but at the same time, it's funny."
"It's been a big day, it's been a long day, it's been a hard day, but it's been a fun day."
"Sachi is angry at him for ditching his friends but is also glad at the same time."
"I'm gonna be really sad but also very, very, very happy."
"It was a sad moment but at the same time it was a sense of excitement knowing that I have a new path ahead of me."
"I feel so sad but it's a good sad."
"I feel really excited as her mom. I feel excited for her and a little bit like... oh I really want to protect her and at the same time a little bit sad as well."
"I think we are hooked now y'all. It was terrifying and amazing all at once."
"I just can't believe we're having a baby... it's like these moments are so exciting but then it's also just like kind of sad in a way because this is like the type of thing that you just like wait for your whole life."
"They felt joy and grief simultaneously, realizing it's not over between you."
"I have very mixed emotions right now. I'm so happy, but I'm so sad at the same time."
"I'm kind of sad that I'm doing this, I know like I'm really happy I completed the collection but part of me is kind of sad that it's over."
"This is what you would call Bittersweet."
"It's the bittersweet moment we've been waiting for."
"I don't want to leave, but also I'm very excited to go."
"It's scary. Oh my word but it was also really fun too."
"It's scary. It's exciting. It's happy. It's sad, of course. It's sad, are you kidding? Um, yeah, I'm super excited."
"It's bittersweet. We're excited but sad. I don't know, it's one of those things you really don't know how to explain how you feel because it's just a lot of things."
"100 days of joy and stress and hard work."
"I'm really sad to leave but really excited to move to the new place."
"A happy-sad feeling washed over me."
"...one of the best days of my life, but it would also be one of my worst."
"I always find Christmas a little bit kind of beautiful and sad that's probably a good way of putting it"
"It's like one part kid waiting for presents on Christmas Eve and one part kid bringing home his report card knowing he was gonna be graded."
"It's a such a Bittersweet moment."
"...the worst and best day of my life. I mean I would never wish anyone dead but when John passed away I must admit that I felt a huge weight lift off of my chest."
"The good news is your sister Nezuko is alive. Too bad news is she's a demon."
"It's so many mixed things in here, and they're like, 'Yeah, congratulations!'"
"Bittersweet moment... leaving but we have to move on to bigger and better things."
"It's gonna be a bit bittersweet for her."
"I'm excited but I'm also saddened and I'm also grieving for the fact that I know that there'll be some people here who are going to miss this whole thing."
"I've never been so excited and scared at the same time."
"Equally parts excited and terrified."
"...that day was so sad but it was also so joyful and there's so full of love."
"That's kind of sad but kind of relieving at the same time."
"It's bittersweet. I'm so happy for her and Austin, but there's a bittersweetness to it."
"This person is feeling very hopeful but hopeless."
"Congratulations, and I'm sorry, whichever is most appropriate."
"It just warms my heart and makes me so sad at the same time."
"I feel satisfied but I feel sad that I'm leaving."
"I'm nervous and excited at the same time."
"Bittersweet because I missed Tiana I missed Sparco but also I freaking love Japan."
"Change, while inevitable at certain points in our lives, can feel like a mix of everything. Change can be scary while also liberating."
"I'm feeling sad, you know, that we don't have any more show. I'm also feeling grateful and thankful that we have a show that doesn't feel like a chore."
"I'm scared and excited and I want a doughnut."
"Christmas can be a beautiful time; it can be a rough time for some."
"It's okay to be disappointed and proud at the same time, but you can't be grateful and scared at the same time."
"I'm optimistic and scared, calm and anxious, happy and sad."
"I had so many feelings about this: strong cringe feelings, yes, certainly those were there, but also surprising moments where I strongly was proud."
"When I was rescued, there was a sense of regret that a great adventure was ending."
"I'm mostly happy for you. I'm being honest, there's a little bit of guilt and envy there, but I'm mostly happy."
"I'm happy and I'm sad, but you know the feeling."
"Yesterday was the best and worst day of my life."
"I feel unbelievably conflicted, emotional, confused, sad, happy, exhilarated, tingly, everything."
"How you feeling about going home? Happy but sad, yeah bittersweet."
"I'm not sure I've ever watched a movie that I loved and hated so much at the same time."
"It was bittersweet at the show because when my son was there, he got overwhelmed."
"I am stressed but I am also very excited at the same time."
"Knowing I was nearing Santiago, I was suddenly overcome with a sense of sadness, excitement, and also a hint of anxiety."
"I was offered a promotion... but it was bittersweet."
"Feeling really happy and excited while also feeling kind of sad some days, and I don't know why."
"I'm sad, but also the happiness is taking over the sadness in a good way."
"I'm still sad but I'm really, really happy for them."
"On that day the survivors and their families would be caught in crosscurrents of happiness, grief, and confusion."
"I'm sad but simultaneously so freaking happy that I'm doing something that I love."
"It's bittersweet, I'm sad and happy at the same time."
"I'm so excited to be done with high school, but now it's hitting me like I'm ready but I'm also just not ready."
"I'm excited and sad because we get actually... I know, well we left Europe and it would have been really fun, but I'm kind of excited to just have this time on the boat."
"I'm happy for that. Can you be happy for an artist while also kind of heartbroken for another?"
"It's a great product, like I'm sad, but you know it's an amazing thing."
"I am excited for today, and I'm nervous for today, and I'm absolutely not ready for today."
"It's very bittersweet but rewarding feeling if that makes sense."
"It was like Bittersweet. I want to win, but I watch the live when Keith's fishing, like I want Keith to win."
"I'm excited for today, but I'm nervous too."
"Relief and joy mixed with the grief for the millions whose lives have been taken by total war."
"That's terrifying and also great at the same time."
"Feeling very blessed and sad, it's a bit bittersweet."
"There's something about going back to your hometown that is equal parts comforting as it is depressing."
"This is a bittersweet thing, like I'm very excited to see how this ends but I'm sad it's going to be over."
"I'm excited to watch it but it's definitely bittersweet, I have to admit."
"I feel terrible and happy. I have like mixed emotions."
"It's kind of sad, but it's also so hype at the same time."
"This book coming to a close is so bittersweet because I know there's more."
"Moments like these are bittersweet."
"I'm sad to be going home but also really excited to be going home."
"This is a sort of bittersweet moment."
"Ending the 30-day challenge was bittersweet."
"What's the definition of mixed emotion? It's like when your girlfriend tells you out of all your friends you have the biggest one."
"It's kind of sad but also it's kind of motivating."
"It was a journey full of tragedy and drama, as much as it was pride and triumph."
"I'm like so happy and sad at the same time right now."
"It makes me sad, but it also gives me a lot of hope."
"I'm kind of depressed because my vacation's over, but at the same time, I'm so excited because it just means there's more things in the future to come."
"I built such a good relationship with everyone in the house so it's sad but like I'm happy at the same time because it was such a good experience."
"I started feeling homesick... but there were enough other good feelings going on that I wasn't miserable the whole time."
"I have lived with both relief and guilt all of my life because of this."
"I am so happy, wait, I am kind of angry."
"I have some fond memories of this place and I have some terrible memories."
"I'm so excited and so happy and sad all at the same time."
"I'm feeling a bit nervous but kind of excited all at the same time."
"Did you love it, Evan? How does it feel to be back? Does it feel good? Yeah, is it weird? Kind of weird, huh? But we love it, it's a good weird."
"It's a sad happy, like it's this weird feeling of like that nervous excited."
"I'm feeling sad and happy at the same time."
"I'm excited and terrified at the same time."
"I'm very sad and emotional, and I'm also really excited."
"Be happy for Delilah and sad because you miss Cobalt, and excited about the new foal."
"Oh my goodness, this is absolutely terrible, awesome."
"This is a bittersweet goodbye, tears and smiles at the same time."
"Beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania was bittersweet."
"Father, I have such mixed emotions; I fear lots of things, and yet I believe you alone help me to live from my belief, not my fear."
"It was the best day and also the worst day."
"Excitement and dread clashed within her as she unfolded the page."
"I have a little bit of good news and a bit more bad news."
"It's such a feeling of happiness, but then at the same time you have sorrows and there's so many emotions rolled up into one."
"It was bittersweet. Club is feeling very sentimental."
"I'm happy to be in London, but also I'm a little sad."
"I am both happy and sad at the same time, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
"The first thing I thought was, 'Thank God, I’m saved,' but a part of me couldn't really enjoy the moment."
"I love the holidays. I mean, even I sort of like everything that comes along, the chaos, the all the bad stuff and the good stuff."
"I'm so excited, I'm very nervous, I'm fantastic."
"I'm feeling nervous, I'm feeling anxious, and I'm very confident."
"All right, today's a bit of a sad day, quite a little bit exciting as well."
"This is exciting and terrifying at the same time."
"It's bittersweet, but I haven't cried, which is quite good."
"It's a little sad but it's so exciting at the same time."
"Happy, terrified, is it possible to feel both?"
"It was funny, it was sad, but it was fun."
"I'm nervous, excited, like a wave of emotions, but yeah, the one that overpowers all the other ones is excitement."
"This is a bittersweet moment for me."
"I'm really sad but also really happy."
"I am so happy but at the same time feeling very bittersweet."