
Agenda Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"I think it's very obvious, isn't it? People go searching for stats that suit their agenda."
"What we've got to do is roll up our sleeves and fight for the agenda that working people throughout this country want."
"Follow the ones who don't have an agenda clearly because this is not the way to get popular."
"You don't need to be an element of someone's agenda; your life belongs to you."
"It is essential that healthcare practitioners review all data... people have been agenda driven and not data driven. We have to go by the data."
"They know how to manipulate a narrative a certain way to further their agenda."
"Why is a teacher identifying as someone with a gay agenda surely his agenda should be imparting knowledge."
"The effort at disclosure would be hijacked by elements who had then spin it in the direction of a threat or an eschatological crisis."
"The president will continue to advocate for components of his Build Back Better agenda."
"Democrats are trying to drag their agenda across the finish line while also staring down the looming midterm elections."
"They want diversity as long as it lines up with their agenda."
"We cover the stories the mainstream largely ignores or buries or spins and we try to cut through all of that. We Have No Agenda on this show."
"Misinformation and Mal information... is simply information that's inconvenient to the agenda of the powerful."
"Exposing this agenda is difficult, it's multifaceted, it's global in scale, and frankly a ton of people have accepted the propaganda surrounding it because it preys on people's compassion. Who doesn't want to be the good guy saving the planet?"
"The bottom line here is that moving forward, people like the Republican agenda."
"What protests get selectively highlighted... says more about their agenda."
"Classic above and below tactics, feeding their own agendas."
"There has been a concerted group of people using events to manipulate consciousness toward their agenda."
"Our agenda is the agenda of working-class and middle-class Americans."
"Controlling the narrative is essential to advancing their agenda."
"It's just following in line perfectly for their agenda."
"What is clear-- Vyacheslav Ivankov fled Russia and came to the United States with an agenda."
"They'll start pushing your agenda or what you're talking about and making it bigger, and then they turn the script."
"Our agenda speaks to the questions and the pain that people are now feeling."
"What in the world would an advanced intelligences' agenda be with manipulating and harvesting genetics from this planet for so many thousands of years?"
"There's a big agenda ahead of us on this international women's day."
"It's a managed agenda. This is disclosure, it is disclosure."
"Kamala Harris is well positioned with the right connections to enact the internationalist agenda."
"The black agenda will be brought to you by black people."
"This election is about Prime Minister Modi getting a very big mandate for a very, very large agenda."
"It's an agenda and a narrative that we're being fed."
"Technology is not neutral. It has an agenda, it's going in a certain direction, and it's using us to create itself."
"A moral agenda is also an economically sound agenda."
"Our job is to develop an agenda that speaks to the needs of workers."
"We must have a pro-human agenda in everything we do."
"It's important to look more closely at what the agenda is and consider that this might not be an actual off-ramp for the crisis, it's just getting into another lane."
"These people are using the deaths of U.S. soldiers to advance their own deranged Cold Warrior agenda."
"Do not let them use you to advance the agenda that they're looking to do."
"We're on offense and we're not just going to sit there and let the left define the agenda."
"Our agenda is more popular with the American people."
"We had to close it up, save millions of lives... the radical Biden-Harris agenda."
"It doesn't matter what the original intention was; people can still just repackage it to push whatever agenda they want."
"He's going to tie that all together and make the case for why he feels his build back better agenda needs to be passed by congress."
"Everybody has an agenda and I want to give you the data to kind of push back or counter that agenda."
"9/11 disrupted the political agenda of the Bush administration."
"Authorities Global elitists corrupt individuals will use catastrophes to advance their own agenda."
"Democracy is just a way of flattering lots of people. There's one agenda."
"Hollywood has an agenda... it's to warp your brain into thinking the way that they want you to think."
"The entire agenda is quote designed to make you comply."
"Reframe all of our mind to put the agenda of Allah's messenger first"
"The president's view and our view is that his agenda is one that is broadly popular in the country among many progressives but also among many moderates and frankly many republicans."
"I want to see people empowered. That's what my whole political agenda is about."
"Any dissent at all to our agenda, we're going to interpret as some kind of hate crime."
"To come in here and to say that I'm deliberately lying to my audience, misleading my audience, and directing them towards some sort of sinister agenda, that bites."
"Our five days agenda will cover testing basics, defects, SQL, Python, and test automation."
"We've got some very exciting things to do today."
"I hope to God they don't change anything to fit the current agenda and to fit the current narrative of there not being live human beings in attendance."
"If great books have an agenda, it is a humanizing agenda."
"I'm here to make jokes. I have no agenda. I'm not trying to get anything accomplished."
"Don't miss an opportunity because you're too married to your agenda."
"So now we can go back to my shop."
"There's a strong worldly influence status quo that's out there... dedicated to their own agenda not the scriptural agenda."
"The movements play a very important role laying out an agenda for these countries where a new mood has begun to set in."
"I have no agenda here but the truth. No agenda but the truth."
"The nature of agency is that an agent has some agenda."
"The Lacey Evans agenda was heavy to start the summer."
"You never waste an opportunity. Something bad happens, you push your agenda. Something good happens, you push your agenda. I never waste an opportunity."
"For all the people out there that like to call every [__] thing that comes out nowadays woke, this is the movie that deserves that attention. This is an absolute message forward agenda driven woke piece of [__]."
"Rewriting a character's personality over and over again to serve agendas or fix non-issues is agenda-driven storytelling."
"I don't think people understand, like, you have to watch the news, you know? Whether they're lying to you or not doesn't matter. You need to understand the agenda they're pressing on the other 99 of people."
"...and then we'll come back in here and we've got loads of stuff to talk about."
"Kuzan and Sakazuki's dreams and why they were both always wanting to become Fleet Admiral is because it's important to Blackbeard and Kuzan in their agenda coming together."
"I woke up ready to pod, baby. Yeah, I'm ready to go. We have a lot of stuff on the agenda today."
"You see me at the White House, you should be asking yourself what's the agenda."
"Our agenda is lifting up citizens of every background, race, religion, color, and creed."
"The media decides what to focus on based on what they want to sell."
"A lot of stuff to discuss today, a lot of options on the table."
"We are fighting every day to put Working Families First, rebuild American manufacturing, and strengthen our supply chains."
"I got a few things on my phone that I wanted to chat to you about."
"They were supposed to make discussion about a certain topic."
"We obviously have a lot to discuss in the next hour."
"The plan sets out an ambitious agenda to tackle long-standing and deep-seated inequalities."
"This whole concept I think has been misrepresented and taken out of context and is really driven by folks that are interested in pushing their own agenda."
"What else is going on? Yeah, let's plan working my way down towards the med."
"The agenda is more important than the vessel."
"It's kind of funny when I talked about the seminar, like about goals, and they kind of ask like, 'Hey, what's on the agenda?' And it's like, man, I got a long list of stuff that I want to continue to do and build more."
"They're not just amoral. They seem to have some kind of an agenda, some kind of an organized plan that they're all operating behind, which is to the detriment of the human race."
"They're doing bad science, they're putting out bad studies to push an agenda, and people are starting to understand that."
"It's part of their agenda, every time truth is making a comeback, they won't allow truth on their platforms."
"You fit their agenda, you'll get in. Otherwise, no. That's the bottom line."
"What's on the agenda? Lay a pipe."
"The war on drugs isn't really about drugs... it's about political agendas."
"We have seen the power of building an agenda based on hope."
"Was it a celebration of let's just be real a little over five Decades of great entertainment or just another modern franchise being sacrificed on the altar of agenda?"
"New issues identified. Cartright King issues observations comments. Wimbledon can be taken off this agenda. Martin and Rodri catching up offline."
"We're gonna go through all those today."
"This is a must for all of your holiday agendas this year."
"He's probably not going to be easily driven by people with a long-standing foreign policy agenda. And he's not going to be as anxious to exert military power when it costs a lot of money because that's not what he ran and won on."
"They twisted everything to suit their own agenda."
"There's an agenda to emasculate black men in certain things."
"A woman can be just as spiteful and just as as mischievous as a guy can and just because they come in sheep's clothing don't mean that they're not coming up there with a specific agenda."
"The history known as the Deuteronomistic history intended to serve Josiah's agenda of centralization of cult in Jerusalem and territorial expansion into the lands of vanquished Israel."
"We're never gonna have an agenda that all of us are gonna agree to."
"...we shared a real passion for that cure agenda."
"Financial returns, not woke capitalism, drive the agenda of asset management firms."
"So, that's what I kind of plan on covering today."
"Feeling without an agenda without a goal like I'm not feeling so that I get into a flow state I'm not feeling this so that I get rid of this thing I don't want to feel."
"This is not about trying to upgrade the ability of the court to be more transparent. It's about an effort to destroy the legitimacy of this conservative Court."
"There are two things I wanted to talk to you about," he said when the applause was over.
"Usually, it's not to have a script, not to have any agenda and just have a conversation."
"One of the major problems with current year movies, TV shows, and comic books is that the writers are more interested in pushing their own agenda or trying to score political points instead of doing what they should be doing, which is telling a good story."
"Donald Trump came to Washington for one reason and one reason alone: to make America great again."
"The holy spirit comes in and he has an agenda, and it's not yours."
"This series is not just about family relationships for the fun of it. It's about culture overhauling. God has a bigger agenda."
"One of the things I like about this book... he doesn't bring an agenda... his only agenda is helping people with retirement planning. That's his agenda."
"...they've come out and said, 'This is a platform I'm using it for this agenda and if you don't like it, we don't want you as a fan.'"
"Wilson led an unparalleled legislative agenda, including the establishment of an income tax."
"Their agenda became quite politicized all of a sudden as you said they went from being kind of doing good works and defending the small folk against all manner of predation by soldiers and I don't think they saw it as a political thing."
"I think something that's important to know is that we came in as creators we had an agenda and the sooner we get to working on that the more fulfilled we're going to be."
"both sides have an agenda a personal agenda it just so happens that Kaepernick's is a bit more noble"
"Not what you do for God, but what God does for you, should be your agenda for rejoicing."
"The weather outside is frightful, but the homosexual agenda is so delightful."
"Let's get started because we've got a lot to talk about today."
"I just got back from Columbus Ohio a really fun trip actually shout out seabs seus is fun that's what we have on our agenda for right now and then we have a few other things today that I'll take you along with."
"The narcissistic personality, just like a political party, has an agenda."
"If you follow your own agenda, great punishment is waiting for you."
"You can't have a progressive agenda just about redistribution."
"I will not be an instrument in the hands of Satan to carry out his sick agenda."
"Every single organization and person on earth has an agenda."
"Should we maybe also have more of a positive agenda?"
"Rabbis have a certain agenda, you know. We want to talk about God, spirituality, the soul, deeper meaning."
"Statistics are so often twisted and wildly extrapolated to suit a specific agenda."
"They're not prioritizing the story being true to the story; they're prioritizing an agenda."
"We have a very simple, straightforward agenda for you today."
"The gay agenda is just telling people you're okay as you are. It's okay to be who you are; that's the agenda."
"They are formulating a philosophical agenda that Western philosophy has worked with ever since."
"I don't want an election, you don't want an election, let's get on with the people's agenda."
"It's the new beginning, you know, this is their agenda they're launching."
"We have a tangible agenda in mind; we're talking about getting something tangible for a very specific group."
"Thatcher was the first really interesting politician to me because she had an agenda and she was obsessed with getting it across."
"Do not let yourself be guided by someone else's agenda or someone else's schedule."
"Instead of people using technology for their benefits, technology now uses people for its agenda."
"The social inclusion agenda was way more radical than Hawk's."
"I read for the agenda, and I got my joy back."
"What thought process drives the agenda of a person or a group, and does it create a pattern that allows us to predict further actions?"
"There'll be a fresh start in October in your brand new agenda."
"The most important thing is that you have an agenda, because there's a tendency for everyone else to take over your day."
"The industry is pushing an agenda to dumb us down; there's billions of dollars being spent to keep us ignorant."
"Most stories have an agenda or some kind of point that they're trying to make, that doesn't make something bad."
"We have a full agenda today, and a couple of speakers who will introduce themselves as we go along."
"We have completely reset the political agenda in this country."
"There is no particular agenda for today; we can discuss anything."
"I intend to carry out the agenda that I campaigned on -- an agenda for new jobs, new opportunity, and new security for the middle class."
"What would happen if we just actually love people with no agenda?"
"I'm not playing along with that, I have an agenda and the agenda is self-care, the agenda is self-love."
"They're working to their own agenda, which isn't the same as our agenda."
"That's part of the agenda now, what's going right."
"A good mentoring meeting should have a clear agenda, it should have stretched you both."
"The universe itself, if we consider how it manifested and evolved over the billions of years, seems to have this evolutionary agenda."
"The reason we're doing this is so we're in search of the truth, and that's because the truth has no agenda."
"I'm not after any particular agenda, all I'm after is the truth."
"The third critique... set the agenda for what philosophy after K should do."
"Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda."
"My agenda is to reach as many people with the message of the right and Christianity as I possibly can."
"Politicians are kind of, you know, they all have some agenda, and what we're trying to do is show that music, we create our own little world, and we all become one."
"These people are all a part of this luciferian agenda whether they choose to recognize this or not, it's what they subscribe to."
"Let me tell you first what we will cover and what we want."
"We've gotta get down on Thursday, we've gotta free Britney, there's so much to do on the docket today."
"You're supposed to be making decisions that are furthering your agenda, so you can't just piss away money."
"Grievous is reprogrammed, his will bent to serve the Empire's dark agenda."
"We got so many things that we got to discuss today."
"That's not a gay agenda, that's not sexual, there's nothing about that that's wrong in any way."
"What the Jedi view as morally acceptable seems to fluctuate to fit whatever their agenda is at any given moment."
"The Jedi seem willing to do anything to promote their own agenda, even at the expense of others."
"For the agenda today, we have three things we will be covering."
"Welcome, welcome, we have a lot of things that we're gonna go over today."
"Sounds like you just want to push your anti-bread agenda on everyone else."
"We need a black agenda... just pick something and have solidarity."
"Our agenda is very straightforward."
"My agenda is to educate people, my agenda is not to win a debate against you."
"It's rooted in truth and it's rooted in an agenda; it's not just silliness for the sake of silliness."
"When you put agenda before creativity or before story, you will fail every time."
"The only real agenda, if you can even call it that, appears to be just allowing others to be accepted."
"Acceptance with an agenda should characterize the local church, because acceptance with an agenda characterizes our heavenly Father."
"He's not about torturing, burning places down... it's the agenda that he had and the way that he portrayed himself, it was powerful."
"We are taking meaningful steps to deliver on the president's unity agenda for our nation."
"Our agenda today is pretty much: we're going to take a look at the new project template, look at its benefits, why it's useful, how you can leverage it."
"Planning in my agenda and just kind of figuring out what I have to do for the week is the best way to stay organized."
"Good morning, Avery. What's on your agenda for today?"