
Inventions Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Cell phones and the internet are probably two of the biggest inventions of human history."
"Amazing inventions revolutionized our domestic lives."
"Groundbreaking inventions and their creators have mysteriously faded into obscurity."
"The Romans invented stadiums, newspaper, and lotteries to appease the masses."
"Amazing inventions revolutionized our domestic lives. What I'm holding in my hand changed our homes forever."
"In the long reign of a single queen, Victorian inventions changed the world."
"What I think about mathematics is that it is an intricate combination of inventions and discoveries."
"Homemade inventions are proof that innovation knows no bounds."
"IBM's early inventions shaped the tech industry."
"Paper is without a doubt one of the most important inventions in all of human history."
"Perhaps the biggest by far of Tesla's inventions and undoubtedly one of the biggest ever is the development of alternating current or AC electrical systems."
"There are very few inventions that single-handedly have changed the course of humankind more than the automobile."
"Utopias often give rise to some of the best inventions."
"Pioneer of alternating current, remote control, and wireless power."
"He was a mad scientist but at the same time someone who was very concerned about the future of the human race and wanted his inventions used only to promote peace around the world."
"Utility patents cover those things that we generally think of as inventions."
"Our modern way of life is rooted in the discoveries, ideas, and inventions of a century ago."
"Many inventions and discoveries upon which the modern world rest come from the great minds of ancient China."
"A hairdryer is a great simple invention."
"Discoveries and inventions are not terminals, they are fresh starting points from which we can soar to new knowledge."
"His greatest legacy is giving us inventions that are not only still in use, but help run our modern world."
"Every so often an invention will come along that changes the course of humanity, whether it's sliced bread or the automobile or little chopsticks for your hands."
"Chips are one of the greatest inventions ever."
"Chicago invented roller skates, cracker jacks, zippers, pinball, and the remote control."
"Sweden is known for having a ton of inventions and discoveries such as nicotine gum, the pacemaker, the three-point seat belt, GPS, the ultrasound, dynamite, and the Celsius temperature scale."
"Tesla's most famous invention is a coil that can transmit electricity wirelessly."
"Bacon thought that three inventions have changed the world and a lot of man along with it more than anything else throughout human history: the compass, the printing press, and gunpowder."
"The '70s not only introduced America to the instant camera, but also introduced us to the first appliance with a surname—Mr. Coffee."
"Each one of his inventions are powered by children who are enslaved by him."
"These are the 10 greatest inventions in the perfume world."
"What a long way we've come and how much further will we go or perhaps I should say can we go how much longer can our reason keep pace with our sometimes irrational inventions?"
"Leonardo da Vinci was thought to be a time traveler... He drew pictures of a helicopter in 1493."
"The ultimate Legacy is education because all of us here are sitting here in a house full of inventions that other people that we don't know invented and made our lives better."
"I love clever inventions like this."
"Their inventions were often whitewashed."
"The first patent for a machine like this was granted in 1834 to Jacob Perkins."
"A most marvelous modern invention."
"Thomas Edison is most commonly remembered as an inventor known for his role in the development of electricity, of the light bulb, his work in telephone technology, his early forays in Moving Pictures, and the voice recording phonograph among many others."
"Can you imagine how much influence his two inventions have had on the world? I mean, color photography, if color photography hadn't been invented, you wouldn't even be seeing me in color."
"The United Kingdom has claimed its fame in the field of sports, literature, and conquering the world. Rugby, soccer, boxing, cricket, and golf were all invented in Britain."
"Our four percent produces more creativity, more inventions, more copyrights, more medical discoveries, more cures, more technologies than the other 96% of the world."
"Most of the inventions that we enjoy today came from black minds."
"There's no, there's no way that Tesla was sitting in this hotel and not using all this stuff."
"During those eras, there were more inventions that affected human history than we could mention."
"It's fascinating to think about the technology and inventions created by our ancestors."
"It makes you wonder what other amazing inventions are out there."
"Britain gave the world some wonderful inventions."
"Spain is a hub of many inventions such as the space suit, the stapler, the predecessor to the helicopter, the gyro plane, the wheelchair, glasses, foosball, and the discovery of the elements tungsten, vanadium, and platinum."
"The best inventions ever are, in no particular order, air conditioning, TV remote, microwave."
"Great, now let's see which inventions drove people wild."
"The United States has invented most of the really cool stuff."
"They're inventions that shook the world."
"I'm gonna talk about inventions that save humanity."
"In the grand tapestry of time, few inventions have truly echoed through the ages."
"Not all great inventions were developed in America."
"That is really cool, they're really cool inventions, aren't they?"
"Toilets are the greatest invention in the world when they work properly."
"It sort of feels like most modern inventions are descended from a Chinese or Egyptian invention."
"I like it when you hear about inventions that are coming out or stuff they're doing in science."
"He's always coming up with really crazy inventions."
"There's some pretty basic inventions that have changed the world fundamentally."
"We've never stopped doing wonderful things; we developed the light bulb, the telephone, and even the cell phone today."
"This is the smartest thing ever, like these inventions keep getting better and better."
"The longer they run, the more stepping stones there are; it's like the next generation of inventions are going to be more interesting than the last."
"Who owns the rights to inventions that arise during work for a client?"
"Welcome to my factory, young lad. Tonight, you will see with your own two eyes 20 of the world's smartest inventions."
"It's 2022, the 21st century is in the yard, and we still manage to come up with some new inventions."