
Mycology Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Fungi appear to share resources and information through a 'wood wide web'."
"The mushroom of immortality...is the oldest known mushroom to be used medically, which is super cool."
"This is just another perfect example of the fact that the list of things we don't know about mushrooms is way longer than the list of things that we do know."
"The chances that there could be another genus or another species of mushroom that has some sort of unique psychoactive property, in my opinion, is pretty high."
"There's a new species of magic mushroom named after Paul Stamets."
"Inspired by real-world mycology, the study of fungi, the largest organism on planet Earth is a single fungus in eastern Oregon, sprawling four square miles or 10 square kilometers, estimated to be at least 2,400 years old."
"There are so many cool stories to be told, and we know so little about, especially cordyceps, so there are lots of different species just waiting to be described."
"Fungi make our world change our minds and shape our futures."
"There's so much blue ocean in the world of mushrooms and you can make a contribution if you so desire."
"If you know that a mushroom has a purple-brown spore print and it bruises bluish those two conditions met it is absolutely a psilocybin active mushroom."
"Ninety percent of the trees on Earth are interconnected by mycelium filaments."
"Mushrooms are so cool. In fact, growing mushrooms is probably the safest way to eat mushrooms because you can see exactly the type of mushroom you're growing."
"Deep in the murky shadow where the slime mold creeps rejoiced, our mycologist harvests his palate reaps." - W. Walter
"Mycelium is not only an externalized stomach, they're externalized lungs as I mentioned."
"These are externalized neurological networks, these are sentient networks."
"More than a thousand-fold difference in the relative abundance of bacteria associated with a garden giant mushroom."
"The individual strands themselves are felt. But the collection of all of this, the actual whole massive growing mushrooms, is called mycelium."
"They can be tasty, they can be poisonous, and they can even protect you from wildfires. California researchers are planting mushrooms in burned areas to protect the soil and water."
"90% of the trees on Earth are interconnected by mycelium filaments."
"If we can heal our Ecology of consciousness through mycology, then I think we'll have a much better chance for our Collective future."
"This is the mycelium of a fungus that discolors the white cellulose in the wood and turns it into this green-blue-turquoise kind of color. Very unnatural color for nature, right? It's beautiful though."
"It's always exciting and cool to find Chlorosiboria out in nature, especially when it's that colorful."
"But I swear when I'm making these videos, the mushroom Gods smile on me."
"This, my friends, is the lobster mushroom, Hypomyces lactiflorum."
"...I am very passionate about mushroom cultivation education."
"Cordyceps grow in the wild on nutritious bugs so we kind of want to recreate that nutrition for them so they can produce all those beautiful compounds that we like."
"The individual threads are called hyphae and the broader network of threads all connected together is known as the mycelium."
"Learning about fungi and mushrooms has also led me onto becoming more interested in lots of other things as well, such as the wildlife that I see. If I see a bird or a deer, I want to know what species it is."
"When people ask me what my favorite mushroom is, I can't help but choose the penny bun. It's the one on the cover of my favorite mushroom ID book by the late Roger Phillips."
"The world of mycology is ever-evolving and we're learning new things."
"On one point mushroom septoneustus grand maester runketer and all our other sources concur."
"In the mushroom world, there's no basics."
"All mushrooms are fungi, but not all fungi produce mushrooms."
"Mycology is a young field and even super iconic well-known and picked mushrooms still have huge areas of research that nobody's ever gone down."
"You're one of the most genuine people in the mushroom space, truly have a passion for mushrooms."
"All of us in the mycological community are truly grateful for the work that you do."
"You've done such a good job answering them. I want to thank you so much for coming on the mushroom show, sharing your knowledge like you do."
"...there's still so much left to learn... in mushrooms..."
"I've been doing this for a little while I've been building up my spore prints on my sports syringes and I want to make things more professional I want to bring things to the next level."
"When I was reading the book 'Entangled Life' which is about fungi...this guy gets it."
"Mushroom Observer is my favorite website, and that's where I upload all of my mushroom pictures."
"Whether you're a forager, cultivator, or just a mushroom enthusiast, this knowledge will give you a strong foundation for your mycological pursuits."
"In 1969, scientists elevated mushrooms to their own kingdom: the fungal kingdom."
"That mushroom you find in the woods might be new to science."
"A lot of basic work needs to be done on the behavior of mycelial networks."
"How do they coordinate their behavior? How does information pass between one mycelial network and another fungus or between one fungus and a plant?"
"Ganoderma tsugae contains compounds known as beta glucans, these are polysaccharides that make up the cell walls of fungi."
"You have to be very precise when identifying fungi; there's not mushroom for error."
"If we plugged electrodes into a mushroom and learned to decode its electrical signals, we could theoretically pay attention to what's going on in different parts of its mycelia network."
"Mycology is the study of mushrooms and it's an ever-growing and ever-expanding science."
"Mycology itself is a science; mushroom cultivation is more of an art."
"That's a perfect size mushroom to me, that's like one of the most exciting finds ever."
"That is the world's finest mushroom if you ask me, it's perfect."
"The turkey tail fungus has some beautiful coloration and it's very much like the feathers on a Turkey's tail."
"One really neat thing about this type of fungus is that it's actually kind of furry on top; it feels velvety to the touch."
"It's just so cute like they named a fungus after SpongeBob. How legendary is that?"
"One of the coolest aspects of making mushrooms is this exponential growth that can be achieved by the mycelium."
"Mycology is an amazing science and it's an amazing community, and we want to welcome everybody and make it available to everybody."
"This is Cortinarius iodes, and the Cortinarius genus is probably the largest of all the mushroom-forming fungal genera."
"The largest fungal colony that we know of grows in the blue mountains of Oregon."
"Fungi provide a key to understanding the planet on which we live, and the ways we think, feel, and behave."
"The more we learn about fungi, the less makes sense without them."
"Entangled Life is just a phenomenal, remarkable... it's a page-turner about fungus."
"More hyphae can take up more mineral nutrients and provide them to the plant."
"Mushrooms are taking over, and it's in no small part because of people like Kyle and his family who have been a driving force in spreading the spores."
"Mycology patience pays off in dividends, so definitely don't rush."
"I love seeing happy mushrooms like that, guys."
"The Swiss army knife of mycology."
"As soon as you can see that the mycelium has completely overtaken the cake, then you basically know that it's fully colonized and it's ready to go."
"The more we rehydrate these cakes, the better chance we're gonna have of getting nice, beautiful flushes of mushrooms."
"It's so rare to find the fruiting body of chaga that it's often referred to as the holy grail of mushrooms by mycologists."
"Once the substrate is fully colonized, it is very very good at resisting contamination."
"We need to have more fungi in our lives and if we don't recognize and honor that fact, we are shooting ourselves in our mycelial feet."
"We are an incredibly unique era in human history where we can cultivate fungi and mushrooms specifically in ways that have never been possible before."
"The mycelium has this potent ability to demineralize rock and digest organic material."
"Those mycelium networks can extend for miles and miles and miles. It's one of the biggest organisms on the planet."
"This is a mycologist's wet dream to be finding wild gourmet mushrooms."
"I think the role that one of the most important books a person could read is Mycelium Running by Paul Stamets."
"Everybody likes morels, right? That's actually the fruit of ecto micro hazel."
"What you're receiving is a starter culture that is sterile with only mushroom mycelium."
"When you're working in a mushroom lab, you don't want to transfer any living viable cells other than the mushroom that you're trying to grow."
"It's a puffball, a fruiting body of a fungus."
"The spore print can tell us a lot about the species."
"The mycelia of fungus provide a sort of internet for the trees."
"Radical mycology is trying to use fungi to produce radical solutions to many of our big problems."