
Collective Behavior Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The group, acting as a swarm, has its own intelligence, bigger than the sum of its parts."
"Collective phenomena are not mere aggregations of individual phenomena. There is something different, something special about groups of people, about collectivities that does not reside within the individuals themselves."
"We're losing our mind collectively. We are in a process of mass insanity."
"People don't just want to be off social media themselves, they want everybody else to be off of social media because we all increasingly understand social media as something that we are collectively obligated to."
"A nation obsessed with sins from centuries ago, sins that the whole human race shares, that sort of nation will not only fail to survive but will be driven into collective madness before the end comes."
"I'm sorry, you've all gone crazy. We've all lost our minds."
"Insanity in individuals is something rare, but in groups, parties, Nations, and epochs it is the rule."
"Most people refer to as conspiracy theories are really just an amalgam of collective incentives."
"No single ant knows what the temperature should be in the colony."
"Collective Illusions start hurting Everyone by manipulating our views."
"Droids are only a fearsome thing when they are numerous and march in unison."
"How did this cult come about and why did they make the decision to collectively take their own lives?"
"A better understanding of history is one way to help not just individuals but also collectives to change the way that they behave."
"Every decision they make in a moment about which flower to go to is informed by the collective impulse and the collective good."
"I really worry when I see so many people refusing to make sense."
"Individuals on the system obviously feel like individuals, but actually, you are part of a collective group mind."
"We're sowing the seeds of our own demise by Collective panic."
"A hive mind that can use numbers as resources is far scarier than a dumb zombie."
"It all seems to suggest that both individually and collectively we as a species are getting angrier."
"This has been, this is such long-term planning. The collective is going to follow through with this. They're easy to read, it's easy to see."
"Every cause has an effect. Our individual behavior has an effect, and our collective behavior has an effect."
"I believe over time there's this thing called the hundredth monkey effect that people maybe slowly at first but eventually it will start to build and build."
"When life is that hard, you can understand madness being contagious."
"People will hang back and then they all pile in at once."
"I do believe that mass formation in many respects should be considered a state of madness."
"What is madness at the individual level is not madness at the collective level."
"The death spiral is an example of what happens when the swarm as a whole gets misdirected."
"Historically unfortunately when these unfortunate circumstances occur people don't tend to forget."
"It's just a virus, but it's ridiculous, and so are we."
"are we all just pressing the wrong buttons all the time, like universally as a group are we all just pressing the wrong buttons"
"A code of conduct tells you what to buy, who to buy from, who to support, who to believe in, who to trust, who to fight, or who to protect and who to align with."
"Social proof is a psychological trick based on the influence that collective behavior has on individual decisions."
"The behavior of the flock seems to be more than the sum of the behavior of the individual birds."
"Single ants are not as intelligent as people think they are. It's only when they work as a collective that they become frighteningly intelligent."
"There are few occasions upon which large bodies of men can rise above selfishness."
"Audiences have got this kind of weird crowd intelligence."
"We're in a state of mass psychosis."
"Everybody's having a mad half hour."
"We're living in a world of fools."
"The machines predict what we collectively would do; they're avatars of our collective intelligence."
"It's like mass brainwashing, mass hysteria."
"We cannot let our fears or our collective reactions feed off each other."
"Mass hysteria refers to a situation where a group of people experience similar symptoms without a clear medical cause."
"The market is just a big giant organism... millions and millions of minds... all transacting, willing to buy and sell at this price."
"Microbial intelligence is the intelligence of single-celled organisms, especially when they act in groups."
"The particle swarm optimization algorithm mimics the navigation and foraging of a flock of birds or school of fishes."
"We are capable of both the wisdom of the crowds and the madness of the crowds."
"All of you people should be ashamed of yourselves."
"Maybe all this is just people responding to the world around us."
"The reasons that Homo sapiens evolved beyond any other species was due to the ability that we can all buy into collective fiction together."
"Okay, so we as a collective have lost our goddamn minds."
"They're all mad, they're all completely mad."
"It's so interesting whenever something crazy happens in this country, just watching the collective reaction and response."
"It's madness, and everyone here is mad."