
Platform Policy Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Racism is reprehensible and has no place on Yelp, and we unequivocally reject racism in any form."
"Our rules are designed to provide the opportunity for every single person to be able to speak freely on the platform."
"Twitter should be able to ban whoever they want for whatever reason totally incongruently with them."
"It should be a platform it should be like a phone company and the tweets should be on me not have nothing to do with Twitter."
"Use your aggressive feelings boy, let the hate flow through you."
"YouTube bans anything and everything, you can't be a fourteen-year-old edgy girl making jokes."
"Our role is not to be bound by the first amendment but our role is to serve a healthy public conversation."
"The quality of your life is determined by the condition of your heart."
"YouTube has deliberately broadened its response, forcing creators to bear the burdens of compliance."
"Twitter does not have the right to determine that because someone is mean they're not allowed to be on the platform."
"I'm hopeful that Elon Musk is going to bend Twitter's content moderation towards a greater embrace of free speech."
"Sony might be a bit more lenient on allowing PSVR games to go to other platforms."
"We should allow people to be racist on our platform. It's like nobody man nobody wants that, that's not why rumble's growing."
"We just need a space where people of all different backgrounds and ideas, no matter how awful or how good they might be, they can have those debates."
"YouTube's going to take the content that it deems as kids content and strip all that data away."
"A good general rule should be de-platform people for intolerant Behavior not intolerant ideas."
"No more Facebook account requirement for Quest 2."
"Thank goodness Elon Musk is at least allowing I would say 95% free speech on his platform."
"I think we need to have these platforms function in some way where everyone's allowed to speak because we can't have political discourse happening under the constrains of Jack Dorsey."
"Instagram decided to do his job for him and they actually banned him, literally for speaking out against the platform."
"If YouTube is going to arbitrarily shut his channel down when he broke no rules, I think there is a claim here."
"If you break it once, you break it twice, you're off the platform for good."
"Twitch's lack of fair enforcement is going to lead to a situation where it could have potential implications down the line."
"Realistically, if YouTube decides to enforce this rule... they open themselves up to a lawsuit in other regards."
"Features like comments and notifications will no longer be available on videos made for kids."
"Facebook rejects hate. We take down any Content that celebrates, defends, or attempts to justify the Holocaust."
"Netflix, what are you doing? They lost it. They are taking away shared passwords. Ain't no more everybody gonna have their own."
"No, you're not going to... dox people on our platform. Get the [ __ ] out of here."
"Twitch received a large wave of DMCA takedown notices aimed at year old vods and clips containing copyrighted music, leading to a backlash."
"YouTube is actively going through year-old videos and issuing strikes and takedowns for posts that they had no problem with before." - Jeremy Boring
"Streams that are labeled as drugs, intoxication, excessive tobacco use, violent and graphic depictions, gambling, and/or sexual themes will no longer be included in homepage recommendation shelves."
"Change can also pave the way for a better future. That's why we've decided that moving forward all of our games will require a Microsoft account to play, including Minecraft Java Edition."
"There is no hate, malice, racism on the site."
"YouTube is just making a statement saying we want to pay our creators more than any other platform."
"Elon Musk has said he'd prioritize free speech."
"This was inevitable. Elon Musk's plan is to deliver a free and fair platform for not only political speech."
"YouTube is definitely like thought this through more than people generally have, I feel."
"YouTube is basically putting the responsibility on creator, the creator not YouTube anymore to determine what's a kid's channel what's not."
"Twitch coming out and saying that they are going to make it so that if you block somebody on the site they will no longer be able to watch your streams."
"Your server should in fact have an 18 plus rating or in general be removed."
"YouTube confirmed Leafy's suspension is permanent due to harassment." - Slasher
"Breaking: GoFundMe removes Richard Hawkins' page."
"Why we tolerate the idea that someone can be permanently banned from any platform when we basically don't allow that anywhere in society."
"It's insane that we don't know why Twitch banned him."
"You cannot remove the dislike bar like this, this is gonna hurt honest creators."
"Why didn't YouTube step in and ban him? People get banned on YouTube for sneezing crooked and this kid's fine not getting banned doing what he's doing."
"Anything that glorifies eating disorders, we remove that from our platform. It is violative. We're working with experts now."
"I understand that YouTube is a private business and they have every right to control their site however they see fit."
"If you do off-platform deceptive behavior that leads to real-world harm, you will get demonetized."
"The general bias of the platform is in favor of free speech."
"Twitter should be a platform for Free Speech."
"Rumble's a lot more receptive to free speech."
"We do not allow the depiction, promotion, or trade of drugs or other controlled substances."
"Our platform is a freedom of expression and users' point of view."