
Freemasonry Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Freemasonry, arguably the most successful secret society in history."
"Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity."
"The Freemasons themselves played an active role in the American Revolution and the formation of America."
"The temple is also significant in Freemasonry because it's believed to be the site of the first Grand Lodge of Freemasons."
"Freemasonry carefully excludes the Lord Jesus Christ from the lodge and chapter, repudiates His mediatorship, rejects His atonement, denies and disowns His Gospel, frowns upon His religion and His church, and ignores the Holy Spirit..."
"Similarities between Phi Beta Kappa and Freemasonry are easily seen."
"The average freemason doesn't realize that he is giving his time and devotion to bail any more than the average American realizes that."
"Fundamental idea of Freemasonry: there is design inherent within creation, and because of the design, there is intelligence."
"Freemasonry is mostly a social club, that's it."
"All of this time the island has pointed that the location of the treasure and all this time Freemasons have profited from fruitless endeavors to unravel their traps."
"What about Freemasons? Why don't we join that?"
"America was being put together as the Freemasons taken power when our founders declared a new order of the ages."
"Medieval masonry is the seed of modern Freemasonry."
"Freemasons' goal is to pass along sacred knowledge through generations within architecture."
"Let me tell you about my dad's letters from the president, money little black books, and the secrets of Freemasonry is kept in his diary."
"In an age when most African-Americans were still slaves, Prince Hall started the first black lodge."
"Albert Pike is probably one of the most misunderstood Freemasons in the world."
"Freemasons don't care to rule the world; we rule the universe."
"I'm joking, I'm joking, this was a present from someone. I'm not in the Masonic Lodge, they actually don't like me very much. So don't worry, I'm not a Freemason, or am I?"
"Hoover was a 33rd degree Freemason, and after his death, the FBI changed, becoming more open and reinventing itself."
"Freemasonry... freedom from ignorance, freedom from superstition, freedom from intolerance, freedom from extremism."
"The square Encompass is both a measurement tool and one of the most recognizable symbols of the Freemasons."
"Amos T. Hall was the Grandmaster of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma from 1941 until 1971."
"Modern-day Freemasonry is a lifelong journey of beautiful experiences and wonderful surprises."
"James Anderson's constitutions published in 1723 stands as a pivotal document in the history of Freemasonry."
"From the intellectual salons of Enlightenment France to The Birth of a Nation in the United States, Freemasonry's influence has transcended borders and epochs."
"Freemasonry stands as a marvelous Monument to Humanity's Perpetual quest for knowledge, moral betterment, and a deeper connection to the mysteries of our existence."
"Knowing the type of masonry used to build it and figuring in the ritual bathing components I have to think the Freemasons were involved in this chamber which probably dates back to Colonial times."
"One symbol that struck me was the two stone ashlars: the rough cube represents the mind before freemasonry and the smooth cube represents the mind afterwards."
"Secrecy is an important tradition in freemasonry."
"...the purpose is to make good men better by building inner character and virtue using the unique rituals we find in Freemasonry."
"Freemasonry is an organization in which men are equipped with the knowledge and tools that allow them to practice the self-discipline necessary for a rewarding and happy life, thereby drawing near to their Creator, the Grand Architect of the Universe."
"The design of the Masonic institution is to make its votaries wiser, better, and consequently happier."
"Freemasonry expects you to take full and acceptable responsibility and accountability for your mistakes."
"Freemasonry expects you to remove hate, jealousy, and prejudice from your life, and to think before you speak."
"Freemasonry expects you to be friendly and courteous to strangers, to strive to be the best person that we can possibly be in everything that we do."
"Freemasonry is universal, acknowledging the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God."
"Freemasonry brings together men who, without its influence, would have remained at a perpetual distance."
"Freemasonry requires a belief in a supreme being but does not define such being."
"Freemasonry is a never-ending journey, one where knowledge that I acquire leads to more interest to pursue that new information."
"Freemasonry is a way of life and I think that's something that will probably is has been repeated."
"Freemasonry in one line, I would say it's a journey of self-improvement that you take with like-minded men."
"Baphomet has no actual relation to Freemasonry."
"To be one, ask one. That's the key literally."
"Freemasonry expects you to treat others as equals, to maintain a good physical appearance, and to work to become a better leader."
"These Templars and spin-off orders such as the Scots Guard helped to pave the way for the emergence of Freemasonry."
"The Scottish right remains a significant Branch within Freemasonry holding substantial influence and prestige in the Masonic world."
"The Scottish right offers an additional 29 degrees each rich in philosophical content moral lessons and allegorical symbolism making a total of 32°."
"To serve and do good to as many as possible is the true mark for the aim of every man and Mason."
"True Masonic light was the solvent that would bring the brotherhood of man."
"Prince Hall Freemasonry is older than the United States of America, predating the Declaration of Independence."
"There's nothing in Freemason doctrine that says that the Catholic Church is bad. Now if you want the historian's perspective on is the Catholic Church bad, I will absolutely give it to you because I have opinions."
"14 out of all US presidents were Freemasons."
"Freemasons were active in anti-Catholic groups like The Know Nothings and the Ku Klux Klan."
"Freemasonry embodies that religion in which all men agree."
"If you are a Catholic and you become a Freemason, you are automatically excommunicated."
"The logical end of Freemasonry is communism."
"Because there's probably not one person in a hundred, including the Freemasons, that really know what they believe."
"Mozart was a Freemason. Giuseppe Garibaldi, one of the leaders of the national liberation movement in Italy, was a Freemason. All four of Napoleon's brothers were Freemasons."
"In Freemasonry, the occultist has something very remarkable, something unprecedented, but it has something primeval in its foundation."
"The principal spirit in Freemasonry is witchcraft."
"Freemasonry is real. I remember one day on national TV a Freemason went and said, 'You know we are here and we are good people.'"
"Freemasons wanted to think outside the box, they knew there is that one supreme god that we have to believe in."
"This cemetery was built by the Freemasons, so it has so much symbolism."
"...Philadelphia appears to be a city that's full of imagery that's full of freemasonry and full of all of these sort of secrets and unexplained changes..."
"The three degrees of Masonry describe a journey within one's consciousness."
"We're not Freemason experts... we're just here to present facts, let you decide for yourself."
"Freemasonry is veiled in allegory and symbolism, with the meaning taught through ritual and personal insights."
"The origins of masonry is in ancient Egypt."
"This grand lodge of the Freemasons has stood in the city of Adelaide since the 1920s."
"Every Freemason I know is striving to be a better person; they're all pretty good family men, they all work steady jobs, and they're all there for each other when somebody needs a hand up."
"The goal of Freemasonry, at its core, is to make good men better."
"Freemasonry is all about being a better man and making yourself a better person."
"Few people know that the Freemasons played a major but hidden part in the fight against slavery."
"Instead of building temples, we build men."
"This system of clean water that allowed Philadelphia to grow into the city it is today was not only the brainchild of Master Mason Franklin, it was also designed by one Freemason, Benjamin Latrobe."
"Freemasonry at its heart and soul is about the evolution of humankind and the positive change of humankind."
"The kind of lessons that we teach are things like free thought, brotherhood, equality, honesty."
"Freemasonry attracts men who want to improve their communities and the rest of the world."
"Every day of my life, I get to talk to a man who I can call a brother through Freemasonry."
"Freemasonry is one of the world's oldest and largest non-religious, non-political fraternal and charitable organizations."
"Freemasonry teaches concern for all people, care for the less fortunate, and help for those in need."
"Freemasonry instills in its members a moral and ethical approach to life."
"Its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty, and fairness."