
Observations Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"One thing that cracked me up... was pointed out by some anon account on Twitter, which most brilliant observations are, to be honest."
"The bottom of your shoes says a lot about you."
"We're probably going to be seeing more of these typical emissions and a lot more of these IMBH black holes swallowing stars in the near future because now we kind of know what to look for."
"There is only one place to start: what have we just seen? I feel emotional, got goosebumps watching the celebrations."
"It's clearly absurd. Then again, consider the increasingly strange nature of our universe, as suggested by some new observations."
"Are you seeing a trend here? Yeah, uh, people are not happy and people are continuing to not be happy."
"He captures childhood very well just in the little observations that kids make."
"Voting his ass out. That's the only reset we get. One chance after that, we're screwed."
"Did you ever see any arguments or see any violence? No."
"What was striking about the day was how many people had stayed inside."
"Everybody is just wildly divided more so than i've ever seen in all of my life."
"But you know the outward things that I saw of Alec with his kids and his wife were just that. They seemed to enjoy each other's company."
"Westview is for the children, yet it is devoid of children."
"The landlady noticed something very odd about this guy."
"It's unprecedented what I'm seeing, and if it does end up being true..."
"We're just going to working a bunch of sevens, we've been seeing a lot of them lately."
"We're living in a weird era of faux equality."
"I think there's a lot of different things happening."
"It's kind of a big branch and it's sort of like fused into the wall."
"Most of them have quite a bit of cash as well."
"I think it's better not to see the person doing it here."
"I realized that something was unorthodox about the wildlife."
"This has definitely been a trend over the last few years."
"It just plants seeds on where we're at in society."
"The bike rode very different with a giant man on the back."
"I knew he hit in the liver but it was a little confusing for me to see her reaction like that."
"Literally, the exact same thing on two different people I knew."
"I remember being disturbed by his movements, like a squirrel or something, twitchy and grabbing at the foliage."
"It's weird though, I mean it's it's that's what you could take from a lot of these sightings just they're just kind of looking observing you know and then you know."
"I don't typically comment on Sun visors but I do find these little interesting."
"Some believe... they're testing to see how the world reacts and what countries are saying."
"Dude, I think I saw hands down the coolest stuff on the show."
"I'm just addressing what's going on in the culture."
"Things you notice in lockdown: 1. Grass grows quick, 2. My wife cleans a lot, 3. Jogging has become something to look forward to."
"We see observations like Ryan Graves did off the east coast of the US in 2015, that's just the reality, we're collecting a lot of this data."
"People start treating you like you’re famous, they say the weirdest things to you."
"You're seeing quiet helicopters, is that what you're saying? Or you're just, I'm seeing actual helicopters, you know, but they're quiet and they're not marked."
"People say hi differently this week, I'll tell you that. Yeah, I bet they do. People hi differently."
"When you're in low-class circles, you never see these things. But when you start rolling in circles with money or status, you'll see it's rampant."
"That's just some of my predictions and observations."
"It just feels surreal to be part of the science team that's doing these observations."
"Observations: this pin here on the power connector, I think is the power good, that goes over here to the keyboard."
"Oh dang that was Gangsta that man threw her right back into the cage."
"It's amazing how they do that, women not so much. Women don't care so much because they usually jump in the guy's car, you know what I mean?"
"Another minor irritation is like when it when it's getting up like they do the weird like I'm creepy so I'm going to tilt my head you ever notice that in movies?"
"The weirdest thing though is Bella's eyes straight up roll into the back of her head when she's sleeping."
"There's a lot of observations suggesting that it does and there's certainly the potential for that."
"You know you go to Vegas and you see these people."
"She tells them to act like normal and pretend she doesn't exist. Damn, that's a mic drop moment right there."
"In all the vlogs, whenever you say a number, it's like, 'That's true, that's true, that's true, that's true.'"
"Physics was on the verge of a unified theory that would 'describe all possible observations'."
"Happy retirement. I've been asked to say a few words about my time at this company. There are two types of girls in this world."
"Observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation have already revolutionized cosmology."
"There's so much stupid stuff that happens I couldn't not talk about it."
"Jenny looks at Harry like she just saw his dick."
"It's a lot of fun to watch the connections that people have made."
"Never seen shower doors like that. Would have been nice to have a towel and some clean clothes, but I'm not complaining."
"I've noticed one theme in particular that has been pervasive throughout the whole show and even beyond that into the real world of interactions I've seen both online and even with my friend group in real life."
"It's true though, it's the smells. They're so smelly."
"It's only dudes that are coming up and going squ, dude's no girl a doing that."
"Isn't it always interesting to notice gentlemen how they only seem to want equality when it benefits them?"
"The sun has become twice as small as it used to be, it now looks like a distant spec."
"Observations of black holes provide critical tests for the theory of general relativity."
"Honestly since I've been here we've been here nearly two months I haven't seen one snake and I haven't seen any spiders that I wouldn't have seen in England."
"I watched him take that bite and I was like, 'How do you feel?' and he was like, 'I feel good, I feel great actually, nothing hurts.'"
"The spoiler is very large. Spoilers. You can see the exhaust pipes even after only 1200 miles. You can see the ones that get used regularly versus the track ones on the outside, right?"
"...yet again two lockable YKK Zips no zipper pulls and do you notice we got a little bit of jingle going on..."
"Americans are more angry than I have ever known them in all my 78 years, by far."
"Interesting, look at that, they get the big, you know sometimes I look at that, they got a wide red line here and it's kind of a more thin red line up front."
"Broadly speaking, that's the way things go..."
"That’s a lot of angry searchers, right?"
"Every time but I never see the raccoon bill come up."
"Also, something you'll notice: They took off the calc for destroying the moon. There's no calc for it anymore. Where did it go? Where did it... it was... why did they take the calc off? That's weird."
"That's fair. I bet through the course of like his entire life every time he sees a rabbit he's like add it to the list."
"With the latest theories and observations, we'll explore the mysteries of this vast expanse of space."
"Isn't it interesting how they do different things?"
"The pillows are softer in the spa room, it's weird things you notice from week to week."
"Nature changes every year, the conditions are different, and because of that, you make different observations."
"It's going to be incredibly exciting because we'll be able to make observations almost back to the origin of the universe."
"If you can predict the outcome of any action given some sequence of observations, that's a pretty good proxy for understanding how the world works."
"There's something interesting going on in Hollywood right now."
"Well, the things we see on the two-lane life, my friend."
"We have now finally made it here to warm, sunny Southern California, the place of skyrocketing gas prices and really strict cops."
"It has to start with detailed field observations and backed up by robust geochronology if you can."
"I have some encouragement to share with you and some observations."
"Observations strongly suggest that ice exists on Mercury."
"The world is almost returning to a bit of normalcy because I regularly see toilet paper in the store now."
"The data that this seems to be based on is probably about 500 years worth of astronomical observations that the Babylonians actually made before the Greeks."
"The models are too stable compared to what the observations suggest; the observations say we're much closer to the Tipping Point than the models would have it."
"Power really does seem to corrupt."
"The more observations we have, the more information we've got to reliably and accurately estimate the coefficients."
"There are four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise."
"Work performance data is really just raw observations identified during project activities."
"Hidden Markov models will feature prominently because this basic idea of reasoning about underlying phenomena over time on the basis of noisy observations is a really important one."
"Science isn't just like a list of observations... we rather make observations and then use these observations to defend broader conclusions."
"The jumps occur exactly at my observations."