
Activation Quotes

There are 544 quotes

"When you lean forward two inches, it actually activates a pre-action part of your brain; it literally makes you more motivated."
"Sometimes that glory is activated through our worship."
"I literally felt like I was just floating around waiting to be like activated."
"It's about really activating every part of yourself."
"Our connection feels like home, and it activates me."
"It activates something compelling in our psyche."
"It's okay, the cube is like, it activated and now it's like waiting, it's like all of his Energy's going down into the lake, I don't freaking know man, it's crazy."
"When you're activating these gifts, you have to use your free will."
"Greatness is in you, activated. But what you're activating is the norm."
"Pressing the 'subwoofer' button activates that subwoofer and things really start subwoofing."
"Let's build this stuff and that's gonna facilitate reinvigorating the economy."
"Create the guard rails for your goals... By creating structure... you really activate it."
"Activate the light codes inside of your body."
"Activate simply means make use of or to stir up like when Paul wrote to Timothy."
"The blessing does not activate until you do your part."
"Are you activated? In five minutes you'll know the answer."
"We can activate everything within us to be used as either a positive or a negative."
"I pray for that one watching right now, Lord, that you would begin to impart and to stir, activate that which is dormant."
"I think the pandemic was actually a really good experience and it activated a lot more people around this idea of cooperation and solidarity economy."
"Activating relocator just sounds really dramatic."
"Just as the androids are about to release Android 16, Trunks attempts to stop them with a large Ki blast, but fails, and so, Android 16 is activated."
"Power has to be acknowledged, it has to be understood, and it has to be activated."
"Power is given in seed form. I believe that during this first installment the seeds of power planted in you were activated."
"What happens when you begin to cross that dimensional bridge... is it starts to activate... the interdimensional or multi-dimensional parts and pieces of your cellular structure."
"But you have to be open to the Holy Ghost to be activated to be part of that immune system in the body of Christ."
"This experience is very activating to your soul."
"You're going to realize some kind of desires and abilities that are going to bring so much strength and activity into your life."
"Activate all six prisms on the platform to get it moving."
"Faith in the midst of your real circumstances will be activated."
"These aren't fluffy meditations, these are activations."
"You are being activated for His Glory, in Jesus' Mighty Name."
"Once all three are lit up as you guessed they will activate the light-based Obelisk at the center."
"It's been a year when prophetic words have received fresh emphasis and have begun to activate in our present time."
"We're all being activated right now, and the Sun's codes are playing a huge part in that."
"You are activating to a lot of your gifts from past life."
"My account has been activated. I can start to invest for free."
"I think this person's gonna activate that for you."
"We need to create this activity to trigger it."
"The moment that we're living now is about activating that wiring."
"Mike fired up the box and the lasers came to life."
"Activate interlocks, dyna-therms connected, infra-cells up; mega thrusters are go!"
"The faith of God is voice activated."
"Dormant forces, faculties, and talents come alive, and you become inspired."
"How they activate their magic can actually make your magic system vastly unique from someone else."
"My heart turned on like an engine, the top of my head blew off, there was lightning coming out of my fingertips."
"You activated my soul to find my true purpose and destiny in life."
"It is an activation of love of self, of experience, of ability, of emotion, of manifestation, and it is with you forever."
"Activating it is like turning on the light switch."
"The Divine is coming into our core, activating us and clearing anything that may hinder that light."
"Maybe learners have their own built-in syllabus and our job is to simply activate that syllabus."
"Five, four, three, two, one - you've just shifted the part of the brain that you are using."
"Faith actualizes what it realizes."
"You liberate yourself and activate yourself."
"Activation functions apply a linear transformation to the layer output and basically decide whether a neuron should be activated or not."
"Fear gets activated in your body, making your heart race, making it hard to breathe, making you sweat, making you shake."
"You can't accidentally get those fast-twitch fibers activated; it requires intention."
"The real main thing here is Wonder Twin powers activate."
"An activation is happening for you."
"When it's activated, it heals us."
"Your genes are a library of potentials waiting for you to activate them."
"The pineal gland... it's the same effect as psychedelics can give you if you know how to activate it."
"When you activate and engage with the things that you know... it doesn't mean it's going to be easy."
"So we want to activate that filter, and we can do that with navigation functions."
"Anytime you feel a high activation state of any kind, you should stop because it's revealing something very important."
"In a climactic moment aruma activates his Ring's Ifrit mode."
"We want to look at the activation sequence to pinpoint with high precision."
"Everyone is waiting with baited breath to listen to it as it powers up soon the loud familiar sound fills up the entire room."
"Experience a spiritual activation, shifting onto higher timelines."
"Norepinephrine mobilizes your brain and body for action. It is your get-up-and-go neurotransmitter."
"But it only deigns to activate if you're driving like Miss Marple."
"Energy is back and activated, I feel so much better."
"Argos are usually charged with magic when not activated."
"Praying in the spirit activates your spirit man."
"Prayer is the key to releasing God's power in your life."
"God's power is already in you; now release it through prayer."
"That activation is kind of the foundational movement for all of the other exercises."
"The word has been given and the machines begin to fire."
"Worship brings back the missing ingredient that activates the other two."
"Many things prophesied in the Bible... will never come to pass if we are not willing to activate the promises."
"It's like it already exists, it's just waiting for you to activate it."
"Realize that you can give self-permission to be it, the reality already exists, it's simply waiting for you to activate it."
"I feel like the two of you are actually light beings in whatever way and you are serving to activate each other even if it does mean that there's some kind of grief."
"The way you activate this scripture is that you give something very small and watch what happens."
"Marriage itself becomes the activation of bhagya."
"Once it is activated and sensitized, it's on patrol and it's hunting for anything that has that target that it sensitized to."
"You turn on your greatness by the way that you love."
"The second is they can activate the fast molecule."
"Triggers of mast cell activation include alcohol, opiates, high temperature, and strenuous activity."
"A mature man is activated by his relationship with his woman."
"There's something here that God wants you to activate. You have spiritual influence over people, places, and things."
"Get ready, because something's coming in soon for you...or maybe you'll be inspired to activate it yourself soon."
"There's something about taking a glow stick and breaking it and shaking it that just makes it Glow even brighter."
"Your authority is released through words. It's voice activated."
"It's like a part of you is growing, being activated."
"The first time you use this camera it does need to be activated through the insta 360 app."
"Plants are activating their sirtuin pathways."
"Holy Spirit activate, I think I literally was just like, hi I know this is so crazy, like really random."
"I was activating just doing it anyway."
"Your copy of Windows 10 unactivated? It doesn't have to be."
"He activated the power of the sword master Kai."
"This video is sponsored by Super CDK. If you just built a gaming PC or you're flipping computers then you need to activate Windows on your builds."
"You definitely prefer something with a true momentary only activation."
"This actually utilizes Microsoft product activation, meaning that we have to go through the lovely phone activation system."
"Confidence isn't something that we go and discover or find but it's something that we activate, it's something that is deeply already within us."
"The more you are sharing your remembrance with them, the more you're also activating them."
"It's just crazy how it's like you can be somewhere, you could think you're doing the thing but there's something that has to be activated within you."
"This person is going to feel very activated within, they're going to feel like they want to make a certain choice, like they want to move forward, they want to have this forward-moving energy in this next encounter with you."
"So now I want to start it up and just drop it into gear."
"'Bro, this guy is not playing no games, we need to get serious,' Sasuke would immediately activate his Sharingan in both eyes."
"You are responsible for what you activate."
"What is the second key that activates Supernatural exemption? Discernment."
"They actually went, I think it's over 10,000 that they've activated internally."
"Eventually, one day would come when Bakugou would be in class and suddenly pop, pop, pop, his explosion Quirk would have activated."
"Every dish Musu ate at the party activated his system."
"Angels have been assigned to assist you, and they're available right now to help you if you know how to activate their help."
"You need to know how to activate their service to you."
"The hip Circle is a fitness must for activating lower body muscles."
"You're going to activate your power in this house."
"You might sit more forward, you might be ready, you might feel activated."
"I am realizing my worth. I am the star. I am being activated."
"Love. Love is this what activates the power of the House."
"Strangely enough, when I allowed myself to fully activate my gift and do the thing, I've noticed that I've been even more present with my family, even more present with my clients."
"Elven gates are activated using a key, which can be a physical token but might also be a password, piece of music, spell, or even a stellar conjunction."
"Every single gift that you have when you activate and use it will attract some blessing to your life."
"The most important weapon on the Custom Beam Saber is ‘Auto Power On’, the beam blades will only activate during moments of impacting with enemy MS."
"The Eco mode can be activated in a couple of different ways."
"There's something about the corporate voice of faith and anointing that activates things."
"I don't know why he didn't hit me before. If we can activate it and get it to help us time travel back, then we could prevent this whole thing from happening."
"The promises of God are voice activated. You have to say of the Lord."
"Activate pass through mode with a double tap."
"Once it gets activated it expresses all three chains and now even responds to low levels of interleukin 2."
"And he's like, 'Hi.' Now you may think this is so uncomfortable, like, why do you just say 'hi'? You ain't saying nothing else, doesn't it make it awkward? You're also afraid of awkward styles they can. What you don't know is you're activating him, right?"
What's happening next in your career is like you're being activated in a way that your soul is saying, "Okay, no more playing around. It's time to align with what your destiny is."
"The majority of microbes in the soil are in a dormant state. So one of the secrets, I guess, to the soil sociobiome is actually to activate those dormant soil microbes."
"Momentum is always activated by faith."
"Activation doesn't truly happen until you step in and do what God's called you to do."
"That activation requires stepping into the unknown, somebody giving you the opportunity, and you're not checking it out or quenching that gift inside of you but just taking a step forward in faith."
"Every spiritual thing is activated by intention."
"God wants to activate the prophetic in you for the salvation of many souls."
"The spectacular will be activated when it is needed."
"Keep your body as upright as possible to really activate that back."
"Love is a choice, romance has you. It's a feeling that has to be activated."
"Your potential is activated by faith."
"...breathing coherent breathing activates those systems..."
"Remove before flight... when you boot up this pineapple, it's ready for blast off."
"This project is only a go if this has already been activated and will actually boot up to the home screen. If I turn this on and it wants me to activate it in any form or fashion, chances are this thing's dead in the water and we gotta regroup."
"Every gift of God is activated by voice."
"So these are some of the codes that can help all of us in our manifestation process. Sex laughter and fever the Holy Trinity of Kundalini activation."
"Bam, just like that, you activated Windows and saved money."
"the moment the user uploads a file this button becomes active"
"You're simply going to click on active and that will activate this automation for you."
"New light codes are activated within you."
"The crystal form was activated again as a result of Flurry Heart's crystalling."
"Music activates brain structures related to reward and motivation, similar to stimuli like chocolate, romantic love, and cocaine."
"I think that's just him being loose. I think the jumping is them firing up their CNS. Like you do a couple jumps right before you do something and it turns things on."
"God, I ask you to activate us. Flip our switches and then break them out."
"This game has just gotten fun," Kidmaro said, activating his curse mark.
"The supernatural is often activated by something simple."
"Eventually you should see these turn on."
"It's a good way to start the year, it really gets the whole body moving and you know it's about reactivating those body parts."
"Stress response activated plus 5% melee damage."
"You are not creating something from nothing, you're learning to align yourself with an aspect of your being that your senses have not known they could activate."
"The station began to tremble and shake, its ancient machinery coming to life with a deafening roar."
"This black box is connected directly with Veda, as soon as Veda detected Aeolia is killed, it will unlock secret information to the GN Drive owners."
"These promises are loaded with promises for you and I want you to know how to activate those promises."
"He is a Frontline Trooper. He's one of these guys who war seems to like activate something within him."
"This Pentecost will activate the release of millions and millions of angels."
"You're the lighthouse, but there's almost this sense that you may activate other people as well."
"If you are outdoor unplugged, then you would just click on that and hit activate."
"You don't have a huge ancient device in a fantasy setting and not turn it on."
"So right here, I'll click on Install now and double click on Activate now."
"... it is a machine that houses and contains the symbiote, so he presses the button and the symbiote goes onto him..."
"Bliss and ecstasy emanate from the activation of potential."
"We have to activate it. If there are other humans out there, they need to know about the Archipperion's return."
"You're activating something about you that you deliver on the planet."
"Activate fences, activate defenses."
"People who are in purpose are activators."
"Now that four zombies are ready, the chamber will activate. The spinning zombie will spin faster and faster until the zombies appear in the world of Minecraft."
"This is where I was really hoping my pieces can activate."
"...you are activating their desire to do things."
"You are meant to heal, inspire, and activate those around you."
"So you must be a person of sacrifice. Some of you I've seen people sacrifice, sends me things they have never sent to anyone before, and then the prophetic is just activated in your life."
"If the landscape of the myth is one they recognize themselves in, then it activates in a different way."
"...you do want to continue feeding it and when you do want to call that servitor forth say there is a specific moment in time where you want to work with that servitor for whatever reason."
"So if your guy is kind of in this passive energy or you're going through the space of your relationship where he's withdrawn, he's pulled away, I want you to try out these three tips to really activate him back."
"It's gonna be activated. You're going to have that moment of like I can't deny it anymore, this is happening and that's it."
"We ask God in all 50 states throughout Canada throughout the entire world throughout the apostolic hubs the apostolic and prophetic networks Lord would you come now and activate a kingdom outpouring."
"Your hope is what activates things."
"'Every promise has an assignment. It is waiting to be put to work.'"
"Soaking a seed really helps to activate them... encourages them to start growing."
"Linux won't hassle you if you don't activate it because there is no Linux that requires activation in your software."
"There's something that he designed you to do and he's locked up gifts on the inside of you that have yet to be activated."
"Noed gardening can actually really activate a piece of garden very rapidly starting from something that might just be lawn or even quite a compacted area."
"At this point, your software is completely registered and activated on your computer. You're good to go."
"TJ, attack. Activate your rage now."
"At this moment, Annie's superpower was activated once again."
"Do you think your powers would be full-fledged and come out if you drank someone's blood to activate them?"
"You're activating people through your powerful Crown chakra."
"it's not until it reaches the second target that then the order or the trailing stop is activated"
"Activate something new with a focus on growth and stability."