
Consumer Expectations Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"The expectations that they think are unrealistic for us to have as like a standard are: AAA games releasing on time, releasing finished, actually being fun and enjoyable, not milking you for money around every single corner, and not cutting content from the game to sell back to you."
"I paid thirty dollars. I kind of expected fluffy slime."
"We're going into a different age right, a lot of gaming's done on smartphones now. Impress me, that's what I want these companies to do now."
"Bethesda marketed the hell out of Fallout 76, if only they allocated a whole bunch of that marketing budget towards making the game good. If the product is good, it will sell itself."
"When people spend one or two thousand dollars on a laptop, they expect that if the last time they turned it on and turned it off, their battery was at 80 percent, that even if they don't use that laptop for three months, when they take it out of their bag and go to use it three months later, it will power on."
"Someone said the monitor is smaller than advertising. I mean, 10 inches is 10 inches."
"The audience will be mad at you for not delivering it on the date, but it literally doesn't matter; they'll still buy it."
"Once you get that type of quality [in a product], you never want to go backwards."
"Triple A doesn't mean shit to me other than I can expect it to maybe look good on the surface and be shallow beneath it."
"When you pay $60 for a game, you want a full game."
"It really bothers me when companies make outlandish claims like this and don't live up to the hype."
"What's needed... is a good degree of extra polish to deliver the kind of complete package users should expect."
"If you pay for internet phone service and you don't always have service, that feels like a scam."
"You should not have to buy something and wonder gosh I don't know when's it going to stop working forever."
"The expectations are that people do want more."
"I still feel the need to talk about stuff like this because look, nothing is perfect, nobody's perfect, no product is perfect."
"People really want their phone to last a long time and have the latest and greatest features."
"Video quality is important; I agree with you on that."
"I'm not paying 80 grand for it to be junk so I want it to be amazing."
"The game simply did not live up to consumer expectations."
"I'm always excited for 40k games but the company behind it full control is not exactly known for its pedigree at this stage."
"Marvel needs to return the feeling of experiencing something special."
"The ultimately valuable product would be a product that I didn't have to do anything for that the moment I clicked purchase I knew it was going to work and it happened immediately."
"When you're forking out three thousand dollars for a high-end display, I expect the best of the best."
"If it's free, it's difficult to complain about. You being bored, you can complain about parts of the game that aren't working properly."
"They don't fall victim to that because it's not tolerated. But in consumer audio, you're dealing with the average consumer."
"There's something generically with the Toro so there must be nothing with it, less pressure as well maybe."
"Those things can be true and at the same time a final product can come out."
"Cybertruck has flipped automotive manufacturing on its head and is on the cusp of redefining consumer expectations."
"It's up to the company to make machines that work, at least okay and fairly reliably and safely out of the box."
"With the sudden explosion of progress shown, many of the concerns of Star Citizen's status as vaporware appear to have been assuaged."
"The game felt clearly like a game as a service and I mean that in the bad not finished but trying to sell future content sort of way."
"That game is so broken and busted and sad at this point it's like... they're lucky that actually has the Avengers tag on it otherwise that game would be done."
"Reliability and expected reliability are also very high for the Highlander."
"Expecting the exclusive simulation NFL game to be better than decade and a half old titles is not asking for too much. It's asking for the bare minimum."
"Why the [ __ ] should I care about the Integrity of the game whenever the developer doesn't care about the Integrity of the game?"
"What do you guys think of the Galaxy S11 so far? Do you think it's going to be an exciting device, especially if it's going to look like we modeled it?"
"This is what we were waiting for, this is what we want, if we were to see something totally new, it'd be a different game."
"They sold this game with a big promise silently went back on it and delivered a Half Baked product with uncooked DLC."
"But since it's such a big part of the DNA, I get why they didn't."
"There needs to be some level of guarantee... unless you just want... multiple [ __ ] slurp juices to just to basically uh, you know, create multiple different apes."
"This feels like an early access title more than it does a complete release."
"The gala collection...that was so fun...people expect me just to do like the most hollow and sparklies and rainbows."
"Fast food isn't known for being healthy. You kind of like, again, know what you're getting yourself into when you pull into that drive-through lane."
"If you're all worried that you are going to get a compromised lazy shortcutted gaming experience because this is free-to-play then think again."
"People are ready for something new, they're ready for next gen."
"Some of their games just aren't very good, some of them are just plain unfinished."
"I think it really does have to have some level of improvement just releasing games in their basically original unmodified form as a new release I don't really like that."
"If you're a 10-pound bag of apple o's, don't get mad because you can't get apple jack selections."
"One of our biggest disappointments of the Pixel 3XL is that Google didn't try to fit in a bigger battery."
"Just show the game. Like actually just show the game."
"It's really nice when they do get fixed but it's also kind of weird that releases are no longer about when the game comes out."
"What we're really trying to do is that holy grail: it needs to satisfy meat eaters, it needs to taste the same or better."
"You're loyal diehard fans would be furious that you guys couldn't figure it out for sure."
"It says a lot when 'I assume somebody playtested it' counts as a recommendation."
"Triple AAA games should not cost $60 anymore."
"If business was as usual right now, are the fans really getting served what they are owed or used to?"
"If any random person with Photoshop can slap this together and make it look better than what's in a triple-a video game that currently costs $60 you could have done better Bioware yet could have done better."
"Washington Post and Bloomberg op-ed writers are telling us we should lower our expectations and live more like Europeans by simply getting used to the idea of empty store shelves."
"It's pretty much everything you could ask for."
"I think this is the most hype we've seen for a game."
"The more advanced stuff... people want more from that."
"The only thing that matters to me is that brands are trying."
"I would expect this kind of quality packaging because it retails for $55."
"Sea of Stars is my current game of the year... it's truly a masterpiece, best completion experience in a game ever." - Gerard aka the completionist
"No expandable memory on phones that cost over a thousand bucks? They need to have expandable memory or at least one terabyte of storage."
"I'm very confused as to why it is such a big box because I know this is not filled with books."
"For a hundred dollars, I kind of wish there was something a little bit more."
"The iPhone I buy today, I expect it to be meaningfully more performant a year from now."
"One last important thing: if this does well, and I hope it does, I hope it will also send some type of positive message to 343 and Microsoft about what fans want."
"Why doesn't it do the one thing that the much cheaper headsets do?"
"I think a lot of people may be expecting prices to have doubled but in reality they're pretty stable..."
"Blizzard needed to come back and be the game that we all know and loved so I could... play the [__] game that's all I wanted to see really."
"That being said, you have the proper expectations when you're buying refurbished. That's why it's important to have peace of mind."
"We're not this game to be good I'm afraid it'll be trash so here's the thing if this game is good people will play it if it's bad people won't that's the only thing that really matters everything else is just [ __ ]."
"No 5G... lacking a pro display... high refresh rate display..."
"Let's move fast because that's what people want."
"The customer is always right. Do you call this fast food? I only have one order, just one!"
"You just can't release stuff like this now and expect it to be an instant success."
"Why would you settle for such lazy mediocrity when you're paying Disney prices and expecting much more?"
"A product that is legitimately good, offers qualities you would expect from a higher end product."
"Getting mad or irritated that people want a sports simulation game when it's described as such is wild."
"I just want the game to be good please, just make the game good."
"Blizzard needs to prove that they can make a good game and support a good game."
"What people love about a franchise more or less stays the same."
"For something that costs so much money for a 25-minute video, I was very underwhelmed."
"The number one important rule for gaming these days is that on day one you've got to do it right."
"But at the very least spruce the game up for an HD rear release, fix some junk up and I'll be happy."
"Free refills in American restaurants...you need to pay if you wanted extra drink in other countries."
"That's what you're getting for the next year."
"I don't want to see them go out of business, but I want to see them change their practices."
"I've got to a point in my life when it comes to games where I watch E3 for the disasters, the announcements are a bonus."
"I think by that time I'd be ready for it... Right now, I would like if Naughty Dog did something new."
"Does it advertise a fantasy and then deliver on that fantasy in a meaningful and impactful way?"
"The problem is, people are like, 'We waited two weeks and it was just 15 minutes of content.' They actually get annoyed when it's too short."
"The more you're spending, the more perfect the experience has to be."
"I'm reviewing them for the games that are on them and I want the games in my hands like Phil said and you better show out with that because that's all that matters to me at the end of the day is me playing these games and enjoying them."
"We need to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt and expect better."
"Pay money, get multiple campaign levels, which I think is what people basically wanted out of hitman anyway."
"I think people just want the newer game to be better than what the older games were and not an actual step back that costs more."
"Is the R5 everything you wanted, or is it lacking a key feature?"
"If you're one of those people, there's not much here that's gonna disappoint you about Samsung's newest phablet."
"It's very important that the game releases in a state that is enjoyable... because if it doesn't..."
"I remember people are saying how can you have an opinion about Fallout 76, you just played the beta. And I was like dude if you played the beta, you played the whole [ __ ] game. Betas today are just early access."
"I think if I'm paying 1200 bucks for a graphics card, I think I would be looking for a 60 plus fps experience here in Cyberbug."
"Why would you make a sports car that looks like a family car? I don't get that."
"Having your 200 to 500 megabytes per second, that's not good enough. We want one gigabyte to two gigabytes a second read and write."
"More of the same is not enough and can even make the overall product worse."
"You want me to think about this [__] when I think Arby's?"
"You owe it to the fans to give them what they want, because ultimately they're the ones who're paying for it."
"Customers should be able to expect the same level of information across manufacturing brands. It is an appropriate solution that makes so-called right to repair legislation unnecessary."
"Players should and must always expect more from us, never less."
"It has all the tech and luxury features that buyers in this price class are going to expect."
"It's important to remember that CES announcements are typically skewed towards high-end products."
"It's important to follow through with a satisfying payoff, especially if fans have invested their hard-earned cash as well as their time in watching it."
"all of this should have been available at launch i'll even be as bold as to say that whatever we get in the next major content update should have also been for free on launch"
"whatever we get in the next major content update should have also been for free on launch"
"wastelanders was free all of this should have been available at launch"
"We need to end this thing of stuff feeling like it's being launched half-baked."
"If you loved one product, you'll pretty love the others."
"That's what people expect: cheap tickets, and they understand that there's going to be some amount of add-on fees."
"Samsung, time to catch up! 25 watt fast charging in 2021 on a 1200 phone is trash."
"Brand expectation is crucial; it's like expecting tacos at a taco joint, not McDonald's."
"Those really expensive products do deserve a better customer support."
"Hey, this doesn't look like the thing that we love, the thing that we made a billion-dollar franchise."
"The reality is, when you pay money in free-to-play games, your expectation should match the service's lifespan."
"And you would want it. I'm very afraid that it's going to be the best burger you've ever tasted."
"It's the little things man, it's always the little things and in this case it's kind of a big thing."
"I'm actually baffled that Gotham knights was not the games as a service game that's the one that seems like that's a single player game that feels like a service game right."
"Disney always anticipates when free dining is gonna come out."
"If you're a studio and you're not going to show some confidence in your movie, why should I have confidence in your movie?"
"I see the conversation so oftentimes revolve around wanting effective skincare products that deliver amazing results, and thereby justifying a high price point."
"I would like the game to be full and complete upon release."
"Until games are releasing in a good state, I don't see a point in playing them."
"Finally, we can talk about all the hype, and let me tell you, it sure is worth the wait!"
"I'm tired of waiting for the games... It is time for Xbox to step up and be ready and deliver this generation."
"Definitely learned from Microsoft's mistake and show us gameplay, not cinematically filmed in-game footage but actual gameplay."
"Consumers are demanding more performance from their electric vehicles."
"Customization is so key in today's day and age."
"Don't sell it to people and say this is what self-control looks like and like this is what happiness looks like."
"My recommendation is if you have the thirty dollars to spare go ahead and buy it, you know you won't be I don't think he'll be completely disappointed like I know a lot of people were not looking forward to it."
"People see through this kind of [__] these days. They want quality gameplay, not just a fashion show where you grind out pretty patterns."
"Costing $40... had this been a game pack I wouldn't be mad at it at all."
"It's a really weird hill to die on to be like, 'Oh man, you mean I need to wait until Thursday to play this for essentially free?'"
"Nintendo didn't value it at 60 when it was brand new."
"Now people actually expect quality. It's just so damn terrible when you have to give it to them."
"Yeah, you want the sale from 15 years ago too? When's it end, Diane? You want that price, you're gonna have to go through the quantum realm with Ant-Man."
"We started telling players that money equaled quality. We brought this on ourselves."
"The bar has been set so low that most consumers are happy with these tiny updates."
"Steam audience is very savvy they can't be fooled so you got to make a good game."
"We live in a world where we don't have full games anymore at release."
"So if this is a cash grab, which it undoubtedly is like every single game released outside the indie scene, it's still in their best interest to deliver something we're going to enjoy or appreciate in some kind of way."
"Premium tier consumers demand the best experiences, and Snapdragon 8 series continues to lead the industry."
"Acura's finally stepping up their game with including luxury touches that luxury buyers just very much expect."
"We need to stop approaching games as simple hours of content per dollar calculations."
"It's supposed to feel like this is the world... this is my... these are my things."
"It should open our eyes to what can be, what we should be demanding as a market."
"There's a fixed price that's what you get when you walk in as a plan."
"This isn't a cheap or budget build quality, this is exactly what I expect from a high-end product."
"If that was enough to satisfy you guys on this release the devs were capable of jingling the keys and distracting you."
"The reality is, if the game developer and the publisher aren't providing you a brand new experience, you're gonna get burnt out."
"This just doesn't feel all new. In some measures, the driving experience is improved, but other than that, the styling is too similar."
"It should always be perfect when you're spending this kind of money."
"You're going to spend that much for a machine, you want it to do a wide variety of things."
"A flagship Smartwatch that doesn't have a 3 plus day battery life is unacceptable looking at you Apple."
"There has been a trend for a while now where games released either seemingly unfinished or just kind of bare-bones."
"This thing's performing essentially as advertised from Ford."
"But those cameras just got to be at least full HD."
"Developers who came from the Fallout 4 team thought that Fallout 76 would disappoint a sizeable chunk of their loyal audience."
"As fans, we can't just say, 'Well, I like it, therefore everything's fine.'"
"It's like the perfect cream, it's not as soft as I thought it would be."
"AMD could probably sell a 16-gigabyte card for 550 minimum."
"We're trying to make the car that is delivered better than the car that is unveiled."
"The concept of actually making the game arguably what it should have been at launch, I think that's a bit of a no-brainer."
"What if they released Animal Crossing when it was complete?"
"Every re-release of a game should contain more content than the original game."
"This is expected to make the Model 3 feel much more premium than it does today."
"I want quality AAA games again... and that's where they need to go if we want quality representation in games."
"If you're paying over one grand for a pc, it should look like you paid over one grand."
"I'm surprised Buick didn't include massaging seats especially at this price point."
"I think that that's really nice, people that are spending this amount of money on a vehicle, especially a pickup truck, are looking for not only workhorses but also luxury amenities, things that make them feel very prideful about what they bought."
"The answer is it's just dramatically improved as you would hope and as you would expect."
"The m1 pro comfortably wins when it comes to performance which is surprising to pretty much no one."
"Players want quality content, immense choice, and games that respect their time and money."
"Consumers crave trust, predictability, transparency, respect."
"I'm just really looking forward to getting the product in hand and seeing what it's capable of."
"I guess you would hope AMD actually pushes them to Market."
"There literally aren't a lot of next-gen games at launch."
"If they put improved babies in an expansion and then have the nerve to say forty dollars, no that wouldn't fly."
"Consumers think companies aren't willing to change."
"Just tell us who you are. You're right, Patagonia tells us who they are, Toms tells us who they are, Levi's, if this is who you are, then quit pretending to be something else."
"15-watt charging? That ain't enough. That's whack."
"Please don't show Diablo Immortal and then tell everybody 'Do you guys not have a hundred thousand dollars?'"
"This is the only way that WWE will actually do something to fix their product."
"We want to see the full capabilities of our Xbox series X."
"The S21 is going to last for much longer than the S10."
"I have zero doubts about when this thing launches that it is going to be a hit."
"I don't want an apology I don't want to see a company apologizing to me they might do it for say she ate some people I don't want that tell me what you're gonna do about this."
"If you expect my money, I expect your quality."
"360 Eco luxury comes up the assumption that people want luxury, that people are accustomed to a certain level of subtleness."