
Second Chance Quotes

There are 763 quotes

"Everybody deserves a second chance, and nobody knows that more than me."
"I quit smoking cigarettes because I don't want to look like I'm just spitting on a second chance at life."
"He was Julius Von Carile; this was his second chance at life, and he should try his best to enjoy living."
"If you're still living, it's only God's mercy giving you another chance."
"I'm so happy that I gave this another chance."
"Honestly, I feel like I have been reborn. I should have died and feel blessed to have another chance at life."
"Let me show you what I can do with a second chance."
"Life is exciting. God gave me an opportunity to do it again."
"One more chance. Thank you, I promise I will not let you down."
"Please trust me again, so they want you to give them a second chance."
"I prayed that you give me a little more time so that I could be a good example to my sons so that I can have one more chance at you know at life you know."
"I stand here in front of all of you to ask for one more chance, to be a better person."
"Feels like I got a second chance at this tournament."
"He just turned around and was like please take me back."
"The entire devil cop premise has been Lucifer's second chance after his rebellion."
"I'm excited! God's given me a second chance to sing."
"The optimism: 'We can build it better, we got a second shot at this.'"
"This is my second chance, I'm taking advantage of it now."
"You've been given a second chance. Don't fucking waste it."
"With this valuable second chance at life, he will live his life to the fullest without having any regrets."
"It felt really good but it's crazy to know that because I was given a second chance."
"Give us another chance, give us another chance!"
"There's a reset button, karma coming to help you get your second chance."
"We've got to make the most of this second lifeline."
"You've got the wheel of fortune, the wheel of fortune is here for you, this is a second chance again."
"It was such a big relief off of me. It was like I was given a second chance."
"You impressed us kid so we're gonna give you one last chance to take those tickets."
"For some, there's going to be a second chance in love with this person."
"It's really, really wonderful. It's given us a lot of oxygen for a second life."
"Metro Exodus deserves a second chance... play it, discover it, and enjoy it."
"I want a fresh start with you, so I do see maybe a restart, a second chance here."
"Where Alan is now freed and goes back to his childhood to have a second chance at life"
"...menal feels pathetic and has no will left to live but his grandma cheers him on telling him that he has another chance at life."
"You're not supposed to be here anyway; you're supposed to be dead. You have an opportunity every moment of every day to give it everything that you have."
"Breakups are hard, giving someone a second chance is equally as hard."
"They're realizing what a blessing this second chance is, what this rebirth is."
"The universe will give you so much talent; they'll warn you and say, 'Hey, we're going to give you another shot.'"
"Perhaps the Rabona Shalom did him the biggest favor in the world by having him fall off that epitome of success so that he can restart his life, perhaps in the right direction."
"Got a second chance, I'm gonna make it count."
"You deserve a chance after what you did tonight."
"I feel like I kind of was like given a second chance to just like rebuild the brand."
"We all have two lives. The second begins when you realize you only have one."
"You are so lucky and blessed if a relationship ends and you have the opportunity to try again."
"Thank you for the second chance to live a pure life."
"I'm glad my life was saved, and I'm here to be with my kids."
"This is a second chance to build something in your life, to create something."
"This is your second chance to correct something that may not have worked out for you in the past."
"They want another chance here with you."
"I'm so thankful I have a second chance because some people don't have that luxury."
"Life moves on and you always get a second chance."
"But I'm willing to give you a second chance," says the king.
"Reconciling, giving your connection a second chance"
"Not everyone gets a second chance to meet their dreams."
"He had already died and then suddenly he was reborn and found another chance."
"If they show progress and maturity, they should be given a second chance at life."
"Jiaa wants to give SE Jun another chance to become Anna's good father."
"Please give it a second chance. It absolutely deserves it."
"I am a lucky man, lucky to be alive, lucky to have found out when I've still got time to start again."
"Rudy realizes that he has just been given another chance at life."
"We've earned ourselves another opportunity to fix that."
"Oh, young woman, throw yourself into the water again, that I may a second time have the chance of saving both of us."
"They are planning right now to come towards you, to ask for a second chance. Expect communication real soon."
"He told me that he thinks he's ready to rekindle our relationship and asked me for a second chance."
"This person wants another chance with you."
"My Aunt May taught me that everyone deserves a second chance."
"Take me back, let's give our family another chance."
"It's never too late for another chance."
"God will give us a brand new chance."
"Someone feels like everything is falling apart and they just want a second chance. I feel like this is someone who blew things out of proportion and really took a chance that they didn't really get anything out of."
"I've come back to life, as of today I've had 499 extra days of Life."
"Everybody deserved a second chance."
"Something happened that rarely happens in life, and that is a second chance, and that the world got reinvented the night that he was going to be president, because Canada was going to get a second chance at XL."
"It looks like such a second chance."
"We can call it our second chance, right?"
"You wanna go on a second date? Sure really?"
"Half the people I say don't deserve a second chance. Now that I've got mine, I'm going to set things right."
"Please give me another chance. I promise not to let you down again."
"Sometimes I just need to let things go, and maybe it deserves a second chance."
"Carl felt so relieved; it wasn't the end of his career but a second chance."
"Instead of the afterlife he was given a second chance."
"You know, I think about these things all the time. I think about it like I went through all this and then I catch myself because I just, they gave me somebody the gods gave me a second chance at life. That's a burp. There's a reason there's a reason so it's like."
"We only live once, but technically it was his second life."
"This is the redemption story of you bro where you're at now. Second chance. That's what that's really the story."
"I've been given a second chance at life, and every time I go to the hospital, I'm reminded of that."
"I feel like I've been given a second chance at life, and I feel truly, truly grateful."
"Nothing can ever be as big as the chance at life I've been given."
"Give that woman a chance to try again."
"I couldn't just die easily in this second life."
"I feel like I'm going back to the beginning when things were good and starting again and I've been given another chance."
"I promised myself that if I got a second chance I definitely wouldn't need a third one."
"In the end, he just sort of says, 'Hey look, life gave me a second chance, life gave me the opportunity to go forward and be a hero, the question is, what am I gonna do with this heroic role?'"
"God protected Jonah and gave him a second chance."
"She came from a small town, lost her ministry, bad marriage, divorce, all the struggle, and then God gave her that. That's called a second chance. Is that a great second chance, God? That's how God gives you a second chance."
"Maybe Gordon was given a second chance at life by whoever runs this program where we all live."
"Someone still wants a second chance with you."
"I just wanted to do over, a second chance. And I was willing to do whatever it took to find redemption."
"Please just give him another chance."
"They desire to be with you very much, they want a second chance with you."
"A second chance is given only once and not to everyone, which makes it automatically priceless."
"I'm happy for you, I really am. But this is a second chance I got my second chance right here."
"I'm just really happy to be able to give these fish a second chance of life."
"When you have the opportunity in a leadership position to help somebody out, to give them that second chance, to put them on the path to be better than what they were, you take that opportunity."
"God has blessed me with a second chance in life."
"I've been given a second chance at life."
"I feel like I've been given a second chance at life."
"I was given another chance at doing this right."
"We all deserve a second chance at a first impression."
"Nobody's more deserving of a second chance than him."
"Miranda wants to give William a chance for redemption."
"They had been given a second chance."
"Always nice to give things a second try."
"I feel like this is my second chance."
"There's got to be something about a second chance."
"They want a second chance with you."
"Sonic cured the world of the metal virus, the gunk Eggman tricked you two into using. He gave the whole world a second chance."
"Most of us always get a second chance."
"Just when it seemed as if Rose's professional playing career was in doubt, a month after being waived by Utah, Derrick received a call for a second chance."
"If you ever had a second chance, you better be thankful."
"You had a chance to capitalize, not everyone gets a second chance in life."
"It's not Hollywood, you don't get a second chance."
"They're aware of the gap between you, but they believe in the possibility of a second chance."
"Life has given me a second chance."
"I really appreciate that you came here and gave me this antidote, you gave me a second chance."
"What would you say if you came face to face with the people who gave you a second chance at life?"
"I felt like he was giving me another chance to better myself and to rectify where I went wrong."
"Because all I know is everyone deserves a second chance."
"Everyone has two lives in this, and the second one starts when you realize you only have one."
"I guess you could say that second chance paid off."
"Taylor has redeemed himself from the first fight."
"All right, sounds interesting, second chance at life, neat."
"I was getting a second chance to go back to life. Thirty thousand men never saw the age of 21, died in Vietnam, never got to come home, never had a second chance, never had a life, never had their dreams fulfilled, and I was getting to start over."
"A chance to reincarnate and journey back 3 years in time."
"Jensen's last words to Stark are not to waste his second chance at life."
"You're getting a new chance at something, a chance to change things in your life."
"We're trying here... they deserve a second chance."
"When you wake up, we'll be able to have the things we didn't, a second chance."
"These two words mean that we get a second chance with God."
"it did feel like a second chance and a wake-up call that had to happen and that was like meant to happen for me in this moment"
"There's a second chance at something coming in for you, a second chance at your dreams."
"They do not give one second chance. If you hurt a narcissist, they will cut you off without a second thought."
"This is an opportunity at Redemption."
"I take no pleasure in your pain Terry, but I am enjoying seeing Will get a second chance at happiness, yes."
"I felt guilty as if I didn't deserve my second chance."
"I just want the opportunity to make it up to you. Just give me one [ __ ] chance to prove to you every day that I'm [ __ ] sorry."
"Remember about three hours ago where I said sometimes in life you don't get a second chance? He's got one right here."
"Jonah was running away from God... God wasn't trying to hurt Jonah, he was trying to give him a second chance."
"After Sam and I got married, I felt like I'd been given a second chance."
"when he released me and drove off I took off my blindfold and saw this amazing oak tree I had wanted to die before and now I wanted to live I got a second chance at life"
"I firmly believe that everyone still deserves that chance."
"At the end of the day, everybody deserves a second chance at redemption."
"This energy is feeling entitled to a second chance."
"I got a second chance... as soon as I got back I was welcomed back into the scene."
"It'll be like a second chance at love for these products."
"Thank you, thank you for the second chance you let me live the life I never got to have."
"It's definitely a second wind, a second chance to live properly."
"They want to come back, ask for your forgiveness, and offer you a second chance."
"Everybody deserves a second chance in life, right? Yes."
"I told my fiance that I know about his infidelity and canceled the wedding. He still wants a second chance."
"It's just trying to change the stigma behind it all and understanding that people really can rehabilitate their lives and deserve a second chance."
"You gave us something we never thought we could have. And what is that? Another chance."
"Through God's intervention he was granted his second chance."
"It's time for a shot at redemption."
"Lightning gave him a second chance."
"I feel as if I've been given another chance. One more chance to show my mother she's got someone to be proud of."
"You didn't ask for another chance but he gave it to you anyway."
"I was very fortunate because I was brought up in a great country where everyone gets a second chance."
"I guess we all deserve a second chance."
"I want us to try again without the shadows of work hanging over us."
"I feel as if I've been given another chance."
"I will not let it go. Give me just one more chance."
"Everybody deserves a Second Chance, and I think everybody deserves to believe there's hope in this world."
"If the Most High gonna give me an opportunity to come out and live my life again, it's no way I'll come out and I'll be the same person."
"It's really not that uncommon to see a blind horse, however what is unusual is to find somebody that's truly dedicated to that horse to give it a second chance."
"I like the fact that she decided to give me a second chance."
"I'm going to use the second chance at life to have some fun."
"So this must be the second chance of life."
"Every dish deserves a second shot at life."
"To me the greatest story of Kathryn was not the miracles, it was the second chance."
"That's how we find peace in a second chance in life."
"Scrooge shows us the importance of a second chance Scrooge shows us the importance of redemption he became as good a friend and as good as a master and as a good man."
"This is my second chance to do right."
"From Luffy's perspective, defeating them and like crushing their dreams or their aspirations or whatever they had basically kind of gives them a second chance."
"We serve a God that gives you another chance. He doesn't cut you off, he doesn't reject you, he gives you another opportunity to get it right."
"I felt like a sort of special person, I wasn't. I went to school and did full days, felt like I'd been given another chance."
"In one second, he got his life back."
"Everybody deserves a second chance, right?"
"They want you back; they want you to give them a second chance."
"I guess I've basically been given a second chance... not going to waste it."
"The judge in essence gives them a second chance, take the other consideration."
"The wonderful thing about life is that most of us get a second chance."
"I feel really lucky that I've got another chance, and I think today was a wake-up call for me."
"That's an incredible testimony of taking a second chance and doing something amazing with it by giving back in a huge way."
"According to her manager, she was so happy to still be alive and with this second chance at life."
"By the grace of god and the spirit and the holy helpers, I was given a second chance at life."
"I think many people get this chance twice there's a hell of a lot to do so yeah we've got a moment into playing out."
"Love unconditional love real love celebration happiness, this is somebody that wants a second chance at that."
"If you can open up your home to a dog, that is so... you're giving a dog a second life basically."
"...most of these animals were given death sentences but Robbie gave him a second chance a chance to have a happier life."
"People who maybe couldn't get them the original time they were released now get a second chance."
"You deserve a second chance in life."