
Gaming Rules Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"If you have priority, you're the only one that can do stuff. That's what that means. You can cast spells or activate abilities."
"It keeps it stable and it keeps the inputs low, and we can have Planeswalkers as commanders, it's just, you know, only when that line of text appears on the card." - Jake Boss, MTG Tonight
"Should these cheats be allowed in single level speedrunning?"
"No, it is not possible to beat Super Mario 35 without getting a single coin, the minimum amount is 100."
"Blood Funnel: None creature spells you cast cost two less to cast. Whenever you cast a non-creature spell, counter that spell unless you sacrifice a creature."
"But what is a Wonderlocke? Well, first and foremost, it is a Pokémon nuzlocke, and has the three primary nuzlocke rules."
"I would rather have no ban list than an expansive ban list if those were my only two choices."
"Coalition Victory should come off the banlist because of the requirements needed to cast it successfully and win the game."
"It doesn't even matter if the other person has conquered most of the world, if you had the most fame, you win the game."
"Mastering the rules can make the rules work for you in your game rather than having them be a straight jacket to your fun."
"I don't see the reason to rule against it. Technically, the rules don't allow it, but I don't see the reason to rule against it."
"Attacking is like Magic the Gathering where the person not attacking gets to choose where that attack actually goes."
"Vanity's Emptiness is now limited courtesy of the April 2015 ban list, and we've seen a lot of Vanity's Emptiness in the Progression Series."
"Flight is one of those abilities that DMs have very strong opinions on."
"Headers and volleys... you can only score in this match with a header or a volley."
"It was effectively an OU banned Pokémon in the context of Gen 3 Ubers."
"The essence of Hardcore WoW is that death equals delete."
"No, this is not one life. Someone asks. I got kicked out on one life for dying."
"Only have the player roll the dice if you are willing to accept both success and failure."
"It's probably very confusing what I'm saying right now and I apologize in advance but like I said the rules for the categories on time trials for this game are so messy so messy but it is what it is."
"I've played a lot with the card in goat format and while it is strong and obviously you play it, the reason it was banned is because it creates unfun game states."
"I think I'd be much more in favor of banning Mana Crypt, Jeweled Lotus, manifold-like things... losing all the fast Mana."
"None of those letters were remotely legible okay so what should have happened this is the correct call would have been for them to lose three points and we lose one point."
"Fox only 1v1 FD no items... Better ingredients, better pizza."
"There is no reason this should be banned: Coalition Victory."
"Declare one card name, both players show all cards they own, and remove all cards with the declared name from the game, the place where you put your tokens for the rest of the match."
"Featuring the 5th edition rule set from DND as well."
"The first rule of Yu-Gi-Oh is read your cards, the second rule of Yu-Gi-Oh is don't read your cards." - Unspecified
"Even though Minecraft is a sandbox, that doesn't stop the game from having unspoken rules."
"Prefixes cannot be changed, suffixes cannot be changed."
"Support the design, don't adhere to meaningless restrictions and limitations when you have control over the game."
"We're not allowed Legendary's, we're not allowed ultra beasts or ubers on our team."
"It's a brand new adventure that we got even though we do have a few familiar faces here is brand new characters brand new monsters some brand new rules."
"Player death is game over but also very importantly is that mission failure isn't game over."
"Oh no, not Gamma Seal, no, no, you can't tribute a god, that's not how that works, that's illegal surely, that's not how that works, wow, what kind of rule is that, you can't tribute a god, what, this is ridiculous."
"It is insane to me that this was allowed to happen in a competitive game."
"I hate that rule that you can only have one in your inventory at a time."
"Anything that interrupts the general flow of gameplay is against the rules, including being away from your keyboard or bad sportsmanship."
"This one just blew me off as soon as I read the rules." - Chris
"Teleportation says if you teleport you disappear and reappear elsewhere instantly without moving through the intervening space."
"You have rulings not rules, player skill not character abilities matter to your success."
"Only the first Pokemon on any given route that you encounter may be captured. That includes towns like Pallet, areas, forests—anything. If you run away from it, if it runs away from you, you miss your chance. No Pokemon on that route."
"We're just playing with things that maybe your play group lets you play with maybe they don't but our play group does because we're all in this room."
"Adjusted second chance players so that those who put an enemy into second chance are now credited for a full kill once that enemy dies."
"So if I manage to beat a full game, I should be able to return it, right? So long as it's under the two-hour limit?"
"A six-step field no pain on Knights is a very good rule."
"Before you roll anything, you should declare what you're rolling for and what you need for a success."
"You can kill every boss once a week and it doesn't matter if it's 10 or 25 man."
"No repeat weapons - if I pick up a weapon and it breaks, I can never use it again."
"You should never ever allow in a multiplayer game keys to be bound to the same function across multiple characters, that is ridiculous."
"Fight on death, yeah. That is, you kill me but I kill you. Oh, that's an incredibly powerful rule."
"Your rules can't by themselves permanently end my run. If you only have one Pokemon, it would be stupid and just not entertaining."
"If you watch the video, I tell you specifically the rules when it comes to iron golem farming."
"Only the first ice type encounter in each route or area can be caught."
"Called by the grave semi limited what why are they semi limiting this card."
"Crit fail should only be on like attack rolls... that's a cool way to balance it out."
"Dockside is the clear front-running card of something that needs to be banned."
"You can only catch the first Pokémon you run into per route, if a Pokémon faints it dies and you can't use it anymore, and you have to nickname your Pokémon to get more attached to them."
"The AI should not do things the player cannot do, or know things the player cannot know."
"The OGL and SRD system reference document allows someone to use the very basic rules of D&D to make their own content."
"It's nice when the standard set of rules works well and everyone agrees on it."
"Whoever scores the most points at the end wins, you know how this goes already."
"This deck has a lot of potential, especially with Master Rule 5."