
Fundamental Principles Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The Second Amendment guarantee is just as fundamental as the First."
"Quantum mechanics...is a fundamental part of the universe."
"Everything is quantum mechanical; quantum mechanics is the theory of physics that describes things at their most fundamental level."
"The Law of Vibration: One of the fundamental laws of the universe seems to be the Law of Vibration."
"I think I have a window now in understanding something fundamental to the foundation of nature."
"The principle of equivalence... is so fundamental to physics."
"Everything we do... everything is based on gravity. When it comes right back down to it."
"An all-encompassing equation that embraces the fundamental principles of physics."
"Never attack your audience. It's not rocket science, that's business 101."
"In times of crisis, we're forced to return to core principles to physics to chemistry to science that is true no matter what your horoscope says."
"There's only one way to lose weight: calories in, calories out. Nothing else matters."
"At the end of the day, the point of a business is to turn a profit."
"Gold and silver are money. Everything else is credit."
"The physics approach to thinking is very good. Boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there."
"Eventually, you realize all of the laws come from deeper and more fundamental laws."
"Calories make up the underlying foundation of the entire fat loss process."
"That's elemental baby. That was our biggest product flop ever."
"Physicists like to think in terms of fundamentals."
"No matter what, E equals MC squared is fundamental."
"Truth, freedom, and health are very powerful but simple concepts."
"Libertarians is predicated on two things: the non-aggression principle and private property rights."
"Loving the people you lead is the most basic prerequisite of leadership."
"You can have nonlocal equations, but fundamental equations in nature are believed to be local."
"When you take everything away, only [ __ ] law and physics."
"Time, space, and matter are completely inseparable."
"Supply and demand, one thing that is fundamentally right."
"At the heart of science, you have to have a belief that there's truth."
"He gets you straight to what matters: edges, perspective, lighting, color, atmosphere, camera angles, composition."
"Freedom of speech is the most fundamental of human rights."
"Animal rights are not negotiable; they're fundamental."
"Fundamentally the only thing you need to lose fat is a calorie deficit. That is the core of what you need."
"There's just something fundamental about it."
"There's fundamental human values that are universal."
"Free speech is a natural god-given humanitarian right."
"Communication is a pillar of any healthy relationship."
"We're not just against the bad things. What are the policies that will actually develop your nation?"
"Currency is an essential key fundamental element in every economy."
"Don't ignore nutrition, relaxation, and sleep—they're fundamental."
"We're not bad, we're not losing. Free speech and knowledge creation empowered by free speech is literally built into the fabric of the universe."
"9 out of 10 climbers plant a structure of simple principles and priorities that will always be important."
"We should simplify them according to fundamental principles of City Planning."
"...the metaphor like you said makes the morphism the fundamental thing rather than the objects I think that's huge because that's one of the deepest lessons about category theory is focusing on processes adding things."
"We conserve mass, energy, and momentum."
"The canonical commutation relation between the position operator and momentum operator is one of the most fundamental equations of quantum mechanics."
"That's called the Schrödinger equation, and just about anything you see in this room, or on this planet, anything you can see or use is really described by this equation I'm going to write down today."
"All the fundamental equations of physics are derived from the principle of least action."
"Physicalism tells us that the world is constituted out of certain basic things: fundamental particles, fundamental forces."
"These are what's called first principles, they're core principles, they're fundamental principles and how our universe operates."
"The fundamental theorem of arithmetic says that any number n, if n is greater than or equal to one, is a product of primes in a unique way."
"Understanding this and experiencing this within ourselves is the fundamental aspect of yoga."
"If you're gonna become a black belt mastery sales person... you have to understand the fundamental first principles behind why all these scripts work."
"It is a fundamental statement about the nature of true love."
"We need to really get back to basics."
"The fundamental theorem of calculus is pretty darn important."
"Mechanics, the science of motion, can be summarized in that one equation: F equals MA."
"If you do not know what this is immediately please go to Wikipedia learn Bayes rule because it really is one of the most fundamental laws of thought that there exists."
"The fundamental theorem of calculus is that an integral is an anti-derivative."
"These are the fundamental forces of nature."
"We can understand reality using this elegant system that is fundamentally based on math."
"Quantum entanglement challenges our fundamental understanding of how the universe operates."
"The basics never fail you, you know."
"It was fundamental to your success."