
Mood Influence Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"You're a huge mood changer because you bring the fun back into things, the humor and the fun and the excitement."
"Why not change it to reflect a favorite color, the mood we happen to be in, or the emotion we want to feel? In dark times, a little rainbow goes a long way."
"The idea of people having a worm in their head is a great metaphor on how people will allow that little voice in their head to dictate their entire mood."
"Colors can have a profound effect on us psychologically."
"Incorporating just nice lounge that is comfortable to wear that you feel cozy in is definitely a mood boost."
"I just felt like I wasn't achieving what I wanted to achieve in the mood."
"It's a film you gotta be in the mood for, and I was in the mood for it."
"The word where I come from, it means chosen family."
"Your ears are a very human sensor... they're moody, your ears are very moody and they hear stuff in a very average level."
"It's all right, hopefully now that this weather's getting better, we won't at least have so much tension in my bloody."
"I think it is all about good vibes versus bad vibes."
"When I dress in happy clothes, I feel happier."
"It was incredibly beautiful, even the swarms of flying bugs along the way didn't sour my mood too much."
"Smell is really important; it can change your day."
"What you listen to really affects your mood, so you might as well listen to happy music that lifts you up."
"Your chat will reflect you. If you are sad, angry, or upset, then they will not be into it."
"I'm giving this one a 3 out of 10. Wasn't as horrendous as it could have been, but still pretty bad."
"I'd probably give this a one star, maybe a half star depending on my mood."
"Insulting my mom directly had majorly put me in a bad mood."
"Act as if... and let yourself feel happy, satisfied, and excited."
"Get the [ __ ] with all that depressing ass energy."
"Your environment is so important to how you feel."
"I wanna make more fun music. I like feel good fun music and I accidentally always make sad music."
"You're one of those people where someone may be in a grumpy mood, but the second they see you, you uplift their spirit."
"If you're around unhappy people but you choose to be in such a great mood regardless, you will in turn uplift them."
"My taste in music are very very wide and it just depends on my mood."
"I'm definitely one of them people where my mood comes off the web are so if it's like a beautiful day like today I feel really really positive."
"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude."
"When you first open your eyes and you wake up, smile... it's gonna be a good day."
"The tanker suit, of course, comes in a variety of colors depending on, you know, what your mood and the local scenery perhaps dictates."
"Sometimes I get in these moods where it's the only thing I watch on TikTok."
"Food is an enormous part of our lives; it affects our moods, changes our bodies, is a key part of our culture and celebrations."
"Food definitely has such an impact on the chemistry in your body, on your hormones, and also your digestion, which can have a huge effect on your mood."
"Some people go through life as a sourpuss and then they wonder why everybody else seems to be a sourpuss."
"Most of us understand this intuitively, it's why we treat others with respect, even when we're in a bad mood."
"Beauty definitely affects your mood. I think it's the idea that everything can be beautiful if you take the time."
"Things like cravings, mood, and even decision making can be affected by the health of your gut."
"Living, working in a crowded space, around a clouded space, can actually bring your mood down."
"I'm just in a good mood, I think it's the weather."
"The perfect meal is put in large part about the mood that you're in when you have that food."
"I'm so excited about them, they really impact your mood."
"This weather is making me so happy."
"Color affects our mood and our perception of a piece based on their combination."
"Sometimes even when I'm in a bad mood, I listen to music that I know is going to make it worse, but I do it anyway."
"A lot of us have predominant moods or characters that follow us throughout our entire lives."
"Food should be seen as more than just something to energize your body; it can be instrumental in influencing your mood, happiness, and overall well-being."
"Our posture influences us every moment; it influences our mood, our movement, it influences the way that we stand, it influences our breathing."
"If you are unhappy and you're going to work, how effective is that work going to be versus the person who goes into the work super enthusiastic and upbeat and positive?"
"It's something that I enjoy; it affects my mood for the whole day."
"I'm very much about vibes... if I'm around someone who's in a happy mood, I'm gonna be happy."
"I feel like when someone is in a good mood, it just feels like it puts you in a good mood."
"Color is one of the most important tools and it influences how people feel and creates the mood of the room."
"If you're always in a good mood, maybe it helps."
"Whatever song comes on first determines how my mood's gonna be for the day."
"When you're feeling good, everything works to make you feel better and better; when you're feeling bad, everything conspires to make you even worse."
"If you are happy, it too will be happy; if you are sad, it will share your sadness but will look in every way to amuse you and cheer you up."
"Certain colors can affect behavior as well as mood."
"Posture at a chemical level in our body has an effect with how we feel."