
Social Manipulation Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"I prefer Doflamingo as a villain... he's the ultimate villain in a One Piece world where so much is about social manipulation as opposed to strength."
"The covert stuff, the behind the scenes, the using social pressure and gossip and, basically, behind the scenes words that don't leave any marks is potentially very powerful but much harder to point to."
"Anti-racism, if you think it means 'don't be racist,' you are being manipulated. It quite literally means to be racist."
"A cool cat with a cute face who impressed young women with his deep talk about philosophy."
"They'll start talking differently, acting differently, and be adverse to hearing anything negative about the group. All signs of emotional manipulation."
"This person is Gerald he's the person I collab with on insta he's taken total control and he's gay he's using my face to gain clout and he's using gay stands for their followers he also tries to say that I'm gay LMFAO I would never just say."
"Fear is a good grift, and it's the same reason these hyperbolic stories about microwave lasers, dangerous street drugs, and dwindling white populations circulate every single year."
"Gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time, a driver of disorientation and mistrust."
"Just as we have been tricked with fake law and fake rights, we have also been tricked with fake consent."
"It's not just about brainwashing; it's about telling people what they're allowed to talk about."
"They are inflating racial tensions as a way of obfuscating class tensions so they can maintain their Elite status."
"Just write this down and say it, Alyssa. Just make people think you're a nice person. It'll count one day in your parole hearing."
"Don't fall for that because they're going to try to tell you, can we be friends? Or they may mention at some point... I get messages but why am I getting somebody don't play the connection at that point."
"They can be the nicest person in the room but they're doing it with an agenda."
"Really it's been a good weekend... victory for them."
"She put that marking on him on purpose to keep him in his place."
"Their machine that they've used for decades to manipulate Humanity in the worst possible kinds of ways is actually being exposed in real time."
"Meta deliberately manipulating people's politics."
"Bernays had successfully remixed the Roman’s bread and circuses."
"Dictatorships are excellent at using groupthink against people, using groupthink to control."
"It just goes to show how easily everybody is manipulated in this world, like people just want whatever sounds like the simplest thing, the best thing for them in the moment."
"I'm saying you have been subjected to the most ruthless form of social engineering in human history."
"This is about far more than race. It's about a manipulative thing that's been going on."
"The phenomenon of predictive programming suggests elements of popular culture are deliberately used to plant seeds or prepare the public for future events."
"He's just hoping that's going to make her feel insecure, that's going to make her feel like she's being mocked and being laughed at."
"Micah and Irina are literally having the time of their lives leading Kwame on right in front of Chelsea."
"Pickup artists promote dishonesty and to see dating as a game literally."
"The weapon that is being used right now is fear and paranoia being produced by the media."
"I've heard of people who get off on the fact that they can outsmart other people."
"Gaslighting works because we have internalized the biases of the world."
"This book is pickup artistry at its most emboldened and least resentful."
"There's fear-mongering that has its own thing that's like someone taking your fear of being alone and amplifying it."
"Nothing that gets promoted in the media is just promoted in the media and that's it. These are things that even if it's something bad they want you to do, it's a legitimization of it."
"There has been a concerted group of people using events to manipulate consciousness toward their agenda."
"Is there evidence that Elites might be trying to manipulate and socially reorganize?"
"People are susceptible to manipulation. These social media platforms are intending to manipulate your brain."
"Agents of chaos sow confusion. They start whisper campaigns. Beware of people who shame you into submission."
"Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism... control the public mind."
"It's really easy to manipulate people."
"They're using our institutions and our norms and our values against us."
"This game is about psychology, it's all about playing the social game, manipulation, backstabbing, and gathering information and using knowledge against your rivals."
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society."
"The Press themselves are an entity with their own agenda... My goal isn't to inform, my goal is to manipulate, my goal is to affect social change. That's scary."
"The nature of the ultimate revolution is precisely this: getting people to love their servitude."
"They put those targeted groups of people into feedback loops, echo chambers with their own comments."
"As long as there are enough stupid people, you can just say stupid things and they will believe you."
"Racist language has been used to turn Americans against Americans to benefit the wealthy elite."
"This might be some sort of weird cult; they're gonna try to make us join."
"Now they're doing everything they can, all these operations going on to break, to divide us, break up the family in any way possible."
"It's the greatest hustle right we've we've experienced the greatest hustle in the last um five years five to six years they have convinced the american people a portion of the american people that people who fight against fascism are bad."
"Collective Illusions start hurting Everyone by manipulating our views."
"Till one day you'll awake and you will have a people that not only want what you're selling they'll need it because the moral fiber will have been broken down."
"It's a step in the right direction to appease people and make them shut up while they continue to march in completely the opposite direction as a more general rule for their business behind the scenes."
"You're being sold the process of beta-tization through a thousand concessions."
"It's all a ruse. It's all a lie to continue to weaponize race and ethnicity."
"Shido is the perfect representation of this systemic reality... a person who manipulates everyone around him, who truly has no friends."
"There's no such thing as racism, it's just a word that people use to manipulate and divide."
"They prey on people being nice, they prey on people with manners."
"They're trying to put us into voting blocks, into little sections, right? So they can separate us as much as possible."
"It's this idea that you can get people to deny their own experiences because you're promising them something that is not always 100% true."
"These content creators have weaponized Progressive Politics as the most morally righteous looking way of being an abuser."
"Everyone's like you're a Leo right? Yeah, and then you go, you Gaslight them, you gas, you double down, you're like Leo well like no never said I was a Leo what are you talking about." - Sam
"That's the game, and I've always told people, if you find yourself being angry at someone on the economic rung lower than you, you're probably being manipulated by someone higher on the economic ladder than you."
"Sexual liberation is a form of political control."
"There ain't a better strategist when it comes to destroying a village or people and to get them to be sorry for it at the same time."
"Morality is just a tool others use to control."
"I've never quite seen anything like this in terms of people just really choosing to weaponize a person who's passed away and use their name to advance some sort of political or social agenda."
"All this tinkering with the race and the obsession with representation... all of that is a gimmick."
"The fear of ridicule is a powerful tool to manipulate you."
"They're running everything that's happening in society parallel... they know where it's going because they're steering people into the direction it wants to go."
"People are easily manipulated by what they see and what the media pushes."
"Rachel Dolezal ran a long con to get to a place where she could have higher status in a community that she fetishizes."
"Divide and Conquer tactics are working like you wouldn't believe right now."
"Don't act like some people don't get lined up for this." - Awareness of potential manipulation.
"The minute that we start to come together they're going to do everything they can at any cost to make black people and white Americans think that we are each other's enemy."
"Is gaslighting a new thing? Is propaganda our new thing?"
"You may spend excessive energy, time, and financial resources helping predators because they're the ones excessively complaining all the time."
"It's not about breaking the fourth wave, it's about breaking people." - Christine Anderson
"People need to realize that the ruling class wants to keep them tribal, that's everything."
"He was an egomaniac with an inferiority complex... He was going to do anything for anybody to be a people pleaser."
"We hope that Camry won't lose her job, we hope that the race hustling sister who's trying to Parlay this into some cheap Fame gets what's coming to her in terms of life."
"He got people talking, you know what I'm saying? I mean, it was a clever move if you're playing chess."
"He's deliberately picking these fights, he's trolling his enemies."
"It's amazing to me how easily manipulated the masses are."
"We're being gaslit into thinking medical tyranny isn't existing."
"We're all one overall, also having our individual experience which is amazing."
"Fear, hate, paranoia are being used to push the idea that people like us, like you and me, are a threat."
"We're all being played, we're all being programmed."
"It turns out we humans are easily manipulated and were easily manipulated even before social media but now there is this incredibly sophisticated engine to drive us apart."
"Sometimes you just have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you."
"Everybody should have the same expectation of rights... however, this woke thing is being used as a manipulation."
"It's just inhuman; it brings out the inhuman side, which is why cults are so scary."
"MLK realized near the end that he had been used."
"Dude was a smooth talker he knew how to manipulate a situation to ultimately get what he wanted an extremely valuable skill."
"We're not about that life so yes you're gonna hear me talk about politics because politics compels the masses to do what they want you to do it's not discretionary."
"Don't let Alpo make you the next King Erna when he gives you the phone call."
"Baiting is how they pull you in, how they draw you into conflict."
"Whether by design or otherwise, it's a very clever move to achieve a mode of dominance over pretty much everybody else."
"I'm somebody that white people could use against everybody."
"Race and related issues were the preferred target of the information warfare campaign designed to divide the country."
"It is a form of warfare to dumb down Society to keep a society stupid you can control them a lot of easier that way that is for sure."
"The key to winning what the white supremacist game is not to actually win the game. The key is to not play the fucking game."
"Playing dumb and asking for things like a child can make wealthy men feel obligated to provide."
"In conclusion, feigned hysteria over trans people in sports is nothing more than a cynical ploy to villainize trans people."
"In order to secure a night of shenanigans with the aforementioned woman, Zeke, upon finding out that she takes an interest in Cole, decides to tell her story about Cole, vampires, and pyre knight."
"Some of that is posturing isn't it, some of it is just bravado continued uh propaganda."
"They're going to try to kiss your ass in the future. They're going to try to win you back."
"This is a perfect example of them hijacking women."
"Conspiracy theorists - there are people out there who are like moles that they're just put out there to confuse people or throw everyone off the trail."
"There's something really kind of gross happening and that is this tendency to use this subject of abuse in very stark black and white ways to beat someone over the head as an enemy."
"Grim was the puppet master in this game. I don't know, it's like every time Grimm plays, he's very good at getting people on his side."
"The worst thing you could ever do to a person who is narcissistic is to give them the attention that they seek."
"The manipulator feat allows you to double your proficiency when using deception persuasion and intimidation."
"The things that I say about her, you know? Yeah, I feel like there's been a coordinated gaslighting campaign."
"If you can't control people by force you have to control their minds you have to control their attitudes."
"Black women got to realize that you are being used as the Trojan horses of the agenda."
"Once the masses are in the streets it's not too difficult to convert an orderly demonstration into a full-scale riot."
"The mission of Fox News is to stoke fear and bigotry to the point of violence."
"When the hate don't work, they start telling lies."
"The emperors quickly learned that the priestly colleges were a good way to keep senatorial friends happy, enemies flattered, and generally exercise power."
"Many destructive cults dehumanize and essentially dispense with the existence of people."
"I found a way to clear my friends list, let's hack Roblox!"
"You want to give people what they want before you give them what you want."
"They find it easier to appeal to the black woman to do the dirty work for white supremacy."
"Both of these are framed issues, designed to be discussed in a way by a person or groups of people in order to suit their own needs and further their own benefits."
"Men are so easy, I can take their power because men just want to get laid."
"The oldest trick in the book is rich elites pitting the middle class against the poor."
"The theory of a fake Alien Invasion aims to manipulate us into believing in a united cause, ultimately for control."
"Social engineering can do more destructive work against a society than any bomb."
"These people that are trying to intimidate people into silence, they are purposely wanting to destroy our nation."
"This person is very strategic, so they may even test you by sending one of their friends to flirt with you."
"They've picked out a couple of hand-picked tokens, some safe negroes, and they're gonna hold them up as their mascots, their negro mascots."
"It's the big lie. If you buy in, you're all the way in and how do you get back out again?"
"Look like you're helping without helping, that's my advice."
"It's almost like we went from 'let them eat cake' to redefining cake as styrofoam. It's a way where if you can't control reality, but you can control how people talk about, perceive, or measure reality, then that's almost as good."
"He was feeling like he had black folks trying to think and say whatever he told them to."
"He was creating a new way to manage the irrational force of the masses."
"Psychopaths are great chameleons. They view the world as an instrument to fulfill their desires."
"I think the biggest one for me is when they try to or when they do abandon you from your family, when they take you from your family, your closest friends, you know, they really try to isolate you from the outside world."
"Manipulating and pushing people in One Direction or another is as old as the hills."
"This game of constant duplicity most resembles the power dynamic that existed in the scheming world of the old aristocratic court."
"Who can get the most people to follow a narrative? If you give them to follow a false narrative then you can keep them away from the truth."
"It's basically the gameplay of among us when you're in a situation where people are gonna lie and manipulate information for their own gain game theory is there to help you figure out what to do."
"Some people are opportunists, man. Some people are major opportunists, and they'll get around somebody who got it and then try to figure out a way to try to finesse a bag out of them, you understand? We can't be fooled by that."
"Please stop using me as a black man as your pawn and yes I said it to push your agenda I'm sick of it."
"We're in an era where emotions are manipulated by the powers that be."
"She was actively trying to discredit Morgan, a victim of CSA, when Morgan had explicitly asked to be left alone."
"When you are living from a place of righteousness and tenacity, it becomes hard for people to run game on you."
"Melody continues to win and shine because she understands the assignment. She knows how to start the drama, and that's exactly what she does."
"Um but this person is okay um you might have been a bit naive too some of you might have been a bit naive because we are looking at seven cops which is like selling a fantasy."
"They go after people who are hungry for love and a sense of belonging and human connection, and then they exploit the hell out of it."