
Proactive Stance Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The end times aren't happening to us; we are happening to the end times."
"If we don't rid the world of despair, the tragedy will start once again."
"I enjoy attacking the devil. He's been attacking us long enough."
"It's time to take them on. Our nation's future depends on it."
"Give us the tools, we will finish the job. We are not asking for more. We are not asking you to fight for us. We'll do it ourselves."
"You're the last line of defense here because nobody else is going to do it."
"The time for aggressiveness for maybe an outcome change is right now."
"Taking control of the situation, moving forward."
"Deciding is winning. There is no right or wrong, just surviving."
"It's all of our responsibility to challenge that injustice."
"At least when we become aware of the situation, we have an opportunity to know what we're doing."
"We're here to take our world back and we're being annoying over here."
"It's not enough to say 'I'm not a racist,' we must be anti-racism because there's no neutrality in this fight."
"It's definitely time to take charge of your media consumption."
"The massive political conflict is essentially inevitable... it's really just a matter of whether or not you want to start on the front foot or the back foot."
"Now is the time to create and take that action."
"Accept the reality, act before it's too late."
"This is a moment to lead in terms of social change."
"They're pushing the envelope a hundred times over. Like, you can't just say 'I'm not a racist,' you have to come out against racist people."
"If you feel like something is not right, move on. If you feel like you want to do something, do it."
"The church has an opportunity if it but should take advantage of it."
"See yourself as the person that is actually bringing forth change, the agent of change."
"If everybody thought like us, we'd have this town cleaned up in one week. If every single time these people asked us for money we said no, you're a disgrace, get a job, it would clean it up so fast."
"Recognize the potential of the opportunities that exist around you."
"You can't just imagine a better future, you can't just wish for it, gotta do something, you gotta fight for it."
"It would be a great mistake to simply say we should have done nothing."
"I don't stand for that, so we immediately were like we gotta get parallel economy."
"Tug on a thread and it leads back to them. Clan Kelly and Albion included. People are getting snatched off the streets, we have to do something about it, right? That's what we do."
"We've got to crush the demons, we've got to go on the offensive."
"This person wants action, not just thoughts anymore."
"We're on the offense because we're on God's side. We're on The Winning Side. He's already said that he's going to win."
"If you wish a new world, you have to claim a new world."
"I refuse to allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated."
"These people are practicing warfare against us, we gotta have that same type of protection factor among ourselves."
"If we can't face this truth, how the hell are we going to fix it?"
"If I didn't do something, I'm gonna have an agenda too."
"We're gonna be fascists, it isn't then we're gonna wait for Germany to extend their hand and say join us guys."
"We need to come out of this with the commitment, with almost the mantra of never again for this. We're not doing this again."
"You do what I did, attack it every way you can." - Rod Parsley
"Forward march is your battle command in the days ahead."
"He has made a choice on how he's going to respond."
"This is not a threat we can sit on the sidelines and ignore; it's here today."
"When you see something really wrong, you fight it."
"We don't want peace. But before that, I want to fight on."
"We're not asking for permission, everything's legal until proven otherwise."
"Our destiny lies not in surrender but in conquest, not in retreat but in relentless advance, not in failure but in victory."
"It can be used against us, so we need to be loud and we need to be strong and we need to make sure it's not used against us."
"Let's become empowered and aligned with love from a place of already doing for us."
"Opportunities may be more abundant, there might be something big right in front of you, so reach out for that."
"You just have to be what you need to be and step into that power again."
"If we fought back against the bad guys, bullies, bad leaders, con artists, criminals, a lot fewer bad things would happen."
"Running is not an option, you guys. Stepping back and staying in complacency is not an option."
"Knowing the flaws of certain systems laid bare in dystopia helps us to try and give it our best shot."
"Defeat is coming. Accountability is coming. We are coming."
"Let's not be those guys, let's lead and not follow."
"Do not expect this to be like 2020 where you had the v-shaped stock market recovery."
"If we keep staying sleepy, you won't even be able to grow food in your backyard."
"I think a better world is out there buds; we just gotta build it."
"We do not win by hiding our heads in the sand and pretending that malfeasance is not occurring in these elections. That is not how you win."
"Do not obey in advance. Most of the power of authoritarianism is freely given."
"Facing reality headlong, head-on, is imperative."
"For years we allowed that to happen, and we're not allowing that anymore."
"It does not have to be this way. Our future lies within our hands."
"There is a difference between somebody who recognizes that trauma and wants something for their trauma and somebody who recognizes that trauma and is going to work to take something in the time frame that you've been given on this Earth."
"YouTube has had a big problem for years and it's about time I do something about it."
"This next chapter is about you and it's about moving forward and no longer staying in this hangman stage where we are debating things or we're letting fears overtake us."
"Time to do away with all that because it's almost 2022 and we want to do a little ass kicking."
"If there's gonna be trouble, let it be now in my time."
"This whole idea of building a better society and what we want our future to look like doesn't start when the pandemic is over. It's starting now."
"That's leadership. I think that we need to see more of these guys willing to stand up and say, I'll take the hit."
"It's time to gird yourself up in truth, walk in your Spiritual armor, and continue to be ready."
"This isn't something that we can just push off anymore. It's something that needs to be taken seriously."
"We can't be the victim again; we've got to be the destroyer."
"Let's change the way the world is. Let's be peaceful, you know? I mean, let's just walk... let's walk peaceful and carry a big stick, you know?"
"I decree and declare there will be no holdups, setbacks, delays, or substitutes."
"We take the fight to everybody, we don't let them take the fight to us."
"I pray that you're still alive to see what we are about to do to this monster."
"Fight for your family, fight for your future."
"Just because it's not easy doesn't mean that it's not our responsibility to do something about it."
"You should always know what are the threats you should always know what we face what we must face with courage."
"It's time for leadership. Show some leadership."
"Anger is not bad, it's the only sane, reasonable, responsible response."
"Be bold, be brave, and move forward in your power."
"Nothing's going to change until you change it."
"I'm never going to allow anybody to come in this platform and just outright ignorantly disrespect our people like that's not happening."
"Climate dumerism is the equivalent of giving up even though you can still prevent not just the worst case but also mitigate most of the bad things."
"If you have the power to change something, then you should use the power to change something."
"You absolutely love to see it, fighters that want to take on the immigration problem."
"So long as we are not complacent, the future is going to be great."
"We need to be actively involved, you can't just defer that to them."
"It's not enough for you to be not racist, not bigoted; you have to be anti-racist, anti-bigoted."
"You have some of the best energy right now for really grabbing hold of new money opportunities."
"I just rebuke fear outright any time it threatens to try to come."
"Remember, it's not about protesting, it's about doing what is right before God."
"Now is the time where we can actually change the course of the future."
"It's not just tomorrow, it's today." - Brad garlinghouse
"Nothing's going to change until a lot of things change."
"You are saying enough is enough. We are taking the future into our own hands."
"You're making power moves towards things that you truly love."
"History has taught us it is not effective to ignore or minimize these kind of ideologies."
"The opposite of racist isn't not racist, it is anti-racist."
"Rising above fear and agenda is necessary for true contact."
"Drake makes it clear that he will not allow history to repeat itself."
"Are you curious and are you willing to make a change in your environment?"
"We cannot keep going along; we have some serious existential crises going on."
"You need a standing organization which is always proactive... with legal, political muscle, and strong PR."
"We will neutralize what previous generations normalized."
"They're shining a light on a lot of what the system is putting out there that's making people sick."
"The only way to correct that isn't to go beg Marvel or DC to pay artists what you feel they are old for."
"Make a shift from being proud that you're not racist to being anti-racism."
"I am so incredibly disappointed and I'll do everything in my power to do what's right."
"Stop waiting for someone else to do it. The only way we don't win is if you sit at home."
"That's the blueprint for how you do it, just fighting back, not taking it."
"If we don't take action, then nothing will get accomplished."
"Elon Musk may have just pulled off epic 4D chess."
"Do something about it. That's my message to Duncan Keith."
"It's a spiritual battle but you just can't sit back and wait for things to happen."
"I think we have to start pushing back against the censors."
"Nobody's safe here until we start to fight back."
"Cry aloud and spare not. Lift up your voice like a trumpet if you're gonna be a watchman on the wall."
"You're ready to take action, setting down all the baggage."
"We want things to be different and we're committed to making the changes."
"You can't sit back because they'll just keep taking one further step every time."
"Now is the time for us, ladies and gentlemen, to be figuring out what we got to do in this new meta."
"This is going to be a time for the doers, god will not help those who will not help themselves, you've got to take action if you're just sitting around hoping that things are going to change you're going to be getting pretty lonely."
"You're actually removing obstacles. You are thinking about getting out there getting back in the saddle when it comes to love."
"Idaho's best days are just beginning as soon as it embraces this."
"Because we know that they don't necessarily want the truth to be out there... we're gonna be pounding the truth into the pavement tonight."
"The starting point of the discussion for me is not to try to wait to protect ourselves from the world, but it's a very deep and shared understanding."
"It's time to take action, especially when it comes to this Divine partnership."
"We are not victims, we are actually impacting the world around us."
"Opportunity can't knock unless it's on your doorstep."
"You're not afraid to speak up, you're not afraid to take action."
"This isn't about talk, this is about action."
"We're a great country. Let's be really clear about that. But there's no guarantee we're going to stay that way."
"It's not something which has to happen, and so we should go about constructively trying to raise awareness and stand up against it."
"The world is full of people who are beyond saving, and I am not going to wait for them to show up at our doorstep."
"Those who refused to become victims of an unknown destiny began preparations to alter the outcome."
"We protect ourselves... we are defensive in our artistry, and we're not on the offense, which is where we have to be as artists."
"Acceptance does not mean passive resignation."
"We are a country which should have reasonable ambitions, we should be doing more, we should be making our presence felt, we should be helping the world as well."
"Taking action to fight for what you want."