
Character Strategy Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Next time you play, maybe today, we're building Yugi from the Yu-Gi-Oh series, which basically means we're learning not only how to play a character inside a character but a game within a game."
"Bad guy Kuma overall just has a really good stun."
"Joker from Mexico, Joker Samus is so sick. He has crazy setups."
"All the pieces are in place for Shanks to take his final gamble on the next generation."
"Bloodhound has been a top pick for a long while now, ever since their major season six buff."
"Pangolier shield crash now slows enemies. Damage reduction per hero increased from 12 through 18 to 15 through 18."
"Caustic probably can't fit the hybrid category of play but truly he's one of the best legends to slow things down... do it all."
"Tyranitar sure you don't lose most of your weaknesses but you also don't lose the special defense boost."
"The most fun heroes in Overwatch are the ones that piss the [ __ ] off of everyone on the other team."
"Level 11, level 16 when you get those huge range spikes on the Kog'maw there's nothing really that a Zoe can do to try and match it in the fights."
"I want it to be like two of us with Caitlyn Janna verse two pros with Taliyah and Blitz."
"Holy [__], my Sejuani support finally came to fruition."
"Widowmaker has been a viable pick if you're great with her at any rank pretty much since the dawn of time."
"Manfred von Carstein is the most powerful Lord for the Vampire Counts."
"Sombra is going to be the hero that people take the longest to try to relearn because, well, even in Overwatch one people are still trying to figure out Sombra."
"Genna has three main advantages over the king: her moveset isn't as predictable without nine fights backing its design, higher story stakes, and deep ties to Freya that are important for her to resolve."
"Wario is a character that obviously gets better the longer you wait because of his waft mechanic."
"Different AD Carries are starting to be played besides Tristana and Kog'Maw, Kog'Maw is getting hit a little bit."
"Because what's scary about Hoka isn't the raw strength of his powers, it's the skill and cunning with which he uses them."
"Reinhardt, I think Reinhardt could work... if his team do follow him up, it can be really powerful."
"Nothing will beat Gus Fring's death, even when we see the plan coming."
"She's got the meta, she's got the weapons, she's got the signatures."
"Luke's biggest moment is that he made himself a hologram."
"Slasher feat: highly good, complementing certain character builds like sword and board."
"Fighting initiate feat: niche, but could be great for specific character builds."
"Gunner feat: niche, depends on the presence of firearms in your campaign setting."
"Kicking off the top three for support this patch and hands down the most broken enchanter for solo Q is Janna."
"The trigger man, the best carry class in the game."
"He is still very difficult for him to get in on characters that can wall him out."
"It's inherently got better coverage with less commitment and has a separate launcher hitbox closer to Mega Man that the grounded moves lack."
"Just have a plan for what you're going to do with him and the Spider-Verse."
"I love this animation. You know that's how you get the king, the king of the Dragon Emperor is out of your face, you give him one of these."
"Rick Prime's influence on the events of the entire series cannot be understated."
"I tried to strike a balance between being true to Agent 47 but also trying to make this build viable, fun, and interesting to play in the game."
"Leo doesn't need speed... He doesn't need to be fast, he always gets the first turn."
"Tony's use of the spy nest makes him a great TV character."
"Caitlyn... she's got one of the best laning phases because of her just raw range."
"Zachary plays Sephiroth very conservatively."
"Literally just pretend Loki's not in the game until the change goes through."
"Luffy needs to break Kaido's will, crush his dreams, since Oda says Luffy does not kill characters but instead crushes their dreams."
"Chucky just plans it so perfectly, you know? He throws marbles on the floor to trip him up, sends toys after him, hits him in the back with darts, and smacks his head with a golf club."
"Slade doesn't fight with might, every single course of action he takes is completely psychological."
"The best zoner we've ever seen in Smash, in my opinion."
"Kirito was the only successful solo player in all of SAO."
"Kong seems to take a more strategic approach to combat."
"Silverquill is also home to a strong control deck and backed by Killian, this deck can be hyper-efficient in doling out removal."
"We're really trying to make Vamana play more aggressively."
"Imagine now after dealing with all that, once he finally hits this character, he rewinds time."
"Slark's most annoying kit is his vision kit... you are a moving ward."
"Damn, winning ten sets as Snake sounds exhausting."
"Sombra is actually an actual off-meta good pick."
"Most people prefer to just throw with double Scotty at whatever rider enemy they see."
"It's called project K, oh my gosh another secret plan for Nook over here."
"The main things you need to know though are that cookies two in one Healer and Electro applier become much more valuable with the new danger reactions."
"Maokai is proving to be an oppressive pick with Imperial Mandate, his crowd control is reliable and his damage incredibly threatening."
"It's a classic misdirection and the fact that Bruce uses them as an answer to the line that Joker has used in his most intense scenes is so simple yet so effective."
"It's very, very important to learn how to play around Randall once you get to a higher level of proficiency."
"You know when you say they need to keep Joker in Arkham to use him as a Silence of the Lambs vibe where Batman is always having to go to him to figure stuff out, I think people would get annoyed."
"Shiv did play it better than the others...smarter than her brothers."
"We captured Jia Kong and the problem with Jia Kong is he starts out with two Jie militia."
"If you're an under farmed assassin, there's just no point. Absolutely no point to that because then you're just gonna, you know, you can't kill anyone, you can't tank anything, you can't do anything."
"I’m telling you guys AP Warwick. It’s not amazing but you know what we’re making it work."
"Targon is back baby! Pantheon gone, but I'm playing Fizz again!"
"Olimar's style is less about his moves but more about the constant mechanic of managing the pikmin."
"Pyra is a trapper character on the ledge or in the air to get a strong hit."
"A lot of freaking made out some Sportacus. That'll do it, that'll definitely do it."
"If you want to be competitive, your next choice has to be Moon Knight."
"Spider Woman fits perfectly here and I swear it's pure evil."
"Mercy is like the quintessential hero for decision-making flow in Overwatch."
"Agni is a mid game guard, he does do well in the late game with the team but um generally a mid game guard."
"Armin succeeds in getting Bertholdt to admit."
"Plays Zato if you want incredible oki, incredible mix-ups, great neutral, and an obnoxious defense tool..."
"Warlock I love Warlock man and every single month more and more people are see in the hive just cuz this champion is the counter to about 80% of problem fights in the endgame."
"Wickerbottom's wacky books allow for insane farms and unique effects, making her a utility powerhouse."
"For Menat, it's all about footsies... her footsies bring you in."
"Horizon's ultimate is really kind of like one of her most powerful parts of her kit."
"Presence of mind is incredibly important because Nocturne is so mana hungry."
"The way they shuffled out Thrawn in 'Rebels' so that the fall of the Empire doesn't include him."
"My name is Braxophone and this is the ultimate Sucrose play guide."
"He feels like a hyper carry in that he has good damage and sustained onfield damage but he plays like a driver too."
"She is becoming very fragile, very glass cannon, but as you can see how we use her I tend to try to keep her in the back as much as I can."
"The actual gameplay is like that of a high DPS dual wielding Berserker relying on speed and dodging."
"Toffee most likely predicted all of this, his last words were literally, 'You don't make the plans, I do.'"
"That's how you play Wukong, dive the backline every time."
"Cooler has decided that he'll steal his brother's wish for immortality."
"Villager is just one of those characters that can be sort of sneaky if you know what you're dealing with know what you're doing with them."
"A werewolf doesn't want to draw that kind of attention to themselves."
"In fights in Apex, you should concentrate hard when fighting Octane or Bangalore. That increased movement speed-wise strafing will mess you up, so just focus on some deep breathing, focus hard on your screen, and you're going to hit those shots."
"Kazuya is mentioned among the absolute hardest characters in this game for a reason, extremely unsafe, extremely predictable, extremely demanding in terms of execution."
"Thrawn lead, I'm a hundred percent sold today."
"Soda is your answer. She is, in my opinion, probably the most powerful hero in the game."
"Roadhog will get far more reliable one-shot kills."
"For how deadly Camille scales, her early kill threat with ignite is not to be undermined."
"This is literally all Yasuo. That was literally all Yasuo."
"Meanwhile, Loki is escaping the various infighting pruned Lokis, including a President Loki whose hand gets bitten off by Loki Gator."
"Varys realizing that Dany will not marry Fagin and will stop at nothing to secure the throne for herself, seeks to take her down."
"Relic Padme counter shot - hopefully that helps you."
"For Thor, rage first, judgment second for those elemental bad boys."
"For Black Bolt, I do think rage is the best choice for him."
"I'm confident... if I'm going to get Joey Wheeler, I hope it's against Odion."
"The possibility of Dumbledore using Peeves and portraits for surveillance aligns with his character's knowledge and methods."
"The secret to winning the heart of Trixie Tang is being funny."
"I think every supernova that joins the Yonko is doing it just for momentary gain, and they're waiting for the chance to turn on them."
"Do you feel like this is just the final stage of Johan's plan?"