
Enduring Appeal Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Gene Ichimaru is one of Bleach's most enduringly beloved and iconic characters."
"The Craft works and is so endearing because it's driven by its characters, not by its plot."
"Portal 2 would receive a rousing critical response, quickly securing itself as yet another classic in Valve's repertoire."
"Star Fox 64 this game has some of the best replay value I have ever encountered in my life."
"The brainy nature of the Rubik's Cube may be part of the reason it has endured while other toys and games have not."
"It's a timeless story and its film quality and cinematography still hold up exceedingly well today."
"Futurama has always kept the feel of a cult classic show regardless of its popularity."
"Chrono Trigger exists, you can still play it, and it's still great."
"A Knight's Tale is a movie that has endured that people still talk about in a lot of different circles."
"The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time are ones that will never fade, a legend and more than just a name, and an adventure that's most certainly timeless."
"Overall the magic is still there, I still love spending time in this world."
"Competing and possibly winning doesn't get old."
"Maya's theme represents the enduring nature of the persona franchise."
"You know, our objective with Ashes of Creation is to create an amazing game that is going to, in the words of Sid Meier, stand the test of time."
"Regardless of its quirks of what works and what doesn't, it's finally clear to me now why the appeal of Symphony has lasted for almost two decades."
"The game itself remains phenomenal and it would be a money-making machine."
"I think it's still going to be a long ways off before people ever truly stop loving it."
"The reason Harry Potter will remain an international classic for generations to come is not because of its accessible writing style or page-turning mysteries, but because of the universal themes it explores."
"More than 25 years after its release Face-Off remains one of a kind."
"Battered by changing times and changing tastes Superman always seems to emerge stronger than ever."
"Whole squad on a real [__] that one feels very timeless."
"I have extreme confidence in lego. Lego is probably one of the most popular toys that stands to test the time."
"Peewee's Big Adventure is a timeless picture that will indeed last in the hearts and minds of fans for eternity."
"Tetris has been on every single machine known to mankind but it's the one game that I go man that's a really smart made game that you can come back to it over and over."
"Cowboy Bebop will likely be enjoyed long after Watanabe's original prediction."
"Those things didn't have anything really to them, so the enduring of Pokemon must be because it has more to it."
"Train to Busan: This is a movie I have recommended for years and I have watched it over the years with friends and family yet to come across anyone that not only didn't like this movie that didn't love it."
"The Ingenuity and craftsmanship to create such believable effects without computers is just as stunning today as it was 25 years ago."
"This game has remained utterly delightful despite all the time that's passed."
"World's Strongest Man is still by far the most popular contest worldwide."
"Soul Reaver is now 18 years old and remains great even to this day."
"It's one of the best slow burn games of the last decade."
"The Civic has always been popular and it just keeps staying popular."
"It's never going to go out of style... it's timeless."
"Attack on Titan will be remembered very fondly by everyone."
"It's heightened and cartoony yes but it has so much effort and personality that I imagine like wind waker it's going to hold up for generations to come."
"Even now, over 10 years later, it's so good that it makes me wish for nuclear winter, so I can stay inside and play it."
"Regardless, I love how they designed the first five archons to be enduring symbols of their respective elements."
"Call of the Dead has a lot of content to offer... call of the Dead is a tried and true legitimate zombies experience that even to this day manages to stand up to the greats."
"It still holds up today it is still so cool to see that because it's just cool the cool factor is through the roof with this."
"The new covers are incredible, the story holds up so well, I loved every single second of it."
"Harry Potter is the gift that just keeps on giving."
"Jennifer Aniston is 55 years old, continuing to inspire audiences with her talent, charm, and enduring presence in the entertainment industry."
"Wicker bags... a very quintessential seasonal style that just works year after year."
"Still fantastic game yeah still my top 100 this year yeah."
"In some sense, it's no wonder that such creatures have had such enduring power and imagination."
"It's still worth playing, a good old-fashioned classic."
"Barbara Eden's contributions to the Golden Era of Television combined with her enduring talent and elegance have solidified her status as a beloved figure in Hollywood and a symbol of classic television nostalgia."
"After 50 years, Snoopy was still laying in that dog house, and rather than getting old, it actually has the opposite effect."
"Paper Mario still holds up incredibly well, offering up a fun and refreshing take on the long-standing narrative of Mario games."
"It's these kinds of practical solutions that I think make movies like Titanic work and hold up to today's standards."
"Nintendo has something that people will never get tired of."
"There's nothing like Mario... it's a lot harder to get bored of."
"I still find the show charming and humorous in my adulthood, and I think it’s just modern enough that adolescents of today also might enjoy it."
"This mod is awesome 3rd agen there's a reason it's the most popular medieval - mod of all time."
"Mescalero and Rhythmeen are just the gifts that keep on giving."
"Final Fantasy 7 has always been pretty relevant and relatable."
"From controls to game design to its presentation, Sonic CD is a gem of a game even today."
"Movies gain value from being seen in the theater, and that's I don't think that's ever gonna change."
"I think a big reason Cool Math Games has the staying power to remain so nostalgic to so many people is that the games are truly timeless."
"Come for the chicken, vinegar, stay for the sauce."
"Pixel art has shown to stand the test of time and I think is proved itself to be far more than just Nostalgia but an aesthetic all to its own."
"I think it's gonna be a movie that stands the test of time."
"The Wizard of Oz is timeless. It is as good today as it was the day that it was released in 1939."
"The prestige is a brilliant movie. I can watch it all day."
"Jumanji remains in the top five even after weeks, showing its enduring popularity."
"The core gameplay just feels so well done that even now in 2022 it's every bit as playable."
"Skyrim is 10 years old but honestly it doesn't feel like it."
"This rich and complex world building shines through in adaptations from Peter Jackson's films to the slew of video games that followed."
"Even after turning 50, Pamela Anderson continues to be an icon of beauty and sensuality in the entertainment industry."
"His music would never finish... you never get tired listening to everything Bob Marley did."
"To this day, almost 24 years later, Ocarina of Time's version of Hyrule is still magical and fascinating."
"The dungeons overall fare much better, and this is where Ocarina of Time holds up the most."
"Minecraft is a timeless masterpiece with unbelievable replayability."
"Finding diamonds in vanilla, it just never gets old."
"Undertaker versus AJ Styles in a Boneyard match was cool then, and it's still cool now."
"Magic Mountain will continue to be the safe, fun escape from the ordinary that generations of families have always enjoyed."
"For a watch to achieve this without overcompensating in exaggerated size or flashiness I think is a testament to the everlasting strength of the Royal Oak design."
"The site of watching him and Adrian Edmondson beat the shit out of each other never gets old."
"Fallout New Vegas continues to be one of my favorite games of all time."
"Shadow of the Colossus is a classic for a reason."
"It's testament to just how enduring the GT formula is that this moment-to-moment gameplay is where the real beauty of Gran Turismo 7 is to be found."
"It never gets old and all these years later it still holds up."
"Star Wars, you watch it today, and it's like every bit as much of a thrill ride today as it was back then."
"Minecraft simply does it year after year, just pulling in new viewers, creating new experiences, and that's why I think it's one of the best games in the world."
"It's crazy, I don't think there is another game out there that has had this much staying power."
"Super Mario Bros 3 introduces the most interesting power-ups even to this day."
"The mystery is what keeps Boba Fett such a neat character."
"Chanel is the absolute be-all and end-all, it is the height of class, it is so chic, the house is so strong, it is, it will continue to be strong."
"Super Mario Odyssey has truly stood the test of time as one of the best games available for Nintendo Switch."
"It's the execution of the simplicity that makes it fantastic to play even for today's standards."
"Nemesis still an absolutely incredible ride all these years on."
"There's a reason Grand Theft Auto 5 is still one of the most played games of all time."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2 stands the test of time."
"The overall surprise is just how well these games held up and still look shockingly good at points."
"The original Star Wars doesn't feel dated because of the story."
"...it still remains to this day one of my favorite movies..."
"There's a reason why these have been around a long time."
"The enduring appeal of the Cobra as a performance car."
"The enduring appeal to the fans is its greatest strength."
"Horror is over, but the screams aren't."
"Appetite for destruction, you know, that just keeps selling and selling and selling, and just its legend keeps growing and growing."
"That stuff never changes, that stuff never gets old."
"There's just something about that that has staying power and that has value for me."
"I love how timeless the music is still though. It's 2023, and I feel like this could still be something that I would really enjoy."
"Their music really holds up well."
"The Titanic continues to Fascinate people whether it's in books or documentaries or films."
"More than sergeant pepper's or any album from that era forever changes gay stature with every play it's a record that weaves its magic with every listen."
"It's bonkers fast, and that will probably never get old."
"The presence of the stolen cup motif in various narratives from the biblical tale of Joseph to the Greek ass story and the Aesop romance underscores its adaptability and enduring appeal."
"Mario Kart Wii is an incredibly memorable game with loads of fantastic content that's both fun and intriguing."
"With an unmatchable charm and vibrancy, lifetimes of replayability, and a story and cast that deeply resonates with people almost 30 years later."
"All that hot toy smell, love it. It never ever gets old."
"I think Arlong Park is still one of the better arcs to this day."
"I've heard these songs like a million times in my life but they never get old for me."
"Break on through sounds as great today as it did half a century ago."
"Whether we see them as frightening or fascinating, their enduring appeal speaks to our fascination with the mysteries of life and death."
"You can see why this is such a popular Megazord to this day."
"Amber Aoud is a classic, timeless type of a fragrance that will never go out of style."
"The music does sell itself, the music is still good."
"It has never aged for me... it has the same impact on them still."
"Every time I look at this set, I just seem to be more and more impressed."
"Everyone has a favorite Disney character."
"Jack and Daxter the Precursor Legacy is still a blast to play."
"This game definitely still holds up 19 years later; it's just as enjoyable now as it was back then."
"This book is something I can see myself rereading over and over and over again."
"It's just an absolute classic, one of my all-time favorites."