
Personal Actions Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Better to have loved and lost my ass. Losing friends hurts a lot, especially if it's your fault from your shitty actions."
"Our body energy fields are affected by our actions and even our emotions; when we understand this, we can harness our energy more effectively."
"What I give is what I get; what I do to you, I do to me."
"It's absolutely baffling. I need to set the record straight that I fully realize the impact of my actions."
"Do something that causes respect for yourself."
"You didn't have bad intentions. You just went about this badly."
"I have no regrets on none of the [__] that I've done."
"I'm not going to sit here and sympathize this guy for what is currently happening to him because this situation arose because of his own actions."
"If you want self-esteem, you have to do esteemable things."
"I'm critiquing your actions, not your identity."
"People will judge you for what you did but not what happened to you that made you snap."
"It's about actions and consequences, not good or evil."
"Every action someone makes can be evil in a certain point of view."
"Miranda, you didn't have to do all that. She didn't have to do all that, but that's Miranda."
"They might finally get the strength to admit some of how they feel for you or take some kind of action."
"Your actions have consequences not just for you but so many other innocent people that have no role or part in your personal situation."
"Everything you do either moves you in one direction or moves you in the other."
"You never know, 20 years later people are still going to be talking about the shit that you were doing at that moment."
"I was trying to figure out a back way to get through there and I know they got me on camera trying to break the door."
"Depending on what you guys do and where you go because that's always expansive."
"Always remember that alignment doesn't dictate your actions."
"Her actions are speaking louder than her words."
"The quality of your life is not determined by what you do."
"You can't do things in life, you know what I'm saying? You can do things in life and at some point in time it catches up with you."
"Frankly, it's brave. It's brave of her to do this."
"The things that you do and that you don't do are far more important than you think."
"Gilly got punched in his face by Beanie and ran, then I would have never did that to Gilly."
"As stupid as this next part is, it's probably for the best that I did it."
"I've done so many nice things for you, like wrote you a poem."
"I do all kinds of stuff without ever mentioning it."
"He doesn't have to love what you did to love who you are."
"Why is everything I do even positive an issue?"
"What you do today can matter tomorrow. You can be rewarded for it."
"How many things have you done that you know you shouldn't have and ultimately it was about that person but it was also about you?"
"Love is not predicated upon the response that they give us, love is solely predicated upon what you do."
"Even the smallest actions can make a big difference."
"It's more about how you act on that behavior."
"Ellie losing two fingers is a sufficient consequence for her horrendous actions."
"Nothing this woman does is just off a straight off impulse... she's very strategic about the moves that she's making."
"It's kind of satisfying making people realize their actions might actually have consequences."
"I believe my actions will become the future and the foundation of this world's hope."
"Sometimes small daily actions can have a big impact."
"I don't even know what you did with your ex or whatever happened. Maybe you did a bad thing, maybe you even did it. But I'm just saying, let's say you did a bad thing. You did a bad thing doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad person."
"How small changes we take can spread and create change on a larger scale."
"The actions that lead to a fulfilling life aren't always the ones that make you happy and comfortable."
"It's about all that almost everything you do offers some kind of path towards moving your society and planetary group forward."
"He really went to some extreme lengths to do so."
"If you didn't say it in public, then it didn't happen."
"Performing the same actions that you would in your ideal lifestyle."
"He's done something really bad and that was it, that was basically the end of his career."
"Empathy comes in, and you're able to see them in a way where their actions aren't personal."
"God's Judgment of your life will be based solely on your actions, not compared to anyone else's life. It is happening right now."
"Creating new beginnings through our actions."
"I wouldn't say you were racist unless you actually did something racist."
"What would this person do? And then if I do that thing, I am that person."
"He was able to carry that out but I never thought he would."
"I'm always the villain at the end, even if I've done something great."
"It's what you do after the fact that shows who you truly are."
"If you're in a relationship with someone... what I would do."
"Your deed shall be judged by your last deeds."
"Jimmy Uso's DUI: 'responsible for his own personal actions.'"
"When somebody recommends you watch something, execute on it. Add it to a little list of things I'm actually going to do."
"Seed is a metaphor for a number of different things in the Bible like your decisions are seed, the word of God is seed, your actions are seed, and your giving is seed also."
"Life becomes beautiful when you do the beautiful things that you do."
"Tomorrow may not come, so if there's something you need to make right, something you need to say to someone, do it today."
"What actions make me feel great about myself and how can I do them more in my daily life?"
"You can't hate that Aaron did what he did. I mean, what else was going to happen?"
"It's just despicable and it's an act of a dog."
"You have to take accountability for whatever you've done."
"This I think is probably the best thing we could have done."
"You're being bold, stepping out of the comfort zone, and doing things you've always wanted to do."
"Karma's a real thing, bro, you bring up, if we try to get people fired, surely [__] might not go back your way."
"Everything you do in large fashion impacts your legacy for good or bad."
"It's more important what you don't do than what you do."
"No matter what I do, somebody's not gonna like something."
"My individual acts toward others are My Worship to God."
"Men are the sum of their deeds, not their name."
"I don't care what you've done, I care about what you're gonna do now."
"Sometimes you've gotta dig a hole because that's what feels right."
"Your yes in private gets broadcast in public."
"As long as you're trying and you're showing that person like, 'Hey, like, I'm trying to do something nice for you,' I feel like that's what it's about."
"It impacts everything you do. It informs every action that you take."
"You have to understand what's going on and then align your beliefs and your what you see happening with your actions."
"Now, Chloe's gonna run, I think that's kind of what we were looking for."
"He's a good human being. He didn't have to do that. But he did it."
"Focus on the Here and Now, and the moves that you're making."
"The former owner, Julian Santana Barrera, began his collection to fend off evil spirits after he found the body of a drowned young girl in the lake, which in turn resulted in him hearing whispers in the night."
"Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone."
"What will history say about what you did when this is happening now?"
"I felt like I was doing something for myself that I wasn't allowed to do in the past."
"You should consider what the world would be like if everybody took the action that you're getting ready to take."
"Every little thing you do could change your life."
"Everything he does is just a matter of time."
"It's showing us not only the results, but it's a reap what you sow energy right now."
"A free man is expected to act on his interests and do many things throughout his life."
"It was like all right, since you want to play with my money I'mma buy half of Sony."
"Consciously going out of my way to do something purely to benefit someone else."
"Depend on actions, not on what people think of me, not on what society wants, but what's best for me and the people that are in my immediate circle."
"I can't prove my motives. You'll just have to believe me. But it wasn't hard to do what I've done."
"It's a mix of all three: experiences I've been through, things I've done, or just mere expressions of my imagination."
"I honestly have no idea what was going through Sandra's head when she did this."
"The inability to contextualize or justify personal actions or the actions of others into pre-existing moral schemas."
"Measure, think about yourself, so separate yourself from the process in things that you do, is this good for the world?"
"Harry is responsible for his actions."
"He'd rather be a hero. He finds his humanity in his actions, not his appearance."
"Think about your actions, reflect on what makes you happy."
"Doing many things to make me smile."
"Your actions will be a corollary of the way A, B, and C occur for you."
"Life is really just about time and sort of what you did with it."
"Each man is accountable for his own actions."
"You can be a good person who does a bad thing; you can be a bad person who does a good thing."
"It's good you did that. Family's important."
"Nothing anyone does is a reflection of you; it's a reflection of them."