
User Behavior Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"In the wild wild west early days of the web, folks never really stopped to think about what they were uploading."
"90% of recent users who gave a reason for uninstalling the ad blocker cited YouTube's recent policy change."
"People have a habit of modifying a product in the way that they're not meant to and then when it doesn't work as intended blaming the product."
"Technology is a machine that you use, but the truth is, the machine shapes you."
"70% of viewers use YouTube to help them solve a problem."
"Google Analytics is a piece of software that gives you lots and lots of data around how people are behaving on your website."
"What's going to be fascinating about this... is to see what people actually do."
"Users that have a smart speaker, more than 60% of those users say that that device itself has led them to buy another smart home device."
"Twitter's a failing company, it's a garbage platform filled with garbage people who just want to rag on you, lie about you, smear you."
"Understanding how many people have visited your site, how long they have spent on each page, will give you invaluable insights on your overall website performance."
"Dashboard of how you're spending time on your device."
"Twitter is a platform where people want to be in the muck in the mire, they want to be hidden under the stairs, locked away in their cupboard hearing only what they're told."
"86% of US viewers say they often use YouTube to learn new things."
"Like the @ symbol, the hashtag, the retweet, the thread—those were unexpected occurrences that we observed."
"These issues are deeply rooted in the culture of Amino."
"It's using subtlety to get users to do inputs that are not what they actually want."
"52% of Bitcoin in existence has been held for longer than two years."
"It's the pace at which people swipe through TikTok."
"Maybe the way to fix shitty modern technology is by becoming more patient and understanding users."
"Auto completion saves you a lot of typing - remember, people who work in a terminal, whether they be programmers or sysadmins, they're lazy."
"He's a tweeter's tweeter he's a volume Tweeter yeah yeah [ __ ]."
"If you break it once, you break it twice, you're off the platform for good."
"The system of Reddit encourages people to not post what they really think, to not tell the truth, to not be outspoken."
"That's why I think everyone just tethers to their phone instead of getting an LTE or a 5G connected laptop."
"Every time I block one of you [ __ ] the [ __ ] send at least a dollar."
"It's been called the largest digital migration in history; millions of users are abandoning WhatsApp."
"Customers often use the same username and password for their various accounts and subscriptions."
"If there was a way to handpick a specific amount of Reddit users or Twitter users to get rid of, you could literally decrease the amount of dogshit comments by ten thousand percent."
"Like a mass Exodus, this is like [__] Rapture for redditors."
"You're probably touching grass. It's terrible for them to make money but it's... the ultimate goal of all these social media companies."
"Abuse is about the way that people use the platform, not how many people follow it."
"99% of people are clicking the do not track me."
"She's a user, she uses what she can when she can use it."
"Nearly 400 million people around the world are blocking mobile ads, and that's a problem."
"Having a device that automatically learns your behavior and can easily be adjusted from anywhere in the world means you're more likely to use it."
"Us users are in fact leaving Facebook by the millions."
"It's really useful for getting more general info about your user base and being able to identify patterns, conversions, all the things you care about when building a real product."
"People don't read websites; they scan them."
"Analytics is where you can see all the details... about the people visiting your website and how they're finding your website as well."
"The algorithm is literally just a reflection of people watching it to a large degree."
"With Google Tag Manager, you can deploy tracking codes to capture data about user behavior."
"users are just lazy about stuff and like don't care about anything other than it making their life better"
"People will tell you they want a feature, but they don't know how they will actually behave when put in that situation."
"You cannot predict user behavior."
"For some reason, users don't like change."
"People probably won't read your entire page."
"There are hints of a product market fit, for instance, if users keep using a flawed product, that can be a sign of product market fit."
"Heat mapping is awesome because it allows you to see how people are browsing through your site."
"If you're designing a desktop app and you know that people access your site or this product via desktop first, then do a desktop-first design."
"There's evidence that people are capable and they will seek out deeper, more long-term stuff, even in social media."
"You have to define the OEC such that it is causally predictive of the lifetime value of the user."
"You can implement adaptive MFA, where you detect user behavior and prompt MFA only if there are anomalies."
"You have users who purchase items, and you can recommend based on similar items. So we call that item-to-item recommendations."
"View your document on your mobile device. Trust me, the majority of people will view your sales page on their mobile device."
"And yes users will every single hand sometimes you want I every single hand twice."
"Now in contrast to Universal analytics it allows us to provide a much richer and more complete view of users all the way from say paid views on YouTube for users who've clicked or watched an ad all the way through to them downloading or visiting your website."
"The beauty of creating a realistic load can be created when you take into account what users will do."
"We work on modeling and experimentation to understand how those products affect our users behavior."
"Facebook figures out how to make people happy, but then it turns out happy people use Facebook less."
"95% of Google users never click past the first page."
"User assist is really interesting for investigations especially to establish user behaviors and whether programs were used, how long they were used."
"A lot of people don't pay attention to on Goodreads that authors pay attention to."
"When we come to a web page, the first thing we automatically do is start clicking around."
"The Vision Pro already uses this data to predict what you'll do next with the device, basically creating an algorithm from your biology."
"What's a quick and easy way to figure out what people are doing or not doing on your website? Heat maps."
"The mental model of how people use our site changed during the pandemic."
"The core of UX design lies in understanding user behavior, human needs, and emotions."
"We're trying to generate traffic that replicates user behavior, so we want our crocs to be smart ones."
"Segment your list based on user behavior."
"If you do end up clicking on that, the algorithm is going to be like, 'I knew it! I knew that this person was going to be interested in this subject.'"
"We need to predict the target, so we're going to define a positive target when a user purchases an item and a negative target is when a user adds an item to a cart but does not purchase in the same session."
"What you care about is like alright what are the behaviors, what are the patterns in common of users that have better engagement and better usage of your product."
"If you're not sure what type of goal to set up for your website, at the very least you should try and set up either duration related goal or pages per session related goal."
"We're tracking a website; we want to know how users behave when they get to my website."
"40% of your website visitors will want to check out your home page no matter what page they initially landed on."
"We have an enormous responsibility as a company that shapes this screen in terms of what we are causing people to do."
"We can say with a high degree of confidence that user John went searching for a rootkit."
"92% of people using Google never click past the first page of search term results."
"Collaborative filtering is an algorithm that considers users' interactions with products with the assumption that other users behave in similar ways."
"What we've learned is that you need to observe what people do, not what they say."
"People will keep scrolling until they find something they like."
"When we're creating UI tests, we want to mimic exactly what the user's behavior is going to be."
"Adding one second of extra delay decreased the user conversions by 7%."
"That's what this is all about, is making sure that we're tracking and monitoring some of our user behavior to gain some key insights to make our service better."
"Our users are out and about. And can we take advantage of the fact that they might be in a shopping mall, they might be on the street, they might be driving down the road."
"Google is suggesting them to people because other people are searching these terms."
"Look for ways that your most engaged users are using your app and what are they doing differently."
"You've got to design for the way people actually are."
"On average, a user is unlocking their phone 150 times a day."
"Different types of users monetize differently, which means the more you understand about users and users' behavior, the smarter you can be about making money with your app."
"We need to instrument it, we need to know what our users are actually going to be doing."
"You're gonna be able to see all the different pages they visit and whether or not they complete a conversion on my website."
"Observe user behavior to understand where your users are coming from, what they're engaging with, how often they come back, and how much revenue you're generating."
"If you do nothing else from this talk, go measure some stuff; measure what your users are doing."
"YouTube is just like Facebook where people scroll through, they see things they want to watch, and they watch what they want to watch."