
Legal Interpretation Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"This proposed regulation...is looking at any device that automatically resets a firearm and enhances the rate of fire. That is extremely broad."
"I hope an understanding of what the court has ruled, what the court has not ruled, and what the dissent says will help you parse where you stand with this case based on these facts."
"Most people agree that killing a pregnant woman is two counts of murder, not one."
"Every bank robber who communicates with his fellow co-conspirator to rob the bank is communicating in some sort of speech. It's not protected by the First Amendment because there's a crime that is at its core."
"Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote... 'We think police officers can and will distinguish almost instinctively between questions necessary to secure their own safety or the safety of the public and questions designed solely to elicit testimonial evidence.'"
"If you give to those many provisions of the Constitution that are necessarily broad... an evolving meaning, they are no limitation on the current society at all."
"I interpret it the way it was understood by the society at the time."
"There's no direct evidence of sexual abuse of children... but you could make the case that some of the things... could be deemed as sexually exploitative of children."
"The court says this court has recognized no public accommodations law is immune from the demands of the constitution."
"The government's reading is... hard to reconcile with the structure and the history of the law, decades of precedent applying the law to other types of cases, and... makes the law implausibly broad and unconstitutional in a significant number of its applications."
"When we say that yes, a statute may have not been violated... but when you look at the totality of circumstance, it is very clear that several different amendments of the Constitution... have been violated on a massive and unprecedented scale."
"The Supreme Court says shoring up voting procedures isn't racist."
"There are rights in the Constitution that we have that are not enumerated."
"The text of the Second Amendment is very simple: 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"
"To confine the right to bear arms to the home would nullify half of the Second Amendment's protections."
"The notion that a president could say, 'I'm declassifying it all'... is absurd."
"The essence of what this jurisprudence of this court has been is explanation of the right to life and other rights enumerated or discovered by the interpretive process privacy Choice dignity."
"Even if everything alleged is true, it's not a violation of the law."
"I really don't understand...why we're sitting in court talking about somebody snatching a cell phone out of someone's hand and that raising to the level of a second degree of assault."
"Expressing disagreement with the lawfulness of an officer's actions may be used to create a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity."
"All in all it was the ever expanding scope of Roy's case along with his rubbery interpretation of the law which shredded any chance of him winning the trial and this would inevitably stain him professionally."
"The second amendment doesn't grant us a right, but rather acknowledges an already existing right."
"He actually used a meme from Roadhouse saying that if you bring a gun to a fist fight, you don't have self-defense."
"So when she's pretending that these things are the are the courts legislating or the courts overstepping their bounds, it's the complete reverse."
"Even ignoring all of that, we've got something else going on here. We have a state court applying this to a president."
"If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so."
"The report did not find evidence to conclude that the President committed a crime, but it also does not exonerate him."
"The Supreme Court said that isn't covered by the First Amendment."
"I think his point of view is that it's necessary and constitutionally correct."
"No, well now Trump has supposedly changed the policy. Now, as I explained, I don't think the policy actually changed legally speaking, but supposedly Trump changed the policy."
"This ruling asserts that these changes are now in the view of these members of the Court required by the text of the Constitution."
"The report literally exonerates Trump in the sense that Bob Muller doesn't come to a conclusion on the question of obstruction."
"The fact that he was prosecuted in this case with such obvious self-defense evidence out there really itself weakens the right of self-defense."
"If you're using an assault rifle, you are by definition not engaging in self defense."
"You need to own something in common usage with the expressed purpose of fighting back tyranny."
"There's no such thing as criminal immunity for a former president."
"We have strong arguments on both, the notion of criminally prosecuting a president does not exist is a shocking ruling."
"The Supreme Court agreed with Texas that there were due process violations and equal protection violations."
"Bruin simply elaborated upon the Heller text and history approach... when they said text in history, that's what they meant."
"They no longer can this is they sort of redefined they shall take no action formal or informal to coerce or encourage censorship censorship of speech so this is as it stands now"
"The Colorado Supreme Court's decision yesterday was judicial Masterpiece of in constitutional interpretation of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The opinion and the decision are unassailable and irrefutable." - Judge Ludig
"Since the UDHR Article 18 defends the freedom to manifest religious observance, the US Supreme Court's stipulation of secular reasons for Sabbath protections violated the right of religion."
"The trend is the friend of the Second Amendment as well it should be because it's a textual based constitutional right and a fundamental right..."
"Saying protest, protest, protest is not incitement. Even if it's Donald Trump, even with lots of exclamation points."
"It's clearly attempted murder. In no universe does trespassing allow you to shoot someone. It was just an attempt to lynch a man in broad daylight."
"Gold and silver are technically the only legal currency."
"The law is always inevitably subject to interpretation, and it is the job of lawyers as a class... to twist it so it forces the result that your client regards as desirable."
"It's really interesting copyright law doesn't have any direct rules for non-humans past rulings have shown that courts aren't a fan of protecting works created by animals or divine beings."
"So if you're counting noses, you've got the three justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas saying they would overrule Smith."
"The Second Amendment is not some poor cousin of the Bill of Rights. It's as legitimate and enumerated right as the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, all of them."
"The Second Amendment's standard accords with how we protect other constitutional rights."
"The Second Amendment extends prima facie to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding."
"Interpreting whether a historical regulation is a proper analog for a modern firearm regulation requires determining whether the two regulations are relevantly similar."
"Only if the regulation is consistent with this nation's historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual's conduct falls outside the second amendment's unqualified command."
"Anyone changing the law is indirectly saying that the law is not good and thus they make a mockery of the Sabbath seal."
"The second amendment protects the right of the people to possess firearms."
"Stuff you like doesn't make a Supreme Court decision good. Fidelity to the law and the constitution do."
"Judge Brown disagreed with that interpretation of the law and he said that conduct that the president can regulate has to be workplace conduct."
"Now presidents are not kings and the plaintiff is not president." - A U.S. federal judge
"She understands that a judge should interpret not make the law."
"Presidential immunity from Criminal prosecution for official acts is also rooted in the text of the Constitution."
"I will say right now what is countering to me is what the Attorney General told us that when Robert Mueller made the decision on obstruction he did not take into fact that he was talking about the President."
"The Second Amendment secures all the others."
"The Second Amendment protects both the right to keep arms and the right to bear them, and to bear arms means simply to carry them. It's really just that simple."
"So yes, under this legal statute, that would still be illegal until there is a clear threat to the mother's life."
"He argues that because of the presidential eligibility requirement that you be born here people who become citizens are second class citizens he's correct I mean he really is."
"Ammunition is clearly part of the Second Amendment right to bear arms."
"No court, no congress, and no executive branch before now has ever thought that undocumented immigrants could be excluded."
"The German protests to be without merit mostly on the basis that at last a buck shot there's no different than the burst of an artillery shells shrapnel."
"Just because the government tells you to do something doesn't mean they're forcing you to do something."
"The constitution means what the founders intended it to mean, otherwise it means nothing."
"The Supreme Court has perverted the constitution."
"If you're going to be consistent about the Constitution, that is the right ruling."
"The attempt to draw this on racial lines actually violates the Constitution of the United States."
"If the Supreme Court's job is not to exploit loopholes or is not to plug loopholes in the law and that's the job of Congress how do we have this ruling."
"There is nothing in the constitution that says that a woman has a right to take the life of her baby."
"It argues that the president can forgive student debt thanks to a 2003 law called the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act for short."
"Not necessarily, yeah. I mean it's really just the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The fact that there's a family tie between them does not by itself impose certain obligations on Joe Biden. It's a loophole in the system deliberately, of course."
"I'm not a lawyer, I didn't go to law school, but the moment you look at Supreme Court justices saying it emanates like a mist from a penumbra, the number's like a membrane."
"It's not about sending pornography or doing the wrong thing or being involved in crime it is a crime to have free speech today."
"It would return us to the sensible process envisioned by the founders."
"The right to possess a firearm includes the right to purchase one."
"This is not a murder case... this is a sad, tragic accident that snowballed out of control."
"A sassy footnote kind of made my day. Even though it doesn't change your ruling, somebody can write a great motion and still be wrong on the way that the law comes out because their side just isn't going to be the way that the law falls."
"Did petition obstruct, influence, or impede The Joint session of Congress? The answer is equally straightforward: yes, he obstructed That official proceeding."
"Is that a violation of the First Amendment thematically it is very specifically a violation of the First Amendment."
"You can't just take the cloak of the First Amendment like it's some sort of superpower cape."
"The Constitution does not need to be rewritten, it needs to be re-read."
"Reasonable doubt may arise from a careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence."
"When you look at what the Second Amendment says it literally says nothing about a personal right to bear arms directly it doesn't say that."
"The U.S. Constitution just straight up says that right shall not be infringed."
"She was insistent that a husband who had sexually assaulted his wife in her sleep after the wife had explicitly said no and withdrawn consent, that that was not rape."
"That's been settled law for a long time, folks need to kind of back up and think for a second."
"The Second Amendment is an individual right, not a community right."
"I think that the state over relied on Diane's inappropriate reactions as they called them laughing at the wrong times not seeming to be empathic appearing to want attention people tend to believe these behaviors are linked to criminality."
"The original intent of the constitution must be factored in. It means what it says, and it says what it means."
"This is not just a bribe, this could also be considered an extortion."
"A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law."
"Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not from getting fired." - Aneesa Jama
"This is actually State action... because it's impacted a substantial segment of the population."
"President Trump's assertion that the Supreme Court returned the issue of abortion solely to the states is a completely inaccurate reading..."
"There is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity, and the 10 round limit has no historical pedigree. It is arbitrary and capricious."
"If I say Jesus Christ is the only way to God not Mohammed is it they're slandering or is a hate crime."
"Donald Trump never explicitly said storming the Capitol is now legal."
"When you commit arson with an accelerant in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people who have intentionally been trapped inside, you're not a demonstrator. You are attempting to commit murder." - Mayor Wheeler
"Collusion isn't a crime, and it's not a legal word or precedent."
"You put it all together, and it was very obvious to me that this was a murder case."
"I'm a constitutional law scholar, and mandates are not the law."
"Nothing in this act nor any Amendment shall be construed to diminish or abrogate a religious liberty or conscience."
"The Constitution was meant to be a living document."
"Shall not be infringed means shall not be infringed. That trumps even the Supreme Court."
"However, nothing that Kira says suggests that he hadn't seen Herrera before."
"Acknowledges that individuals hold more freedoms than those explicitly mentioned."
"The Supreme Court's unanimous ruling underscores the primacy of the framers' language in interpreting constitutional matters."
"If you specifically remove that implication, it's gone. They can't use that."
"Harris's sexting history seems damning but may not indicate guilt."
"The brother makes more sense of the case than the suspects they got."
"Merely referencing an article or approving of it does not create a separate publication."
"They took a man who’s a general and a respected person and a nice man, they took a general that they said didn’t lie, and they convinced him he did lie."
"Griffin's case has been the settled understanding of Section 3 since 1870 when it was decided."
"No open-mindedness to his claim of self-defense nor the videotapes that clearly backed that up."
"I fear it's a power play by Trump, believing that he has a waiver that he doesn't."
"Dominion is not a public officer or public body and therefore has no obligation to make its records available for public inspection."
"The equal protection clause means what it says."
"I think that may be considered a human rights violation in the future."
"My decision is based upon her record of judicial activism, flawed sentencing methodology, and a belief Judge Jackson will not be deterred by the plain meaning of the law when it comes to liberal causes."
"The court went further to note, 'You can't just manipulate the government any way you want.'"
"The issue is, if people take matters into their own hands and supposedly commit justice for Islam against a blasphemer, that's not necessarily out of line under Islamic law."
"It's not denigrating the Ten Commandments to say they're not the basis of American law."
"Calling an asset a security does not mean it is a security. It is up to Congress, not the SEC, to decide." - John Deaton
"Last time I checked, the First Amendment is at least as important as the Second Amendment." - Jimmy Kimmel
"The Second Amendment is the one amendment that gives teeth to all of the other amendments in that Bill of Rights."
"The Second Amendment is not about a technocratic judgment about maximizing or minimizing the number of people who were killed."
"He can say that, British judge, you can't say it but you can think it."
"This is conspiracy all of them conspiracy with intent."
"Remaining silent is not what Florida law considers outrageous behavior."
"This fits this is exactly what the Oath Keepers were trying to do a conspiracy a criminal agreement to basically bring down the government there's really nothing more serious than that."
"Your rights only end where someone else's begin."
"Why is the DA repeatedly and predominantly referring to in her use of the words 'they' and 'them' like this?"
"The entire case comes down to one very simple question: Does a president have the authority to investigate corruption when there is credible evidence of corruption?"
"Detached reflection cannot be expected in the presence of an uplifted knife." - U.S. Supreme Court
"Words mean things, and we fundamentally think there has to be a way to sell these goods to the public without going through securities laws."
"Obstruction of justice obstructs justice. It's right there in the title."
"I think that's what happened, I don't think Johnny hit her, I think Amber had Johnny."
"Barr’s four-page memo, drafted in the span of 48 hours, was twisting the public’s perception of his findings."
"Protesting your government is not an illegal thing to do." - "Trying to get into that line of questioning."
"There can't be a threat without the person knowing he's being threatened. There can't be a quid pro quo without the quo."
"The difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law."
"But when viewed in a different light, what appears to be overwhelming circumstantial evidence actually makes John Cardona an unlikely suspect."
"Contracts are just words on a page. If you're not willing to enforce it, it doesn't mean anything."
"Are we following the letter of the law or the spirit of the law? What was the purpose of this law?"
"The federal government doesn't have this authority technically."
"The ability for free, law-abiding citizenry to maintain and enjoy those rights shall not be infringed."
"The SEC is claiming because Ripple was instrumental in creating a secondary market for XRP, all XRP are therefore securities. If successful, the same thing could be argued versus Vitalik Buterin, Joseph Lubin, Consensus, etc." - John Deaton
"The Second Amendment is only as good as we are."
"The only point of the bill of rights is to say if these laws get passed with majority support they're still invalid because they violate basic fundamental rights which the majority doesn't have the right to do."
"The Constitution is not a puzzle to be solved, it's a working document to be followed."
"Executive branch officials are not absolutely immune from the process if the president expressly directs such officials non-compliance."
"He's done what somebody could determine really was Insurrection."
"I believe it is overt corruption even if she's legally paying this guy it's still overt nepotism."
"This ruling is basically saying a special master needs to be appointed." - Chris Hayes
"Even if the Supreme Court finds that 18 USC section 1512 C doesn't apply to a lot of the insurrectionists, the charge would still seem to me at least to still apply to Donald Trump."
"The Second Amendment is a symbol for whose country is it. It separates us from other countries."
"Vigilantism is by definition outside the law. In case you missed the trial, Kyle Rittenhouse acted within the boundaries of the law."
"One thing that I get from both the documentary and Tobin is that Chauvin and King didn't know they were killing him if they were they weren't trying to cut off his oxygen they may have but they had no idea that's what was going on."
"This is 100% a violation of my First Amendment right of freedom of press."
"There are actual parameters of the First Amendment that I think he's trying to capitalize on."
"Abortion is a moral question, a philosophical question, and a legal question that does not really depend on what is the change in a fetus from week seven to week eight."
"If this Marbury decision be sound then indeed is our Constitution a complete fellow to say which is Latin for a suicide pact." - Thomas Jefferson
"Just because it's inconvenient doesn't mean it's improper."
"We hold that when the Second Amendment's plain text covers an individual's conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct."
"Yeah, explain to me again why this was not robbery?"
"What the Supreme Court is doing is very obviously in their view the words and the page and their decisions are just a means to an end." - Ben Carollo
"Never trust a court's version of the facts and the law."
"It achieves nothing a dispute on policy does not qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor."
"It was never down as homicide in that report. It states the Jimmy Ray Payne died of asphyxia which means he stopped breathing by undetermined mechanism. That doesn't say homicide."
"Force vaccination is rape: a conclusion from intersecting biological and legal systems."
"What the Court's saying is, if some sort of law is just completely inconsistent with the Second Amendment, that law doesn't supersede the Second Amendment."
"In their eyes, the victim was exacting revenge on their killer by contributing to his own death."
"I wouldn't call her just a lawyer. What I would say is that she's a Russian operative."
"Mueller made it clear in writing he was not exonerating this President."
"It's not obstruction of justice if justice wasn't actually obstructed."
"It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is."
"The CDC does not rule over you, right? We have to abide by the Bill of Rights and the laws of the federal government and the state governments."
"It's my understanding it's going to be regional."
"The narrative of that is being used on the same grounds right they're trying to say that Trump incited a riot that Trump incited violence."
"Laws are laws laws don't cease to be laws just because they're old."
"The right to bear arms is held by the people, that phrase unambiguously refers to all members of the political community."
"Once a decision is made it encompasses all states." - Bill O'Reilly
"New York's proper cause requirement is consistent with the Second Amendment..." - Fletcher
"We have a majority of members on the court who believe that... 'shall not be infringed' mean what did it mean there and it's exactly what it means now."
"Words have legal meanings and those legal meanings are important."
"It's not counterfeiting if the King says it's okay."
"The history of section 264 suggests that sanitation and other measures are far narrower than the government posits."
"The Constitution explicitly states the District of Columbia cannot become a state, so the way they try to get around this is they're going to say, 'Well, we're going to pretend that the District of Columbia is only this tiny little portion of DC.'"
"I just want everyone to appreciate how beautiful that term is: 'Canon of statutory construction' for the most boring concept ever of interpreting the law."
"It's legally impossible for a former president to obstruct investigations into non-crimes." - Mike Davis
"It's not going to be every case, that's fair use."
"Roe vs. Wade did not make abortion legal in the United States. What Roe vs. Wade did is it made it illegal for one of the 50 states to make abortion illegal."
"It's a significant question even though the statute that allows you to release people in the United States says there has to be a significant public benefit."