
Significant Event Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"The world of football stood still yesterday when this news broke."
"Approximately two billion years ago, the Earth was forever changed."
"This could be the most consequential thing to happen to this country to this world maybe ever."
"The Elon Musk purchase of Twitter cannot be overstated."
"The summer of 2010 was one of the most chaotic times in super mario 64 history."
"Amanda Bynes is free. The conservatorship has been terminated."
"Let's talk about Mother's Day 2013. Fate brushed the Butras and it all started after that brunch."
"EVO 2013 was arguably the most influential year in Melee's history."
"Muhammad Ali defeated George Foreman during the legendary Rumble in the Jungle bout in Kinshasa, Zaire, to become the World Heavyweight Champion for a second time."
"This is one of the biggest moments in Chelsea history."
"How huge is this play... biggest play of the season for the Bills."
"This lunar eclipse in Pisces conjunct Neptune is an incredible pivot point."
"The Arbiter's the one who in the end ended up getting that big moment of closure."
"A significant moment and one I think it's right that we mark."
"This feels to me like a watershed moment... for American politics." - Che
"Articuno... one of my favorite legendary birds."
"This upcoming week is going to be incredible one way or another."
"His funeral in New York City drew an estimated 1.5 million people."
"It was a really, really important weekend. The eyes of the entire wrestling world were cast upon AEW."
"Littlefinger dying is like the most significant death we see... it's everybody feeling like how a fan should feel."
"The midterms are going to be a sloppy, crazy, all-around insane moment."
"I got to a point in this book some very significant event happened and I kind of just lost it."
"This is like the ultimate rocket launch, the most expensive and most important rocket launch, definitely in my lifetime."
"It is one of the greatest events in the history of the game industry."
"It is going to be a real defining moment for the monarchy today."
"A death that marked the end of the best-known battle in British history."
"Strap it in cuz this is it, this is the one."
"This was a giant moment for FNAF and I'd say one of the biggest in FNAF's history."
"This may be the biggest Pokemon card theft in history."
"The Usyk rematch is one of the biggest fights in boxing." - Eddie Hearn
"This is the biggest fight of this generation right here."
"Popping the question can be a nerve-wracking experience."
"It's an exciting day, an exciting moment... for humanity and it's important for the health broadly of people."
"One of the biggest stories we've told all year."
"It's going to be a very big week for Manchester United."
"A massive event is about to happen... I think you all sense it coming too."
"I feel like this will change V tubing forever, this is probably one of the most cataclysmic moments in V tubing history."
"We've been waiting for this for years, yes, years, a decade."
"I'm so much looking forward to it because it's a big thing for me."
"Julian Assange has now been arrested. It's a very big deal."
"The night Gwen Stacy died had ripple effects of all sorts, immediate and ones that would occur years later."
"This is the biggest story in the history of video gaming."
"The struggle was fierce, overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."
"This really is a it's a great day for the United States of America it's a great day for our country."
"The most important action set piece in videogame history."
"You're going to be proud being able to lead a Manchester United team out into a final."
"I never imagined that at such a young age I would be here in the biggest card of the year."
"Authorities arrested a drug cartel member during his wedding."
"That is a huge moment in terms of human history, I mean it likely changed the development of humans as a whole."
"This is the legendary fan cam that made history, known for saving the girl group from disbandment."
"This is definitely the biggest controversy of the year in all of gaming."
"We are on set, and we are in a room, but one of the biggest reunions ever has taken place in this room."
"It's a bloodless coup where they took over the presidency of the United States without a single shot being fired."
"Her janaza was so large that Medina was rumbling."
"This could be his biggest moment in his history."
"The biggest game of your life, first Game Seven in Nashville history." - Emphasizing the magnitude and historical significance of an event, urging individuals to rise to the occasion.
"When all is said and done... this event will go down on that list. It's that big. Don't miss it."
"Fortunately though the year was starting to look up because we most certainly did get one and it was a heck of a one mid-february."
"Rather than facing a firing squad, Napoleon received a hero's welcome upon his return to France."
"That was probably the most lit moment in the bubble."
"Joker's opening weekend is a huge headline and a very big deal."
"Imagine the day in 2013 when Sir Alex Ferguson is retiring and somebody comes on the pitch and says thanks Sir Alex, just to let you all know United aren't going to challenge for a title again for 10 years at least."
"Frank Ocean's return in 2016 with the release of visual project 'Endless' and shortly thereafter, his self-released highly anticipated second album 'Blonde', marked a significant moment in his career."
"260 million again guys, don't overlook the significance of this moment."
"That had to have been one of the biggest battles yet in this campaign."
"This is a really big deal, and a lot of people were very, very excited about it."
"The discovery of the fourth Road Poneglyph is likely to be a major event in the series."
"Redemption for Alex Alban after their absolute heartbreak there last year."
"Something big is gonna happen here, something big."
"We're talking about Big Time impacts here for the West Coast of Florida."
"The national movement reached a new climax on Sunday."
"What a moment in Canadian history here at Parliament Hill."
"His father died at the age of 45 in November of 2018."
"What the biggest reveal in Smash Brothers history is..."
"Sting and Undertaker join forces and they practically ruined his big moment."
"For me, if there was ever a time of feeling that we've beaten the big bad for good, it was in Legion without a doubt."
"The launch of online definitely was significant."
"I was so excited... my whole life has been made."
"Jack Smith removes Trump case from court calendar... it's a massive Trump win..."
"It's a big freakin deal, it's a big deal, it's a big deal."
"This is an absolute watershed moment, actually in the disclosure, the official disclosure dynamic in history."
"Gentlemen, I present to you a day in chess history."
"This is so juicy, the juiciest thing I think that's happened for years."
"So much emotion and sacrifice led up to this fight."
"The world is permanently changed from that event."
"This is a huge, huge thing that has happened."
"This is a big moment guys, I'm really excited."
"Twitter's all of it, sorry guys. The world's richest man buying the biggest social media website and just completely torpedoing it into the ground kind of a big deal newsworthy."
"The 29th of January is actually going to reveal an absolutely remarkable, remarkable, remarkable situation."
"The end of January is going to change your life."
"Yesterday was huge in the ripple versus sec case. I mean it was huge."
"This was the defining moment of 2023 for me."
"It's a moment that's arguably one of the bigger singular moments of the entire Monday Night War."
"It will likely be the defining event of the whole century."
"This is a huge fight, there is so much at stake."
"People started calling it the Carrington Event."
"The ballistic missile text message false alarm was easily one of the biggest what the [ __ ] moments of 2018."
"This is the pinnacle of boxing. It does not get any bigger than this."
"There are indications that the government is bracing for a significant event predicted to unfold in 2027."
"This is a big deal astrologically... a new world view, a new perspective on the world."
"One of the most significant fights of the year."
"Trump's defense team preps to drop the motherload."
"You knew it was going to be the last time they ever performed together."
"The Queen's death will undoubtedly make global headlines."
"Certainly, vandasar in the recent Manchester derby with his penalty save, that was a turning point in the title race."
"I'm finally awake from your coma, then last thing I remember was watching the Champions League semi-final."
"Lewis is such a trailblazer... a genuine watershed moment in the sports history."
"NATO stands together... this is an extraordinary day."
"The fight of the century – the first ever between two undefeated heavyweight champs – took place on March 8th, 1971."
"Something big is going on right now, this is guaranteed."
"Biggest week of his life. It's the biggest week of his life, but also we got to finish the show here. That's right, yeah, good luck."
"Static Shock starts its run with the Big Bang."
"That might be the biggest fight you can make in this realm."
"The lizard man... was a lesson, a turning point in my life."
"FPX definitely struck the first blow here in the quest for the world title."
"The Brewers defeat the Indians to win the 2021 World Series in a walk-off fashion."
"This was the biggest fight in women's boxing history, it played out like it."
"Pelosi coming to Taiwan is kind of one of the bigger developments over the past few decades."
"It's a sad day my friends. It is a sad day today."
"This is the biggest fight in the company's history."
"Something massive just happened right in front of our eyes."
"It's more than just a super fight, it's one of those era-defining fights."
"Something big is happening here." - Commentator
"The 2014 World MMA Awards would turn out to be one of the most important nights in the history of mixed martial arts."
"One thing is for certain though and it's that this event that they had just seen is likely going to have a lasting impact."
"This has been an extraordinary week for democracy."
"Samoa Joe debuting last night, the crowd went nuts."
"What a final stage it is, none other than the Alp to Zwift."
"As of now, something that kinda huge happened in the case..."
"A significant kill, he's taken out significant centerpieces in the Endonian Genome."
"We're coming to some event in the very near future, and it's going to be a 24-hour event that, once the event happens, you know, the world will change forever."
"This is supposed to be the greatest financial event in human history we're about to witness."
"As he leaves.. He is completely unaware his life is about to change forever."
"I think this is [ __ ] awesome. I think this is one of the coolest things to happen in a long time."
"The swamp has just made its biggest mistake."
"Something big happened last night for Brexit."
"Tonight is literally going to change the trajectory of someone's life."
"That's a Saturn return for the ages. You just lose $152 billion."
"You can't overstate how historic last night's win was."
"Do you mean to tell me that the Deputy Führer of Germany is in our hands?"
"For Miller, it would be the biggest moment of his career."
"This is the greatest season in the history of the restored church."
"Finally, everything had been leading up to this very moment."
"The night before d-day probably was the most exciting night in our history."
"Just keep going, my go-to Sagittarius, because something absolutely remarkable and very important is going to actually take place at the end of May."
"This is going to be probably the biggest day in scammer payback history."
"I remember everything so vividly but honestly it was like a dream come true being there."
"Tonight, the Supreme Court hearing the biggest challenge to abortion rights in decades."
"Oh wow, elites, this is big, this is big, this is big!"
"This fight is going to show the world everything."
"It's a pretty big day, yeah. Pretty huge day, yeah. It's very exciting. So sort of like dinosaur-size day, yeah. You can say that. It's pretty great, a lot of dinosaurs."
"It's a big something, yeah, something very big."
"Eth pumped massively on the biggest volume we've seen on the eth Bitcoin pair here on binance."
"Listen up, man. Legendary day, the moment we've all been waiting for."
"Ladies and gentlemen, President Barack Obama."
"This is a major event with global impacts."
"One of my favorite moments of recent rugby history."
"This is the biggest battle bitcoin has ever fought."
"The biggest moment in rap in over a decade just happened."
"This moment is such a big moment for the history of the sport."
"Expect that in September, something really significant will happen in terms of partnership for you."
"This may be the heavyweight occasion of our generation." - Eddie Hearn
"A fitting way to clinch one of the greatest championships in the history of our sport."
"We have got a massive opportunity on Thursday."
"My life wouldn't be the same. She gave me the strength and courage to go to Washington DC on February 11th."
"Major move... made Neil deGrasse Tyson smile."
"He knew that there was something on its way to the Capitol."
"Cena dropped Orton with ease and sent a message ahead of February 17th."
"I'm over the moon... that is huge, it's massive."
"The return we've all been waiting for is finally here, one of the sport's most notorious icons is stepping into the octagon this Saturday."
"This is the most significant development the MCU has ever had."
"It's a historic day for the American people."
"Most important election perhaps in the history of our country."
"We have won in the Supreme, Supreme New York Supreme Court. Judge Wood has denied the New York Times motion to dismiss our lawsuit. That's a big deal."
"So tomorrow we're going to have a very, very, very, very, very big day in the United States."
"He broke it. He broke it. And guess what? This is when you have a massive moment in your life. Your memory of it starts to be like the media around it."
"In my opinion, their flight was one of the most courageous deeds in all military history."
"There's something that's happening this week that's going to give you massive confidence."
"I really do think that was one of the greatest kills in all of Jojo."
"This is a huge day, not just for gaming, but for entertainment."
"It's a pretty groundbreaking moment for One Piece."
"This is probably one of the biggest cards, if not the biggest card in the history of the UFC."
"I had no idea that what we were going to see is an End Game level event."
"Air Canada Flight 797 became a watershed moment in aviation safety."
"Saturn squaring Uranus for the second time on the 14th."
"This is probably the biggest moment of his career."
"Tonight is history, tonight is the greatest night ever in WWE." - Emphasizing the significance of the moment.
"There's a moment when somebody's life changes."
"It was a huge deal... there are a ton of great moments in this documentary."
"Like a lot of people in poker I got in when Chris Moneymaker won the World Series of Poker in 2003."
"This is gonna be the biggest thing ever... I am beyond excited."
"This has been an incredible day for us. A two million person strong protest that's definitely not something you see a lot or ever in your life."
"It was one of the most important days of my life."
"Something big is coming up... be prepared for it."
"Be excited, be excited, this is official, this is coming, this is gonna be big."
"Let's try to move together as everything because something phenomenal happened this week to us astronauts were launched into space."
"2020 was like 9/11, an event that changed the outcome of the world."
"I don't know if it's really possible to overstate the significance of what just happened."
"The Belton Road Forum is an incredibly important event in its own right."
"Super Bowl coming to Cleveland, the first Super Bowl in Cleveland Browns history."