
Extraordinary Experience Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It ignited a lifelong interest into it. I knew what I had seen, and I knew that it was absolutely extraordinary."
"It's an extraordinary experience and the things I saw underwater, was the most remarkable and exceptional diving I've ever had."
"During an experiment, he was hit with an electric spark some 3.5 million volts, and that when this happened, he's quoted as saying, 'I could see the past, present, and future all at the same time.'"
"This has been an experience out of this world."
"But what she experienced is one of the craziest scariest things I've ever heard."
"This is the most incredible ridiculously over-the-top home theater I've ever experienced."
"It's been an absolutely extraordinary 12 months."
"It was so amazing, it was like a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
"Have you ever seen face to face an alien being? Yes, I have, absolutely aliens."
"It's kind of otherworldly, like it's kind of outside of the everyday experience, right?"
"Your emotional landscape is shifting, and it's nothing short of extraordinary."
"This was not the only time the family had seen and experienced their Bigfoot. It was incredible."
"It's worth getting up at five o'clock in the morning. It is worth getting here before the sun comes up. It is incredible."
"I had a UFO encounter, and the way the movements of the craft were described are just like the one that flew at me."
"Nashville, but this feels like another level."
"Minutemen deserves to be in the top ten. Anyone who doesn't have Minutemen in their top ten, I do not trust them."
"The sound was beyond words, like madness put to a song."
"Literally the most amazing sunset we've ever seen."
"...one of the most unbelievable things as a Formula 1 fan to experience that was like just never could have dreamed of experienc something like that."
"To be on the other side of that, it's extraordinary."
"The extraordinary nature of the awakening."
"It was sensational, absolutely sensational."
"It's changed my life in the last few months, it's quite extraordinary."
"He's kind of insane for letting people drive three million dollar cars and just say, 'Just drive it like however you want'."
"The last few days have just been unreal."
"To be the fastest person on Earth over a specific kind of distance... must have been a mindblowing experience and feeling."
"Imagine that happening to you, but the dude did get to fly with some aliens. That's kind of crazy."
"It's one of those really extraordinary moments."
"Just be kind to yourself when you are literally feeding another human or two humans or more from your body because it's a crazy experience."
"What I experienced there was one of the most extraordinary moments as a human being."
"This might be the most luxurious place I've ever been."
"To this day, it was one of the most bizarre and profound experiences of my life."
"It was an earth-shattering, ungodly scream unlike anything I have ever heard before or since."
"It's literally an amazing experience."
"That's literally at a loss for words, what a crazy car."
"It's truly, truly, truly magnificent."
"It's the closest thing I've experienced to magic in a relationship."
"That was a trip, I'll tell you, that was like at least next level, nothing I've ever done before, that was crazy, that was insane."
"The dynamics are incredible and the sound is simply out of this world."
"I'm lost for words because this is just out of this world, fantastic, stunning, beautiful."
"What just an unbelievable experience this was, a magically unprecedentedly beautiful place."
"It's just really an unbelievable experience."
"It was the wildest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"It's just unbelievable, the experience is amazing."
"That feeling of just total bliss and elation of experiencing something so incredible."
"What an absolutely incredible experience."