
Statistical Analysis Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"In the last two decades following reforms, the annual rate of gun deaths fell from 2.9 per 100,000 in 1996 to 0.94 per 100,000 in 2016."
"Determining which variables in multiple regression account for the most variance in the dependent variable."
"The vast majority of studies and analysis when it comes to things like voter impersonation fraud, non-citizen or non-resident voting, claims of fraud predicated on lists matching methods, and other alleged methods of voter fraud show that it is not an issue to be concerned with."
"It's not all about the stat total ever. If it was about stat total, Mons like Deoxys...it's not just about that."
"Most data on wealth inequality on widening wealth inequality just compares the top and bottom quartile at one point to the top and bottom quartile another point without acknowledging that they're not the same people."
"The accuracy of a test is telling us about the strength of this updating, it's not telling us a final answer."
"It's not uncommon in treatments to see Kaplan-Meyer curves cross; it's only a requirement that they're monotonically decreasing or staying flat."
"That just followed all along the line, which I thought was kind of good independent confirmation that like, at least the statistics are close."
"We should talk about the 80/20 principle in covid-19 infections."
"Even the multivariate adjusted data ends up telling the same story."
"The moment one model's death count becomes exceeded by reality, he simply forgets to mention it."
"I'm giving you the numbers that we believe are very indicative."
"Dunning Krueger doesn't exist. They did the statistics wrong in an easily provable way."
"The numbers are so big, right? If even 1% of our Milky Way forms intelligent civilizations, that's a hundred stars. A hundred stars should have been people should have been traveling out from these hundred stars across the universe."
"The numbers tell you the winner and the loser for the most part. The numbers don't lie."
"All disparities in racial statistics must be due to racism."
"Spend your time on the tails, not the average, to find valuable insights."
"It's statistically impossible for this to happen and somehow this is being accepted and not only is it being accepted, it's being accepted without judges being willing to look at the evidence."
"I think excess deaths give us a much better idea of the death toll from covid."
"We are looking at historic voter failure, you know what's really weird? Mail-in and absentee ballots according to the New York Times have a higher failure rate, nearly double."
"I say so why is it relevant? I say if you take the very large number of people who have been exposed and who have that virus and then divide that into the number of deaths guess what it's not three to four percent at all it's below 1%."
"People driving Tesla vehicles on average are less likely to be in accidents than others in the United States."
"It's all about variance. That's why it's called analysis of variance."
"So for what they were looking at, the amount of space that they actually look for aliens in was 120,000 trillionth of the total space looked at..."
"It's a recent idea, you program your Markov chain on the computer, run the chain for a long time and then use those result to study the distribution that you're interested in."
"Minutes per big chance, City every 24 minutes now."
"The actual number of convicted people in jail in the United States hasn’t really risen much since 1983."
"It's another example as to why you need to be very, very careful about taking comparative statistics in isolation and out of larger context."
"Estimates place the rate of Ukrainian tank hits at four a day since the beginning of the struggle."
"I don't think the number's going to jump by double, but I think there's still some out there."
"Numbers can be looked at differently, percentages can be manipulated based on circumstances."
"The declines in murders and shootings last year appeared to be in line with similar drops in other U.S cities... amid the worst of the pandemic."
"Statistically speaking, these are the best three-point shooters of all time."
"It's not just an idea so nobody can really stop it and every single big player going to be part of it even if they want it or not."
"What matters is that the barters and drops he got over six live streams worth of runs were so implausible that cheating is far more likely."
"I don't see how you look at those numbers and conclude anything less than thousands of people will pass away."
"What I want though is to use things like statistics to accurately discuss who is the victim of rape."
"Tesla vehicles were approximately 10 times less likely to catch fire per mile driven compared to average gas vehicles."
"Research shows they are no more likely to catch fire than ICE cars."
"Over the last two decades, if you just look at temperature, temperature has saved more lives than its cost."
"Excess deaths 636 over a 20-week period in a province of a population of 780,000."
"There's no difference between him being 150 behind and 160 behind cuz he missed like a year and a half or whatever."
"Look at this chart...from 1990 all the way down to 2015, particularly take a look at poverty which has dropped down to below a 30 percent global rate."
"Kassadin now has a positive win rate in all 10 of his most common solo queue matchups."
"If you play this card and simply play one overload card this card is worth four eighteen stats for four."
"Knowing they're that rare, knowing we're talking about an area with already fairly small size population, the chances of this being that type of abduction that someone came into the home and took her seems really, really small."
"It's not always the family, but is there a statistical reason to be suspicious of the family? Yes."
"Chandler's career in the statistical analysis and data reconfiguration business has still made for a great running gag."
"The odds of this being random are billions to one."
"As long as you're a statistical outlier, you'll probably make it to retirement."
"The more methodologically accurate and stringent the research is, the less likely it is to find evidence for the hypothesis that more guns means more crime."
"It's an eight percent time reduction in the most suitable comparison."
"Sometimes it's just knowing the numbers that makes it a huge white pill for me."
"There clearly is that average difference between men and women even if there are lots of outliers on an individual level."
"Even with accounting for the number of people playing Eldar by these numbers at least they still seem to have the best ratio of event wins per number of people playing them."
"Black men only make up 4.1 percent of Toronto's population, yet they were a quarter of the complaints alleging sexual assault by police."
"If you have 375 million police interactions the margin of error decreases as time goes on."
"That's the difference between the five percent to 85 and the 10 percent."
"There are identical parallels from what DJ Moore and Terry McLaurin have been able to do each of the last couple years."
"We're talking about some simply amazing numbers."
"The s2fx model's correlation is purely built on bitcoin's past performance."
"Whatever random scenario you create in your head, the actual likelihood of running into a random killer who wishes to do you harm are statistically fairly low but not impossible."
"Um having stronger gun laws does correlate to lower levels of firearm mortality let me see yeah okay California and Florida are both pretty low with regards to the um the firearm death rate however California is doing better."
"An objective basket of those five measures is only growing at a 0.9 percent pace."
"If we assume the alternative hypothesis is true, we would reject the null hypothesis because it's definitely not within the non-rejection region."
"That statistic was absolutely crazy when you figure it out."
"These guns owned by people did it expand the number of households that own guns or are there just individual owners that now own more guns."
"With these big data sets and careful statistical methods, they have shown remarkable ability to forecast a lot of interesting things."
"I've always liked fire type and two if you look at the the average stat totals overall in terms of fully evolved Pokemon fire is the second highest next to Dragon which I think interesting."
"Any individual man is a mystery, but put them in the aggregate and they are a mathematical certainty."
"We know that racism is involved just based on the numbers."
"Essentially you can think of this contribution as the goodness of fit."
"We can perfectly model the characteristics... and make a forecast... without deterministically modeling each underlying independent variable."
"Stats are not the ultimate arbiter. What they are is a tool to aid our greater understanding."
"Data shows a significant reduction in deaths among vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals."
"Young people everywhere need to be challenged by a noble cause."
"Selection bias is the bias introduced by selecting individuals that aren't necessarily representative of the entire population. This can often lead to false conclusions being drawn."
"In the 2017 finals in particular, KD would finish with an average game score of 30.3 in five games." - Mike
"Stats have to stop at some point, iTest as well."
"13 Sigma is huge...in astronomy three sigma is compelling...but 13 that's big."
"The numbers are suggesting that duplicity should be valued like a top-tier field manager or GM after all his impact on on wins and losses is at the very least way more quantifiable."
"We've had 164 days in the year 2023 and we've had 291 mass shootings."
"The probability for Humanity to be the only intelligent civilization that has ever existed is one in 10 billion trillion."
"I thought his game-winning shots and that type of percentage."
"I'm in on Ryan Fitzpatrick. I mean, look at the stats of the Turner offense."
"You know, statistically speaking, may not always put the biggest numbers, but again he's one of those players you can just turn it up."
"The more information, the more accurate your charts are going to be."
"There's an amazingly linear correlation between premature risk of premature death and exposure to particulate matter."
"When a champion has a very high win rate but a low pick rate, that's an indication that those who played them become very proficient at them."
"The numbers simply do not add up to the horror story being told by conservatives."
"Based on a statistical analysis of all the Kepler observations, a new study says, one in five sun-like stars do have planets about the size of Earth, with surface temperatures conducive to life."
"It was never a 3.4 death rate. They lied, they made a bad prediction."
"Past champions, the 76ers win three out of ten."
"The statistics on this one have bounced around."
"100,000 more people have died than would have been expected."
"For every negative study, there's going to be 20, 30, 100, I don't know how many, but there'll be a massive amount in the positive direction and very few in the negative."
"You can actually fix racism by just being better at statistics."
"This is the guy with the Mariners who we saw with an 850 OPS in 17-18, and even 2019 through 63 games, 15 homers, 13 doubles, he was just striking out a lot, but Mitch Haniger is a good player."
"How many of these correlations does it take before you say, okay, this is intent, this is pattern, this is not coincidence anymore?"
"He is refining himself and the stats back him up on this, last season 41.7% of his shots were on target but this season it's up to 44.9%."
"Computational musicology takes the tools of modern statistical analysis and uses them to do music theory."
"Tony Vlachos of Winners at War scores a 104.5 percent."
"We do have some figures. What do they tell us? They tell us that we have something of a paradox."
"Accuracy of 97.5% is a significant achievement, but be wary of potential biases."
"Let's allow the prior not to be zero anymore, let's see what kinds of things fit into that."
"How many abductions take place? The most famous attempt to figure this out happened about 30 years ago with the Roper Poll, suggesting as many as two percent of the population could be alien abductees."
"25 percent, that's still a vast larger than a lot of people in this country."
"Just because you're unarmed, don't mean you're not a threat, don't mean that it's unjustified."
"The buff to her ultimate was nice but I don't know if anybody expected her win rate to skyrocket to a high 53 percent as a result of it."
"You can make any distribution look how you want it to look and that is the point of this video to share that knowledge and if you have trouble doing that please check out my other video."
"Favre was going to win his second ring and his first Super Bowl MVP... it was inevitable."
"A few people with massive amounts of wealth can distort and skew statistics across the whole medium."
"Statistically safer than driving a car, especially in any major city."
"How far out from the mean our results might be and whether that deviation from what we expect is due to chance alone or something else."
"Solana's growth rate is more valuable than standalone numbers."
"Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) provide a statistical grounding for us to know that in order to raise healthy children, we have to prevent as much as we can these adversities from occurring."
"Wide receivers outscored running backs in rounds 3-6 by 4.2 fantasy points per game."
"If you take 40 different things about individual people and you run a bunch of statistics on them doing some random tasks you're gonna find at least one of those things correlating strongly with something else even if that is just nonsense."
"The actual odds of being involved in a plane accident is about 1 in 11 million, but the fact that the possibility is never zero still unnerves most people."
"This is a reduction of my IVs by roughly 3.125% in generation 2 your HPDV can be affected by more than 50% and your attack and defense DVS can be affected by up to 20%."
"One-way ANOVA tests differences between more than two groups."
"Factorial ANOVA examines the impact of multiple independent variables on one dependent variable."
"Nominal, ordinal, and numeric scales each require different analysis techniques."
"So, first, we find there's plenty of unknowns—not a mere 3%. Thirty-five percent of the best cases could not be explained."
"It's hard to imagine that Biden doesn't win this given those numbers. They're extraordinary, actually."
"We interfere in most elections... if the X opposed don't meet our numerical statistics that we are looking for then we consider in any country America considers that election to be invalid."
"California's crime rate isn't as bad as a lot of people think."
"Justin Fields is statistically the best rookie quarterback in NFL history by a mile."
"Big differences in terms of the underlying numbers."
"The skill most lacking in valuation is basic statistics."
"Harland will graduate to the Messi-Ronaldo level of discussion. He is currently on course to hit 63 this season, averaging 2.03 goals and assists per 90 which is obviously not sustainable but well, he has gone embrace patrick hat-trick."
"Each flip has a 50-50 chance for either result independent of the previous flips."
"The red line is the total fertility in England and Wales."
"We're talking about probability, not about possible and impossible."
"Last two seasons when they're coming off two or more wins, they're just two and nine against the spread."
"In linear regression, we want to take our data and fit a linear model to this data."
"I'm not going to live like a really long time; it's literally statistical analysis."
"...to open the playoffs, Brady went 26 of 28 with three TDs against Jacksonville, breaking the completion percentage record in a game with at least 20 attempts."
"Already it was referred to this morning, Nape scores dropped off because of COVID, you can see that drop there right, we're all concerned about that, and that is a big drop, but actually the drop began after 2012."
"The purpose of a strategy is to give you a statistical advantage that plays out over time."
"The flip side of that is the small sample size, which really creates the magic."
"That's cointegration. That's it. Isn't that a beautiful idea?"
"It's quite scientific and then it will do many tens maybe even hundreds of thousands of iterations of the code that you're testing to give you a real statistical sort of set of data to look at."
"Process performance is defined as a statistical measurement of the outcome of a process characteristic which may or may not have been demonstrated to be in a state of statistical control."
"Regression helps us to predict the direction of movement in values when X changes."
"The analyze phase helps in understanding if there is statistical relevance between Y and X."
"The null hypothesis denotes no change has occurred. If it can be rejected and the variance is lower, one can claim success."
"Thinking about this in the context of a distribution, if we had a distribution with some very narrow width, if this width gets extraordinarily narrow, then no matter what F of X does out here, we don't care."
"...that statistically had the best takedown defense in the UFC."
"A really quick way to see if there is heterogeneity is to ask yourself can I draw a line crossing the confidence intervals of all the studies."
"35 of 55 on 20 plus yard throws, 22 touchdowns no picks in 2023."
"I think if you ask a lot of Baseball fans if you said for one game or one series you get Devers or Riley I probably picked Evers but I I think the stats slightly point to Riley in the past two seasons overall"
"If our n is high enough, we will have a really high probability to measure the right outcome."
"One defensive mistake does not equal eight clear chances, bro. It's facts."
"The biblical Corpus is a walk through the statistical relationship between all the ideas."
"Just look at statistics. Look at all the marriages that happen and see how things go."
"If you pick regressions based on R squared, you're going to be ending up with regressions that look good statistically but are terrible estimates of betas."
"The speed by which this is happening, the slope of these increases, it's really no different between SARS-CoV-2 and flu."
"After we compute our statistics, we are lagging the value by one to preserve the time ordering here and to make sure that we don't accidentally use values at the same time to predict the target at the same time. Hence the lag."
"...this return series here is likely stationary."
"Multiple events, two decisions: end versus or, independent versus dependent probability."
"The most important thing about a statistical method is not how you analyze the data but what data you include."
"If we have data from multiple seasons, we can add another hierarchical layer for season."
"This setting of betas is the most likely given the data that we actually observe."
"The statistical analysis of bibliographic data mainly in the scientific and also the technical literature."
"We look for compounds that are three standard deviations away from the mean."
"Volcano plots are useful for identifying genes that are significantly regulated."
"Statistical analysis is implemented to manipulate, summarize, and investigate data so that useful decision-making information results."
"Correlation is simply a statistical measure of how much two particular things are associated."
"The precision is actually enhanced when we have clustered data because the clustering is taken into account."
"Stats lie, you got to look at context."
"Statistics say an Italian will win because that's the way it's been these last few years."
"Teen claims have been declining rather steadily one percent a year for the last 50 years."
"One can still use the three sigma rule, multiplying the RMS value by three, which will yield a conservative estimate of the upper bound of the equivalent stress."
"The parameters are not independent of one another; they carry information about one another."
"The biggest takeaway point is that mediation and moderation only test associations between variables."
"We can use statistical distances to detect anomalies."
"You can pretty much rely on raw data that you have for both groups."
"Mediation analysis is just going to be an extension of path analysis."
"How do you write down the best fitting model, how do you write down the proper model, how do you test that it's a proper model?"
"Would the slope of the least squares regression line increase, decrease, or stay the same if we remove that point?"
"As long as we have a prior probability and as long as we can compute the likelihood, we're able to compute the posterior probability."
"The resulting data in the target space will have variables which are completely uncorrelated to each other."
"Julia is good, in my view, as a statistical analysis language."
"It makes it much more robust to outliers."
"The median is often times... more descriptive, more accurate in terms of what's going on."
"Remember, we're looking for strong evidence that Robin's coin is unfair."
"Her result falls within two standard deviations of the mean."
"R squared is going to measure how well the regression line approximates the data points."
"R squared is exactly the percentage of variation the total variation in the Y values that we can explain through the model."
"It's probably worth your while to spend some time learning more in depth about how to identify the AR and MA processes."
"The function that the car package provides for doing type three sum of squares is ANOVA but with a capital 'A'."
"We have reliability as evidenced by the CR all above .7, these CRs are actually fabulous."
"Box plots are very useful in detecting outliers."
"One of the most useful aspects of frequency tables is that they allow you to extract the proportion of the data that belongs to each category."
"You can see about 6000 buildings are at this level and there is a whole bunch around of different levels of impact that you get the numbers for."
"The coefficient of variation is a measure of the spread that is a ratio of uncertainty to the point of central tendency."
"One correlation might be a statistical anomaly, but when you see this many independent correlations, that is highly suggestive of a causal link."
"Under a null hypothesis that the mean historically has been four, do we think 3.84 is so different that we should be concerned?"
"Jump is an industry standard toolset for statistically designed experiments."