
Color-coding Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"If we only call Blue functions, make our function blue, otherwise make it red."
"Color code and organize your folders easily."
"As we've been going through all of these things you'll notice that some of the items have different colors... those are the different rarities I think blues normal then it goes more and more rare..."
"I used to color code plan all the time and I absolutely loved it."
"Make sure you do replace it with garbage... build everything that's non-yellow."
"Green Dot means good Red Dot means bad we always go for the green dots baby."
"Color coding is based on the kind of plugin that you've loaded into a particular slot."
"If you're color coding your tracks... you usually do it at some stage during the project."
"Color coding is really useful for people."
"I don't have any color coding system I just use a pattern these particular tabs come in four colors so I just rotate colors."
"Resistors have colors on them and the colors mean the values."
"You can see that the roughness goes from zero to one, so blue is rough and pink is shiny."
"That's what red means and grey means neutral."
"So we go blue, light green, blue, light green, purple, four."
"So let's make this one purple. I can then click add bucket, and this one is going to be the planning phase. And once again, let's pick a color, this one's going to be blue."
"I have all of the colors so I can remember what they are."
"Different colors help depots and other facilities when storing containers. It solves the lengthy process of checking individual owner codes as the color indicates what is in the container."
"It all becomes a lot simpler if you think of Clear Normal Speed as ‘Top Green,’ or Medium Speed Warning as ‘Bottom Yellow.’"
"I love visual workflows that I like to color code and see my goals on the wall, see my tasks on the wall, and this is how I plan."
"I just like highlighting them purple just to kind of make it easier to see that there's military service."
"Keystone was the first towable manufacturer that fully color codes all their wiring."
"The German recycling system uses different bins classified according to the color system."
"The shallow contour is anything that is in the dark blue color, so this would be the water that you want to stay out of at all costs."
"It's a stack and go, so you can sort like put all the blues in here and all the yellows in here."
"Color coding your events with your own custom Google Calendar color palette is one of the best experiences known to mankind."
"Reds are usually used for showing an increase or bad results, yellows are mostly in between or average, and greens are usually used for positive indication."
"We're going to try and color these words with the colors blue, green, and red in such a way that each article is as monochromatic as possible and that each word is as monochromatic as possible."
"I use a color highlighter for an entire month, so it's easy for me to tell at a glance what month I wrote the notes in."
"Switch up the color of notebook every time you take notes."
"Color coding your workouts or tracking your weight or food on the monthly boxes brings a rainbow of clarity to your health journey."
"RootsMagic pedigree window is the fact that I can color code families."
"Everything is nicely color labeled here, so you know which jig to use, which makes it really quick and easy to grab and get started."
"It's all color-coded, so anything delay-related is going to be green."
"It's all color coordinated, yes, organized with every color of the rainbow."
"It uses color hints in the center of the light ring so the little light ring will change color depending on an action or an error."
"You can completely customize these groups with mascots or color coding."
"I want to show you how to color code different parts of your data."
"Remember when you open Math mode using a dollar sign, everything in math mode turns green."
"I'm going to supply all the codes for the colors that you might want to emulate down in the description."
"It's color coded so it's very very intuitive so you know exactly what you're looking at."
"Having notes color coded helps me to keep up with okay, is this what I'm teaching for my class versus my co-teacher's class."
"Either all the blue-colored candidates will be true or all the yellow-colored candidates will be true."
"You can put multiple graphs on the plot at once and make them different colors to help distinguish them."
"I'm finally done. I color-coded it from white to black with all the colors in between."
"Seeing them all listed out here with colors, with times, with due dates, with priorities, it keeps everything structured."
"Discrete is represented as blue and continuous is represented as green."
"These medical gases are color-coded... oxygen is white for example, nitrous oxide is blue."
"Vim has proved invaluable... I particularly like the plugin system, the color highlighting in particular, where I can actually see the color that a particular hex number actually relates to, visually in the editor."
"The quilter decides ahead of time what colors are assigned to specific temperature ranges."
"Green it's good and moving, yellow it's slow, red it's bumper to bumper."
"We might start from the beginning and try to follow the color coding until we get to the model."
"The darker the red color, the deeper the flooding is going to be at that particular location."
"I use blue for my husband, pink for myself, green for my son, yellow for my daughter, and orange for anything that's a family event."
"With labels, it's possible to add more than one to a message, search messages by label, and color code these labels for efficient and visual searching."
"You could really use like one color for your appointments and one color for your writing for the day, one color for your social media."
"I decided to do all these in like color code."
"When the orders are green it means that it was a buyer who is initiating the transaction and when they're red it means it was a seller who was initiating the transaction."
"Janelle does a great job with her patterns with color coding."
"Organize your fabrics by color... it's a great way to organize your fabrics."
"I personally really like to color code everything."
"I grab me some highlighters and I give each color a title."
"If you're curious about the red, it's actually a different color for every year; in 2023, the color is red, so all queens will be marked red this year."
"We have our order, we have our status, on hold it's yellow, green if it's processing, blue if it's completed."
"Upregulated is red, downregulated is blue."
"I love organizations, so the fact that everything has its home and color-coded, I get all the other drawers."
"It's just very easy for me to tell what goes with what because the colors are different."
"When I color code, it is not meant to be stressful."
"Just choosing one color and just highlighting stuff about God can be so helpful."
"Your color coding system is not meant to be stressful, so if you find that it isn't working for you, change it up."
"I will sit on the couch with my husband and watch a movie and I will color code."
"After your optimization, things should perhaps look like this in your app, so things are going to be blue or white and red."
"The greener the color, the more wins the film has."
"The trick is a hybrid where you can still see the colors but they are sorted."
"The darker the blue, the deeper the water; the lighter the color, the shallower it is."
"We easily have a visual view in color of what our data means."
"Color code all your notes when you are reading a book... Green is for money issues, red is for red flags and warnings, blue is for emotional issues... and black is for hardcore truths."
"The high sales in black, the lowest in red."