
Significant Moments Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Showing you how I truly feel about you was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"My parents got to be there for the birth of my niece, and that mattered to me."
"It was an indescribable feeling that would lead him to take one of the biggest decisions of his life."
"It's moments like this, everyone has that football moment, that memory, and tonight's going to be the night."
"This was the moment that eternity and time clapped their hands together."
"The day you got married, that's not the best day. The day that you earned a million dollars, whatever it is, these are good days, but the best day... is the day Allah forgives you."
"Darnella Frazier's decision to record and those eight minutes and 46 seconds that she recorded very significant."
"The birth of Prince William marked the high water mark of the marriage."
"I'll be the happiest person when we get the word that this is the time."
"It's a very vulnerable and real moment when he talks about giving yourself in a relationship, and as he says 'the truth,' something really significant happens."
"This is really the eSports moment of the year."
"You're not, that's one of the scariest moments of my life."
"It's actually the day-to-day moments that prepare you for the big moments."
"It was the first time Ginny ever had a moment like this, a moment where Ginny wasn't just his best friend's sister, but an actual friend."
"When the glory arrives, it's like a moment in time that shifts."
"It's not the fight that makes it, it's the moments."
"Number 88 is a very powerful number and it's on one hand showing that you will have a rather important moment in time when it comes to your own accomplishment when it comes to your own success."
"Foden opens up this tournament in the first five minutes with a shot onto the post."
"Trust your intuition and follow your heart. Any confusion you have, you need to follow your heart because big moment, big realization, it's about to happen."
"You never realize what moment it's going to be that your life is going to change forever."
"Fans' reaction to Kim and Ron's first kiss was astronomical."
"This is the book where Harry and Dumbledore get to spend the most time together."
"This is such a cool moment in the history of the franchise."
"Moments that capture the attention of the world."
"That's a big time landing for Jungle Boy." - Taz
"There's something that's going to be revealed for you, you're going to have to make a decision, a big decision or something, or this is a moment you've been waiting for something big is going to happen on Friday."
"It's all about nurturing and creativity, a very important moment in time."
"The moment is extraordinary and it is one of the big moments of 2022."
"When you see celebrities... leading the fight... this is a big moment."
"This omen is an important moment in time of promise... time to move on."
"I'm getting on one knee for the first time in my life because I wanted to communicate to this woman that you are so special, you are so significant that I want the whole world to know how much I love you."
"1044 is one of my favorite moments in all of One Piece."
"This is last night. I've been looking forward to this night for a very long time."
"Gabriel's declaration will be the magna carta of the incarnation and the foundation stone of the world to come." - A pivotal moment in history.
"You're on the precipice of something significant. Don't miss out."
"It's an extraordinary moment, it's something I remember for the rest of my life."
"Moments like this, hopes and dreams and lives are changed permanently."
"Referee blew up 10 seconds early, it's a big win for Leicester and a big loss for Liverpool."
"This is going to be an important moment... to pay attention."
"New moon in Capricorn... absolutely mind-blowing moment in time."
"They all have these moments that help their team, whether it's small or big."
"I could look backwards at my life and see that I had been heading to that moment for my entire life."
"Dream saw a trend emerging, a moment on which he could capitalize, and he capitalized on it without hesitation."
"Even under the best of circumstances, there's a lot of pressure to pull off the perfect proposal, especially when you're proposing to a princess."
"Your first night together is also gonna be the day where you tell each other that you love each other."
"Moments big occasion, big nights. They recognize that in that place was electric."
"Tonight is literally going to change the trajectory of someone's life."
"This is going to be a powerful moment in time because it's going to bring your focus."
"For the first time in a long time, I felt happiness."
"What a monumental moment, getting rid of it. I'm ready, I'm ready to let go."
"Big days like this, they count so much, they matter so much."
"That moment for me I was like wow okay that's acceptance right there that's that's saying i'm open to whatever."
"I'm so glad I could spend an important day with you."
"This can be looked back upon as generally a good WrestleMania and one full of big moments."
"Wow what a powerful moment that would be be like Star Trek when the enterprise went down for the 50th time."
"Glory shows up, it's just going to be that moment in time."
"We didn't see each other until walking down the aisle which if I have any advice I definitely recommend not because it just makes the moment so much more major."
"The two most important days in a person's life is the day that they were born and the day they figure out why."
"Matches that people will remember exactly where they were when they saw it."
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
"Sometimes you need to take deep breaths to prepare for and set up future epic moments."
"You were meant to be in each other's worlds to awaken each other to your paths, because you're both very spiritual, divine beings having a human experience."
"I hope everybody when you find that moment it's like everything makes sense."
"The universe is giving us a very profound and important teaching moment."
"He didn't just prove it by walking on water, which he did, he proved it by sitting on a well."
"It's the most significant time when it comes to you making things happen."
"Raising his head, he looked down at me, and I really thought I'd gotten through to him."
"This is a huge pivot point for us collectively, a very auspicious time."
"This is supposed to be the happiest moment of your life."
"This was one of the big moments in our marriage."
"That was the moment that I've been waiting for."
"The two greatest days of a person's life: the day he was born and the day he discovered what he was born for."
"The best day ever in your whole life. Seven years old and my dad takes me to Yankee Stadium. I still have the program. My best day? No, my wedding day. And my dad in the front gives me a little wink. I felt like a man. Best day of my life."
"This will always mean something to me because it's not only where he proposed but it's also I stood on this exact same bridge the night that we met."
"I'll never forget the call I made to my dad while walking to my car."
Name a time that might be the proudest moment in someone's life: "The birth of a child."
"These are the biggest moments of people's lives."
"This changes the rest of your life."
"Game six had one of the biggest home runs of the decade."
"This day in Belgium was the happiest day of my life."
"This has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life."
"So that's an interesting point, I think--to watch these two arts work in tandem at this particular moment in history."
"It was a great time in our lives. But yeah, I mean she had decided this is what I want, this is what I'm going to do."
"You talk about moments, big moments, that's one right there."
"There are multiple moments in our conversation that I consider revelatory."
"There are very few moments in Disney's history that are considered the definitive point that started a new era for the company."
"There are two significant days in your life: the day you were born, and the day you discovered what you were born for."
"Love that's been around for over a decade... there are moments that are even stronger and more significant than the initial attraction."
"You don't get to the top of the mountain without these kind of big moments."
"I wore this on like the best day of my life or I wore this at a very meaningful moment."
"This is the time to remember it, and you'll have this for the rest of your lives."
"There are moments in our lives that seem to define us."
"Was Paul Henderson's goal in game eight the most important goal in the history of hockey in this country?"
"This chapter has to be in the top five most impactful moments of the series."
"It's a privilege to be involved in patients' lives at very interesting points."
"I am so thankful that we didn't get her reaction yesterday and not have it because that's definitely a moment I want to look back on forever."
"These are the days that you'll remember for the rest of your life."
"This is the night that changes your life forever."
"You're getting to witness a top moment in that person's life."
"This holds really, really good memories for us, one of the best days of many of our lives."
"You got that right, when you're 90 this is what you remember right here."
"Iconic moment, genuinely one of the iconic moments."
"These are breakthrough moments, these are big moments."
"I think back to whether it's Devin Hester returning the opening kickoff for a touchdown in the Super Bowl... those are such huge plays."
"This New Moon tends toward the more real-world moments that really make an impact in life."