
Simple Joys Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"George opens the papers and sees that Charisma added a post-it with a smiley face, making him smile."
"Your happiness correlates with how much you jump into puddles."
"Everyone deserves to be able to fall in love, start a family, and take their children to eat fried chicken after a soccer match."
"Have you forgotten what it's like to hold a balloon, to be a child?"
"Life's simple pleasures: itchy mosquito bites, cold water on a hot day, walking into air conditioning."
"Despite all the odds, the country is actually one of the world's most major agricultural producers."
"I find happiness in the little things in life like my dogs, gardening, yard work, just hanging out with family, things like that. I don't need too much to be really that happy honestly."
"Fresh flowers on the counter just they lighten my soul do you feel me?"
"If you're happy and you know it, clasp your hands."
"She got me food, dude. She got me food. That's just what I need."
"I'm just excited to be alive, let's talk about that."
"I love a new toothbrush, does anyone else find this so satisfying?"
"That's the best glass of water I've ever had made with love." - Appreciating the small things.
"Don't deny yourself the simple pleasures, just being what you were born to be."
"I am super grateful to get some eggs that is crazy wow."
"Lollipops are pretty much the best things ever."
"I don't know what I would do without peanut butter."
"It's very flat. Wow, I know this is not a big deal but I feel really accomplished."
"If you can make one person smile, you've had a good day."
"You know, it's just simple joy isn't it you know they're all harmless the birds the uh the foxes which are actually outside right now you know i just say it's just it's just your joy in my eyes to be honest."
"Lyric loved playing with dolls, watching cartoons, and wearing nail polish."
"Start saving a life today by enjoying the one you have."
"I find pleasures in the simple joys of life."
"Something about cleaning the sink is just so satisfying to me."
"It's always a good day when it's sunny like this."
"It's the little things, like buying flowers for my room or going on a walk, that make a big difference in how I feel. Taking care of yourself and your space is so important."
"Isn't that just a fantastic smile that it captured?"
"The secret thing that always makes me smile is puppies."
"What's better than pizza? Two pizzas, goddamn right."
"Candy is always good chocolate anything like that."
"Let's just snuggle and make bread." - Cristine
"It's those little things, guys, that make my heart melt."
"While the big telescopes have eclipsed the Mark 1 eyeball, they still haven't taken away the simple joys of being able to look up at the dark sky."
"There is no serotonin like the first sip of an iced latte, especially when the sun is shining."
"Sometimes buying something is really just because we like it, and there's nothing wrong with that too."
"Yay! Time to clean it all up. Oh, nice. That's a little bit satisfying."
"Smile for no reason, look at yourself in the mirror and smile for no reason. It'll change your mood."
"There's nothing better in the whole world than a sweet, plump strawberry, freshly picked."
"Any day that the sun is shining and we're outside is a good day."
"It's 10 o'clock at night and I mean crepes. Life is good."
"When you laugh you stay in the love vibration that's it man that's it."
"Anything that can make you smile a little bit more is always a win."
"It's better to be happy in a Toyota than to be sad in a Ferrari."
"If we get bunk beds, that'll make my day. That'll be the day I will be so happy."
"The little things in life are the big things."
"I just opened up a new can of croutons, and a new can of sliced peaches. They're going to be so good!"
"Smile, you might ask, because it will make you feel better."
"Doing small things can make you feel better about yourself."
"Do something that you absolutely love, that's it."
"You gotta live for the simple pleasures, even in chaos."
"Life is just kittens and Lucky Charms and rainbows."
"I just want to go to the cinema with him, just sit and enjoy popcorn, this is my biggest dream."
"Living is like getting up every morning, looking out your window, and seeing a mac and cheese. It's amazing, isn't it?"
"I mean, pastry and chocolate, I'm good with that."
"The surprise was really the best thing about it."
"Life is good, and you got that right, buddy."
"It's pretty amazing how even the slightest of meals meant for an empty stomach can lift the spirit."
"Simple pleasures are the best. I mean, I gave thanks that I had a nice good cup of coffee this morning."
"Dogs remind us that you just need to live in the moment."
"Try and put a smile on your face and enjoy it even if you just go for a walk and say Merry Christmas to a stranger."
"You kind of have to be grateful for the little things when you are in the middle of the desert."
"Your dog is showing their love for you, so take a moment, enjoy the little things."
"Enjoy the little things in February, you guys. Take a moment to smell the roses, appreciate the small joys."
"I remember watching this documentary about happiness. Sometimes happiness comes from the simplest things."
"Life is wonderful; you can pet your dog or cat to reduce your stress."
"You just need to find a little bit of happiness."
"I'm childlike in that way, you know? I just enjoy the toy as a toy, as an experience."
"Just being able to remember that a smile like that exists in this world, though, that's a happy thought."
"I seriously have been imagining my first tomato moment."
"Happiness was all over the little kids' faces, reminding us that happiness is free."
"It's just seeing those little things around the house just brings a smile to my face."
"Everybody loves a chinchilla. Finding out you love chinchillas just makes you a decent human being."
"I do try to save as many worms as I can. Yeah, it makes me feel good about life." - Paul
"I love them all eating tiramisu for dinner here."
"What makes you smile? Bath time. He loves freaking bath time."
"I'm kind of used to just having a relaxing Christmas, no presents, no stress, no gifts, nothing like that."
"Eating, sleeping, being coddled by her family, and petting fluffy animals—since this was the life she wanted in her past life—Nema thanks God."
"That's it really, puppies, daughters, the state of the world, Indian food, good."
"I remember how glad I was when I was kept from school a half a day to pick huckleberries on a neighboring hill, all by myself, to make a pudding for the family dinner."
"I do feel quite satisfied really and pleased I'd managed to eat the cheese sandwich and actually enjoy it."
"I like flowers I literally had a cake earlier you know how much I love you."
"When we have a tail wag, it's a good day."
"Gas station bananas are so good, no one ever thinks to grab a banana at a gas station."
"It was just the little things that kept me alive, that I wanted to return to, you know, that I love so much."
"Learn that plain jacks on your kitchen floor with your kid or your best friend and having your loyal dog next to your side is one of the best things in life and may be the entire meaning of life."
"Sometimes a simple comment could make my day happy."
"The laughter of a loved one, the serenity of a quiet morning, the satisfaction of a home-cooked meal—these simple pleasures offer a profound sense of contentment that material wealth cannot replicate."
"Who doesn't love puppy kisses? That's what I'm after."
"Are you having a bad day? Here's a sticker, and then that'll make somebody's day better, right?"
"Is there nothing more gratifying than the sound of an orange being cut?"
"Oh, grateful for the little things in life, you know."
"I laughed the other day because my daughter asked for sourdough bread with avocado and tapenade on top."
"The highlight was when my dog rolled in the mud, and I got to hose him down."
"Hanging out with my homies or making paper boats with my kids, that's the [stuff] that makes me happy."
"I love peeling that little plastic protecting tape thing off TVs and all that."
"It's the most simple pleasure on the list to me."
"This is what come to me to do," she said. "I going to the store and buy my child a little windmill they sells, made out of paper. He going to find it hard to believe there such a thing in the world."
"Taking time for ourselves, enjoying the simple pleasures in life."
"The Allen family, with a new lease on life, has found a new appreciation for the simple things."
"I miss the pizza and the shops, but I prefer Weatherfield. I like being around my family."
"If you ever sang along with your vacuum cleaner, then you know about this very fine pleasure of life."
"A lot of the best moments in life are literally just like being on the bus, listening to reggae, staring out the window, and you feel really good for no reason."
"I'm all about like little pleasures like a good coffee, something like that."
"Life is about simple little joys and pleasures."
"It's so easy to find at least one thing to be grateful about in life."
"I'm so happy for this little arrangement of flowers."
"Bear's just living his best life."
"Snakes and sparklers are the only ones I like."
"What's my favorite color? I love green, and pink, and yellow."
"Small pleasures are often overlooked, but the small pleasure of growing a pot of basil and turning it into a meal can't be matched."
"Such a beautiful thing to behold, you wake up, you think it's Monday, nope, it's Tuesday."
"You know you're an adult when you get excited about towels."
"We learned that if you throw a rock into the stream, make sure you take some time to celebrate."
"There's pockets all the time key to happiness, and I will vouch for that."
"Wow, I get really excited from a box of raisins."
"There's a few finer things in life than starting one of them up on a cold frosty morning."
"A little bluegill should not make me that excited, but it does."
"Always remember what makes belly happy."
"The cold side of the pillow is one of life's beautiful pleasures."
"Loves to toss coins into a fountain to make wishes."
"Georgie loves the freshly cut grass more than any other grass."
"Morale is a little higher, you know what did it? The mint chocolate chip ice cream."
"Collecting a flower is a little bit better than collecting a mushroom."
"It's so beautiful to find the love and the appreciation within just these little moments, these simple moments."
"A nice ice coffee really does me good."
"It's the sound of silence, what you get when you get fresh-cut mangoes for little boys who don't have to yell for a minute."