
Spiritual Intimacy Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"When you repent, you're telling the Lord, 'I need you. I need you to cleanse me,' and God is bringing you closer to him every single day."
"If you want heaven's power, you must be cultivating spiritual intimacy."
"You must pray with the priority of spiritual intimacy."
"God says, 'I want to be the lover of your soul, the center of your heart.'"
"Intimacy with God starts with knowing Him through His word."
"With the Holy Spirit, it's not like you know the Lord, you know Him, you love Him, He's your friend."
"Intimacy with Jesus, it's not just a desire to be near to him, it's a desire to be more like him."
"There's something about just being with him there's something about going in your closet and just being with him."
"To stand in the counsel of God... the inner circle of God."
"There's an intimacy in heaven that goes far beyond anything on Earth."
"It's personal. Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. It's a relationship. It's personal."
"When you have intimacy with the father Nothing Else Matters."
"God craves this intimacy with us and won't let anything stop it."
"When you fast and when you pray, you connect with God in a very special way."
"We anticipate the infinite, yet he's speaking in the intimate. Maybe god isn't just an echo from distant history, maybe god is present, active with us now."
"When you walked in this room with me, you walked into our Father's heart."
"The intent of God was that the point of sexual intimacy would create not only a physical bond between the man and the woman but that they would also unite mentally, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually."
"And sometimes both of 'em sit on the bench during crunch time, but they're up there cheering because they know, okay, we're gonna go home, we're gonna work and we're gonna get better and we're gonna be in this."
"A lot of spiritual intimacy taking place in your relationships, all relationships including the relationship that you have with yourself."
"This will be the best time for those that have intimacy with God."
"Celibacy is also an invitation to intimacy with Jesus Christ."
"Celibacy is a discipline, but it opens you up for the most fruitful ministry and intimacy with Jesus Christ."
"It's okay to surrender to love, to allow yourself to be worshipped and fully seen."
"You're not getting any interviews if he's not involved you know that it's a dominoes thing once it's like Jordans in he's producing it with us."
"God longs to be with us even in our adversity."
"The Lord would speak to Moses face to face as one speaks to a friend."
"God wants relationship with you, not religion."
"God wants to meet you in the closet, in the secret place where you shut out distractions and seek Him alone."
"Just pursue the time with the Holy Spirit, intimacy with God, to learn how to steward the glory."
"He wasn't lying this was a man who had gone to the third heaven this is a man who lived in Intimate communion with Christ who had sacrificed everything for the church who was so cherished and loved by the Lord who saw him in glory and he meant it."
"The servant is nearest to his Lord when he is prostrating to Him."
"Divine love, God's divine love, his purpose of covenant, is to dwell with us."
"Our life matters to God. He knows us personally and intimately."
"God loves you as though you're the only person in the world."
"Praying in tongues deepens intimacy with God."
"You realize you're made for this, to have intimacy with Jesus."
"The body of Christ must return to knowing Christ intimately."
"The moment after taking the Challah is a time of profound spiritual closeness to G.od."
"Jesus is all in all. Every molecule, I feel his presence."
"Intimacy will increase your life. If you are not intimate with God, you will die prematurely."
"He wants to heal you, he even wants to kiss you."
"Jesus pressed his head against my heart and gave me to know by his profound gaze how good he found it to be next to my heart."
"The Holy Spirit who lives in you becomes real. That's all intimacy is, you become aware he's real and when you become aware, that changes your behavior."
"The price for intimacy with the Holy Spirit is obedience to the Holy Spirit."
"I think he had some moments with the Lord that were pretty intimate and gave him that hope."
"God wants to be our friend, that you want to talk with us, you want to spend time with us."
"My goal is not even the fruitfulness; my goal is intimacy, the presence, that intimate love with Jesus, and fruit happens."
"Oh my dove in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely."
"God is the person that you can be your realest, most raw self with."
"When you get into this place where there's a clinging, a laying hold of, it comes out of this intimacy where the Holy Spirit has a leadership."
"I need to make sure I'm always going back and being like, 'Okay God, you and me, you and me, you and me, what do you want from me, what do you want me to do, how can I know you better, how can I love you more, who do you say I am?'"
"This is what it should feel like on the inside, because God is not in a building made by brick and stone anymore; He's in the hearts of those who love Him."
"God is a god of majesty, glory... but He's also imminent and very, very close to us as well."
"From today, you're going to experience more intimacy with Him than ever before."
"I bless you and I speak peace and joy to arise like never before, this intimacy to increase with Jesus, your eyes to open up to His love for you, His pride over you like never before."
"God never invited us to ever explore religion; He cried out to us to meet Him face to face, heart to heart, in a relationship."
"I want intimacy with everything about Him, I want to know His ways, I want to feel His presence, I want to experience His glory."
"Worship isn't so much about yourself and your chops... it's about leading people into a more intimate relationship with God."
"Intimacy with God and time spent with him collaborate to form the kingdom mindset within you."
"Your voice is directly tuned to His ear."
"When you learn to follow Jesus and develop an intimate relationship, you spend time with Him."
"The key to your relationship with Christ is spending time walking into that secret place."
"To know God loving you is very different than to know God loves you."
"Let it be granted to me to find You alone, O Christ, to open to You my whole heart, to enjoy You as my soul desires, to be disturbed by no one, to be moved and troubled by no creature."
"It's that knowing, it's that intimacy and that knowledge of God that people of faith have."
"He developed such intimacy with God that royalty wanted to be in his presence."
"The Lord is calling us to intimacy; open again the frontiers of night prayers."
"Eternal life is something that starts right now, intimate, close, personal relationship with God."
"God's delight in you, His pleasure in you, and His desire to commune with you."
"I'm right here with you, my bride. I want you to let the outer layer fall off, the old shell, let it crumble, so that it's just me and you."
"God would do whatever it would take to dwell with mankind."
"Draw closer to God; He'll give you all the comfort that you need."
"Intimacy with God grants us profound revelations from him and opens us up to his secrets."