
Renting Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Rent smooths out the payment curve over a long period of time."
"Stop paying rent, it'd be the first step to real estate."
"No one prefers renting. The absolute smallest minority of people might prefer the convenience of renting."
"As a renter, your rent is the maximum you will pay every month. As a homeowner, your mortgage is the minimum you will pay."
"Renting has several huge advantages over buying."
"Renting could just be the smart financial move to make."
"Renting is not a negative, it's just buying you time until you can afford to buy a house."
"The only difference between renting and Home Ownership is you're renting and there's nothing you can use your property for because it doesn't belong to you yet."
"Renting isn't throwing your money away, you literally need a place to live."
"If the actual monthly payment is lower than the rent, then it's still more beneficial for you to buy in most cases."
"When you rent, you're just throwing your money away."
"I don't love being here, I don't love having the landlord that I have."
"I always appreciate when tenants are transparent about what it's like to live there when people are touring our apartment right now."
"Renting is supposed to be a short-term option while you build yourself up, build your bank accounts up, get to explore places and figure out where you actually want to plant your roots."
"It's more economically feasible and practical to rent here right now because the market has been going down and cooling off."
"Rent in your case is just buying some time."
"Every time I'm with a client under 35 who's bought a house, the main thing I hear is, 'I didn't want to keep paying rent.'"
"Until then, you can rent airbnbs like this, and it works perfect. So then you don't have to own it, maintain it, do any of that."
"Even wealthy Americans are choosing to rent instead of buy."
"Homeownership provides stability. In the case of renting, you may be forced to move out when you don't want to when you are given notice by your landlord."
"Renting is not any better than owning."
"I've literally paid them thirty dollars to rent a 1997 Sebring."
"Renting is not throwing money away. Making poor financial choices is."
"Renting can supercharge your growth."
"...it's pretty hard to argue right now that buying is the right decision when we have this big of a gap between buying versus renting."
"I moved in and I don't know like I kind of just like always felt like I never felt like I could fully get settled in the place you know when you have that feeling it sucks that there's like no return option once you decide to rent you're like [ __ ] actually these."
"Is it even worth it to buy anymore? Currently in 2024 in some cities renting makes a lot more sense than buying."
"It's these rapidly Rising prices and this incredible competition which effectively means you're only getting a place if you're like the top tenant."
"Ownership is dead and that renting is the future."
"I'm someone who just doesn't like to buy a bunch of furniture for a specific space because obviously I'm renting and I'm not going to be living here forever so I don't really like to buy things on a whim and just waste my money."
"Do you think that we are going to become a renters Nation more than a homeowners Nation?"
"Renting just seems like a very responsible and reasonable thing to do."
"I think one of the big takeaways is that the conventional wisdom, societal pressure that owning is better than renting, I think that's false."
"100% of your rent is throwing money away, flushing money down the toilet."
"You're renting the apartment not the things within it."
"Renting could actually be a smarter move if your goal is a secure financial future."
"Renting can be as stressful of a process as buying if you can believe that."
"Renting is temporary, it's not permanent. And the other part of it is that renting gives you a ton of flexibility."
"Some final tips I have for you for renting an apartment here in Paris: be prepared to spend a lot of money."
"Renting is not wasted money, it's freedom... Traveling the world, getting out and about, doing all of these things is important to do."
"Renting is not throwing money away; it is buying flexibility, it is buying freedom."
"I think with private renters politically organizing would be very difficult because it's quite a disparate group of people."
"There's a crisis of an expanding and aging population of renters."
"Please don't feel you're throwing money away because just the same way you go to a restaurant you happily spend money there you are paying for Value it's the same thing whether you rent or buy."
"I rented for 11 years living in New York. I made more money renting than I would have owning."
"We're gonna need the renters to do more than that because they have to go to work so they can pay the rent."
"Renting is buying yourself patience, buying yourself some time to make a wise decision."
"Some people are renting by choice, some people are renting because they don't necessarily have a choice."
"Have three to four months rent ready or have one person with all of that ready."
"Instead of buying a property, there's rent. You can get into a brand new building or any building you want."
"Renting: why are we doing it? Because we have no choice!"
"Renting a place to live is not throwing money away."
"Renting is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you're living in Ontario and BC because of rent control."
"The more expensive homeownership gets, the more renting looks like the better option."
"Everyone should be proud of yourselves, whether you've bought your home or you're renting."
"I love renting, going back to minimalism and freedom."
"The mortgage is definitely less than renting."
"The next time someone says to you that rent is dead money, rent is definitely not dead money."
"Almost everywhere it is now cheaper to rent than it is to buy."
"Renting does give you that freedom to kind of come and go as you please."
"Renting can actually be a much smarter thing to do right now."
"It is cheaper to rent in 45 out of the 50 most populous U.S cities."
"In many cases, you can save a lot of money renting right now."
"Make sure you have renters insurance if you rent a home."
"I always say, like when you're renting, you're just throwing your money away."
"I like renting. If I have a problem, I just text my landlord."
"Renting out a driveway... is a really decent way to generate some passive income."
"It's probably a lot safer for them to just stick to the renting because you know what you're getting."
"More people right now are going to renting than buying because they realize they can't afford it."
"Renting on the other hand is better for someone who wants a lot more flexibility."
"I just want this to be a super helpful video for someone going through renting an apartment for the first time."
"Renting is not a sin; it's not a waste of money."
"Housing is a human right, and a big part of affordability in the city is the 50% of people who rent."