
Cyclicality Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun."
"What has been shall be again; what has been done shall be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
"The end is never the end, there's never the end, there's never the end."
"The buddhists believe in the concept of rebirth and the cyclicality of all life matter existence..."
"History doesn't exactly repeat but it does rhyme."
"The best news I have for you is, it'll be okay. It happens repeatedly."
"I prefer the Norse explanation; after Ragnarok, everything is reborn, happening over and over again forever."
"Our economic cycle works like a wheel that spins and spins."
"Fashion is cyclical, anything that is old can become new again."
"There's always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city."
"The end is the beginning, therefore creating a perfect strange loop."
"When you go too far Star Trek will just need another reboot in five years like everything else."
"History doesn't repeat itself but it sure does Rhyme."
"The end of this whole process leads back to the very first step."
"Doesn't it seem like history seems to repeat itself?"
"There really isn’t anything new in this world. It’s all old, it’s just the past."
"The conclusion: if we hadn't engaged in the inflation in the first place, then we wouldn't have had to deal with this cyclical problem."
"The Ouroboros symbolizes the cyclic nature of the universe."
"Taking profit doesn't mean that you're just dumping crypto, like take that profit and then when things go down because everything's cyclical, buy more crypto."
"I think polka dot is gonna get its turn. It always happens, like it happened before with Chainlink."
"Life is like a wheel, it all comes around Megaforce."
"Everything that started long ago comes full circle."
"Everything repeats itself in moderation yeah um especially like if it if it if it catches a trend like."
"I love this idea of the world having moved on... the cycle still continuing..."
"Whenever we have a mass shooting here in the United States the responses thoughts and prayers and we go into this gun debate and nothing ever gets done."
"Life is like a wheel, sooner or later it always comes around to where you started again."
"Disney's deterioration is cyclical."
"Life is like a record spinning in circles."
"Nothing changes. Summer is followed by winter again and again."
"The calendar closes with the emergence of the green carpet in August."
"Fashion future is a little bit more like fashion past."
"Take the rough with the smooth. It will come back round."
"Life goes in cycles and then remember you've had a very transformative year."
"What goes around comes around like a Rubik's cube."
"In every one of these conceptions of eternal return, we are in the dark time now, and that is a consolation."
"Finally, we get to the beginning and the end."
"Everything's kind of happening again, just like it did before."
"It's incredible how trends come back around."
"What it really is is there's really only one ending because the other ending just brings you back to the very beginning."
"It's like a circular pendulum that keeps going around but it keeps going down and then down, but it's still in a circular way."
"Life itself seems to be circular."
"Conformal transformations squash down infinity and stretch out the Big Bang, suggesting a cyclical structure to the universe."
"Your trouble is seasonal, it will come, it will go, and then it will come again later on."
"There's a cyclical nature to history; what has been is going to happen again."
"There is only one cycle. The market is a repeating mechanism so therefore you have to be a repeating mechanism to benefit from the market."
"Just like a snake swallowing its own tail. Everything comes full circle."
"It's a cyclical process where the far future attaches to the far past."
"Persistence of trends is the only reason technical analysis works because of cyclic activity in the market."
"The evolution of the universe may have been, may even be cyclic, it may even repeat big bangs, repeat periods of evolution over time."
"Do we live a universe in which bang goes to crunch goes to bang goes to crunch sort of endless universe or do we live in a universe which had a definite beginning and is approaching a wasteland?"