
Relationship Insight Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"You are their weakness, they're saying. You are the person who can bring them to their knees and give them the power to build it all back up again."
"A lot of clarity is gonna come out of this relationship."
"It's worth asking the question: What does this person do that makes me feel loved?"
"You understand with some finality that this connection will never change."
"Violent person is the furthest thing from the Johnny that I knew and I loved."
"Kate felt like her son was being used by Amber to portray herself as this maternal, loving, cute, adorable person."
"Only you know if this is a healthy relationship, only you know if it's perfect."
"I thought love was war. I didn't know it was supposed to be peace and [ __ ] love."
"The actions of others are not a reflection of you. Shady people are shady, period."
"This person feels like you really get them on a deep level without them even having to express things to you."
"My definition of love is you would do whatever it takes to look out for what is best for the person."
"You know if you're supposed to be with this person or not because you've seen it."
"I think it's a really realistic look at love."
"The Two of Cups suggests someone realizing the importance of a connection, despite fears of betrayal."
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
"Love is a verb and love is a choice, it's not a feeling."
"Practice sexual discipline, it's sexy as hell and exposes what she's really about."
"Almost half of women wouldn't have swiped right on their current partner."
"While love may be blind, marriage is Crystal Clear."
"What makes you fall in love with someone is when you feel seen and known loved and accepted in the small things."
"The real practice of love is to take all things in existence as a part of the self."
"Self-awareness is sexy because at least a man knows what he's dealing with."
"It's kind of like giving you a glimpse into what physical reunion is going to be like emotionally speaking."
"Trust your intuition. You know this person deeply."
"You will just know when you meet this person fully face to face and have a conversation with this person. This new person, you will just know that they are meant for you."
"It's clear they both still have room to grow."
"No woman can make me happy. You are responsible for your own happiness."
"Only what you are not giving can be lacking in any situation."
"Limerence blinds you to what's really going on."
"Always two sides to every story, you know? Somebody can tell you this person is this way, but until you get to know that person, you might not know..."
"What allows two people to find a lot of electric chemistry between each other is when you can show your attraction to that person."
"There's no time frame when you know, you just know."
"For me when it comes to love, I feel like you just know."
"You can't tell me that you love someone if you're just gonna trash them all day long you know that's not love."
"This communication is going to bring in so much Clarity."
"Effort is a direct reflection of interest. If they are not putting in the effort... they're actually not that interested."
"I briefly dated someone else, and I'm really glad it happened because I learned so much about what I did not want in that type of person."
"Lessons and blessings... this person's a huge blessing in your life."
"Absence really does make the heart grow fonder."
"Love is not logical, you know. I say that all the time. And you know, so if you're trying to make it logical, it's just never going to work."
"Ask God for a sign to confirm if someone is your twin flame, and when the right time comes, you'll receive that sign."
"There's a deep spiritual connection between you two."
"When you're not invited to the wedding, the message is clear. True colors have come out today."
"It's like when you like someone because of their personality and not because of the way that they look."
"There's a connection where at the surface value you guys are very different but deep down or not so different after all."
"Of those surveyed 41 say they wouldn't change their partner's annoying habits because it's what makes them them."
"It's well worth the loss and I know my late husband would approve he always knew I was a petty [ __ ]."
"You've had your awakening moment towards this person, there's just no fooling you."
"Let's get down to some tarot, a little look-see at love, relationships, tribe members, family members."
"So, this is the card here, the Riddle. All right, and you know, I'm looking at these hands that are trying to grasp what I feel your relationship is all about."
"I hope that all of the many, many, many people who view your programs, Stevo, hear you. That's a relationship-changing insight."
"The way in which a man speaks about his past relationships and more specifically his exes reveal a lot. It shows us whether or not he can take accountability for his wrongs and is conscious of the areas in which improvement is needed."
"...it's very much like falling in love with rose-tinted glasses on, right? Because with rose-tinted glasses on, red flags or simply flags—I actually find that quite insightful—that's one of my favorites. It's a good one."
"Wouldn't it be great to know the strange habits and dark secrets of the person you're dating before you fall in love with them?"
"You're going to be successful in life because not only did you recognize this in the person that you're with despite the fact that you love them, you're motivated yourself."
"You know when it's time to leave when you don't see yourself with that person in five years."
"Men who meet the woman that they are wanting to marry, they know that pretty quickly."
"They know now what love is supposed to feel like, and it's kind of addictive."
"Choosing to look at someone in your life in a different way is going to be extremely healing for you."
"Trust your intuition; you know everything you need to know about this person."