
Yoga Practice Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"Every breath is a gift, every practice is a blessing. Roll over onto your side and come on back up to a comfortable seated position."
"At the end of every practice when we bring our palms together and we bow to each other, this is a moment for us to be receptive and to acknowledge all of those benefits of the practice."
"I became not just a yoga practitioner here and there to a daily yoga practitioner and I fell in love with it."
"Trust the video. Trust your body. Trust that whatever your practice is supposed to serve up for you today, it will."
"Take this opportunity right now to thank yourself for your incredible practice today, for dedicating this time to you. I send you love and light."
"Your yoga practice should look like you; it shouldn't look like anybody else's."
"Take a moment to set an intention for your practice."
"Trying to move away from thinking what is this pose doing to me and thinking about what is this pose doing for me."
"Namaste. Thank you so much for flowing with me."
"The yoga asana branch is not meant to limit us at all. In fact, it's supposed to be tools for us to discover our full potential."
"Feel the length of your spine, every time you bring in new air, feel the grounding of the sit bones down into the floor."
"Yoga's been put to the test for... multiple sclerosis, back pain, neck pain, insomnia, breast cancer, depression, anxiety..."
"Slowly start to roll up to your standing posture."
"Trust that if you practice within that range of sensation your body will respond in overtime you will grow."
"Use your breath to create length and depth so you're totally focused and present within this pose."
"Set an intention for your practice today, what are you here for? What do you want to work on? Make this practice your own."
"Take a moment to set an intention for your practice today."
"This is your moment, this is your class, and now it starts."
"Come back to the breath, come back to that intention, come back to the body."
"It's been an honor to practice with you today, thank you so much for joining me."
"This is gonna test your balance it's gonna test your limits who do you think you can be if you can do that pop in the whole movement flow through it nice and steady exhale down."
"The experience that you're having is actually the real yoga teacher."
"What if anything is resonating with you as you step onto your mat today?"
"A confidence, a faith in oneself all supported by a daily yoga practice."
"May you open your heart and your mind to having a deeper connection with your breath after you step off the mat."
"Feel free to always rest in Child's Pose if you feel like you need it and feel free also to pause the video, take some rest, breathe, and then come back to the practice."
"This is a very important pose at the end of our practice so I encourage you to never skip it even if you stay for just a few minutes before you continue with your day or your evening please stay for savasana."
"Congratulations, you made it through the practice. Drop me a comment down below and let me know how was your flow and where you're joining from."
"Thank you all so much, thank you to every teacher, every practitioner that has come before me, the whole lineage of yoga and what it has given to us."
"An advanced practice isn't necessarily having strength, it's knowing how to engage your muscles, how to turn them on, and how to use them."
"Inhaling for a full count of three, filling up belly ribs chest. Sign out nose or mouth, get all the breath out of the body."
"Remember thinking of hatha not going too far or straining but not taking it easy either, finding that perfect balance between strength and ease."
"Your body should have that quality like it's melting or getting heavier into the yoga mat."
"The heat helps to detoxify your body, deepens the stretches, then safely increases the intensity and benefits of your practice."
"Exhale hands towards your heart, let's find that Center intention as we inhale chair utkatasana."
"Yoga is a journey of spiritual strength and fortitude, a journey of faith born from the direct experience of the highest truth within you."
"Move your hands together, inhale, maybe happy, maybe free, free from suffering, free from pain, experience real love, real peace, and real joy."
"Be strong, be brave, practice yoga, and change your world to a more peaceful place."
"Remember that you are here right now you've rolled out your mat you've made this commitment to yourself so be proud and enjoy the journey."
"Try to maintain that slow controlled breathing, even as you start to get tired."
"Let your head go if that feels good for you."
"Do everything with control, spread the toes, bring the legs together."
"Thank yourself for taking this hour-long practice, creating such a wonderful feeling and stirring flexibility in your body and your mind."
"Then come down and from here we're just gonna do that best posture and you okay if you ask me and that's shavasana."
"Benefits of yoga: physical health, mental clarity, stress relief, and flexibility."
"Inhale the right arm to the sky and grab the back foot for a quad stretch."
"Find your gaze forward and up, exhale to your heart center."
"Left leg extends all the way up and back this time."
"Take a moment to set an intention for your practice today, whatever that may be. Today and for you, make this practice your own."
"Breath moves in, breath moves out. Belly rises and exhaling that subtle contraction, low belly pulls back, pelvic floor draws up."
"Use your ujjayi breath to stay calm and focused."
"I like to lengthen the exhales as a way to soften and surrender into this posture."
"Give your body the permission to surrender, surrender into this pose letting go of any worries or expectations."
"Thank yourself for your incredible and peaceful practice today."
"This practice invites you to do that as most of our yoga does."
"Practice the idea of patience and surrender, letting go of yourself within each posture, allowing for a deeper release."
"Thank yourself for your beautiful practice today."
"Each day that we stand on that mat and practice we meet ourselves."
"Every bead is to be counted and meditated on every posture is like a bead."
"Think of your belly as like a long puppy belly here so lengthen through the front."
"Really breathing conscious breaths in yoga on the mat or off the mat is really the best way of like taking responsibility for your own beep."
"Kriya yoga is certainly one of the best to open up and align the chakras."
"Yin Yoga is a gentle yet powerful practice that involves holding postures for extended period of time."
"Remember to breathe deeply using the breath as a tool to soften into each stretch and release any tension you may be holding."
"Even though it's a short practice, the yoga has this way of sort of sewing those places back together."
"So there was probably a reason why you stepped onto your yoga mat today sometimes we forget the reason when we get into the practice."
"Every time I step onto my yoga mat, I'm just reinforcing these qualities, and I reinforce them in my yoga practice so that in the real world, they kick in in a way that's organic and almost effortless."
"I love that our practice can kind of teach us how to ride the wave of expansion and contraction."
"Thank yourself for coming on to your mat today and doing your yoga practice."
"Let your shoulders drop heavy away from your ears and really relax your stomach."
"You adapt it, you modify it to what feels right for you. There's never just one way to do these poses."
"Everything's optional...you can take a Vinyasa along the way...straight to your down dog."
"Thank you for allowing me to guide you through this practice. Namaste."
"Never forcing, just finding where you can open up a little bit more."
"Take care of yourself, honor your body in this practice."
"Breathing deep. Excellent, and then slow and with control unravel, uncoil the spine and come to a nice neutral position."
"Yoga is the dialing down of the fluctuations of consciousness."
"Push the floor away from you through your hands, breathing in, breathing out, lovely, take one more full breath in, and one more full breath out."
"Set our intention for our practice."
"An advanced yogi is someone that can also slow it down."
"Make space inside your body as you inhale, twist a little farther as you exhale."
"It's been a pleasure to practice with you guys."
"This is a quick 15-minute yoga workout for relieving stress and relieving tension."
"When you're ready, just roll out the mat and let's begin."
"As long as you're feeling a stretch, whatever works best for you."
"The yoga practice and the yoga framework was what allowed me to completely 100% recover and heal."
"Thank you for taking the time to practice today, namaste."
"Bring your hands to your heart center, bring your chin to your chest in gratitude for your practice."
"Savasana is bliss or barf, but when you get a regular practice, you'll start to feel more euphoria more of the time."
"Keep your spine nice and long here, shoulders are relaxed away from your ears."
"Thank you so much for practicing with me, and I look forward to having you practice with me again."
"In this first downward dog, go ahead and pedal out those legs."
"Really try to maintain that breath there, bring the focus back to the breath, breathing in and out through the nose."
"Knowing that it is different each time we step on the mat."
"You don't move to any prescription, you just do what feels good in your body, and that's what these yoga sessions should feel like first thing in the morning."
"Inhale, drop the belly, lift the gaze, and as you exhale, round your spine, bringing chin to chest."
"Give your body the opportunity to integrate all the elements of your practice."
"Give it all you got in pranayama and also in Halfmoon, you're gonna feel much better for the rest of the practice."
"And just remind yourself that the practice of yoga is learning how to love yourself."
"May our practice give us strength and flexibility both on and off of our mat so we can become the best people that we can possibly be."
"Remember, there's no goal, nothing to prove; we're just here to feel breath, body, and mind through the matrix of yoga."
"As we practice yoga today, we'll take one more breath here in through your nose, fill up your belly, long slow exhale through your nose."
"Our yoga practice is such a reflection of how we treat ourselves off the yoga mat."
"Take a moment here to thank your body for supporting you through this practice today and through everything else you do on a daily basis."
"Just slip into the heart and soul of the practice, just completely letting go."
"May our practice bring us into the present moment."
"I'm so glad you can make it onto your mat and join me for yoga today."
"We're going to do a well-rounded sequence that will target strength, flexibility, and balance to really achieve optimal health and well-being."
"Root down to reach up, lengthen, and exhale the hands to your heart."
"Once you're in the pose, pull your rib cage in, pull your belly in, reach your tailbone up towards your heels."
"This practice is going to be all about having a little bit of fun and being playful."
"Let everything outside of you, outside of the mat, just kind of fall away."
"Know that your experience on the mat is unique to you and there's not a right or wrong."
"Come into your Ujjayi breath if you're familiar with Ujjayi."
"Taking control of the breath, we're not allowing the breath to run away."
"That's yoga, intense, intense, intense."
"The breath is the foundation of yoga practice."
"Take an inhale as we roll the shoulders up towards the ears, and then down back. Exhale, let something go."
"It's not through effort that we experience shavasana, it's through process and intent."
"Bring your hands together in front of the heart and take a moment to set your intention for your practice."
"One of the main reasons people seem to struggle with their crow pose is that fear of falling."
"No matter what might be going on in your life, you showed up for your practice today, and that takes tremendous strength and courage."
"Feel the earth supporting you beneath any parts of your body that are making contact with your mat."
"Welcome back to the yoga mat with me."
"Rise up to Crescent lunge, take one more full breath here."
"So much gratitude for this practice."
"Remember to always practice your yoga in the body that you brought with you to the mat today."
"Feel free to linger in either direction if it feels good in your spine."
"We learn to pause and check in with ourselves on the mat, we learn to pause and check in with ourselves in our life."
"What are you here to do today? What is it that you're most in needing, and is your practice rising to meet you in that place?"
"Get that breath moving in the nose and out the nose."
"Feel the elongation, the balance of effort with ease, and then observe your breath, the sensation of stretch."
"No worries, no judgments, just practice self-love and acceptance as you're practicing your yoga practice."
"It's not about how deep you're going in the pose, it's that you're staying connected to that open feeling of creating health, space, life in your body."
"Notice the shift that comes at the end of your practice, notice how good you feel, notice the quality of your mind, notice the feeling in your body, maybe a feeling of lightness."
"On an inhale, draw your thumbs to your forehead for clarity of thought, your fingertips to your lips for thoughtfulness of speech, your hands to your heart for consistency of action."
"May our practice today give us the strength and the energy that we need for everything that we're going to do today, both on and off of our mats."
"It's not the end pose, it's the awareness, the breath, the journey into the pose and through the pose."
"Thanking ourselves for our practice, for our movement, for taking time to check in with the body."
"The confidence that it brings into your practice is really amazing."
"Thank you again for practicing with me, wherever in the world you may be, I appreciate you."
"The most advanced variation is always the variation that's most appropriate for you."
"It doesn't matter how far forward you fold, the most important thing to remember here is feeling into the sensation."
"Give yourself as long as you need to relax and rest on your mat."
"If you feel amazing right now, maybe you commit to come back and practice again and keep up with your practice."
"Thank yourself for showing up on the mat today."
"The art of yoga is being able to focus so intensely on the pose that you are able to free your mind of the distractions of the outside world."
"This is really the essence of the yoga practice."
"Just see what happens, keep your heart lifted, open mind."
"When you're ready, find your way onto the mat."
"Your shoulders are now officially welcome to practice."
"Have an amazing rest of your day, thank you so much for joining in, and hope to practice with you again soon. Peace."
"Take your hands into prayer and maybe set an intention for your practice."
"Thank you for sharing your practice with me today, namaste."
"Understanding this and experiencing this within ourselves is the fundamental aspect of yoga."
"You can find yoga center inside; remember yoga center inside you, you will get that feeling you have in here, outside."
"Let's take three more breaths here and as you do so, set an intention for your practice."
"I'm gonna do some yoga, meditation, journaling, all that."
"I look forward to seeing you on the mat again very, very soon. Bye-bye."
"Let your breath move you; your breath will tell you how fast to go, how hard to push, or how easy to take it."
"Thanks so much for practicing with me today, and I will see you in the next video. Namaste."
"All you need is yourself, your practice space; you may not even need a mat."
"It's time to roll out our mats together and flow."
"Focus all of your attention on this moment here, this practice that you've gifted to yourself."
"Yoga practice might feel like a little bit of selfish time, but we do this practice so that we can spread all this good energy that we cultivate."
"Thank you guys so much for joining me in this flow, taking care of yourself, doing something amazing for our body, our mind, and our spirit."
"Create an intention for your practice today, so why are you showing up?"
"Feel your arm bones lengthening, feel the crown of your head relaxing toward the floor."
"Let's just start our practice with three centering and energizing breaths."
"It's about being good to yourself, allowing this practice to be a true representation of that."
"Take this moment to find gratitude for yourself, for making time to practice on your mat today, finding gratitude for this body and all that it allows you to do."
"Practice it through until the end, and you will feel energized and balanced."
"Every breath out twists a little bit tighter."
"This channel is all about longer classes and challenging poses to help strengthen your practice."
"Practice your drishti, your yoga gaze, eyes soft."
"As you inhale, tip your sit bones up to the ceiling, like a wave through the spine, and roll into an extension."
"Soak in the essence of your practice, let go of your effort, and relax."
"Thanks so much for practicing with me, I hope you've enjoyed practice. Namaste."
"Thank you so much for joining this practice with me, and hope you have a good safe practice. Namaste, see you on the next video."
"It's been such a pleasure to lead you through this practice, thank you so much for joining me, and namaste."
"I hope you've enjoyed practice today. Thanks so much for joining me. Namaste."
"Welcome to 30 days of mindful movement with Alloy Yoga."
"Trying to tune in and listen to what your body needs is an integral part of your yoga practice."
"Notice how your downward dog feels here after moving, hopefully a little bit more spacious, you breathe a little freer, your body enlivened."
"Thank you for sharing your time and your practice with Benji and I."
"Notice how you feel in this moment, is there anything that came up during practice that is no longer serving you? You can leave it right here on your mat."
"Stay connected to your breath and the sensation in your body."
"If you have quite an advanced practice, don't shy away from the kind of slow and stretchy stuff because you can make it as deep as you need to."
"Keep the heart open, so avoid rounding the upper back too much."
"Acknowledge your practice, acknowledge how you feel."
"The most important aspect of yoga is looking at the deep presence of our practice, finding a sacred way of showing up."
"Use yoga as a process to feel your body."
"As you move your practice this morning, just aim to move deliberately and with your breath."
"Create a bunch of energy in the hands here as you press into the base of the palms and then take a second to plug the shoulders in and lift your chest, lift your heart."
"Draw your awareness to the breath and reflect on your intention for this class."
"Reconnect to your breath and just take a moment to notice the effects of the standing postures we've done so far."
"Take a moment to be grateful for the time to practice and notice the shifts and energy in your body at the end of the practice."
"This course is for you if you're a beginner, if you've been practicing for a while and you just want to deepen your understanding, or if you're a teacher and you would like to be more inspired, go back to the basics."
"Beautiful, find a fold, take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out."
"Let's make a start, coming over the legs and making your way into your wide-legged child's pose."