
Criticism Management Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Declan Rice: 'I don't take any notice of critics. If they were experts, they'd be on the pitch.'"
"It's very easy to disarm 90 percent of critics just by kind of taking them, giving them the opportunity to be nicer about what they're saying."
"We are focused on facts, not rhetoric, and we will present those facts without exaggeration no matter what criticism we face."
"Police officers are not and never will be perfect because they are human. Their errors are certainly magnified in a social media era far more so than they ever have been before."
"Yes, Dixie and Charlie D'Amelio have done some pretty problematic things in the past but I don't think it has to warrant negativity and comments that have nothing to do with those situations."
"Acted far before anybody thought I should be. I took tremendous criticism."
"There's some people that really don't like the outcome but they're there to criticize the outcome, right? That means the outcome is not as bad as it could have been."
"That leap is really a valuable leap to make when the criticism stops shaking your belief that you are doing what you want to be doing and what you know 'quote unquote' should be doing."
"The most honest and respectable way to deal with criticism is not to cleverly evade it but to tactfully face it head-on."
"Having a solid message out there is important in handling criticism."
"There is a way to respectfully reject criticism or, at least, take it in stride."
"You silence your critics by holding up one of these. It's called a trophy. That's how you silence your critics."
"Not everybody's like that, and that's a bullshit way of handling criticism."
"For me, it's very important to give honest reviews, but also in a way that's not offensive, be more of yourself because you learn there is no solution to pleasing everyone."
"All the criticism that is leveled at them, they don't sweep it under the rug."
"Every single time there's been criticism, he's met it."
"They literally listened to the criticism and they otk in general was very good with their criticism."
"I'll be okay. I can sleep at night knowing that the criticism towards me is that I'm too welcoming, I'm too kind, I'm too encouraging."
"I think the powers that be would rather they hunker down, do their job, let the haters hate, and move on."
"You don't stop your grind based on what dusty niggaz, bed wenches, coons, and white-ass kisses are gonna hate on you. You don't live your life like that."
"Hater proof... poke holes... make it airtight."
"here's gen sake denying it does the person have a sense that most of the criticism is not of leaving."
"Just post it and be who you are, love who you are, and let the haters hate from the distance and don't even acknowledge them."
"Consider the source and don't let criticism throw you off."
"People don't want to see you grow or amend they wanna they a lot of people kind of wanna hold you your feet to the fire for something that you know they felt like passionately angry about."
"If I’m going to be criticized whether I make the video or not, I may as well do what I wanted to in the first place and make it."
"Trump is a true politician because he is a true American wanting to go by what our constitution says."
"China's aggressive approach to coronavirus criticism is not working."
"I just wish that people could cut developers a little bit of slack on that. Not all the slack, but some of it because sure that's definitely a thing."
"If it would be...harder for the haters to see your work, then it would also make it harder for the supporters to see it."
"He's making a right connection, but I think they really think they can dump the whole critical response on the Americans." - Tim
"It doesn't give the haters time to hate. You can say so much more by just making a good movie."
"Tentative signs that China is beginning to listen and respond to the growing international criticism of their policies."
"Ronaldo almost embraces the criticism and says come to me and hugs it and and you know turns that criticism into positivity."
"Identify with the process, not just the results; it makes criticism easier to handle."
"When life doesn't go the way we want it, great! Wonderful! And even when people criticize you unfairly, what a wonderful experience that is, to be criticized and test yourself out."
"You don't have to go out there and rip on him like I do all the time."
"Them saying that they didn't like it is not an attack on you unless you make it an attack on you."
"You'll get some criticism but at the end of the day, my successes have worked."
"If you believe them while they're being nice to you, then you're also gonna believe them when they hate you."
"Build a wall of success, so big that it clears out all the ankle biters' commentary."
"It's okay to say you don't like something. It's okay to hate something. But it's just like, at the very least, just appreciate an artist trying to create and trying to push the boundaries and challenge themselves to do something different."
"The day people stop hating on you, that's when you should start worrying. That's what I've learned."
"It don't matter what you're saying because if you try to justify why you are not this thing that they are saying you are, they will find something else to complain about."
"Haters gonna hate, you know what I'm saying?"
"Embrace the haters, that's the only way to go in this world."