
Brand Perception Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Many artists agree that the quality of the Prismacolor pencils has dropped since the manufacturing move to Mexico."
"A brand is a result; it's a customer's gut feeling about a product, service, or company. It ends up in their heads, in their hearts."
"My main goal isn't to thrive on being the big brand intellectual titan because when you do that, that just means they are still responding simply to power."
"I feel like Maybelline is definitely an iconic, not iconic brand, but a Legend Derek brand."
"I think people are waking up and I think the Republican brand has an ability."
"But are they going to be as good of a value as the Genesis? Probably not."
"It was my first time there and it has tainted the world of Disney for me."
"AMD being in the rare position of being perceived generally speaking as the better CPU brand right now."
"If you're not obsessed with having that Mercedes-Benz three-pointed star upfront then this is the luxury sedan to get."
"Do you still think they're like a poppin makeup brand that everybody is obsessed with? I'm very curious to know everyone's thoughts on this topic."
"One of Tesla's greatest strengths but also one of its greatest weaknesses."
"I came away feeling really positive about the brand."
"A cringy ad can reduce brand attitudes and therefore could play a role in future sales."
"Bose has become the villain for audiophiles."
"Perceptions of brand betrayal can lead love for a brand to turn into hate."
"There is so much more to Tesla than their vehicles."
"Anything that's associated with Fabletics honestly is usually a pretty decent price."
"Mazda blurs the lines between mainstream and luxury."
"A clear brand story is about the story that people will talk about when they think about your brand."
"This is maserati's like exotic sports car, and I'm not really sure actually how to think about the MC20. Maserati products have been pretty underwhelming in the last few years, but this one is at least beautiful."
"The only thing that matters to me is that brands are trying."
"In essence, like most luxury houses, they may seem like a leather goods company but they're actually in the business of creating and selling prestige to their customers."
"The Lexus brand as a whole has always been about reliability."
"Mazda finally succeeded in creating a vehicle that'll make you think of them more as a luxury brand."
"Don't imagine for a second that somehow Sony is a white knight in all of this."
"Sony's not your friend. Microsoft's not your friend."
"This is the story of Machinima: their biggest mistake was thinking anyone gave a [__] about Machinima the brand and not the content creators."
"AMD would love you to pay more but they simply don't have the mindshare and brand reputation to get away with the same absurd prices that Nvidia can."
"Honestly, if you got rid of the e-ray badge and you put me in here, I'd be like, this feels like the Z06."
"The whole brand has been left with a bad taste in its mouth."
"You want me to think about this [__] when I think Arby's?"
"The mainstream media in the US is picking up on this stuff. What that tells us is when their brand implodes, they're going to start losing whatever charm they had for the American people."
"Anything Porsche is just another level when it comes to driving."
"Starbucks is actually genius because they've figured out how to like dupe everyone into thinking it's convenient delicious coffee when it's actually inconvenient, not very good coffee, and it's really expensive."
"Fans have confidence in the MCU, juxtapose that against the DCU, it has been a chaotic mess."
"Shake Shack is a little bougie, she's a little bougie."
"Just because something is expensive or has a brand name associated with it doesn't necessarily mean that it's high quality."
"Tesla is more like watching Starship Troopers. It's like where grit meets science."
"It's like butter. Even though it's called 'I can't believe it's not butter.'"
"Bud Light is uncool nobody wants to buy it now you're going to see that rejection of this because a regular person who normally just follows the trends it's gonna be like I I don't I don't drink Bud Light whatever you say guys."
"Nobody reads Rolling Stone, right? It's kind of an ancient brand."
"This car still feels like it excels as a luxury stand."
"Anthropomorphization of brands makes us trust them a lot more. This cognitive bias creates an emotional connection between you and a product or company."
"The Genesis reminds me an awful lot of what I think that the Lexus IS could have or should have been in this particular generation."
"The Stinger GT...widely responsible for changing a lot of people's perception of Kia as a performance-oriented brand."
"It's sort of, I have this Lotus Esprit and what it reminded me that Lotus used to have usability."
"If you took the badge off, you said it's McLaren, everyone would believe it."
"Tesla just makes every other car feel outdated."
"The way you choose to respond to a situation can ultimately frame their perception of your brand going forward."
"Your following is loyal oil, now you look at it right?"
"Porsche does not make great cars, they make good cars, very good cars."
"You have no idea that it's coming from an Escalade, you think there's a Corvette somewhere like where's the Corvette making all this noise or the Camaro but it's not it's an Escalade and that's the coolest thing."
"This is absolutely terrible for Facebook's brand... if every brand was like yeah no no to advertising."
"Buicks have a stigma of being an old person car and that's really not the case."
"Tesla is anything but an automotive manufacturer."
"I actually thought I was in a Lexus... you put a Lexus badge there it would be believable."
"If the vast majority of people... know Tesla makes great products, then the FUD is meaningless."
"Don't pass on this Toyota simply because it has a Corolla badge."
"The F12 though is not seen as an unreliable car, they are seen as pretty bulletproof."
"But at the end of the day, it was still developmental, and for all of Triple H's proclamations that NXT was the third brand, in the eyes of the average WWE fan, it really wasn't."
"Rolex isn't the best watchmaker, not by a long shot."
"Are we really surprised that it came from Apple? I feel like anything that is too evil to be used by Apple they just run away and start their own company."
"It's almost as if Lexus knew their customers were a little bit elderly."
"Your brand is flopping and they're right, that doesn't sit right with me."
"It feels more like an Audi and that's one hell of a compliment than a Volkswagen product."
"I honestly think that Peugeot is the best it's been in years."
"Kia is doing amazing things... You do have to think, why would you pay more for the badge?"
"Understanding why they have such unmatched worldwide popularity actually helps us get a clear idea as to why Ferrari can still say that they're different from every other car company."
"Tesla is usually more clever than what most people would assume."
"Winning cures everything. Aquaman comes out and crushes it, the entire perception of DC changes."
"Many people wear Canada Goose nowadays as a status symbol for vain reasons not for its actual functionality in cold weather."
"It's just like a really impressive balance of luxury, comfort, speed, and you know, even though the Genesis brand doesn't have the credibility of the Japanese or the German competitors."
"The Stinger has seriously changed a lot of people's perception of Kia."
"Nike's challenge has no merit and clearly demonstrates their lack of understanding."
"Generic brands are affordable and great too."
"The name Floored itself has a beautiful connotation."
"Ultimately, when I think of a luxury brand, I think of premium quality, not just the name."
"Honestly, not what I think of when I think of Jag. Jag has really stepped it up."
"BMW always really gets it that they make the vehicles fun to drive."
"We're back and we're thinking about what a completely unproblematic and positive brand Volkswagen is."
"Boots in general depending on how well they're made, if you can tell how well they're made by touch, then even if it's not a name brand, they can still do really well."
"This CHR crossover takes your preconceptions about the brand and then stamps all over them."
"...we got an Asus board I would have expected like a no name brand and then 10 TI that is actually a two fan card but I mean it's a decent looking cooler just looks like a typical knockoff card."
"If someone was wearing that and they told me it's from Primark I just wouldn't believe them."
"Skoda is not a budget option anymore and therefore nor is this a budget choice, but it is a value one."
"It's still got that box all badge it's still you know not seen as a particularly fanc see your luxurious car."
"Kia was a relatively unknown brand... when that car became a favorite... people realized that Kias could be bought because they were good rather than just being cheap."
"I really feel like Kia has become an incredibly premium brand recently."
"This brand, if we're being honest, is pretty outdated."
"This just feels like such a solid car, Honda has really improved this platform."
"Customers go harder on up-and-coming brands than they do with these bigger brands."
"There's so much to gain from doing a off the beat type performance from the literally the brand perception."
"To me, Estrid is like imagine if Harry Styles created a razor brand."
"Skoda's still a bit of an underrated brand...but the people that buy cars like this one, they understand that what you're effectively getting is a Volkswagen with a little less equipment but additional clever touches."
"And on that front, I think it does a pretty darn good job of reminding people Kia do know how to have fun as well."
"Buy a Ford is not one of the things that I think about."
"This looks like a fun, colorful, up-and-coming brand."
"Kia, they're really doing the business in the auto industry with changing people's perception about their brand."
"...you need to put the Kia badge to one side because the fit and finish of this car the choice of materials the way it feels to drive just simply don't feel like a Kia."
"Lego is a premium product, the prices are higher, we all know that, but I think a lot of things are really pushing the boundary."
"According to CMO Marissa Gerund, there's real restaurant quality food at 7-Eleven."
"Sometimes they do stuff like this where I'm like, really Filson? Where's the value?"
"Cheaper is not always the best... What you put into your brand will reflect on your brand."
"The symbolic value is worth something to people."
"I think Seiko is just really good if you are entering the watch Market don't think Seiko sometimes I think Seiko gets a bad name."
"Brands are just the collective impression of a product."
"If I tell you Dior sucks and you go to a store and you spray this on and go I like it hard stop that's all that matters."
"The candles are not off-brand y'all are trying to make it something to make it seem as if Wendy is so different but she's doing exactly what you're supposed to do when you no longer want to work for people you get on a reality show."
"People don't just buy off of products nowadays... it's about the reputation that your business has."
"The best thing about Taco Bell's food is that it's 65% real meat."
"Coming into a Lance, it just feels like luxury."
"If you have overlooked the K900 just because of that Kia badge, I'm telling you, go drive that vehicle."
"This Megan E-Tech electric makes Renault seem a more credible force in the mainstream European market."
"AMD gets a free pass from enthusiasts for being an underdog, and it's baffling to me."
"It does allow me to believe that they are a pretty big brand, that their products are very good, and that customers like it."
"An affordable Jaguar isn't that a sort of oxymoron? Well, actually, this car was hugely successful."
"The big thing here is Kia's gotten really good on their new modern cars of exuding a lot of class and luxury for the price point."
"I can't believe this is a McDonald's."
"It's kind of funny within the last year or so the Model X has kind of been viewed as the black sheep of the Tesla world."
"Why is the minivan such a dirty word? Well, I think that the Chrysler Pacifica here can change that."
"The iPhone definitely feels the most premium."
"The brands that get it, get it, and the brands that don't, don't."
"The 99 Turbo completely changed how the world saw the Swedish brand."
"It's really the one that changed a lot of things for Honda and changed that perception of Honda in America."
"Finding out that their customer service is so responsive inspires confidence in a budget brand."
"Seventy percent of online consumers agree that the quality, timing, and relevance of a brand's message influence their perception of the company."
"It all really started with the Stinger back in 2018, opening people's eyes to what this brand can bring to the table."
"Simultaneously one of the most amazing and most infuriating brands in the market."
"Toyota to me just has this certain ambiance of classiness."
"If this thing had a Capri badge, people would absolutely rave about it."
"Hyundai, they've been around for quite some time, but 20 years ago people really weren't taking a serious look at them, but they are now."
"It's really become the apple of the electric cars when people think electric car they think Tesla."
"When you think Mercedes, of course, you think luxury."
"Hublot does it deserve the hate? Does it really? I don't think so, really."
"One thing that Apple have always done really well is create premium feeling products."
"It definitely changed the view of what Harley-Davidson was all about."
"The outlook for Subaru remains bulletproof, indestructible."
"Using consistent language when you have to can also lead to streamlined user experience and positive brand perception."
"This is a brand who doesn't believe in black people, this is a brand who doesn't believe that black is beautiful, that black is worthy of being celebrated."
"Tesla's huge differentiators right now, people like to think of Tesla as a car manufacturer, not as an AI company, not as a technology company, but a company that makes cars."
"It's a real Mercedes-Benz to a lot of people."
"It's certainly true that it might change the way that you think about Peugeot."
"I like the watches, I love the watches, I dislike the brand."
"It's just a great scent from a brand which typically will get some shade thrown at it due to the performance of basically all their fragrances."
"Brands don't care about you; you're a dollar sign to them, remember that."