
Antagonist Quotes

There are 455 quotes

"You don't even need to have seen Gravity Falls to understand and appreciate this video on why Bill is such an amazing antagonist."
"My personal favorite Batman antagonist...my boy Bane."
"Frieza was far and away the biggest bad the series had ever seen."
"The adversary should be the strongest person in the story."
"Hell's Island... announces the Dentist as our nemesis."
"Tarzan and Jane are very likable, and while Clayton isn't all that interesting, he still serves as an effective and threatening antagonist."
"Prince Nuala is not your run-of-the-mill power-hungry antagonist."
"The only remaining threat in the story is Jobin Higashikata, who had ties to the Domo group."
"We are witnessing here isn't just a formidable foe; we are fighting what could very well be the main antagonist of the series as an event of historical proportions."
"Roswaal going like more evil wizard... makes him a lot more of a colder antagonist."
"What Peter Parker needs in order to be his own hero and not just Tony's successor is a villain that hates him enough to form up a whole squad determined to take him down."
"The perspective of having the protagonist essentially be the villain is rare, but Death Note pulls it off."
"His early role solidified him as a primary antagonist in the series."
"The main antagonist in the series was Aku, a mystical deity-like being with magical abilities."
"Black Mask is the number one most powerful crime lord in Gotham... brought eight of the greatest assassins of the DC Universe to face down on him."
"A story is not exciting unless your antagonist is competent."
"Healers new villains not exactly a stranger to that."
"Moro is a force of nature for the main characters that almost does things as if a force of evil instead not worrying about good or evil."
"Johan from Monster... one of my favorite characters... greatest antagonist of all time..."
"Sephiroth was always intended to be the game's main antagonist."
"You can be an antagonist without being a villain."
"Making a villain evil for the sake of being evil is the most boring way... especially when you're focusing your story heavily on that antagonist."
"Ramses from The Prince of Egypt is perhaps the most well-written, exceptionally compelling antagonist in any animated film."
"Iron Man is often cited as creating his own worst enemies, causing trouble down the line."
"Reading 'The Boxer' honestly feels like watching the growth arc of an antagonist."
"Villains serve a major role... they themselves can be looked at as the great threat that the hero must overcome."
"Ethan falls into the bad guy category but Ethan isn't your typical bad guy Ethan is the bad guy who acts like the good guy the wolf in sheep's clothing."
"Infinity War did something so hard... framing your protagonist as your villain is so hard to write."
"The series was at its best when she faced David Tennant's villainous Kilgrave."
"Rick Prime is now acting as the big bad for Rick and Morty."
"Master Chief and Cortana attempt to warn the Infinity of the dangers but instead encounter the Didact's jail cell, releasing the ancient [__] and giving Halo 4 its main antagonist."
"The Didact goes rogue when he's ordered to dismantle the shield world, steals the composer, and heads to Earth intending to compose all the remaining humans to swell the ranks of his robot army."
"Katakuri officially the most popular antagonist in one piece to date."
"The film's antagonist, PAL, is pretty aptly named..."
"Tony Stark himself is the biggest bad in the MCU hands down."
"Justin Hammer is maybe the most charismatic and for sure my favorite antagonist across the entire MCU."
"The bad guys but then also the mammoth that's running around destroying things too, that was a really cool mission."
"Disney is the villain in this particular story."
"I think Dr. Maruki is easily Persona 5's best antagonist for me."
"He's also gonna be part of a lady fight where all the women team up to fight the female antagonist."
"The natural environment serving as an antagonist."
"Anthony Mackie is in the movie, he's the main bad guy and he's the leader of this rap group slash gang or something called the Free World."
"Doflamingo was probably one of the finest uses of hockey by an antagonist."
"Anyone can stop him... and he controls all the clones."
"Joker now the ninth DC film to pass the half billion mark worldwide."
"The antagonist is the hero in their own story."
"Shodan is easily one of the best antagonists in a video game."
"Pete's villainous nature has also been capitalized on in more recent years as the main antagonist and villain of the Epic Mickey and Kingdom Hearts games."
"This will give you a better idea of how to craft an antagonist who is layered and believable."
"Mother Miranda, the big baddie in the village, sets up an epic atmosphere for a battle for Rose."
"Forget Bowser and his petty little schemes to marry Princess Peach-- That is nothing. This thing."
"Blackbeard is built as the ultimate antagonist towards Luffy."
"This show almost just makes you root for the Covenant. The UNSC is just set up to be like the actual ultimate bad guy."
"Having a unique antagonist is just another way to solidify them in your memory."
"The blob: setting up yet another antagonist for the future of the FNAF games."
"Biakia is the main antagonist for the first major story arc of Bleach."
"I was worried I wasn't going to because the story made sense. Yeah, the bad guys made sense."
"The prince is the main villain in this... he is an abuser."
"Rick is the bad guy of somebody else's story."
"Dr. Poison has gone from a one-dimensional afterthought to a complex foil for Diana."
"Sadler's character design, backstory, and role within the game's plot elevate him to one of the series' most memorable antagonists."
"Best arc villain wise... probably my favorite villain."
"Starline is the true antagonist of all of IDW Sonic."
"There is no stronger villain than the one that the hero is not able to go up against."
"Wilson Fisk is the best antagonist on television."
"This murderer is so committed to the cause that he'll kill just about anyone who gets in the way."
"It sets up the theme and the conflict and the villain."
"I think the most likely scenario is that he'll start off as the antagonist in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and then they'll all realize that they ultimately have similar goals or want the same thing against a bigger villain."
"The Witness is so drastically different from any other antagonist that we've had in Destiny in the past."
"Marth emblem, Marth! To be clear, that's cool and all, but I really gotta give props to this one bad guy."
"I'm ready to see it, I think Monday Night Raw needs a great villain world champion."
"Count black makes for a pretty interesting antagonist."
"The Courier is the myth-made legend the mod wants them to be, there must be a myth-made antagonist."
"Remember how Thanos in Infinity War was meticulously developed as a real person?"
"Now there's a real actual antagonist to fight and struggle against."
"Thanos is, in terms of narrative structure, the hero of this movie."
"A brand new demonic antagonist that seeks to challenge the four chaos Gods becoming the fifth and eventually overpowering all of them his name is Vashtor the Arcophane."
"It introduced the series best villain in the prospector."
"She is psychotic and proud of it; more than happy to keep torturing kids under her rule."
"The series primary antagonist and he's a bad guy but he's a bad guy with feelings."
"Let's make Sephiroth dream of becoming a god his final fantasy."
"Rossi is the villain, the prophetic Angel of Death turned out to be the demon of Cara's own story."
"Dragon Age Dread Wolf: A deserving antagonist for this new game."
"The Assassin is about to take over the world."
"Every good villain is the hero of their own story."
"Lord Zed, one of the most powerful Power Rangers villains of all time."
"Cell is an amazing antagonist; he's a perfect antagonist, some would go as far to say."
"The big bad of this movie is awesome, with the Alien Queen being at the heart of the film."
"Thanos is one of the greatest villains we've ever seen."
"I'm relieved that we have an actual villain for a change and not a twist one or generational trauma."
"Michael, you earned your patented head tilt with that one."
"The benefit of this antagonist archetype is that they create a tremendous sense of moral ambiguity that can enrich your story and challenge the reader's sense of right and wrong."
"Make your villain deeply conflicted, especially with antagonists."
"But that sign of good writing when you're rooting for a bad guy."
"Nacho is one of the most memorable antagonists in the entire Breaking Bad Universe."
"Shooter McGavin is a smarmy up-and-coming golfer outraged when Happy Gilmore's raucous attitude disrupts the tournament."
"Margaret White is a tyrannical mother with fanatical religious views and intolerance of anything sinful."
"Terence Fletcher continually mistreats his pupils with emotional and verbal abuse."
"He's the villain in this series, man."
"The difference between a great Bond film and a good Bond film sometimes comes down to the bad guy."
"Akainu represents everything that's wrong with the Marines."
"Cruella is also a great antagonist. After all, she is a character who wants puppies for the sole purpose of making a fur coat."
"So who was it that outranked the famed antagonist as the most evil?"
"The villain becomes our boogeyman."
"Buu is the ultimate antagonist with all the ultimate abilities that all the characters have."
"Guy Pierce is the perceived secondary villain to the Mandarin."
"Frieza then initiates a power-up, casually discarding his battle jacket."
"A good villain is just as important as a good hero. They test Our Heroes, they push them to their limits."
"Is Zaheer, the antagonist of the third season... the Forgotten and discarded son of Avatar Aang?"
"Sammy Zayn is the first person to really find the cracks in the armor."
"I think Sammy should be involved in the destruction of the bloodline."
"We find out for real for real that Rowan was the actual bad guy."
"A hero is only as good as his or her villains."
"Keep doing as much of that as possible while making him vulnerable to the really good heels."
"It was a great reveal it was so shocking and um it really was a turn the tables on the film because now we have a real antagonist on the crew."
"Ozai in the original series is the big bad, essentially the Palpatine of the series."
"Kanjaku would inhabit the body of Naruto Shikamo where he would create the cursed womb's death's paintings."
"I know this list is about powerful villains but I still wanted to give Bullseye a special shout out because...he's still one of the best street-level antagonists around."
"I like the beach, I like the ocean, I like things that take place in those areas, I think the idea of having a shark is as your main antagonist, main villain is super cool."
"Why does every main antagonist in a Disney Channel movie who isn't an adult, by the way, get a satisfying ending that they don't deserve? In this movie, it was Stacy."
"One of the strongest villains that Justice League has ever had to fight."
"The real enemy is Tyler Durden, the fake invented internalized masculine ideal..."
"One of the toughest things and doing these stories is coming up with villains."
"There is just no antagonist in this movie until there is, and that is the best way I can describe it."
"Red Goblin was a force to be reckoned with, causing incalculable amounts of damage."
"The villain of this movie is just the Karen."
"What is the point of having a great protagonist if you don't have an equally great antagonist?"
"There doesn't always have to be a villain."
"Maybe there is a bad guy, well they're still afraid of that."
"What was even more interesting about Kami Chama Karen Chu is the antagonist Ra, who is another Hea. He's Squidward. He's Squidward. You're Squidward."
"Wilson Fisk is a force to be reckoned with both mentally and physically."
"His ongoing struggle with superheroes cements his place as a formidable antagonist."
"This Queen Bee did NOT mess around, and though she may have lost a bit of her evil edge as the series went on, audiences still can’t forget how truly evil she was in the first season."
"How could Justin Hammer be the next big bad in the MCU?"
"Who is the real monster in Freddy versus Jason? The answer is Freddy."
"The soul stealer continued to sneer at the boy."
"...the Intriguing new antagonist was taken way too soon being disappointingly cut down without ever fully explaining what in the hell marok even was."
"The big bad of the show is Bill Cipher, a creature from another dimension."
"Chrollo is one of the most memorable antagonists I've encountered in any form of media, not just manga and anime, and he's a huge reason why Hunter x Hunter is my favorite anime and manga."
"In the MCU, one of the most persistent and effective foes of the Avengers is the killer robot Ultron."
"Cicada was a disappointing villain who couldn't pose a real threat to Team Flash."
"Cell has by far the best villain introduction in the original Dragon Ball story."
"We don't want characters like your villain is wrong, but they still have to be formidable in what they're doing, preferably."
"That’s not a method that others would expect would be used by an antagonist, but it got Plankrab what he wanted: a successful business, the Krabby Patty formula, and power over the two people who made up his DNA."
"I love it when a bad guy is willing to just be a petty asshole."
"Ginger is a teenager infected by a werewolf and the main antagonist in Ginger Snaps."
"I think when you've got an antagonist like Silco or Jinx, you can just take more chances with them."
"I see what got you here. I understand your thirst for vengeance. I see, and that's... he's just such a well-written antagonist because it's one of those where it's like, I no one's condoning what you're doing but I sure do get how you got here."
"The fight became serious once Destroyah entered the aggregate form."
"I love the villain in this third film as well."
"Mirror villains AKA a villain who is an evil copy of the hero and aren't inherently bad and can often be an interesting shakeup."
"...building up a roster of fittingly powerful final opponents."
"Mahito, I don't like him, but he's a damn good villain."
"It was a battle of epic proportions and true to his name as one of gintama's ultimate villains."
"Your antagonist should never be just a joke cartoony antagonist."
"Your antagonist shouldn't be just a character you love to hate, they should also be someone you hate to love."
"In order for the reader to take your antagonist seriously, you need to establish that your antagonist is a genuine threat."
"Your antagonist wants something, usually it's power, and they will do everything they can to obtain it."
"Bowser is a villain through and through."
"Why has the evil force spent nearly seven minutes playing hide and seek with Sunny? Why is it tormenting him but not showing itself?"
"The Heenan family played the biggest foil to Hulk Hogan during that Hulkamania boom period."
"The most evil thing he actually does in this movie is literally crush the dreams of a few people. That's it. He crushes the dreams of a few people, yes, it's very mean."
"It's always more fun to play a baddie."
"The Trickster has always been an incredible villain, the perfect kind of antagonist for the spin-off."
"This is the greatest threat of the One Piece world, and that's Rocks right here."
"What makes his failing as an antagonist worse is that he appears pretty intimidating at first!"
"Snow is probably the most infuriating villain. Infuriating antagonist that I've seen in a while. You know, and this is coming from someone who watched Game of Thrones."
"The main antagonist...does her absolute best."
"Thawne has been a thorn in this show's ass for a long time, and it's about time that we finally get to let Thawne die."
"The fact that dragon has been able to avoid capture and even continue to act for so long while directly challenging the world government as we saw in this flashback shows how much of a threat he truly is."
"Between both parts of the season, Julia was easily given the most time to experience a full evolution. As an antagonist, she's decent enough given the makeup of the cast, but she also managed to captivate half the fandom without even trying."
"Darth Plagueis should have been the antagonist in Rise of Skywalker instead of Palpatine."
"Once they all start to realize what's going on then they all realize okay now their main enemy is Doctor Doom."
"A film where the protagonist and the antagonist meet in the morally squishy center for an exhilarating moment of the purest kind of Star Wars bliss."
"A Great Hero might be iconic, but it's a great villain that makes a story worth telling."
"Dent is an effective secondary villain and gives us someone to boo and hiss at in the meanwhile as Dr. No interferes for another three-quarters of an hour folks."
"Poindexter makes for a formidable physical threat to Daredevil throughout the entire season."
"For your crime, you are going before the number one flower hater in the land... Gnorga!"
"It's over, Frieza. Your killing days are done."
"So, unsurprisingly, our Gold Medal of Evil goes to Gabriel Agreste AKA Hawkmoth."
"There won't be no movie without the villains, right? We won't love Batman without Joker."
"The only person who could stop King Orm is Aquaman."
"Furthermore, to add to his credibility, Tommy literally did not beat him this season. His assassination attempt failed and Mosley survived— the first time ever in the series that an antagonist survived and bested Tommy."
"A story is only as good as its villain."
"When it comes to antagonists receiving Redemption for their actions, it honestly became quite the meme in the animation Community."
"Gul Dukat was the main recurring antagonist on DS9."
"This villain changed the entire scope of an all-out war solely by himself."
"The moment is made even more awesome by the fact that the antagonist is the one who introduces Simbad as the great king, it was an incredible entrance that's one for the anime history books."
"...they were not sent here to stop or defeat our protagonists."
"Negan just added so much to the story. Rick's always going to be number one, but Negan just added so much to the story."
"The Dark One is gathering all armies to him."
"Mads Mikkelsen, the best Bond villain ever."
"I'm thrilled with the Phantom Troupe as the antagonists of this arc"
"It keeps the Omnitrix for himself as Vilgax begins his Reign Over the Galaxy."
"The Canker Sisters are meant to be the evil versions of the Eds."
"He was a real solid bad guy when he cut off Yang's arm and almost decapitates Blake. I was like, 'Uh oh, he's a bad guy, he's a real threat.'"
"Clarice Larue is the bully that we all love to hate in the Percy Jackson series, but as time goes on we come to respect her and love her."
"Michael Myers, the man I don't even like."
"I think for these movies to function properly the antagonist needs to feel like this huge faceless unknowable Onslaught that's bigger than everyone it's preying on and so the fact that the curse in this movie has a face makes things feel a whole lot less scary."