
Freud Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Freud says the sexual self is the essential self; who you are when you're [expletive] is who you are in your soul."
"Sigmund Freud... believed that dreams are a way of expressing those secret primal desires."
"Freud theorized that dreams represented a window into the unconscious mind."
"More than Einstein or Watson and Crick, more than Hitler or Lenin, Roosevelt or Kennedy, more than Picasso, Eliot, or Stravinsky, more than the Beatles or Bob Dylan, Freud's influence on modern culture has been profound and long-lasting."
"The central idea of psychoanalysis, as developed by Sigmund Freud, is that the conscious mind, the part of our minds in which we engage in intentional thought, is only one of three coexisting aspects of the human psyche."
"Dreams are wish fulfillment, according to Sigmund Freud."
"I know what you're thinking you think I'm sick you think I'm a sicker you think I'm warped you're thinking Sigman Freud would have a field day with this."
"Many of the things we take for granted as psychologists today were first introduced into the public realm of knowledge by Freud."
"According to Freud, there are three distinct processes going on in your head and these are in violent internal conflict."
"Freud came up with a new realm of Consciousness called the unconscious."
"Freud gave a general theoretical structure to all these findings about the influence of unconscious issues from childhood in adult life."
"The goal of therapy in general, at least the way I look at it, Freud said it as well. If you make the unconscious conscious, you're able to work and love well."
"Freud was wrong about pretty much everything but he was right in that whatever we refuse to acknowledge about ourselves grows in power."
"Freud did so much cocaine, and it's believed to have heavily influenced his work in the interpretation of dreams."
"Freud's fundamental idea in the interpretation of dreams: Dreams represent wish fulfillment."
"Freud saw human beings as motivated profoundly not just by what we desire but what we desire sexually as the main driving force is the main driving force."
"If she's laughed she would properly go, and so, I mean, paging Dr Freud, I think it's why I'm a comedian."
"My grandfather had been a colleague of Freud's in Vienna, had worked with him, and then later would work with Alfred Adler, and my mother was a medical practitioner, but she was interested in psychology."
"In the materialistic World there is room for the idea of God but not God is a reality that's Freud do you remember him he said uh man God did not create man man invented the idea of God."
"'But of course Freud doesn't say the original helplessness of human beings is thus the primal source of all good moral motives, he just says morality is bound up with helplessness.'"
"We need to continue Freud's exploration of the psyche."
"Freud's interpretation of dreams elevated dreams into the realm of scientific observation and discovery."
"For Freud, this part came from consciousness by and large. It was a repository of all the repressions of the things that my parents told me that I didn't want to hear."
"I knew it would cost me my friendship with Freud. I was seen as a mystic and that was the end of the matter."
"He had to find his own myth and he could no longer just take over Freud's mythology."
"In Freud's monumental 1917 paper 'Morning in Melancholia,' he explains that the reason the depressive character can't mourn... is because he has too much hatred towards the lost object to be able to let it go."
"He wants us not to repress our drives."
"Freud said about N that he knew more about himself than any man who ever lived or was ever likely to live."
"One might assume that Lacan’s real, the third and final register here, has a relation to the reality principle of Freud, but in fact that latter notion is more closely related to Lacan’s symbolic."
"Freud's theory of self suggests that there are three parts of the self: the id, the ego, and the superego."
"But it's much more seeing if it's possible to entertain Freud's fantasy of a realistic biography what would that mean well I'm doing in trying to find out."
"Freud's dislike of biography is because it isn't psychoanalysis. It's a very interesting difference."
"How can I guarantee the memory of Gradiva? How can I bear witness? Freud unconsciously thus asks to the trace of psychoanalysis, that is to the very possibility of finding traces, to the very possibility of memory."
"Freud is much easier of a writer... he wanted his views to be easily understood."
"The Freudian unconscious has a certain transcendental status."
"Carl Gustav Jung... founder of analytical psychology and one-time collaborator of Freud."
"According to Dr. Sigmund Freud, the two most important things in life are love and work."
"When narcissism was first described by Sigmund Freud, it was intertwined with internal processes, especially in early childhood."
"One of the most important contributions Freud made to the field of psychology was the whole concept of development, human development, and particularly early childhood development."
"Freud revolutionized the way that we think about the mind."
"Freud for many years defined the goal of psychoanalysis as making the unconscious conscious."
"Freud's focus has been on narratives and the problematics of interpreting narratives."
"Freud is contradictory in so many ways, that's part of what makes him great."
"I like Freud for other reasons too. He was a wonderful writer."
"Freud taught us how to listen with the third ear, listening for the subtext, listening for the latent message behind the manifest."
"Why we can't get beyond Freud? Because like Shakespeare and Jesus, he gave us truth."
"Freud considered dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious."
"This is what Freud referred to as the oceanic feeling."
"Sigmund Freud was a psychologist."