
Transformative Experiences Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Being around art shapes you, that's why standing in Nelson Mandela's prison cell transforms you."
"Every major transition, every area in my life where I grew the most, were my consciousness increased permanently in big ways, all that was tied to me following my intuitions."
"And, little did they know, but that lesson would change everything."
"What happened next was nothing short of amazing."
"The people who respond best are the ones who have had a complete mystical experience."
"I think it is really important to hang tight to and lean into the transformative aspect of fandoms."
"Some experiences are so big they change your DNA."
"It's unlike anything that they had ever experienced before in terms of how it altered their perception of themselves."
"We changed her body, we changed her life, and we changed her future."
"Miraculous transformations, miraculous manifestations."
"Cambo can be used as a catalyst for positive transformation, but it's only really sustainable when you integrate the experience into your daily life and do the work."
"The world is filled with cases where people say, 'There was me before this experience and there was me after this experience.'"
"The days that break you are the days that make you."
"You seem to have had a personal experience that was powerful enough to compel you into belief."
"There's nothing more spiritually powerful than getting somebody's life back."
"My life became glorious. I could have never imagined it to turn out that great."
"If I have to be ridiculous, be gossiped about, I'll do it, because I sense something in this Jesus that I can't let him get away until I've had a personal experience with him."
"Embrace your breakdowns because they are breakthroughs."
"During Ascension, your life can change quite dramatically. The Rainbow Bridge empowers us to rise from one reality to another."
"There are a very small number of things that actually just change your life and this is one of those."
"After [an out-of-body] experience... they feel wonderful about what's happened... it's a transforming type of experience."
"You are about to encounter a life-altering miracle which has the potential to bring you more joy than you have ever known."
"This feels like the start of a Rags to Glory."
"That day changed my life. I had to go, I was there. It's my Miracle babies."
"I would love to help some people who want to process their spiritually transformative experiences."
"Appreciating love without needing to achieve anything can be transformative."
"That night changed my life... because of that terror and I never felt more in the now."
"Little moments are the transforming moments."
"You are gonna like this person... this is mind-body soul sex like this is making me rethink my entire life."
"For the millions out there who have experienced the transformative power of our methodology and the unwavering support of our community, CrossFit is a match struck in the dark."
"You will see things that you've been struggling with for 5, 10, 15, 20 years disappear."
"When you make an error some part of you has to go. That's a sacrifice; you have to let it go. Sometimes it's a big part of you. Sometimes it can be such a big part of you that you actually die – right? Instead of dying and being reborn."
"That place down there is where you learn something new about yourself."
"Little did Chelsea know that this night, she would encounter a real monster."
"Sometimes expectations just get completely broken and this is a prime example of that."
"It's legitimately life-changing, why never had that before."
"As you guys can see, there's a lot of people all over the world from all these different corners experiencing incredible transformations."
"This is a life-changing grilled chicken wow it's so good."
"It's just going to be literally life-changing."
"Psychedelics are wonderful, you should take them. This is the way to save the world."
"When you played that record that day, I was living in the projects."
"My near-death experience was the beginning of my life, not the end."
"This is something that I think will plant a seed that may completely transform your life."
"A young boy visited a fire station that would ultimately change many firefighters' lives forever."
"If you do, you're not going to want to go back."
"It challenges them, it causes their lives to completely change."
"I've seen people say this is the best thing they've ever done, they feel brand new, everything's fine, they're in the garden, they're on their knees, and everything's great."
"We're going to evolve to a point where we get past that and nothing that anyone puts in writing is ever going to approach the level of revelatory Awakening that can occur."
"You're just gonna have a life-changing bang."
"Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. I promise you something great will come of it."
"It is apocalyptic, it's a life-changing experience that these people have been through."
"Your connection has opened up a pathway to healing, transforming fears into expectancy and joy."
"Sometimes I think a tower moment can be a good thing because, you know, the top of the tower has to fall away anyway."
"When you heal that inner child, everything in your present is going to take off in an amazing way."
"It's your destiny, it's your journey, and the minute we release those people and those situations, bam, just like that, like lightning, your whole life shifts and changes."
"When the choice becomes an experience that you never forget, that's the moment the past biologically no longer exists in you."
"The day you meet a person of another faith whom you consider to be at least as smart, religious, and decent as you think you are, you will never be the same."
"The whole idea of art is actually transporting people and showing a page which should transform their mind."
"Someone here was going through something mentally that completely put him in this state of mind."
"Father, do something in this place today that changes us."
"Everything incredible that has happened in my life since is as a result of that summer of rediscovering myself."
"Every time I get feedback like that, that I changed people's life in a positive way where they transformed, it's the best feeling."
"The birth of my daughter was absolutely transformative."
"Your entire life is going to be shifting in big karmic faded magical ways."
"At what point after all of that do you realize that your life is never going to be the same?"
"Tonight's not just about some dance, it's about creating life-changing experiences for everyone."
"When I say somebody has been set free listening, when I say that, it is so freaking powerful."
"Now finding, do you know what you will find? That the specific part of your life is going to slowly come to an end, and it's going to require from you to adjust your life accordingly."
"What you don't see coming is, beneath this transformation from your appearances, something amazing is going to come."
"Some of y'all been through hell in high water, but let me tell you, the way you gonna come out of this thing, they gonna write about it."
"Life-changing experience for me 45 years ago, Halloween night."
"My whole life changed, everything started happening right for me."
"Once those who are open to transformation goes through the intense process they can never unsee what they now see for the rest of their lives."
"Near-death experiences are transformative journeys."
"Moldavite lives up to its reputation of shaking off the dead leaves of your life tree."
"Expect spiritual ascension and union with this person. It's happening."
"The worst thing that I thought could happen to me ended up being an inner transformation."
"I want the ones that make the biggest impact on me."
"Life is fundamentally changing for you... it's like going from night to day, rags to riches."
"Someone's life is going through a major change, a major overhaul."
"Synchronicities become part of your life...magic seems to infuse your life."
"I don't care what people think about Jesus I've seen him do some stuff and I'm desperate enough to ask him to come to my house."
"Some of the most painful experiences were my greatest blessings."
"There's a correlate to that which is that many people experience major awakenings as a direct result of illness."
"This is a story about the spaces we inhabit, how they Define who we are, the role they play in making life-changing connections, and of how they led to the biggest musical in Broadway history."
"Your life will never be the same, it is a game changer."
"One prophetic word can transform everything."
"The most transformative stories are coupled with strong emotions."
"Something dealing with your relationships or how you relate to individuals gonna change forever."
"These are actually moments when really powerful spiritual shifts are able to take place within you because it gives the conscious mind a bit of a moment of pause."
"Decades of regret can completely change a person."
"What ends up happening will be very healing."
"Witnessing the transformation of his phone, he concluded that his dream had come true."
"Every time I've grown, my old self has died."
"I was just able to express to her how much her paint has meant to me, how it changed my life, how it introduced me to furniture painting."
"Turn those negative experiences into something amazing."
"It's not just a cultural shift in culture, right? Like, things are changing for them. The reckoning has come to their doorstep in a way that they haven't had to reckon."
"For something to truly change you, for something to truly hit at a core, it has to disturb you a little bit."
"The tower moment leads to clarity and truth in communication."
"UFOs are just the tip of the iceberg actually, you know there's a whole consciousness transformation that goes along with this thing."
"You become a different version of yourself through that Journey as anyone can tell you who has had a significant loss in their life."
"Empower the tower moment - it can be the beginning of the best chapter of your life."
"It's usually moments like these that make the most impacting change of our lives for the better."
"They take psychedelic drugs like LSD, psilocybin, and others and they give small doses and it changes people's lives."
"Art changes us, and we change art by experiencing it."
"Every event you have in your life will change you."
"Every time a tower moment occurs, it is always good for you."
"Insights, revelations, awakening, discovering, unearthing profound shifts."
"And then everything kind of cleared... that really changed everything."
"He used to come to the school with the Jones but look at him now."
"If you were blind and then God gifted you with the ability to see, would you want to go back to being blind after you were able to see the beauty of the world around you?"
"Before I met the mushroom... I was suicidal and an alcoholic..."
"Sometimes a breakdown means a breakthrough. Change happens in the madness."
"The death realms are incredible because even though we tend to think of death in human terms as an ending, it's actually this incredibly transformative and potent energy that you get to walk into when you're with someone who's transitioning."
"Feel the fear, do it anyway, release yourself."
"I've seen it with personal experience, self-help takes you to places that you couldn't imagine."
"The miracle is intended not just to change the circumstance but to change the mind."
"We've already won because we've opened their hearts and once their hearts are open they can't be closed."
"One pair of shoes can change your entire life."
"But often the things that hurt the most bring the most change."
"This moment in time, something magical is going to happen, something remarkable is going to take place."
"Remember that on the other side of fear you will find the new Earth."
"There are thousands of healing stories with the medical medium information."
"Walking to Sweet Hall at the time and seeing rows of computers was life changing for me."
"It really was such a healing transformational time."
"No singular book is going to give you answers to those questions but the sum impact of reading a lot of books like this in my opinion can just be really really transformative."
"What really works is this thing inside of you that just brings you to it. It connects with you better and gives you that different type of experience than you had before."
"It's like a Transcendence and an incredible experience."
"It made me a better person, and I know that it gave me a reason and a purpose."
"Writing this book changed my life."
"There are these small moments in our lives that completely change the course of our lives forever."
"It's really amazing and kind of life-changing."
"It can really push you outside of your comfort zone, but sometimes that's where the magic can happen."
"There are experiences that come from things like this that change us, and you get something from it for yourself."
"I'm really glad that I was able to come, especially because of how much of a life-changing movie La Bamba was."
"This is the night that changes your life forever."
"This is not happening as a punishment, it's happening because your guides and spirit love you."