
Political Resistance Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"The one thing that comes over clearly from all of these moves in Germany and France is that the political class...are not going to change the underlying policies."
"We have liberty from tyranny under this constitution and we have to stand strong and be brave and fight against those who want to reset what's happening in our country."
"We are not going to be nagged into communism. It's not happening."
"The longer NATO can hold out, the more likely the Russian people will turn against Putin."
"Those brave enough to stand up to Putin and against this war are my new heroes."
"Every time you give me money they get more scared and attack me more. Good, screw them."
"For resisting Beijing’s pressure, Denise Ho found herself on the wrong side of the law."
"The moment we start accepting this as normal is the moment they start winning."
"If our side doesn't fight back forcefully, we have no chance of winning."
"So we have to stop paying attention... you must challenge every lie... you must say that man is not going to do anything for you."
"You can have principled opposition to the ethical agenda that they're trying to enforce."
"In actual warfare you can take the ground and then you're like we got it you secure it we're good or whatever or you know the war can be ended but in terms of politics there's always pushback."
"That choice is now an obligation of our office... We can stand up to this president in defense of the country and the Constitution and the Liberty we love."
"We cannot permit him or anybody in the administration to dictate the manner in which we function... We will make sure that no president becomes a monarch."
"The Great Awakening and we're going to use all the tools they think they have against us we're going to use it against them and for our good"
"The Act of Union was not welcomed by all Scottish citizens."
"If everybody who differs with the left shuts up, then the left won. We've surrendered. So you can't do that."
"They knew they lost, so this is a very, very cathartic moment, I suppose. It finally feels like you can fight back against the Machine when they're trying to destroy your life."
"We will do everything in our power to empower those people, to stand strong, not give in an inch to the fascists."
"The more gun owners we have, the more resistance to legislation."
"States pushing back against federal laws they don't agree with."
"It's going to require moral courage to stand up to this president."
"The government will never take the freedom from us if I have to die in the neon lit era of the 1980s." - Jim
"Push back against the Tennessee legislature."
"The rise of sheep nations, nations that are not gonna allow themselves to bend the knee to the dragon or to the Beast."
"My friends, so long as we have a constitution they cannot just tell us to do as we are told."
"The Dalai Lama is the face of resistance in Tibet."
"Defending yourself against a tyrannical government, I'm all about that."
"I said that right from the beginning: I was not going to cede the linguistic territory to radical leftists."
"Americans grew used to the benefits of the new law, it would become politically untenable for Republicans to repeal its most popular measures."
"The Kennedy family has long since been and thankfully continues to be a thorn in the side of the establishment tyranny."
"The power of this document is that it is effectively authored by the voices of Republicans... who stood up to him."
"They want to stop us. They want to use force and violence against us. It's relevant to everything that's been happening in this country for some time."
"Forces of resistance are increasing, and that is good for people around the world."
"The great majority of Crimean inhabitants support Ukraine, opposing the invading Russian army by organizing resistance groups among themselves."
"I'm proud to say, I'm excited to say, with people like Matt Gates and Byron Donalds, the people are putting up resistance to the machine."
"He's digging in. He ain't gonna go. He'll have to be forced out."
"You cannot silence me. The few cannot get their way with Supreme Court magic."
"We have to come with the same energy, the same love, with the same force and rebuke to this fascism, these sheer power grabs, in fighting back for our freedom."
"Mark Milly stood against the fascist dictatorship that was Donald Trump and was willing to do what was necessary."
"We cannot let our future be decided by those bent on silencing our voices, overturning our votes, and peddling lies and misinformation by some radical faction that may be newly resurgent, but whose roots run old and deep."
"They watch his presidency get stymied by resistance and they see Democrats still attacking him."
"Do not be afraid. Do not be silent. Resist. You are not alone. We are many. The future is ours. F war. Peace to Ukraine."
"Disobedience to tyranny is obedience to God."
"We say that we will fight the neoconservatives over here before they kill millions more over there."
"The fight goes on. These people aren't going away."
"Antifa will have to kill me before I bend the knee to socialism and communism." - Mose and Rath
"Forces are waving the banner of sovereignty against these transnational, unelected, anti-democratic billionaires."
"People from all strata of society resisted a machine that seemed impossible to resist."
"All the resistance Bernie Sanders has had for the last 30 40 years."
"There's nothing anti-authoritarian about smiling and nodding as fascists take over your government."
"The only fight against them is to rein in the power they have over us."
"To all the people who are going to say no wars, welcome to the real resistance."
"The Constitution has proven sturdy against narrow interest groups."
"You tried to defeat us, you being the West and its allies, and here we are still standing."
"Premier pushing back against this federal tax."
"I think there's a certain American spirit that resists this and I'm betting that there's enough of that spirit left that we're not going to fall prey to the depredations of socialism."
"Arise, you who refuse to be slaves." - Hong Kong's new national anthem law sparks debate over freedom of speech.
"Lula's role in defeating the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas shows his commitment to resisting U.S. dominance."
"Either I shall die first or the regime will."
"We must harness all of that collective power to resist the autocratic future."
"Republicans in many states are reluctant, resistant to early voting or voting by mail."
"Latin America is really at the Vanguard of this International struggle against imperialism and against neoliberalism."
"The iconic image of the entire affair took place on June 5th when a single man was photographed stubbornly blocking the path of a column of tanks."
"The establishment was never on Trump's side, and they're certainly not now."
"A lot easier to fight when you've got one house of congress that is at least willing to stand in the way of the most radical policies."
"People in powerful places, those that would actually be making arrests enforcing these laws or standing up and saying I won't be enforcing that, I don't agree with that."
"We're fighting for the soul of America, for sovereignty, and standing by Israel."
"He's a hardcore Conservative Republican but he didn't bend the knee to Trump."
"Resistance being countenanced now doesn't negate the threat posed by leftist candidates."
"We did not come this far and fight this hard only to surrender our country back to the Washington."
"We didn't have to stand there and take it from the left anymore. Somebody would actually stand up and fight for what we have believed in."
"It is time to fight back against this tyranny."
"I am not going to be confined to Donald Trump's definition of who I or anybody else is."
"He was a strong advocate of rejecting The Tyranny and injustices of so many regimes in the Muslim World."
"You do not need to tolerate the satanic condition and the satanic invasion to which your country is subjected. You have the means at your disposal to change the situation."
"Bitcoin is resistance to politicization, that's what makes it important."
"Fighting not only to win the election but to preserve democracy against authoritarianism."
"They wouldn't be trying antics like the Online Safety Bill if people like you weren't having success."
"The solution to tyranny, authoritarianism, central planning is simple but not easy: just have a small vocal minority come together and say no."
"The more these corrupt forces oppose me, the more I know we are delivering real change."
"Champion her own fate, not simply serving the political whims."
"The left has always been fighting against the status quo. It's not anything new, and it actually gives me hope how much more prominent people on the left are getting who speak against the status quo."
"Kennedy was... pushing back on a lot of the big time agendas."
"Texas and Florida... pushing back on... Marxism... and totalitarian control."
"The fact that we are able to keep and bear arms is literally the only thing that stands between us and complete and absolute control by those who are in power."
"This is just the beginning. They won't stop. Fight like your lives depend on it because they do."
"If artists do have a role to play in any sort of future political resistance, it's in their capacity as interpreters of reality and authors of theory."
"The gaze creates a political opening that ideological forces work tirelessly to obscure."
"The correct choice is to detest and resist both with emphasis placed on resisting your own state's aggression since you stand the greatest chance of success against something justified in your name."
"Nursery rhymes are part of a long-standing tradition of parody and popular political resistance to high culture and royalty."