
Political Protest Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"There's massive farmers' protests in Germany, on the back of those that we've already seen in the Netherlands and, by the way, in Poland as well."
"A young man was protesting the dictatorship when he was shot down by government troops."
"Our monstrous rulers are forcing people to engage in the most extreme, desperate act of political protest just to be heard."
"Not in my name, don't bomb Iraq, and no blood for oil."
"We should boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics."
"Protesters across the country demanded that lockdowns be lifted."
"The protests led by the families of citizens recruited into the army brought Putin the all-out popular Uprising he feared."
"This is an international incident, and I think that the international community's got to come together and back the protesters in Hong Kong."
"If you are more troubled by the president going and posing in front of a burned-out church than you are by the fact that people burned the church in the first place, then you are doing this wrong."
"This Groundswell of protest shows that the people of Iran are much more than the Theocratic Boogeyman."
"The honking is upon us, the freedom convoy has reached Ottawa, Justin Trudeau has fled the city to an undisclosed location."
"Wisconsin's Governor is calling a march by neo-Nazis through downtown Madison truly revolting."
"Protesters have begun assembling and organizing against the Sackler family."
"Thousands of demonstrators hit the streets condemning Iranian authorities for shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane."
"We need to send an overwhelming message to this administration that the American people will not comply."
"How come you never protest Saudi Arabia or Russia? You only approach Western energy."
"Let's go Brandon is about let's get rid of this regime."
"The protest vote in this case is bitcoin; it's the only way you can really stick the knife into the guts of the banks."
"Democrats were told that the capitol police and national guard were preparing for potentially tens of thousands of armed protesters coming to Washington."
"To me, the hair is really a protest of politics."
"Truckers are apparently now chanting 'Meet with us, meet with us' at Trudeau because, well, that is how this gets solved."
"The death at the hands of the morality police of 22-year-old Masa Amini sparked a movement that's brought together rich and poor, Shias and Sunnis, citizens from the four corners of the country."
"As veterans sit in Washington, D.C. and the sweltering heat, demanding that they pass this legislation that they have been fighting for, for 15 years."
"United against Putin: Russian and Ukrainian citizens protest together."
"We're tired of being sold out... so yeah we're gonna send in President Cheeto just as a middle finger to the Washington establishment."
"Tonight thousands of Sri Lankans reaching a breaking point, protesters storming the presidential palace, swimming in the pool, working out."
"Solidarity around the world means protests, taking to the streets, demanding action from political leaders."
"I think they just wanted a big fuck you to the establishment."
"Hundreds filled the north steps of the state capital in Sacramento to protest against California's vaccine mandate."
"These are anti-communist protests now taking place in Cuba."
"Ignore Pretty Patel, get out on the streets, and make your voice heard."
"Storming the Capitol was not wrong. Go be angry, go be scary."
"The crowd was shouting 'Stop the vote,' they made their way into the Capitol building. There were no overt threats of violence made at that time."
"If all are deaf to the voice of justice, the people need to rise up in protest and demand honest elections."
"Enough! Shock out of China! Zero tolerance shall turn on the government as people rise up."
"Take the damn flag off your social media pull the flag down and turn to the American government and say we're not willing to die for Ukraine because I'm telling you right now if you are willing to die for Ukraine why are you here."
"To protest a government is fascist? This is a new low."
"You can't go on recess until you deal with voting rights." - Protesters including Jesse Jackson Sr. and Black Voters Matter co-founder Cliff Albright march for voting rights in D.C.
"Native American occupation of Alcatraz Island."
"If you want to wave a Gadsden flag and demand an end of the shutdown because it is your right to live how you see fit."
"But no line of pickets could tell the story to the president that the world was far more complex than their signs."
"They're protesting against the imposition of neoliberal policies."
"More than 200,000 people have taken to the streets in Minsk," illustrating the scale of protests despite the risks.
"Standing athwart history yelling stop it's like stop it's like your kids are getting killed in school your adult kids are getting sent overseas to be slaughtered for oil."
"A few vagina hats and a crazy Ashley Judd tirade does not a modern civil rights movement make."
"We had no other option, there was nothing left to give, so we took a stand and we left the state of Texas."
"The Canadian truckers' convoy is saying it's time to end the mandates and give Canadians their freedoms back."
"The Venezuelan people have taken to the streets against the human rights-abusing regime."
"It's bad to go in and disrupt the offices of members of Congress."
"Recent protests in Chad have been directed against France due to its support for the country's military-led government, provoking anger among Chadians and resurfacing historical grievances related to France's Colonial past."
"Imran Khan is leading protests against the current regime, calling for fundamental rights for Pakistan's people."
"People were marching with signs saying George W Bush was Hitler."
"This kind of stuff is based, like slashing the car tires of Nazis while they're at a protest so they can't get home."
"These truckers... are simply saying we want to be heard and we won't stand for draconian rule by decree."
"Protesting Russian citizens managed to make it all the way to the Russian State Duma."
"Imagine being part of the insurrection, going to jail, and saying 'Sorry, I can only eat organic.'"
"The most patriotic thing you can do is rip off your government."
"We are fighting against these draconian and authoritarian measures that are imposed on Canadians right now."
"GOP unveils health care bill while protesters bleed and scream: 'The government wants to kill me!'"
"Cubans are going out on the streets talking about the communist regime."
"I would also like to go to Tucker Carlson's house and just throw everything on the floor every time he leaves."
"A legitimate protest would be when the people refuse to let these politicians go home until they step down."
"The r-rated anti-biden chant had been erupting for weeks at sporting events"
"Popular demonstrations like the umbrella movement and the more recent anti-extradition protests have fought back against increasing intervention from China."
"His incarceration in a Moscow jail... galvanized thousands of people... protesting daily since..."
"Cubans are out on the streets... fueled by years of suppressed frustration."
"The Cuban people are demanding change and they're not backing down."
"The Cuban people are rising up... against their abuser."
"The student unrest is a protest against the inadequacy of their education and the kind of political controls established against students."
"I think with the hunger strike, Bobby Sands and over a hundred thousand people, that's true. I think what happened in there is to understand that the Irish couldn't be broken."
"We've been called kids, we've been called cyber bullies, we've been called hooligans, and you know, sometimes those words aren't entirely unfair, but this is a serious political movement."
"Protests are up in France over Macron's retirement age push."