
Political Dissatisfaction Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"People are ready for the new ideas and I think people are fed up with traditional politicians."
"The whole country hates it. 93% of Americans believe that politicians represent their donors and not their voters."
"There's just a lot of apathy and disgust with the political system."
"I'd vote for literally a puppet...anything that wasn't a career politician because I'm just so over it."
"There's a real frustration and anger at our whole political system."
"This is not the direction we want the country to be heading in, we need a change."
"It's not fine that Donald Trump's president."
"The people are done with this crap, and they've been done with this crap for quite a while."
"Three years, so many people in Parliament who just don't respect the will of the people."
"56 percent said they would be dissatisfied or angry if Trump returned to the White House in 2024."
"The people have had enough of being led to failure by a bunch of elites."
"People are sick to death of what's been done to them, sick to death of the political climate they're living in with political correctness and all the rest of it."
"The country's going to hell so fast. I really wish Donald Trump was back."
"I'm more of an anti-establishmentarian. I saw the Bush years, I saw the Clinton years growing up, and I really saw a problem with both sides of the establishment."
"He was epically unhappy with our national leadership... our leaders were stupid."
"Stop giving away all of our rights to failed politicians."
"I love this country, I love the people of this country, I don't like our government, I don't like the system that we find ourselves stuck in."
"There is a feeling that status quo politics just is not working... people are tired of it."
"Why did Donald Trump get elected?... This system isn't working for me."
"Scotland literally can't afford the cost of living with Westminster. Does the prime minister not get that people in Scotland don't just want rid of him, they want rid of the whole rotted Westminster system?"
"We have had it with being embarrassed by our elected officials."
"Australians will be rightly appalled by what they're witnessing in their nation's Parliament today and in the course of this week."
"Both left and right agree the current system isn't working for the people's interests."
"Democrats hate working people so much they'd rather lose political power than enact a single popular policy that helps us."
"Populism: extreme anger at the government, wealthy, establishment, newcomers."
"You deserve to be [__] the Republican Party deserves everything that that's coming for them."
"He broke the emergency glass and said, they're not working for you."
"Young people are feeling over both political parties, over the entire system of politics."
"The Democrats have presented me with nothing other than incessant scandals."
"I want us to fire Brian Kemp because he's bad at his job."
"As long as you keep on trying to vote for the lesser of two evils, you're gonna get screwed in the process."
"I have a huge issue with a two-party system inherently because I don't really enjoy how either party handles anything anymore."
"Our country should be ashamed of what's going on."
"We all know they're crap, like we all understand that Biden was our tenth choice."
"For me right now being a democrat is like being in an abusive relationship."
"The disappointments mounted from then, and I'm really unhappy about U.S. foreign policy now."
"Americans hate Congress because Congress overall doesn't deliver for us."
"When you have tens of millions of people who don't want to live in a despicable late stage Republic like we have now, they will eventually choose for themselves someone to rise."
"You hated the last president, you hated the Republicans, and what we did for the economy."
"The worst possible thing for any of us is going to be not resolving these issues and having establishment elites poopoo the people."
"Yo it is gonna be lit in november and then we can all get disappointed by republicans doing nothing when they win nah i demand i want to see real action investigations impeachment impeach joe biden over ukraine no messing around."
"Congress has such a low approval rating, it might have to do with the fact that they do very little for the American people, very little for the very constituents who elected them into office, and instead engage in the illusion of governance."
"From $2500 to $8 million, it's a reminder of what we hear and see in the world of sports, what is not appreciated enough as far as I'm concerned."
"I'd get rid of every one of these politicians if I could."
"2024 is shaping up to be... the country's more than ready because nobody wants those two choices at this point."
"America sucks what you don't leave when Trump gets elected y'all are complaining I'm gonna move to Canada if Trump gets elected and then you don't."
"A lot of people are worried that there's not enough in this bill for them."
"This is why people hate politicians. By the way, this is why some diseases have a higher approval rating than members of congress."
"Ninety thousand wanted to send a message to the Democratic Party: 'You forgot us a long time ago.'"
"The reality today in Britain is that our political class are no longer fit for purpose."
"Whether or not they believe the current system is serving their interests."
"People are sick of the corrupt system... turning inward."
"This is minority rule, these elected officials are doing what they want which is not what their constituents want."
"The Democratic base is really disgusted with Joe Manchin."
"People are sick of being dictated to and having their lives imposed upon."
"If you're going to keep asking for money and asking for votes and doing nothing, you can't simply expect people to come out to vote."
"People are getting sick and tired of watching this country that was filled with great promise go down the tubes."
"The people want democracy, and they are no longer prepared to tolerate either the Conservative Party or the Labour Party if they frustrate that."
"We're done sitting back as our system is corrupt beyond imagination."
"People are fed up with their leaders and the murder that's taking place. They don't support us."
"Local issues inevitably played a part, but all politicians know it wasn't bins voters were angry about but Brexit."
"They never did that. What they did was send you off to war, sent your factory away, ruined the value of your house, and then made a mockery of you and said, 'Die, get into u-haul and go to the mythological where it doesn't work.'"
"The corruption is rampant... both Republican and Democratic voters can't stand the swamp."
"We're all really tired of clickbait politics. We want people who are in Congress to work, not to get Twitter celebrity."
"The left thinks that the country's on the wrong track. Maga populists think it's on the wrong track. Libertarians think it's on the wrong track."
"I'm exhausted of people supporting this man in office."
"Why is this Congress obsessed with itself and cares nothing about the American people?"
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"I feel so free right now, and I resent the Democratic Party right now."
"Wasted precious hours on an evidence-free impeachment hearing."
"Am I happy about the pardon? No, cuz none of this should have fucking happened."
"The people in charge are not looking after the people that are being ruled. We are angry. Don't condescend us any longer. Tell us the truth. Things have got to change."
"People are hungry for something else, and it's the system itself... that is keeping the people from being able to express their will."
"If we sit back and let the system crumble, people will starve. Governments are crumbling, and people are fed up."
"Americans overall dissatisfaction with the state of the country is on a downward trend. Joe Biden's presidency is a disaster."
"No one was properly punished for January 6th."
"Every decision... has been nothing short of disastrous for the American people."
"His own people who voted for him are throwing him under the bus at this point, and that percentage is a big percentage of people who voted for this guy."
"None of those deserve our support in the next election. In fact, we should work hard to defeat them and get people that will actually drain the swamp."
"The politics are awful and the economics don't look good either."
"We are condemned on both sides of political leadership. It seems nearly impossible to imagine any sort of real democratic consensus to be forged from our options."
"We were betrayed. We weren't consulted. This is not a decision that we agree with."
"I think he's a manifestation of our dissatisfaction with the political system."
"I'm a real true undecided voter... because they're not doing enough."
"What a corrupt, what a shallow, what an embarrassing ruling elite we have."
"My family in east Ukraine, they were extremely upset with the Putin administration for not doing anything in 2014, 2015, to help them when their government was overthrown by an openly foreign-backed coup."
"There's a breach of trust between Parliament, politics, and the people."
"American people are fed up with this one-party rule."
"People are desperate for the truth from the media and from their politicians, and they're not getting it."
"The last thing that their constituents want to see is sleaze, sleaze, broken promises." - Hardy Matharu
"Voters sent a clear message to the party in power that they are not satisfied with the handling of some key issues."
"There's a potential that there's the same kind of sense of frustration and disaffectation that existed in 2016."
"We have the best economy we've ever had, this town has ever seen."
"Probably the angriest fireside chat I ever had. But I'm angry. I am seeing the overthrow of something beautiful, flawed yes, America is flawed because it's composed of people and people are flawed."
"The silent majority in this country is fed up... The Democrats, their plan is to tear this country down with socialism."
"Can citizens do a class-action lawsuit against Congress for their corruption or failing to represent us?"
"The indifference the DNC has shown to these caucuses and their votes is disappointing."
"She hated being first lady. She never signed up for this."
"There's something wrong in a party where you have this much discontent with the candidate and nobody can figure out a way to vote or do anything that counts."
"Something has gone wrong with the major parties and the choices that it has delivered us."
"Hey America, we have a government actively working against the people."
"Black Americans are losing faith in Joe Biden and the Democratic Party."
"I would absolutely annihilate the bad guys with that non-stop I wouldn't stop I'd drive every dirty politician into loony bin."
"I'm tired of us being told to choose the lesser of two evils I'm tired of us being told that one day they gonna decide to do something I'm just tired of all day I'm just sick and tired of all of that and I'm not going for it."
"The country is not impressed with your debt default showdowns."
"The American people have grown tired of it but they don't know what to do about it."
"This is exactly who America is. We're sick of the lies, man. Stop lying, all you damn politicians."
"People are fed up, they cannot lie to their own people."
"We do not support Trump, we're done with him."
"Sometimes we want to escape the reality we currently live in, especially politically."
"What you saw in this election was absolutely appalling because you saw people that literally were voting for nothing."
"The score of the game right now is we the people got [ __ ] and we got bamboozled."
"We feel helpless and we want our government to work for us."
"Americans don't want more political theatrics; they want actions and solutions to bring down costs."
"They've learned no lesson even though the exit polls show 50 percent of the voters said we do not like the direction we are going."
"We do not believe we will ever get a meaningful Brexit with this current government and this current Parliament."
"So if you want government do everything you really can't complain when it does all sorts of things that you don't like."
"In other countries, revolutions would have been started; in other countries, these politicians would be in jail. Instead, in Britain, you have them in their support increasing in the polls at times and decreasing by one percentage point."
"The American people are tired of the lies, they're tired of the disrespect from this administration, they're tired of being disregarded."
"It's moments like that that remind me why I love this sweet fantastic little show."
"Every day Ohioans are completely disagreeing with the way they're being governed."
"This bill is even worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the Border catastrophe."
"A handful of people are making decisions that are actually working against the overwhelming majority of the country."
"The narrative was we're not happy with the world's leaders."
"Our country is going to hell, and we're going to take our country back."
"Think about how bad it is in the country that you couldn't get people to vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump."
"The country right now, at least this can change but right now, it's pretty comfortable. It doesn't like what's going on in Washington but it also doesn't like socialism." - Glenn Beck
"A significant minority within the unionist loyalist community does feel as if the systems of the state are now weighed against us."
"We are tired of the so-called Elites of DC of the Beltway; we need some just common folks like you and I in there."
"I think there's so much frustration with the two big parties at the moment, Tory and Labour, they are going to lose their voters in droves."
"I was faced with two presidential candidates that I did not really approve of."
"The failure of governments around the world to deal with it is the reason why there is support for extreme political parties on both sides."