
Busy Lifestyle Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Tara was single and lived alone, she was working on her Ph.D. in education and kept a busy schedule."
"I think you guys understand that I am busy but that I do love you and I want to thank you guys so much for supporting me."
"Every day is busy for me, some more than others, some less than others. Today is probably top-tier busy, so why not add more to this problem by filming."
"Life is good, little busy... making great progress with Midnight, great progress with XE, great progress with Reflect..."
"You know my passcode and my hands are kind of full."
"Just because I'm so busy with other stuff and, you know, we finally had to take the video on, my video we produced and yeah, you directed it yourself and then edited it. Yeah, crazy. Thank you."
"I got the literal most insanely busy offseason of my life."
"It's always my fullest day and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Life is busy, life is crazy, time is precious."
"I mean, similar to the marriage thing, like I just personally don't feel ready for it for the life that we're living now in terms of how busy we are and how committed we are to our jobs."
"You're going to be busy and productive, and we like that."
"You're definitely stepping into your power this fall season."
"Happy busy. Yeah, happy busy because this relationship is gonna make everything else seem so stupid."
"She even took time off her busy schedule on set of the movie Monster Ville to cuddle with a puppy."
"It's wonderful being here because when we're at Mapperton, it's busy, busy, busy. But here, it's peaceful."
"Perfect if you're really busy but still trying to lose weight and eat healthy meals."
"You're very busy, but you're handling it well."
"I'm so happy, but I have so much to get done."
"They're very busy, they're very outdoorsy, but they're also having intellectual side as well."
"Being busy all the time doesn't mean that you're being productive."
"I have a very busy weekend ahead of me but hopefully you enjoyed."
"You're the definition of booked and busy, anointed and appointed, yet you're still shining and inspiring."
"I got way too much on my plate... I still enjoy it."
"I feel like a little kid honestly, but I'm okay, you know what, no, we can't. If we don't even have time to talk, we have so much to get into."
"I'm super excited but guys listen it's been a lot going on lately."
"I just get so tied up doing this and that that I don't take proper care of myself often."
"Don't be an easy catch. Have a life, be busy, be about your business."
"I'm a busy guy, I've been that way for a very long time, I don't wait on nobody." - Tony Ferguson
"Expect a lot of incoming messages, texts, and calls. Your phone will be off the roof this weekend."
"I have way too many things going on, I have way too many better things to do."
"There's always seems like it's something to do."
"I'll be having too much [ __ ] going on forever."
"Life is getting really, really busy right now, so I'm trying to get things done while I can."
"I've been non-stop doing things since this morning."
"We have so much hyper palatable food around from the channel to snack on to sort of like scratch that itch and we're super busy."
"I'm up to a lot of things actually, you know, I'm back working."
"You have to eat right... Even if you're busy, there's no choice."
"I'm using my time very productively here and I'm actually really busy, maybe even busier than when I was riding."
"Life gets busy, you know? There's streams to watch, there's work, there's school. I understand it."
"We've been so busy that it's been able to take our minds off of it for sure."
"With my busy schedule, I struggle to find time for self-care, so I love that I can incorporate this into my daily routine."
"It's gonna be a busy month, the boys, they're back in school, they got sports going on, baseball and soccer. My husband's coaching, so I'm not gonna have a lot of time to cook dinner at night."
"Life's been really full on, amazing."
"Factor has been incredible and one of the really neat things for someone like me who travels a lot, goes racing, and my schedule's all over the place."
"I'm very much an advocate for protective styling. If you're someone like me who's extremely busy, then protective styling, it's not only great for length retention, but it just helps you just keep your hands out of your hair."
"I'm all about being practical I know a lot of us have busy lives and it's important to make healthy eating easy."
"I did finish one book which like it's still good because I've been in the slump and yeah I've been really busy so I'm still really happy that I managed to finish a book."
"Every puppy deserves a chance to thrive, even in a busy world."
"We're on the seaside I love lady Hardcastle and flow the audiobooks is incredible so this will be good for a day when I want to listen to an audiobook good for a day when I'm super busy."
"Simplifying is key for me in my kitchen as my mornings are very, very busy."
"We have like so much going on, we got paint, curtains, electrical stuff, blinds."
"A friend is a person who if you don't call them for a couple of weeks, they don't get angry at you because they know you're busy."
"We've forgotten how to teach our kids how to cook and our mantra is 'I'm too busy to cook'."
"These days everyone is always on the go, and we understand that life gets busy."
"I am utterly exhausted, it has been a packed week, but I've loved all of it."
"If every day is as busy and fun as yesterday, I think we'll get there in no time."
"Sometimes our lives are just so busy that we don't take enough time just to take stock of what has happened and to learn from the previous year."
"In the midst of our hectic, overscheduled lives, caring for the soul is imperative."
"We're probably gonna get on out of here, got some other things to do, man. March, very busy month for us, man, so yeah, it's a blessing."
"I've never been so busy; every day I'm up to something." - Anonymous
"I'm busy working, bro, busy working."
"It's like a perfect time while Keegan is doing soccer mom Saturdays, soccer mom Sundays, I can take some time for myself."
"It's incredibly rewarding to take a step back from our busy lifestyles to be one with nature and reconnect with ourselves."
"Looking at my calendar, I'm so busy right now with my work schedule, my kids are busy running to sports, but I still want to be able to eat healthy."
"The song is about not losing oneself even when things get busy."
"Oh baby, this is like a triple shot that I'm going with here because I've got a bit of work to do and a big day ahead."
"When you're busy all day, you don't have time to sin."
"You can add this workout into your busy day for a quick boost of energy."
"You're filming for this video, you're doing here, you're going on tour, you get back, and you're skating this place; it was non-stop."
"I'm such a girl on the go and recently, obviously, I've been super busy with a ton of stuff. Getting my hydration in is key."
"I go to school, work, and stream. Yeah, I do a lot; I have a lot on my plate."
"I'm about to enter into the busiest time of the year and so I'm literally just I just want to have a bath, I want to treat myself."
"I might end this vlog here, thank you guys for watching, bearing with me through this really busy time."
"I wake up in the morning, I start doing things, and then before I notice, it's 3pm, I've had four coffees and I'm shaking."
"It's been quite busy, but now I feel like we're in the swing of things."
"Hope y'all doing great; it's been real busy for ya boy these past couple of days, let me tell you."
"I have an aggressive schedule... I need energy to stay up with everything that I do."
"Good morning guys, I feel like I haven't spoken to you this morning, but it's been a busy one."
"I wish that there was like 28 hours in the day. I am constantly under the gun."
"Socializing is kind of a luxury for us due to our packed schedule."
"Busy days and late nights call for more flexibility."
"I just feel like I need a Friday night in because this past month has been so freaking busy."
"Summer is even more packed, so then it's like flying by."
"I'm so hungry after my workout but I just don't have time to make a snack before my French lesson."
"I'm off to a busy day ahead of me, and I'm more motivated to get my head down and work."
"Day to day, I am quite busy. I just go from the next thing to the next thing."
"It doesn't feel very high maintenance... for someone who might get really busy at work, doesn't have to worry about checking the virtual pet as much."
"I hope everyone has a wonderful day; I know my day is going to be so much fun with all these meetings, but at least I will look spectacular."
"Whenever I have a busy week coming up, I love to order my meals through Factor."
"We're always running short on time; that's because this is not the only thing that we do with our life."
"I had to take a little time off to get some stuff, but take your time off, it's just like... it's not time though, I still be busy."
"Have you ever had one of those days where you are just running and gunning?"
"All of us need a little break because it's so much happening back to back."
"Living with three dogs and two cats and two adults who work full time and then some... means that sometimes, oftentimes, house cleaning falls to the bottom of the priorities list."
"I just got really busy with homework, school, life, and work."
"You're going to be doing a lot, and you need your way to be clear."
"I missed you guys. We've been so busy with the restaurant that we really haven't been able to make many videos."
"I'm constantly on a plane, I'm constantly on the go."
"We all, especially in our busy lives, aspire to a simple life like this."
"In our busy lives, we can easily lose sight of the importance of relaxation."
"We're so busy that we keep our entire everything in a to-do list."
"With HelloFresh and a busy fall schedule, I don't have to compromise wholesome and delicious meals."