
Personal Recovery Quotes

There are 335 quotes

"You took my pride, you took my dignity, you stole my self-worth. I was not going to give you my soul."
"People's opinions about my recovery and my life choices is none of my business."
"Everybody needs a second chance, a chance just to help them to get over, get back on their feet, to take care of their family, to survive."
"Managing contact with the narcissist is actually 90% managing your addiction to codependency, to the drama cycle, and to your malignant optimism."
"Ray immediately stopped drinking, rejoined Alcoholics Anonymous, and checked in with his sponsor every day."
"The only thing that even got me out of the just from drowning was serving people. Serving people is magical."
"I had to get therapy for the emotional abuse I endured during our marriage."
"I've come out of really bad depression spirals. I've come out of other things so I know I'm going to come out of it. I'm just so excited to come out of it because it's been really long and I just hate feeling like this."
"If you preach Christ to yourself, you'll get out of it, you'll get out of the trough and you'll be better for it."
"It's important that we realize the goal isn't to get stuck in 'what happened to me'; it's really to find the ability to move through 'what happened to me.'"
"Brittany's restrictions began to lift and some form of normalcy, albeit not perfectly, returned to Brittany's life."
"Six years later the jury gave me my life back, and I am truly humbled."
"There's a miracle life, guys. I feel so much better now."
"It's such a great turnaround for him from what sounded like a pretty miserable situation."
"You really have yourself, and you have me, and you have Connor, and you have Herbie, and we're all here rooting for you. You will eventually get right back up to where you need to be and more."
"I struggled with addiction for 30 years. I've been sober now for 20 years. I want to make it my life's work to help other people."
"When I learned how to re-regulate my brain whenever I needed to then I could start to rehabilitate every part of my life that had been damaged."
"It's fun to play around with new products and to do something a little bit different."
"If someone else is having a hard time, say no shame. There's a lot of us who've been there and there's a way out."
"Every redemption story has to have a rock bottom."
"I need this after all that's happened to me. I've suffered long enough."
"If you suspect you're in the thick of it with a covert narcissist or if you suspect your ex was, and you're just realizing that you are subject to emotional abuse for the entire relationship, this video is for you."
"You're rebuilding your life and starting anew."
"At the end of the day, I am okay. I was a child, I was being victimized."
"His past were nothing but a nightmare he had only just now awakened from."
"Break free from past seasons of trauma, grief, and loss."
"Now you can rest. I understand what I was going through, what I was dealing with. I'm wide awake now, hungry about life."
"Life is getting good. It's like the wheel of fortune. You were at the bottom, and now you're moving it to the top of the wheel."
"I got my life back. Now I can enjoy every day that I live. I can really enjoy myself."
"This channel saved me. This channel kept me back on track... I really feel like this channel saved me and continues to save me."
"Perhaps this was the beginning of getting over her."
"Thankfully then in 2013 he received a Lifeline when his old friend Diamond Dallas Page reached out to him..."
"Paige had managed to basically save Scott Hall's life..."
"If you are in a dark place or you feel like you're hopeless or lost in the market, there is a way out once you switch up your approach and figure out what works for you the best."
"He allowed me to have the resources I needed to help myself and to address my health issues that I developed over the past couple of years and get out of that dark hole."
"Honestly, I think taking an unintentional six or seven-month hiatus actually was like the best thing that could have happened to me..."
"There's at least been hope for him to return from it for his own sake."
"Come and receive what he has for you... get your life back, get your joy back."
"God reveals to heal... get your life back, get your joy back."
"Eventually you will crave to do something else and you'll want to get into the planning but you have to allow yourself to regenerate in order to even get inspired again to start creating new plans."
"Just know that even though you have these moments where it feels like your world is falling apart, you can pick yourself up."
"You're realizing that your ship is still sailing you have not tipped over you are a-okay and your emotions come back into balance."
"Sean's story isn't all that depressing; he did manage to turn his life around."
"She has some hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking stories of love, drug use, and loss, but she came home, she cleaned herself up, and today she is drug-free."
"I'm back to myself now and now that I'm back to myself and I'm a lot happier, and like I have somebody new in my life."
"Robert Downey Jr. is gone from rock bottom to the top of the Hollywood mountains with a heart of gold in a suit of iron."
"You can be in a bad place but know at the end of the day I'm gonna get through this and it's gonna be better."
"I'm starting to feel more optimistic, like myself again."
"I feel better, there's a place that I lost and now you found it, it's like Columbus finding America."
"I feel better. There's a place that was lost and now you found it."
"I promise you can still make a beautiful life for yourself even if you lost many years of it to abuse, mental illness, or trauma. Yes, you can."
"It's okay to love yourself. Take back your power."
"Chef Ramsay gave me my family back and my restaurant back."
"They see you as someone that's just getting your groove back, you're enjoying life, you're not focusing on the negative so much."
"Since going to UPW, I was able to not only get my arm back but also get my finances back."
"You will always be able to land on your feet no matter what's happened here."
"It's all about second opportunities, you know you got to pick yourself back up."
"When God brings you back, that is a beautiful place."
"I certainly appreciate life a lot more now and I'm very grateful to be doing as well as I'm doing."
"Your happiness now is coming back; you're taking back your power."
"It's the birth of redemption that gives us the power to Rise From the Ashes."
"Ending the dark night of the soul, reawakening."
"Trust me, there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"Whatever happened to us, we can find a way to heal and to change and to craft our lives into something that gives us happiness."
"But for the first time in a long time, I've like the past three months been feeling more and more like myself just like this being able to come up with an idea and enjoy it and pursue it and even if it's tough it's been very nice."
"Cycling really saved my life, bro, it was one of the first things that I found after I got clean."
"Every day I feel more and more motivated to just jump back into the swing of things."
"If you felt denied, something better is on its way."
"Man, on ESPN. Yeah, who would have thought, right? Like, losing that fight and just being so mad and depressed that fast forward a month and things are as good as I ever could have imagined."
"It's okay if you've been living in the opposite extreme for a long period. It might actually be necessary in order to kind of get back to Center or pick yourself back up in your life."
"I ain't get no surgery... it's over, good now, they can't hurt me anymore."
"I'm sexual assault and abuse survivor and I'm finally finding my own sexuality."
"The only way to get back was to do the work. I did my work and put my life back together piece by piece."
"I really felt like I was a part of something and that really helped me overcome my darkness and maybe you have this feeling with some of your favorite artists too"
"I've been to the bottom of the barrel, and I don't ever see myself going back there."
"Yuki expresses his gratitude to Duke for bringing him back to his senses."
"It is after the fall from the flames that we rise again, stronger than ever."
"You had a horrible problem, it was ruining your life and who saved you? You saved you."
"Cheryl wasn't bitter about what had happened with Don and, in fact, a neighbor of the Levitts for years said, 'She did not seem angry. She was trying to put her life back in order.'"
"I’m glad to see you’ve got a little bit of spark in you. I knew that Annie was in there somewhere."
"I'm the real patriarch of my family... I put myself in rehab."
"Life is good. I love this. I couldn't have come back from the stroke if it hadn't been for her."
"I've been broke, I've been homeless for a little bit and I got it back together."
"Picking your dignity up off the floor is the first step."
"Fighting monsters for quite some time here, so it's going to be nice to just get back into society a bit and see how everybody's doing."
"It's like if I got shot which seems like that's what happened we got shot for three years and then all a sudden now I'm walking again that doesn't mean I forgot that I got shot."
"It's not somewhere that you have to be stuck for the rest of your life, and everyone's journey to recovery is different."
"One day you're gonna wake up and you're gonna notice that you haven't even thought about it and that's how you get over it."
"You're regaining your strength to love again."
"I think my recovery is coming along... the real thing."
"I feel like I'm finally coming up for air as myself... I feel like I've come just 180 degrees."
"Never allow the past or something that was once toxic to keep you stuck. Grow from it, move forward from it."
"I reverse in the name of Jesus anything that has caused you to falter in life."
"No contact is the technique that worked the best for people to heal."
"You will finally feel yourself again, looking towards the positivity and optimistic side of your life."
"Will the change of scenery and therapy and rehab and finally telling his story to the world be enough to break him from this cycle Brian started over two decades ago?"
"You have to worry about your own business. This is why you can't shape your life or your thoughts around people that have hurt you. You gotta take the L, show some vulnerability, and move on."
"It does feel good to get a win under the belt after... a down swing."
"When you've hit rock bottom, the only direction you have to look is up."
"Some of us are still carrying the residue of the mess of this past season, but God is declaring victory."
"I went to the wrong guy to put my face back together... most of it was to mend the mess of my face because of boxing." - Mickey Rourke
"You will never be used and abused no more ever again. You will never be used and abused no more."
"You can't fix broken, broken has to fix itself."
"I just want to tell everybody that feels like they've hit their lowest low that feels completely broken that feels like nothing is going to ever get better that it will."
"I feel like me again for the first time in a decade."
"Come to me. Get away with me, and you'll recover your life."
"I thought I was too guarded to ever love again, but every single word cut through the rain."
"He helped me bounce back from just my postpartum... my support system."
"To stop getting hurt we have to be really honest with ourselves about what matters and what we do have the power to create in our life."
"Healed up, got over the humble pie that I had to eat."
"You're gonna feel good again, you're gonna feel confident again and say you know what I got this."
"I managed to restart my life, start a family, and embarked on a cross-country speaking tour called never quit to motivate others."
"Trust me, I've been there and I want to tell you how I got better and how I've helped my students get better too."
"OnlyFans helped me get my confidence back. It counteracted all the negativity that I was thinking."
"In my darkest moment, I'm gonna remember how to love myself... If I fan that flame, my light is just gonna grow until I'm back to being my normal self."
"We got a lot to talk about this week thankfully my cold is cleared up I'm no longer congested and I'm more capable of doing longer videos like this this week."
"I just want to move past this and now be happy. I want to find like a happy moment in my life because it's been a while since I was genuinely happy."
"Some of you were let me clarify because that can mean many things there's somebody stalking you coming toward you as the paper swords wise of my collective the justice like you're getting your confidence back you're getting your mojo back."
"Dating someone else who has been emotionally open with me has been the most healing part of it all."
"Rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life."
"If I can continue and get back up on the horse, you can do it too."
"At some point, decide to use your story for a comeback."
"You've been through a lot, but you're ready for a new start."
"Happiness, joy, peace of mind are supposed to be our natural States and we have to radically reclaim them."
"Come what may, I know I will get up again. I've done it one time, two times, three times."
"You may have been wounded in the past, but that hole will be covered up in time with somebody else."
"Once you even take away anyone's free speech, then you don't have any free speech."
"You break the loop and then you come to your senses."
"You're coming back to yourself but even brighter light, even stronger, even more powerful."
"You're not just bouncing back, you're rolling with the punches."
"These people are gonna have to repair their very deep wounds over time."
"It gets so so much better, I promise. Take it from someone who seriously thought his life was over."
"Until I said it out loud and lived to like tell the tale I'm still here... I couldn't fully start to put the pieces back together and I would have been shattered forever if this #MeToo moment hadn't happened."
"In having that power taken away from me during the assault, me speaking, a faceless victim, is gaining my power back."
"I received one photo from a lady who posed naked next to a waterfall and said that this whole concept of being naked in nature helped her overcome sexual assault."
"It is time to take your life back now because that is going to give you so much abundance and happiness."
"You cannot heal in the same place that you got sick."
"Nothing could ever change the past or undo the trauma we both experienced, but knowing the guy was suffering in such a way was almost like proof that there was a god."
"If I can find help and feel better, then you sure can as well."
"Every time that I've gone through this before, I've come back stronger."
"This is you healing; this isn't you being broken or being ruined."
"Trauma recovery: healing from past wounds and reclaiming your life."
"This is you also coming back to yourself, so those of you who have felt because of this dynamic, this contract, you probably felt like it's hurt your self-esteem."
"Let's just hope I'm still not perfectly better yet, but I feel like I'm at that stage where I can just sort of push myself through it and get videos done."
"All of those things all together helped me get out of that place and um you know now now things are just all in popping and it's the opposite of a slump."
"Know that those wounds will heal and that you will open yourself up to new love, to new opportunity."
"You gotta have balance, people. Where your brain's actually signaling for your body to recover has been super important for my recovery."
"He looked like a man desperate to make up for all the time he'd lost."
"How do I find my passion again they fucked me up I'm half wait for Elliot to give him the name of his fucking shroom dealer."
"It's starting our healing process." - Mary Lean
"It's fun to overcome something, you know, have a rock bottom and come back from it."
"The best revenge is just to cut them off and live a good life."
"I'm never gonna financially recover from Halloween again."
"Recovery means moving beyond that. It's breaking out of the cycle of life as a revenge fantasy or a proving fantasy."
"Recovery means that you are finally able to stop looking at their feed and perhaps even block them from yours."
"I needed to distance myself from it, I needed to heal mentally, physically, and just reorganize my brain."
"Recovery from narcissistic abuse is imperative to put yourself and your life back together."
"I'm back to being depressed, but I'm not. I feel better now, honestly. Love that even with the withdrawals still pounding through."
"I want to shout out to a guy that took me out of the abyss and brought me to the light."
"Sometimes hitting rock bottom is a fantastic thing because when you are there, there's nowhere else to go but up."
"Took her time standing up, now admit not here to pretend. Had a bad split, maybe it's time that we shift gears. Show them the fanatic that you fear."
"Peter slowly regains his life and rebuilds his image with the city, vowing that the best way to honor the people he loves is to never stop being Spider-Man."
"Healing is an intentional process, something you have to pursue."
"It is time to get back on track and you do that by really focusing one step at a time."
"It felt good to get back in the saddle today."
"You're picking yourself back up again in a powerful way."
"It really took someone to love me more than I could love myself at that moment."
"Maybe no matter how deep the abyss you manage to plunge yourself into, if you take responsibility for your flaws and look up, there's still hope."
"Carry that forward as your dark night of the soul starts of subside and it will I promise you a lot of people go through it and you'll get through it too."
"Hard things will happen to us, we will recover, we will learn from it."
"It's such an inspirational angle. Somebody who has this rock bottom that can have a laugh on the end of it tells every rock bottom out there every bad time person out there that you can flip this."
"I am so so excited about today. I finally feel normal-ish and I feel better like since my surgery."
"I'm just gonna be honest with you guys, after the night I had, I needed this one."
"People are talking about how much you took back your power."
"You can't heal if you don't acknowledge that you're wounded."
"I finally feel good enough to make a little video."
"Trust that your heart will heal, your heart is healing right now. It can heal."
"Stop playing the victim, bro. Yes, there is sorrow, there is sadness, I get it. But at some point, you need to get up and do something."
"Let me heal myself, and then I want to go to you."
"After the storm, you're gonna meet a true love."
"The thing that genuinely saved me was a video game called 'The Witness'."
"The best revenge is moving on and being successful."
"A champion is defined not by their wins, but by how they can recover when they fall." - Serena Williams
"I am reclaiming everything that the enemy has stolen from you—your peace, your prosperity, and your purpose."
"First and foremost on your mind after you've had the crap beat out of you is not like oh I'm gonna go run to the press."
"Taking your power back, taking back your enthusiasm for life."
"Reality kind of hit... every day I'm getting something back."
"They really get some kind of healing from it."
"For her, recovery is not about resiliency, but empowerment."
"This is my best weapon for repairing the damage that was caused by things that were done by people who took advantage of me in the situation I was in at the time." - Dustin Diamond
"It's okay to mess up but it's not too late to wipe the poop stains of life away with self-awareness and self-recovery."
"Reboot like a computer. That's exactly right."
"I hope to get my voice back, it's all I want."
"Intuitive eating is basically what saved my relationship with food in my body and I'm a huge advocate for it."
"My tongue was all torn into pieces from the seizure."
"Do whatever helps you heal from a situation."
"It feels good to smile again, you know and just, just having a little life in me, you know what I'm saying, back."
"I Choose Healing, I Choose Healing. Healing Will Find You."
"You're not a failure; you just got out, both before it ruined you even more."
"I am feeling so much more like myself, like I can breathe again. Thank you guys for caring and for asking. A lot of you guys said you were saying prayers, that was so freaking nice. Thank you so much."