
Swordsmanship Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"To see a fight that is basically just pure sword fighting is so wonderful to witness."
"Greetings, I'm Shad, a historical weapons and armor enthusiast as well as a practitioner of historical swordsmanship, specifically medieval European swordsmanship."
"Demon Slayers with black blades are the most talented swordsmen."
"The Redguards of Hammerfell have a reputation for being the most skilled swordsmen in all of Tamriel."
"The spins aren't actually undermining the swordsmanship. I like it. They're technically plausible."
"This is literally one of the best feeling one-handed LARP swords I've ever used."
"Combining this fighting style's wind nature with swords, B is able to increase the lethality of his attacks."
"This guy, he is no joke, legitimately one of the most skilled if not outright most powerful Swordsmen in the world."
"I'll give it to you free of charge. You're the first worthy swordsman to come in this shop in a while."
"I'm the strongest swordsman in the world; let's go test out my sword on Flamingo."
"Rayleigh's sword is basic, but he's the best swordsman on the crew."
"Adding weight to a sword doesn't necessarily make it cut better."
"Cutting capacity in swords is a really interesting, sophisticated science."
"The katana is famously easy to cut with... a forgiving blade."
"The world of the sword is as boundless as magic."
"As expected of the prince, his swordsmanship is also top-notch."
"Each of their desires to become the world’s strongest swordsman or woman is going to lead to a ton of intense training and fierce duels."
"When is Zoro truly at his best? The answer is simple: when he wields all three of his blades."
"He explains that no matter what kind of Sword you use, slamming it with a lot of force can make it shatter."
"Yes oh drift good to see you you know what I'm a bit of a swordsman myself oh really oh yeah show me what you got no well okay if if you insist uh okay so first thing I want to show you is first thing I want to show you is sometimes you don't always need a sword good tip"
"Tomorrow is the swordsmanship class of Professor Robert. Although I don't need to learn swordsmanship now, I should at least inform him I will not come to his class anymore."
"What brings the girl to the country of those who do not know the art of the sword?"
"Tristan is an incredibly skilled swordsman and is able to dual wield."
"Understanding the heart of the sword helped him increase his reputation."
"Count Dooku is one of the most skilled Swordsmen in all all the Galaxy and he would take great care to ensure that I could take on anyone in a duel."
"With the three sword style, Zoro can perform several unique attacks."
"Swordsmanship is to protect things we treasure. You become stronger to protect your weakness."
"Everybody wants to know about katanas or long swords... but everybody comes here wants to learn about how to use a rapier or a sword and buckler... They're not wanting to learn to use a spear."
"Zoro's swordsmanship became legendary."
"His approach to swordsmanship was to do whatever it took to make that possible."
"This third one-handed sword technique was called Waters Sharpen Stone."
"You don't need hockey to be a very powerful swordsman."
"With determination in his voice, Allan defiantly urged Ria to show him what she was capable of as an ordinary swordsman."
"...it was the most phenomenal display of swordsmanship and endurance I'd seen since Benedict had held the pass above Arden against the moon Riders out of Ganesh."
"What we learned about black blades and how it can raise the sword's rank really makes the path easier for Zoro to get three supreme grade black blades."
"There are Swordsmen in the world who can cut nothing yet cut everything."
"The fact that the cross guard points in the direction of the edges actually tells us quite a lot about how these swords were used."
"Sasuke is so ridiculously smart of a swordsman that he can execute multi-step plans using his sword instantly."
"Every sword that was popular in its day was used for dueling. What it really is, is a civilian self-defense sword."
"I am Robin of Loxley. Oh yes, yes, I've heard of you. They say you're pretty handy with a sword. Let's find out."
"Perfection in the art of swordsmanship is reached when the heart is troubled by no more thought of you and I, or of the opponent and his sword, or of one's own sword and how to wield it."
"Be fluent with the blade, it should be like a part of your body."
"Yamamoto is considered an absolute master when it comes to Kido and swordsmanship."
"He is an internationally recognized swordmaster."
"Yo, that was the best sword move I've seen in all One Piece since we've been watching."
"His stainless blade flashed like a meteor in the forefront of battle."
"Our Hero's strength lay in his ability to wield the sword with dexterity."
"She said that she had never seen anyone better with a sword than him."
"Blade Master Craven, his skill with the sword is legend."
"He could feel the breath rhythm and even the aura of the sword as if the sword in his hands was becoming alive."
"The Third Realm of Sword: when the sword comes out, there is no way for people to avoid it."
"To be a great swordsman, his sword must become one with him, like it was an extension of his body."
"A swordsman who can cut nothing can cut anything, including steel."
"My blade work has had a lot of precision training."
"The principle of the sword it seemed lay in its allying death not with pessimism and impotence but with abounding energy."
"Sora Bulk was the product of decades of training and experience, and his reputation as a great sword master was well-earned."
"This is a blade which is as broad and as cut-worthy as pretty much some types of medieval arming sword."
"Nice Nimble sword, great Guard, great blade."
"I'm gonna be the greatest swordsman that ever lived."
"Kokushibo is not just a normal sword-wielding demon; his transcendent abilities are the reason that Kokushibo is upper ranked number one."
"What do sword guards tell us about the use of swords?"
"The design of a guard on a sword can tell us about its probable use."
"The design of this guard tells us that yes, it is a point forward thrust-centric sword."
"I felt a strong connection to the sword."
"He was determined to master the 'Lurking Ambush' sword technique and use it to its full potential."
"There were professional swordsmanship teachers, different lineages, different schools."
"It's an absolute excellent training sword and it's what we've been after for years."
"He killed with the efficient skill of his sword arm."
"This way we have in essence a full tang blade."
"The fabulous sword moving quicker than the eye could follow."
"When you have a sword, you want the sword to listen to you, to follow your body; it's part of your body, actually."
"With advanced sword skills like the top entrant, they would have become a knight already."
"Roger is definitely the greatest swordsman I have ever seen."
"Hawkeye Mihawk has even greater sword skills than the red-haired Emperor."
"What is it that makes a Black Blade? Is it your swordsmanship or is it your strength in Haki?"
"Zoro not only wields three blades, but he has showcased top-tier swordsmanship time and time again."
"There was a rumor in the city that the general cut as many as 500 monsters in half with his sword."
"You're good, Jezet, with your sword. Probably the best I've ever seen."
"Every day Selena not only worked hard for the government and helped the people, but she also tried to practice swordsmanship to become stronger and stronger."
"When a sword turns into a Black Blade, the sword raises in rank."
"He's also just a really powerful swordsman who is tapping into the power of the Ionian demons called the Azakana."
"The Duelists is very good at showing the nature of duels, specifically with swords in that period."
"He is a true swordsman in mind and body."
"My sword technique must have been so good that it transcended the bounds of time and space."
"He has dreamed of becoming a swordsman since he was young."
"...he had learned sword fighting by playing the video game Royal Road."
"The sword is only a tool that exists because of the person wielding it."
"Life is exact like that final and exact; there is no room for error with a sword."
"The only way to really learn how to make a sword or to get an idea what a sword is, is to study originals."
"In the 19th century, swords were made for reasons: yes, sometimes just for dress, sometimes for war, sometimes for dueling."
"A sword incorporates all the aspects that Vikings prized: it had power, it had cunningness, and it had speed."
"He became one of the finest swordmasters in the Jedi Order and became fluent in the execution of various unorthodox and rarely used Force abilities."
"One of the greatest fictional sword fighters in history."
"Never underestimate how much people adapted swords to make them more comfortable to wear because that's what you spend most of your time doing with the sword."
"I have good control of this sword, I think it's pretty cool."
"Restov serves as a sanctuary for those who long for the old Aldori sword lords' days."
"He is not an ordinary swordsman, he is a 1 in 10,000 sword cultivator."
"Swordsmanship requires courage and strength, not something a third-rate cultivator can understand."
"Close your eyes and feel my Consciousness. Use your senses to control the sword; that way you'll be able to exert more power."
"Being able to contest the Dark King in a battle of swordsmanship without really giving an inch, that's pretty damn impressive."
"Keep your back straight, and make sure your sword is going straight up and straight down."
"There's a real attempt here to focus on not dying, which certainly is something that should be emphasized in swordsmanship."
"It's a real early Koto blade, probably 1380s, 1390s."
"The work is fantastic; there's all kinds of swirls in the grain, the gigane, the Jamon has kinsujis and sunagashi's and little swirls."
"Using a sword in your mouth is such an elite tier thing to do."
"The fierce confrontation between these two skilled swordsmen unfolds, leaving the outcome of the match hanging in the balance."
"Luke's the best swordsman in the last 300 years."
"To be the greatest swordsman in the world."
"Mace Windu is unquestionably still the greatest swordsman in the Jedi Order."
"The sword he was holding was so agile, like a snake. But when the sword aura appeared, it was extremely powerful."
"He's got a bounty of over 4 billion Berry, he's a master swordsman, an expert Haki user, and a professional right-hander."
"The Swordsman lies down, the sword swings by itself."
"No matter who you become, I only want you to cherish your own way of the sword."
"I think a sword, particularly used for thrusting, is probably the quickest and most effective way of putting people out of action."
"I would not hesitate at all to buy something from Victor Berbekucz from VB Sword Shop."
"I have let many things down in my life, but I'm most sorry to Shaoshi Sword."
"Practicing swordsmanship after hearing the rooster’s crow."
"Swordsmen should communicate with their swords, then we'll understand each other."
"Lucius was prodigy with a blade even before he was recruited into the Emperor's Children."
"Practice swordsmanship is fun, right?"
"The sword is the soul of the Samurai."
"Creativity, not skill, is the sign of a true swordsman."
"I enjoy the spring breeze against my sword."
"Creativity, versatility, these are the traits that define a great swordsman."
"Do guards, do handguards make sense on lightsabers? And I would argue yes, for real-world historical reasons, for swordsmanship reasons, for practicality reasons."
"Not only is she beautiful, but her swordsmanship is also extraordinary."
"The wind is the sword, and the sword is the wind."
"Hong Yi thought that Leo Fang was as skillful a sword wielder as the dragon God."
"Your swordsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated."
"Goten and Trunks developed the Kikōkenjutsu sword fighting school."
"Shadow tells Alexia that he cares about neither the genius sword playing nor the disaster causing heavy casualties that attract public attention; he only cares about mastering the basics of the sword skills."
"Exceptional sword skills and magic to deflect all the projectiles."
"Do you know what the most painful thing in life is? For someone devoted to swordsmanship, it's dying without comprehending the true essence of the sword."
"I choose to believe in myself and my sword."
"Swordsmanship of master Shang Guan is not only valiant but also heroic."
"A technique belonging to the highest realm of the Myriad Sword Star Chart known as Myriad Sword Strike."
"The training that he needs isn't really like melee combat, it's more that he has to connect with the blade and realize its true purpose."
"Zoro dedicates himself to fulfilling the promise of becoming the world's greatest Swordsman."
"Don't kill, don't harm any women or children with your sword, do not fight anyone who does not have a weapon and does not show any hostile intent in trying to kill you."
"Great Dao of the sword, one sword comes out, ten thousand swords follow, the Dao manifests, and all dermas die."
"Forging a black blade is a feat that is reserved for people that specialize in swordsmanship, people that live and breathe the way of the sword."
"He's a master duelist and he dedicated his life to perfecting fighting with a sword."
"Swords are real, you get stabbed with a sword, you find out real quick it's real."
"The hero was awesome with his sword skills."
"She learned to hold her sword confidently."
"Catalina is a strong warrior skilled in swordsmanship."
"This is justice of the Samans; this is the art of swordsmanship for which its creator died."
"You have grown, Shin. Never did I expect that with your sword skill you could get this far," Hakura said.