
Dual Nature Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"The overall tone of the novel is exemplified by one of its best known quotes: 'I am half agony, half hope.'"
"Yugi is a sweet and charming boy, and Atem is a figurehead, so either way, people like you."
"The general consensus is that Jesus was both fully God and fully man."
"Social media can be your best friend and your worst enemy, both depends on how you use it."
"She's adorable, but she is a Hellion at the same time."
"The serpent tells both lies and truths simultaneously."
"Tribalism is simultaneously both the source of mankind's greatest achievements and its greatest failings."
"The Rapture is both a terrible event, horrible event, undescribably horrible event, and also at the same time an undescribably thrilling, joyous occasion."
"On the white sandy beaches of Saint Thomas it's a 70-acre island called Little Saint James. For Jeffrey Epstein, it was a zen-like retreat; for others, it was a horror show."
"You can be both pro-human highly spiritual and also recognize the opportunity of a lifetime when you see one."
"Gilgamesh captures that tension... between his divine side and humaneness."
"The internet is an amazing place... yet at the same time it's chock full of misinformation."
"Every single bit of technology invented by humans can be used for benevolence or for malice."
"They are simultaneously a companion of heaven and a friend of humanity."
"We are beings of light and dark, we use that fiery power to be able to evolve even faster."
"The internet and social media are beautiful things... but it can also be a scary and dangerous tool."
"A person can be both a hero and a villain, and I think he can play both roles."
"Time is of course our best friend and our worst enemy."
"His arrogance is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness."
"It's also been an extraordinary year for amazing things... it really has brought the best and the worst, I suppose."
"Los Angeles, the City of Angels and possibly the city of demons as well."
"He was the legion's affliction but he was also the only route they had out of it, the poison and the cure bundled up together, impossible to prize apart."
"The Russians think of war as the extension of politics. It's not either or, it's both and."
"I'm really feeling the holiday spirit this year... brings out the best in people but also I feel like brings out the worst in people too you know what I'm saying."
"The reality of this event is pretty bad but pretty cool."
"Functionally speaking, he was probably both good and bad simultaneously."
"There's a little bit of hero in all of us, there's a little bit of villain in all."
"The dynamics of super handling all-wheel drive can give the RDX something of a split personality."
"Religion can be so special to so many people and it can also really, really hurt a lot of people."
"Power and all it entails can be both dangerous and productive, destructive and redemptive."
"Cancerians live between two worlds: practicality and emotion, Earth and water."
"Extreme loyalty is both a virtue and a flaw of sigmas."
"Sometimes the Press can be our best asset and then our worst enemy at times."
"Globalization is both an opportunity and a challenge."
"Making the character his own but also on the flip side of that what would be the worst version of this."
"Things that have potential for terror usually have an equal amount of potential for bliss."
"It's like, Quincy Jones said, it's pretty on the top and dirty on the bottom."
"Love is neutrality in the sense that it looks on both the dark and light with total unconditional acceptance."
"Several generations of parents were being persuaded to be more flexible and affectionate with their children."
"There's something there and there's no reason that something can't be both a tourist attraction and a deeply haunted and dark place at the same time."
"Frog, he's an amphibian, he's on land and he's in the water, so he was able to deal with being in the conscious mind and the subconscious mind simultaneously."
"The gift of artistry can be a curse as well as a blessing."
"Every tool can be used for good or for evil, especially true of communication tools."
"It has that dual personality that's what you pay for when you buy a six-figure vehicle like this."
"Water can grant life but it can also be a dangerous force."
"Memory. It can be both a blessing and a curse."
"Mutants born with extraordinary abilities, a gift can often be a curse."
"It was at once a sign of mortality and simultaneously the stuff of immortals."
"She's just channeling that, you know, like kind of what Haley does. It's just that mixture of sweet and badass all in one, you know? It's just, I don't know, there's like a sweetness to it but it's also so rocking. It's cool."
"Money has saved people's lives and money has ruined people's lives."
"The internet destroys everything, but it also makes everything worth living."
"Religion is a form of power, it reveals the worst in humanity and the best of humanity."
"But for us back here in the present, this list is going to be the stuff of dreams or nightmares because not all magic is good magic after all."
"Your trauma is the thing that makes you a superhero and a villain."
"Brings them the freedom, the escape, the light, and the darkness. That is one of the most powerfully seductive things you can ever be for a human being."
"There's a yin and a yang with dan and that's how we handled that balance."
"The robin hood legend sort of attracts us in that he's a bad boy with a heart of gold."
"Sukuna had two faces on the front and back of his head, similar to that of Janus in Roman mythology."
"Jesus was absolute Divinity but he was also full Humanity at the same time."
"The serpent may not be our destroyer but our deliverer or possibly both."
"Your phone can be a wingman or a nuclear weapon in dating."
"Women aren't just about love and compassion; we have a dark side."
"Every monument of civilization is also a monument of barbarism."
"The fire represents comfort and consumption, depending on its behavior."
"It can be so mean and so fast and it can also be fairly tame despite sounding like a Raging Bull at every stoplight."
"She protect, she attack, but mostly she just does both."
"This thing is really nice. It's got this kind of Jekyll and Hyde thing going on."
"Being Spider-Man has both a blessing and a curse, a duality that doesn't represent selfishness or a form of self-punishment."
"You feel like you could drive as a sports vehicle but you could also feel that it would be a luxury sedan and it is indeed both."
"Death brings out the worst in people, but it also brings out the best."
"Jesus is one Divine person with a human nature."
"Dorothy in the streets, Blanche in the sheets. Ya girl's a little bit of a freak and that's okay."
"Like any weapon, it can be used to save lives or take lives."
"Heroes and villains both have the same void to fill."
"Jesus isn't a man that looked like God. He's not a God that just looked like man. He is 100% man and he's 100% God."
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." - Charles Dickens
"What if being special is every bit as much a curse as it is a gift?"
"You may seem like the sort of person that's all sweet and innocent, but also there is another side to you."
"I wonder, is it really possible for something to be both?"
"Some of his traits that are bad and like his impulsiveness what also had a good side to them."
"I think we live in interesting times, which is definitely a curse and a promise."
"This iteration of the Joker was the perfect amalgamation of being goofy but also being unreasonably threatening."
"Love is a strange thing. It can be the most amazing feeling in the world, or it can really hurt."
"Fear is like fire, it can help you cook your food but it can also burn you."
"Common knowledge can have dark sides and bright sides."
"One of the all-time scariest guys in the octagon, but one of the all-time nicest guys outside of it."
"The Panama Canal: A deadly project with long-term benefits."
"It was a burden but it was a blessing as well in football."
"He's a very gray character, capable of committing horrible things and noble acts."
"It was the best of games, it was the worst of games, a tale of two campaigns - the sandbox and the railroad."
"Nothing is just simply good or bad, it's always a mixture of the two."
"Technology is for me both the greatest opportunity and in many ways the greatest threat."
"Giving everybody cameras has been a blessing and a curse on one hand we have to look at a heck of a lot more selfies than any of us needed to see, but it's also allowed us to see the beauty of the world around us even when it's weird."
"Somehow both apocalyptic and beautiful at the same time."
"World simultaneously beautiful and disgusting, creating visceral realism."
"What's fascinating about Thanos and what was embodied well in his MCU adaptation was the notion of Thanos's genius being both his greatest ally and his worst enemy."
"I thought you were spiritual...because people forget that you have both sides."
"Instantaneous acceleration and again it's really so silent and relaxing so you can have a very nice and sporty driving experience with this vehicle but at the same time you can also drive in a very, very relaxed manner this car can indeed do both."
"There's only one person who is Jesus, but he has two natures - divine and human."
"there is nothing in our imaginations that can be both as beautiful and as Dreadful as that of the Abyss"
"The dragon can always be both affording and preventing."
"The witch is both horror and romance, persecuted victim and self-possessed Modern Woman."
"We all rely on technology for most of our daily tasks, but it's really a double-edged sword. On one hand, we have amazing tools that make life both easy and cool, but on the other, they're trying to take our jobs."
"In the very fact that the story of Cain contains both a medicine and a poison all at once."
"It's a totally mundane activity while being very, very menacing at the same time."
"The gift that can be a curse but it is a gift."
"It seems like this puppet guy has two sides to him, light and dark."
"Millions have found hope because of Christianity – but millions have also been slaughtered in the name of God."
"The internet can be a really gross place, and it can be a place full of hate and negativity, and cruel, cruel things, but it also has shown me that it can be a place of incredible things."
"The most interesting thing about Superman is Clark Kent. It's not Superman, it's that Clark Kent, that's a regular dude."
"It's an absolute Jekyll and Hyde car."
"From a young age, he showed an uncommon aptitude for both military and philosophical studies, reflecting the dual nature of Roman education."
"It's like half of you is riding it, the other half is just hanging on"
"How cool is that? Like a plant that not only can sting you but if you use it in a different way it can heal you from the sting that it's given you, that's really cool isn't it?"
"It is them at their best of times and their worst of times."
"An engine of terrible destruction and astonishing beauty."
"The logo was terrific, simultaneously playful and serious."
"Christ protected the purity of the Holy Place, he cleared the temple of lies and corruption, and Christ can hold a whip in his left hand and bless with his right hand."
"Death and glory, for both were always present in his actions in abundance."
"It's like having the Hulk and Einstein in one, Brawn and brains."
"Technology can bring problems – nanotech brings many itself – but it also offers solutions."
"Life can be both good and bad at the same time."
"Addicts are pretty incredible people; we're super sensitive, super kind, super loving, super scheming when we need to be."
"In Christ there stands a personal union together with a trinity of substances and a duality of natures."
"He had to be the Son of Mary to die, but the Son of God to live again."
"The engine, LS7, one of my personal favorites. So the cool thing is, you keep your foot out of it, this car is pretty mellow, it doesn't make a big fuss. But you put your foot into it, and it's a whole different party."
"It's a threat but it comes with an opportunity."
"Look how beautiful this is and creepy at the same time."
"The power of love can save thousands when used correctly, but if used maliciously, it could sink the entire world."
"He was true man, He was fully God and fully man, and this union of two natures..."
"The large increase in usage of unmanned aerial systems is both an asset and a threat."
"...to truly live as this love, as this body, law form and formlessness as one, that's not for sissies."
"Customers are the best and the worst parts of every job, and even the same customer can be both."
"Jesus is one person with two natures."
"I love that she's ruthless and cunning enough to be an assassin but she also enjoys the girly things in life."
"He now possessed mana and demonic energy at the same time."
"The tone of Venus and Adonis, like the style of Ovid, has been light, thanks to the dazzlingly ingenious wordplay, but the matter, like that of Ovid, is dark."
"Social media can be used for good, and it could be used for bad."
"I think things are better and they are worse at the same time in the music industry."
"Time is the author of the lesson, time is a murderous weapon, time is a curse and a blessing."
"The Council of Chalcedon... affirms the fact that there are two natures in the one person of Christ, 100% God, 100% man, and that those two natures coexist in the one person of Christ without confusion and without mixture, but also without separation and without any division."
"Jesus is a Divine person with two Natures: a human nature and a divine nature."
"We're on an adventure, a terrible adventure, terribly awesome."
"The early Christians believed that Christ had to be both human and divine."
"We're simultaneously sinner and saint."
"A man is not truly one, but truly two."
"...AI can be used as this representation of the best potential of humanity and also the worst potential of humanity."
"Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man at the same time."
"We want to be able to explain how an effect of an innovation can be both beneficial and harmful."
"It's kind of sleek and sexy shape, there's also muscular and masculine, so to be able to pull that off in a design, yes, pretty special."
"Jesus was not only God, he was also man."
"It's a science, it's an art form."
"Artificial intelligence will be both a blessing and a curse."
"He is adorable and fierce and attractive."
"They know how to be cute and fierce."
"What happens to Christ's human nature does not affect his divine nature in any way."
"The hypothetic union is really the great paradigm for the reconciliation of divine sovereignty and human free will."
"Water is the currency of life, brings life and it also washes it away."
"Every decision you make in life is made from two different places."