
Debates Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"We're a neutral channel hosting debates on science, religion, and politics. We hope you feel welcome no matter what walk of life you are from."
"We can have all these crazy hypothetical debates, but if you can't point to a model society that you want to live in, then it's just not a conversation worth having."
"One thing people love more than superheroes is debating which ones could beat who in a fight."
"At Modern Day Debate, we are a neutral platform that hosts debates on science, politics, and religion."
"Without the World Cup, these debates would not have happened and the improvements which have happened would not have happened."
"Multiple inheritance in Python and in other languages is something that's frequently argued whether it's good enough or sane or insane."
"You got to respect what this guy does that's why I don't get into that who's greater."
"I know you're trying to goad me, but I mean I'm so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president in debates."
"Will Joe Biden find a way to weasel out of next week's debate?"
"These debates have now become an integral part of our political process, a view shared by the most important judge: the American electorate."
"Video game graphics are perhaps the most hotly debated topic in the hobby every generation."
"Kennedy would never have been elected president if it hadn't been for that presidential debate."
"It's a world of parkour and adventure, where coffee debates get serious."
"Debates among presidential candidates were not common until the mid-20th century."
"Debates are fun. I like the mano-a-mano contest."
"A lot of these conversations just become dogmatic very quickly."
"I am kind of excited to see Biden vs Trump debates again, especially if it comes down to ice cream. I am all for that."
"I like it when people are upset that their favorite creature isn't S tier. Simply just have a better opinion."
"When you're engaging in those fun debates and disagreements and arguments, just remember we're all on the same team."
"Debates are somewhat Performance Based, which is unfortunate. It'd be nice if we just present the evidence and reach a reasonable conclusion."
"People engaged in contemporary debates about sex and gender identity have been harassed, intimidated, verbally abused, gratuitously offended, viciously smeared."
"I'm really behind in terms of setting up debates."
"You make this fun and I look forward to seeing you in the future debates."
"A sailor reported seeing a vessel an incredible 200 miles away, sparking heated debate in nautical circles."
"Healthy debates lead to understanding and growth."
"Arguing just makes things worse... Is there a chance by making these points... you were just causing the other side to be more deeply entrenched in their beliefs in the first place?"
"I don't look at debates as a win-lose proposition. I want to present the best case for my position, expose flaws in the opposition's case, and encourage people to think."
"This battle is a battle of debates. You know what I'm saying, because you got so many different perspectives weighing in and just giving the opinion on like how they see this battle going down and what's going to be the outcome."
"People argue back and forth about which Godzilla is the best or the strongest."
"Most of the debates you see on television are completely irrelevant."
"Shouldn't he be included in the presidential debates one hundred percent?"
"The question is will Donald Trump be on that stage because he has said at this point he's not taking part in this that he shouldn't have to because his lead is so big that it should be a coronation and not a nominee."
"People shouldn't be so worked up over whether or not something is defined as a remake."
"Debates are critical opportunities to introduce yourself to a lot of people who may not have seen you, to mix it up, to show you have the stuff that it takes to beat the Republican in the fall."
"People love comparing comic book characters, whether it's having a debate in the back of a comic book store or an infinite crisis of civil wars that takes place every six months."
"If Donald Trump holds out and never joins these debates it will not be a good look for GOP Primary voters."
"I'm always much more interested in these dialogues than formal debates."
"Debates are really more about being articulate than they are about presenting the superior ideas."
"I guess the thing I like about doing martial arts is it reminds me one of my favorite things to do as an apologist are debates."
"Maybe even a friendly argument over appetizers. But that's sort of what makes this wonderful."
"We are under no obligation to engage in bad faith conversations and bad faith debates." - Host
"Once the [__] starts flying, it's more like entertainment than education."
"Debates often devolve into a [__] throwing contest rather than understanding."
"Will we even have debates at all? It's not looking like a sure thing at this point."
"There were two big, somewhat overlapping debates going on in philosophy."
"He loves to debate it, but it's something that he needs to just like accept."
"Interactions and exchanges are no longer rational. They're not based on argumentation, they're not based on logic. You can't have actual debates with people anymore because people have lost all their moral compass."
"Even if you're right, you will never really win an argument on the internet."
"Policy debates matter, but the Republican party seems to care very little about them."
"Democracy must win where there will be no more debates about issues in this country."
"I've never had somebody debate me on who I am."
"Debates are actually really powerful. I think they're becoming less so nowadays but back in the day presidential elections have swung on debates."
"I really hope that we get to see a debate because I want the show, always. It's like the only good thing coming out of 2020 is that we get to watch the debate, it's fantastic."
"Debates are an unfinished process... you make progress over time."
"The conventions are not where you win or lose. The debates are."
"There were debates that went on and it wasn't we're so used to thinking of a Canon because when we go to the bookstore we buy a new testament it's always the same 27 books."
"I think debates can have utility they can have value they can be good to like teach people your talking points so that they can use it in the wild."
"So who do you think is better, Corey and Topanga or Shawn and Angela? Argue about it in the comments. Adios."
"People on the right don't like the idea of natural selection and the people on the left don't like the idea of gender roles which is why this whole thing gets pushed into this narrow place."
"Anyone who brings in public new debates should be reprimanded."
"Few things get people as mad as a pizza debate."
"Nobody talks about this. There are all these debates about Evolution, but nobody talks about this."
"I think debates can get someone excited to think about the issue and think oh wow that other side made a really good point."
"Your person loves that you can debate things with anyone."
"I just loved watching his debates. I used to just watch them on a loop forever."
"That's number two. End of discussion. There is no better Super Bowl than Super Bowl 42."
"Every time we have a debate, my poll numbers seem to go up and the polls that they take as to who won the debate, every single one of them said Trump won."
"Whatever the actual goal of Saigo’s proposal, we are clear on the conclusion to the Seikanron debates."
"And so the debates really are about the histories that are taught in our schools. So how do we understand why there was a civil war?"
"We sponsor debates and speakers that spark interesting discussions."
"Does pineapple belong on pizza? That's my favorite pizza, uh Hawaiian pizza, pineapple and ham so I guess it does."
"I've had debates over what toppings to get on a pizza that were more passionate and considered and took longer than the Time Lords took to agree to kill the Doctor."
"Fights about the OSI layer are just horribly boring anyway. Don't get into a fight with the OSI model. It's sort of pointless because it's a model. It doesn't exist."
"I just enjoy engaging in debates about metaphysical and epistemological questions."
"Debates are healthy. Debates are what stretch the mind, baby."
"People get worked up. Just look at the political debates today. People get angry, they walk off stage, they call people names because they don't believe in Narnia."
"I just want the fandom to evolve and make better debates, you know, better conversations."
"...these primary debates...can have a very significant impact on the race for the White House."
"...sometimes primary debates have seen stumbles and gaffs that have helped derail campaigns."
"...none of those arguments have been answered."
"I'm not a Tory, but reading some of the debates in Parliament, it was really instructive to see the level of intellectual rigor that some of those debates had."
"The debates are going to be incredibly interesting."
"We move mountains, we cross states, we play roles in presidential debates."
"We need more opinions, thoughts, debates."
"I just do debates, I make jokes, we laugh, it's very unpredictable."
"Debates require critical thinking, evaluating the opposing sides' interpretations of facts."
"Debates are incredibly important to our elections because they allow American voters to decide which candidates they like best."
"This right here is essentially the root of a lot of things; this is essentially the core of a lot of online debates, a lot of flame wars, a lot of toxicity."