
Obstacle Quotes

There are 427 quotes

"The main obstacle that prevents us from advancing is fear."
"If you could just get out of your own way, you'd be a force to reckon with."
"There's a bunch of lava on the floor. It's kind of covered with obsidian, though, but we can just break that."
"You have the power. There's a block in that's a part of this."
"The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition."
"Being a perfectionist is what's blocking you from just beginning the process."
"I don't care anymore what people think to me think about me because some of the worst things I could have ever thought happened."
"Do you know what that means? That means that the landslide ahead has been cleared, and we can potentially, potentially continue the adventure."
"High security, okay. I cannot get through these two guards."
"I'm trying to get to the hospital, but this man..."
"All they need to do is stomp on the growing weed that is Aaron."
"The biggest single obstacle to success is the fear of failure."
"The obstacle tends to be the way."
"Each time you have an obstacle, you have an opportunity to think what is right and what is wrong."
"Sometimes the obstacle is the opportunity."
"When you really want to be with someone, nothing can stand in your way."
"Unfortunately, it seems to be a derailer."
"If you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle."
"The obstacle is not so great as you previously considered it to be."
"The spiritual cleansing and protective means necessary to overcome any obstacle shall be granted to you."
"You've been working for a while on creating this structure, and something has kind of thrown a spoke in the wheels."
"The gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus, was tough to deal with."
"I think I know where it is, but it's guarded day and night. We'll find a way," Luke said.
"Reliability is currently the single biggest obstacle for these neural networks being truly useful."
"One of the biggest hindrances is fear."
"The tactics that your protagonist uses to try to overcome that obstacle... that is what's going to create your character."
"Intention and obstacle, that's what you've got to cling to."
"You're going to have to go through me."
"I see two people who are overcoming some sort of situation, possibly where there was interference in the relationship."
"It's kind of like a snowball rolling down the hill where it just gets bigger and bigger and there's no end until that snowball smashes into a brick wall."
"The obstacle that blocks the way becomes the way"
"Write down every thought that's standing in the way between their future and where they are."
"Plans that are going to get in the way of your plans."
"Rejection can be a lot like having a stone in your shoe, an ongoing annoyance that keeps us from moving forward."
"Now only one thing stops me: a promise I made to Andy."
"The Pirates decide that to reach Ace, they need to climb over ORS Jr."
"This was another one that almost didn't happen because of the structure above."
"this is a tight gap, it'll make you think"
"Everyone has at least one big thing that stands in the way of their success. Find yours and deal with it."
"Bando is like it's a holy grail of obstacles because you can crash into anything nobody's going to complain there's not going to be any people there so it's perfectly safe it's just the ultimate playground uh for FPV Pilots."
"Someone tried to block you, but now the obstacle is removed."
"I thought we'd be done by now, this is actually getting more and more difficult."
"How does power serve any of these people other than being a huge headache and the thing that's in the that's an obstacle to them getting what they actually want which is just personal advancement?"
"Sales is a lot like storytelling, just like when you tell a story you have a character that faces an obstacle and then they somehow overcome that obstacle."
"I knew I was going to hit a wall somewhere in this project. The thing with the motor Gear Drive I knew was going to be a hassle."
"Now that's gonna be kind of hard."
"Can we pass this dumb system? Look, there's a gap right there."
"It's just there to get in your way and be difficult and to suck, that's the only reason it's there is it to force you to contend with it."
"Yeah, but the weight thing is just something you cannot get over with."
"The fear of failure is the greatest single obstacle to success in adult life."
"If they take down the dragon, then everyone would be able to pass through Mount kgus."
"No hamster is getting through this roadblock."
"George realizes that they've used the spell that prevents regular people from coming in and thinks how the man he has here need to find the sacrificial location of where this spell was originally cast so they can stop it."
"This massive wall just blanked out our side scan."
"Well, we've reached a fork in the road, we've reached our first road closed sign."
"Fear can stand in the way of progress and success."
"The biggest thing that you're going to face... like the biggest obstacle you really have is going to be fear. If you really boil it down."
"Each obstacle we encounter, each barrier we face, serves as a mirror reflecting back to us aspects of our character that require fortitude and growth."
"I'm not gonna quit until this giant falls."
"Lynn's house has been on the market for six months, which in a hot market is extraordinarily rare. Other similar homes have sold in the neighborhood in a matter of days, but not Lin's, and it's standing in the way of true love."
"Finally, we beelined it for the door marked exit, but we didn't get far."
"The problem is not the dream, it might not be time."
"The thing that has kept me from living... is also going to be the thing that keeps you from living."
"Attraction plus obstacle equals desire."
"Perhaps your biggest obstacle towards your online influence may actually be you."
"They were so close to the mark and yet because of this arbitrary rule they couldn't hit the mark, it's utterly mystifying."
"You want to get to Te Fiti, you gotta go through a whole ocean of bad."
"Nobody heard him, there was one last obstacle though, one last player: Kane the shadowmancer."
"It's a damn wire, too strong to cut through."
"An incredible hurdle or obstacle that you've been, like a challenge that you've been put within."
"A systemic obstacle cannot be hacked."
"It's not because people are evil, it's because it's a systemic obstacle built into the model."
"Hopefully, this gate will just open. Oh yeah, that's right, they're not going to get through there. Sweet."
"Fear is the number one blockage; fear will paralyze you."
"It's going to be a lot easier than you think, the only obstacle is losing your patience."
"Whenever someone stands in my way I go through them."
"Freedom is not just about something not being in your way."
"Someone's wanting to delay your glow up, your grow up."
"It's just like, nope, that's the thing. It's not for lack of them doing a great job here. Yeah. For them finding things and actually like really moving this forward. It's just... It seems like every time they get something, they just hit this massive wall. It's so frustrating."
"Fear is just something in your way of progress."
"Eighty percent of the reason why you're not achieving your goal is inside yourself."
"He says that he wasn't able to return for a while and that he tried his best to contact her but Felix always got in the way."
"In the end it wasn't the science or the lack of support or even the weather that prevented Wolf's plan... but rather it was what he planned on using the island for that ultimately kept him from achieving his goal."
"Well, well. The Passage is blocked behind us now, and there is only one way out on the other side of the mountains."
"If the only way out is past her, then that's the way we're going to go."
"I hit the wall when we got in the taxi."
"Fear is a common emotion that can hold us back from achieving our goals and living a life of abundance."
"They're letting their pride get in the way."
"Most people are going to fail because of fear mostly."
"The inner door was never unzipped as the group was able to move through the tattered remains of the inner door unimpeded."
"If there was an obstacle to balance, if there was an obstacle to connection or to communication in a situation in your life, you might not realize that this is changing and that this obstacle is about to be eliminated completely. That's kind of the energy of the elephant."
"Ignorance is the greatest enemy you have."
"With precision and determination, even a dozen trees couldn't stand in our way."
"In my opinion, the greatest enemy to a wonderful Street photograph is hesitation."
"If you fear not, nothing can come within your way."
"Every obstacle you have is a hidden opportunity."
"I will show you the Great Wall that you will not be able to overcome."
"One thing goes wrong, the tunnel just will not come up."
"The greatest obstacle to humanity's future is what he called 'the heresy of separateness.'"
"Well, how do we? It's supposed to be like a dirt road, it's not supposed to be an enormous freaking lake."
"Nichols couldn't take him out just quite yet."
"I treat my illness as an obstacle rather than an identity."
"Put it to the test. What stands in the way becomes the way."
"Their pride is what's going to make it hard to get this kind of going or their pride is been in the way and that's why it's been such a big block."
"Twice in a row they've been stymied by a low ceiling."
"I think this is just going to be a little minor hiccup in the road."
"This is the difficult one right here."
"I'm not anyone's victim. I'm maybe the victim of believing in these limitations and obstacles."
"And so I thought, 'The only thing keeping me from this is really just kind of my sense of pride.'"
"Fear is the biggest way to not achieve what you want."
"The typewriter is destroyed. That's going to make it harder to figure out who this mystery person is."
"You're always going to have to get over this hurdle of getting this clarity."
"I think fear doesn't help. It only hinders."
"There's just one thing standing in their way: the Chaser."
"Whatever obstacle you keep encountering doing the same thing over and over clearly isn't working. Stop gambling on the hope that things would change instead change your habits or your approach if you want to make any progress."
"One of the primary obstacles when you're saving for retirement is the rate of inflation."
"When you're going into an obstacle, you know, I'm a proponent of if you think you need a locker in that obstacle then turn it on."
"the thing absolutely swallows up every obstacle you can find"
"Pride, says Saint Thomas Aquinas, is the greatest obstacle to the grace of God."
"It's gonna take more than a little track turbulence to stop them."
"...that was the rock I had to move."
"There is somebody who is in the gap, who is failing to cross from one area to the other."
"But still, it's something that isn't going to deter us from having a very cool truck at the end of the video."
"But when he could not figure out where it was, had a tough time, it kind of checked up on him a little bit. No chance to catch Pearson."
"Despite finding a small sword, he is temporarily stunned by a dark Knight's voice and is unable to move."
"I can't arrest a dead man, can you?"
"The biggest problem in our lives is us."
"Most of you are your own biggest hater... That makes you your own biggest obstacle that you need to overcome."
"We're up and we're stuck now, okay? Period."
"There's just no way to get around it."
"You're gonna have a dream stealer enter your life, and their role in life is to try to steal your dream."
"Ultimately, this is the challenge."
"Removing the obstacles will make it much easier for you to get a commitment."
"One of the biggest things that was stopping me from reaching success was the job that I had."
"Mary was kind of my last obstacle, but in my ministry, I find Mary to be one of my greatest tools."
"The Troopers turned loose to hounds but they started whining and they refused to follow the trail."
"Nothing will get in my way. Nothing."
"The only thing stopping you right now is action."
"Fear can be something really useful, but sometimes fear can also really just be a useless obstacle."
"...it had the power you wanted but then no matter how much traction you had on the front wheels it just wouldn't go anywhere."
"The wound wasn’t fatal, but it did make me drop my light."
"I feel like your situation might not be as heavy, but there's literally something in the way that needs to be moved before you guys can come towards each other."
"What did that hit? If you get around that big pine you think that you're home free but you're just not."
"Anyone who has ever overcome any obstacle in life knows that if you spend all your energy agonizing about how insurmountable or unfair that obstacle is, you'll never overcome it."
"Mastery is your ability to interact in a productive way with any obstacle you experience."
"Financially is the sticking point for you, yes."
"Every obstacle conquered, every victory gained will give you more faith in your power."
"The hump was everything, a kind of inertia, a kind of emptiness."
"Success gets in the way of intimacy."
"This is a monster for Mr. Keating."
"Because we're not gonna let any obstacle get in the way of our mood of our productivity and of our success."
"Fear is going to be the biggest killer of anything in your life."
"Don't let fear ever get in the way."
"It was getting your foot in the door that was a huge hurdle."
"It was tough, though I believe that if it's something that I really want to do, nothing's going to stand in my way."
"It was nearly there, it was literally just height or something."
"Shame gets in the way of so much."
"It's just a hiccup that you have to get through in the third act."
"The biggest deterrent is never going to be the anchor or the headwind or the bowline. No, it's going to be the storyline, The Narrative of the person navigating that ship."
"What's holding us back is the power."
"'That’s what led me to convince Rusty we needed to go back out to the clearing. The rocks there were the only thing we knew of that could stop Harvey, and we needed to either get the rocks or figure out how they worked.'"
"We didn't actually get to go in the sea because it was so rocky."
"And so ends Ascot Keane, the one obstacle in my path."
"For many humans, the present moment is actually regarded unconsciously as an obstacle that they need to get beyond."
"...forced income can also be a weakness and a hurdle..."
"Don't let anything get in the way. Don't let some dumb 'yes' get in the way."
"The next obstacle is really going to build a horse's confidence in narrow spaces."
"The only thing standing in the way is for me to actually do it."
"That my friend is the fiery dart of the enemy."
"I just thought I'm gonna hit the wall."
"Obstacle comes here's my opportunity."
"...this handful doesn't seem so bad but it's exactly what is stopping you."
"How was he to reach the headland height? The cliff wall now encircled the entire island without a break."
"A huge roadblock that was standing in the way of this connection will be removed."
"Poor guy, I mean as everyone knows you can just calmly step over that."
"We're fighting a castle. We can't beat a castle. We need to get to the man."
"The stuff that's blocking you in your life might be bigger than you, but that's not why it's blocking you; it's blocking you because you're focused on the fact that it's bigger than you."
"See your mind not as an arbitrary obstacle but as your ally."
"They want to work on this like they don't care who gets in the way."
"It's always harder when you're working somewhere and you've got something in your way."
"Unbelief is the culprit stopping things from working."
"Take away the space, the measure, and you've made it a lot harder for them."
"Try to accept those things and not bring any negative or angry energy towards them because they are obstacles, they're just life."
"Self-doubt is the killer of dreams."
"...you are facing obstacles but you also have the determination to overcome them."
"This team was looking extremely fluid till they started the climb."
"The only thing that's getting in the way is our thinking."
"What are you trying to get to? What's standing in the way? Can we diagnose that? Can we understand it? And can we help you get around it or through it so that you can get where you need to be?"
"Nothing could stop techies, nothing could stand in his way."
"Success breeds self-sabotage, and eventually, you will try to find an obstacle that you cannot get beyond."
"We had a good plan. It wasn't this kind of obstacle to probably be okay, but for an unlifted rig or a car, it's a different story."
"This is gonna be near impossible to sneak candy through because it is an insane obstacle course filled with axes, spike balls, and a whole bunch of other insane things."
"Your boat is what's keeping you from walking on the water."
"What's really crippling are the fears that come in."
"But honestly that is legitimately an obstacle that many of us face: lack of access to good cheap fabric."
"Yeah, no the oil pump is still not lined up."
"I mean, nobody could take the fire truck out of his heart, it's a huge problem."
"It's here in namic town that our first truly difficult battle occurs."
"Ego is very much the enemy in this case."
"Snape added a potions riddle as one of the obstacles to protect the Philosopher's Stone."