
Player Motivation Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Players don't mind giving up money to be happy if they know they have a group that they trust."
"Positive reinforcement is fundamental... it just makes the team feel like they're more than just individual players."
"You can make loot in Destiny 2 desirable without making it game-breaking."
"People don't understand that the journey to work hard for those things wasn't rewarding and they just did it because they were addicted to the game."
"The only thing motivating the player forward is progression."
"The powerups should be rewarding enough that the player is continuously motivated to keep seeking them out, which means there should be a palpable increase in strength with each one collected."
"I mean, hell, if you're gonna ask the player to go through the trouble of delivering packages mindlessly back and forth between locations, it seems like you should at the very least try to emotionally motivate them to do so."
"BDO has ultra rare items and legendary status gear that provides players with true long-term goals."
"Skyrim's rewards are compounded over the course of the entire dungeon... a continuous, addicting game that satisfies the hoarder within you."
"Everyone loves finding items, that's why they're playing these games."
"Players will come through, fight for the badge."
"The biggest threat to the players was poverty. Dying due to lack of rations was the big motivator to going into the dungeon."
"We wanted players to have something aspirational to strive towards."
"Outer Wilds is strikingly good at creating questions, and it's because of this, instead of giving you an extrinsic goal at the start of the game, the developers lean on those questions and ask you to come up with a goal."
"New game plus is an effective way of rewarding players for their hard work and perseverance."
"One of the most important aspects of game design is the reward system."
"The boost undermines the sense of accomplishment."
"The badge is achieved, badge numero 4, thank you very much, can now catch Pokemon up to level 40."
"People care about MMOs dying because... they want to have accomplishments that have value in a larger world."
"Congratulations, you reached the end of my game."
"The game was hunting for someone who was seeking what the game offered."
"Every player is going to be feeling disillusioned, unmotivated, fed up."
"It's pretty exciting to have four seeds for Worlds. I think we talked about it already, it's just really good for the player motivation."
"You have to have the desire for players to play it not because it's a video game but because it's a thing they get to experience."
"So I'm in a great mood I've got my first shiny pokemon and eggs are only gonna hatch absolutely amazing things."
"Games that have me playing for loot are, to this day, some of my favorite."
"The intent was to provide players with a sense of Pride and accomplishment for unlocking different Heroes and a bunch of other stuff nobody asked for."
"I'm grinding to unlock quests which need me to grind so I can grind some more. What am I doing any of this for?"
"Season 4 scoreboard: packed with exciting rewards."
"Destiny is at its best when you have new desirable things to pursue."
"Video games were fundamentally created to be competitive."
"We're magic players, we want to spend as little as possible for as much value."
"Beautiful. I can do it again for another thousand gold. Fantastic!"
"Better incentives for players who complete challenging prestige activities."
"I think these new rewards will continue to incentivize people to do the seasons and now that we have kind of a clear-cut road map things are gradually starting to return to normal."
"This is a rarity, as normally there's no incentive for someone to play once they reach rank 1 since they're already at the top."
"Players want to get rewarded for completing a raid. Gear alone is not enough; mounts should always be the absolute minimum."
"We need challenges, challenges that reward us for going above and beyond."
"That would incentivize players to actually want to get more money."
"Give people reasons to want to grab what they have and upgrade it or just get better weapons."
"It's been remarkable because it's the desire of the players as well."
"Both these players, they love to score goals."
"It's baffling people defending an item they'll never get."
"There has to be a distance that the player has to the item that they know that they can actually go and obtain it because if that distance is too far then nobody is going to take the journey to begin with."
"Why is it that titles with more competition or in other words games that are more difficult find more success?"
"Warzone needs a rank system that rewards and encourages players to keep improving."
"Mojang needs to focus on giving players reasons to play."
"All right, guys, now we have the bonus quest so let's get on to that."
"Please make the final focus a big payoff because otherwise there's just no point working my way down."
"It's much easier to keep players engaged when you have a very, very direct goal for them to achieve."
"For completing this raid's meta achievement, they were rewarded with the Armored Skyscreamer."
"As bad as the Galactus GBR rewards are, people still play Galactus because it's fun."
"The overall goal of buying apex packs is to eventually get the heirloom."
"You can now incentivize players by setting them specific targets."
"Farming new gear every tier is fun, farming the same gear again every tier is not fun."
"The vote was overwhelmingly in favor. The players want to come back and play."
"There's a lot of ways that you can motivate the player to do this."
"We beat the final boss which was... I like that, I like that they gave us something extra for beating the game 100% completion."
"One big improvement over the last game is the sense of urgency and purpose you actually feel like you have goals."
"Fortnite fans know that we don't play for fame or recognition mostly because we know we'll never get any."
"He's coming here to win trophies and have a holiday."
"Blizzard is using this wonderful concept and it's so simple is to give people a bit of status on their gear hopefully to inspire other people."
"This is one of the rarest eggs in the entire game, guys. You gotta do it, you gotta do it!"
"Placing rewards for completing challenges enhances the gameplay experience."
"This game needs to reward players with more and better loot."
"The players are playing now, it feels like they're there for the project, for the club, and for the badge on their shirt."
"Why spend that extra time playing Destiny 2 getting that God roll if the content you're getting that God roll for doesn't even matter?"
"Rewarding players for doing what they want similar to how FAR's or does it but with the more kind of more fulfilling rewards."
"The NBA is a championship or bust year for the Clippers, and I expect Kawhi to be playing as motivated as we've ever seen him play."
"The thing is like with Lost Ark, for example, the reason why people care about getting their engravings, the reason why people care about getting their cards is because they know that will lead them to an overall meta goal in the future."
"Maybe something like five hundred dollars cash for the number one ranked player... keep your top players motivated to play the game."
"Cosmetics are the whole reason why people play the game. What do you mean? Cosmetics are huge."
"These rewards are hollow at best. They only reward the chase not the achievement."
"Do you think the fact that there's actually a challenge to even start playing WoW classic adds to the excitement?"
"The combat is most rewarding to intrinsically motivated Players."
"I think once you get that opportunity to get your hands on the trophy and play in a final as prestigious as this I think as a player that's all you dream of as winning trophies."
"I feel like IW did a reasonable job of this but at least you're always getting those Keys kind of ticking up at the end of the game."
"Unlockables were the true incentive for 100% in a title."
"Manchester United need to sign players who are hungry, ready to take the step up, and want to come to this football club."
"Old school prestige system: encouraged variety and added magic."
"It's nice to see players act like they give a crap."
"Combat was so deadly back then that players were often incentivized to avoid it; acquiring treasure was the best way to gain experience."
"Dotage deeply grasps onto that 'one more turn' desire that a lot of games have."
"Genshin Impact doesn't have any intrinsic rewards to keep players going."
"Once you reach level 500, there's nothing to work towards—give us some long-term goals, it would be really, really fun."
"There's a great opportunity, and those players are going to be hungry as well."
"He wanted you to go and entertain but he just wanted to give your all."
"World of Warcraft used to have that, and you know what? Some of the things that people would do just because it might give them a reward later or because they're having fun just trying to kill time, it was PvP."
"Nook Miles create a more compulsive experience."
"Huge addition of ranked PvP to give players again something to grind for."
"It gives the higher skilled players something to grind towards something to really care about and work towards and when you one it's a really good feeling."
"As long as there's some sense of progression."
"100 in a game should be a self-imposed challenge."
"They should want to keep replaying it not feel like they have to."
"Currently there's no reward at all for earning a v2 rocket."
"If by this point you aren't aching to take down Delilah's coven I don't know what else can motivate you."
"We'll have tons to grind for loads of new things to unlock just by simply playing the game."
"The actual game part of Among Us itself is just a means to an end."
"This mystery was what drove people to want to play the game. We wanted to solve the puzzles because we wanted to see the basement's contents."
"Make these things that everybody grinds for worth something."
"Competition brings out the best in players, and Lacazette's arrival will push everyone to perform."
"This is like literally pure serotonin. The dopamine hit that I get every time we kill a man."
"We are doing this for the people who voted us in; we have to play hard because people voted us in."
"If the driving motivation for the player is to survive, then the game must be successful enough in its ability to convince the player that they are indeed living in the world of the game."
"Different people are attracted to your game for different reasons."
"There are people in the world who play video games on the highest level of difficulty because they want to be challenged."