
Financial Prosperity Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"A gift of money is on its way. Your income is increasing. Manage your finances with love."
"Not just success, but also financial increase, financial prosperity, abundance through partnerships."
"Money is definitely going to be flowing to you from your careers."
"You're going to have it all, love and money in your future."
"Success and abundance will come in the form of money, joy, and happiness."
"Money answers with all things. The Lord gives you the power to get wealth."
"Financial blessings and abundance are coming your way."
"Financial prosperity is like a river that flows, bringing sustenance and opportunity to our lives."
"2021 is going to be a very lucrative time for you both in terms of love and in finance."
"You will make a lot of money as long as you're genuine and really believe it."
"You have nine of Pentacles affluence waiting for you."
"The next three days will be extraordinary as you step into a season filled with happiness, love, and unlimited money."
"Your financial situation is just going to be absolutely mind-blowing by the end of this month."
"The Wheel of Fortune is coming in, so I see financial gain and celebrations and wish fulfillment."
"A very positive year ahead overall for you, financially and spiritually."
"Certainly Venus can bring you greater wealth in your career over the next two years."
"Venus becoming visible will bring huge wealth, Taurus is the sign of wealth."
"Money will always flow when you figure yourself out."
"Make a wish because you are going to be successful. Manifest, manifest. Money is definitely coming in."
"Work on believing that you deserve to be wealthy."
"So for the remaining part of 2023, I feel the clear answer for you is a level up in your money and your abundance, your wealth. You're definitely becoming more prosperous, but just remember to stay grounded even when this comes your way."
"Total financial abundance is what I'd say to you, love it."
"You have overflowing prosperity, this is beautiful and a lucky break, good fortune, your finances look good."
"Expect a financial Harvest but you got to sew a seed to see it happen."
"Life of nothing but great abundance, a big divine blessing, a financial opportunity."
"Envy-worthy success awaits, both in money and relationships."
"Be optimistic about your love life or finances because I see financial gifts are coming towards you."
"Take this leap of faith... there is huge prosperity coming up for you."
"There is prosperity ahead. Prosperity lies ahead, my beautiful Tauruses."
"Prepare yourself for income in abundance, release any mental blocks you may have."
"You're unlocking your prosperity, that abundance is moving towards you; there's alchemy here, it's like magic."
"You're very close to achieving your goal. Prosperity lies ahead."
"Opportunities for you to make a business to be productive, prosperous, to bring the riches into your life."
"Generosity releases the flow of God's provision for your life."
"Abundance in your marriage house... your partner is abundant and wealthy."
"This is a season where many of you are going to be very financially abundant."
"Many blessings can come, specifically you get gain of wealth in your life, increase of income through many different sources."
"Finance is very very good during this time and that will come through new job promotion business, you know begins in business expansion of business and every such kind of things."
"You're moving into a period of prosperity, major shift, major breakthrough coming for you."
"Some of you have an audition coming up we have the sun card and the ten of pentacles you feel me that's the max pentacles in the deck guaranteed abundance is here you're going to achieve a lot."
"You have been planting; this money is coming in now; you are now starting to reap the reward."
"There's a lot of money coming in for you in the month of September."
"Finances are looking good, the universe provides you with a bounty of life."
"You are going to have a financial blessing, and it is going to come with family."
"When that fog clears, you're gonna see a lot of fortune and riches basically."
"Saturn's going to get you richer and richer over the next three years if you pay attention to what he wants you to do."
"May the new month bring you a lot of blessings, Financial growth, and good health."
"You are opulent and very rich and wealthy with money coming into your life and your reality in copious amounts of ways easily and comfortably."
"I feel like a lot of financial abundance coming into your life."
"Fly high, fly high because we got the nine of Pentacles and there's that tenth pinnacle right there, this is like a promise from spirit that you're going to get to the ten of Pentacles."
"You will be restored financially, materially, and economically and I decree that the Lord will heal you and bind up your wounds in the name of Jesus."
"There is definitely money coming in and it takes a big heart to teach little minds."
"As hard as it was for me, as I was sowing my love, my patience, my experience into these women, money came by that. Yes, God increased me financially."
"Prosperity is my divine right. Most people get angry when they first hear that money is the easiest thing to demonstrate. But it is true. But we must release our negative reactions to it and our negative beliefs about it first."
"God wants us to be financially blessed."
"Everything that you want is gonna come, all the money you want is going to come, baby, trust and believe it's gonna come."
"Prospering financially is good; with more money, we can do more for the kingdom."
"There's more money to more people, and more people are spending it."
"Financial prosperity empowers you to be a blessing."
"Where do I have control and the area of control is your work, and you can increase your financial abundance and prosperity."
"I know when my soul gets healed I will be prospered in my finances and in my health, even as my soul is prospered."
"We partner with our diaspora members to ensure that they achieve financial prosperity."
"After marriage, money comes in, travels happen, and naturally the luck in life increases."
"When we get healed in here, we will make sound financial decisions, have flourishing businesses, and we will prosper even as our soul prospers."
"You're very inspirational, that's why you get a lot of money."
"You've got something big coming in for you here financially."
"God is bringing financial aid, blessings that will change your life, and miracles."
"Prosperity: Money is on the way, this may take the form of a promotion, a windfall, a new job, or a new way of making money."
"We've got Venus making kisses - love, beauty, and money."
"Divine blessings of financial abundance coming to you."
"You're all about growth, your money, your spiritual growth, you're growing."
"There's a lot of financial gain coming into your energy here, Taurus."