
Stable Coins Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Stable coins have a lot of promise not only in terms of the programmable money concept but also in terms of just being a faster and more stable way to work within a digital ecosystem."
"Let's pick one thing and get that done. What I'd like that to be is stable coins because as a payment system right now, it would be very, very productive."
"It's amazing, because you're getting a high yield that you get in the dollar market." - Benefits of earning yield on stablecoins.
"The big unlock there will be, in fact, kind of these fixed funding designs for stablecoins, right, which will probably be collateralized now with these yield-bearing assets."
"Embracing stable coins is leaning into a better system for the end user."
"Stable coins are tied to a specific asset, making them more reliable for day-to-day transactions."
"Trade payment rails are happening on stablecoins. This is enormous."
"Stablecoins should be viewed as no different than a fidelity money market."
"The fact that a panic in an algorithmic stablecoin like Terra is spreading to backed stablecoins like Tether could be of concern to financial regulators."
"This OCC news about declaring stable coins basically usable and tradable for payment activities from banks is big."
"Stable coins are crypto's killer app, I think it's a multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"It's a huge thing because if you want to bridge from stable coins to other stable coins or just if you want access to the USC ecosystem, everything becomes way easier when you have the most liquidity."
"Solana pay bypasses the issue of settling transactions in crypto and having to convert to fiat in favor of using stable coins."
"Stable coins don't just have to be pegged to a dollar, stable coins could represent something else as well."
"Regulators are worried about whether stablecoin firms hold enough liquid assets to back up the value of the currency they issue."
"Stable coins make up less than five percent of the entire crypto market. They make up, I think it's sixty percent of all the trading volume."
"Stable coins are a better idea if you want a fast reliable transaction layer. Do it with stable coins."
"Stablecoin legislation would hand Authority from the SEC to the federal and state bank and credit union Regulators." - New draft legislation's impact on stablecoin regulation.
"You can always close your loan... pay back your loan in stable coins, it will be super easy, super fast."
"So many problems do we have when we send people stable coins? Zero. I love it so much."
"Stable coins absolutely mask the true amount of leverage that is in the crypto ecosystem."
"How cool is that that we're in an environment where you can earn a 27 to 30 percent return on stables?"
"Stable coins are a massive market opportunity."
"Stable coins are simply a tokenized US dollar representation which circulates on a public blockchain."
"Stable coins have been enormously successful, they've become the majority form of collateral in the crypto industry."
"Stable coins settled around 8 trillion last year, and this year I would forecast stablecoin transactions would be over 10 trillion."
"Stable coins are largely supportive of the dollar, they're extending the dollar's reach globally and their buying pressure for treasuries."
"Stable coins are going to undergo the same transition that Euro dollars went through in the 70s."
"If you want to see defy get orders of magnitude larger, you're going to need stable coins to get orders of magnitude larger."
"Stable coins will have a breakout year in 2024... once you have that, the total addressable Market becomes the total size of the electronic money market."
"As more time goes on, USDC or something just as regulated is going to be where a lot of large money decides to move into stable coins."
"The U.S dollar works like a crypto token... it's literally a model and stable coins called an algorithmic Central Bank."
"Stable coins are getting very interesting in the market."
"$11 trillion is at stake, can you imagine how quickly we are going to see stable coins invade that $11 trillion?"
"There's about 200 billion in stable coins."
"The best thing the US government can do with the dollar is ratify stable coins and say okay, we're going to give you access to the Fed window."
"Stable coins, crypto dollars, are an immense pillar of this industry. If there's one thing that crypto has exported, it's crypto dollars. It's one of the biggest innovations that we have."
"While stable coins are often called crypto's killer app, our guest Nick says, 'You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.'"
"It’s not an accident that over 99% of stable coins are dollars. That’s just where the demand is."
"Stable coins serve a demand. There’s a demand for stable coins and therefore supply is made to meet that demand."
"I think there needs to be public-private partnerships and I think we're seeing a ton of activity and innovation with stablecoins."
"Stable coins are actually an important part of the ecosystem, and I think they're getting better all the time."
"The more decentralized stable coins we have, the more economic activity we have."
"Stablecoins play a fairly important role within the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem."
"Stable coins are the most incredible innovation that this space has brought."
"Stable coins solve a lot of problems; they create other problems, obviously, but in general, I think that stable coins are an incredible innovation."
"The evolution of stablecoins and CBDCs will likely impact global finance significantly in the next two years."
"We are now starting to see a little bit more information coming out regarding stable coins and how big of a deal they actually are on the global scale."
"Clear regulations and robust consumer protections are essential for enabling stable coins to achieve their full potential."
"Stable coins serve as a pivotal entry point to DeFi."
"As of 2024, I believe we will be able to say that stable coins became a new form of money in the world economy."
"I think stable coins are going to be one of the best things that come out of the broader crypto markets."
"Why are stablecoins good? Because we need those three functions of money."
"I'm really excited for the future of DeFi and for the future of stablecoins."
"Currencies will be digital in the future, nobody can deny that, and stable coins are going to be a major part of it."