
Black And White Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"There's just something about the experience of shooting black and white photography that's native in camera that just feels to me more like the old days when I shot black and white film."
"The aspect ratio, along with it being filmed in black and white makes it feel like a much older film."
"I wanted to shoot in black and white... to create an eerie black and white where the skin becomes translucent and the eyes are becoming very dark and aggressive."
"Godzilla looks scary in black and white, and the music and gritty cinematography create a foreboding mood."
"Black and white together elevate any outfit. Guaranteed to create a stylish ensemble."
"One movie that was black and white that I really enjoyed in my life I actually watched it in school called it's called 12 Angry Men."
"So cute. I feel like I need to have lots of confidence in my art to make it black and white like this."
"What a privilege to actually see this in black and white. Wow, that's pretty profound."
"Black and white never look so right."
"This movie looks so good for a black and white."
"It's such a festive look. I love the black and white and I love that it's all about the reason for the season which is Jesus."
"Social media activism in this moment is so important for Israel's cause because for some reason it's not black and white, right? For people like, it's not like there's an obvious, my God..."
"It's necessary. This is very clearly just a black and white filter."
"I want to have basically a solid base upon which I can build my black and white image."
"Photoshop's black and white adjustment layer on default works pretty much most of the time."
"You don't have to colorize a black and white picture to make it good. You just leave it alone, take it on its own merits."
"Remember, black and white is a neutral, and you can give anybody a black and white gift, and I just absolutely love that I was able to use that contact paper."
"There's No Gray in the Apocalypse. In the Book of Revelation, there's No Gray. You either are or you aren't, you're either committed or you're not committed, you're in or you're out."
"...if you are purely working in black and white or largely working in black and white... these are some real differences that you notice right away."
"For those photographers who really care about the nuances of black and white photography, for those who want realistic grain, accurate film emulations based on classic film stocks..."
"Silver Effects is truly the only photo editor out there for this type of use."
"Black and white photographs are made best through the use of your colors."
"Black and white images are made best through the use of your colors."
"There's a lot more to making good black and white images than just taking away the color."
"So the next color is non-color... we're going to look at using black and white... and how black and white is not as black and white as it sounds."
"When you're going to work in black and white, make it black and white because that's gonna make a big difference, right?"
"There is something about black and white, I will forever be a fan."
"The idea of making a film in black and white in this aspect ratio all the things that might be seen from the outside world as a hurdle or an obstacle are all choices decisions that as a filmmaker you made and that all collectively create the experience we just had."
"For me, black and white is... it goes to the essence of the image."
"The great thing with black and white photography is that you only deal with light."
"If you want to create a good black and white photo, really seek out the opposite ends of the spectrum for good contrast."
"I do a lot of conversions to black and white; it's one of my favourite genres."
"I love black and white films. I feel like they're slightly different species and I've always wanted to go play with that species."
"When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls!"
"I'm really into black-and-white films and visually interesting and intricate films."
"Light is the most important part of any picture, but it's especially true with black and white photography."
"Another really easy way to solve the color balance problem is to convert your picture to black and white."
"Chanel's signature look is a gorgeous black and white party dress."
"If there's not sufficient light, the camera will default to black and white."
"Sometimes black and white suits what it is that I'm trying to say."
"If color is a distraction to what it is you're trying to say, then do certainly consider black and white."
"The amount of detail and performance you get from a black and white only sensor is mind-boggling compared to a color sensor."
"I shoot a lot of black and white and almost all of my family and personal photography is shot using the Acros film simulation."
"If you know you're going to be toning in black and white, it can be beneficial to convert your image to black and white and make adjustments looking at it in black and white versus color."
"Psycho is probably my favorite black and white 4K film transfer that I've seen."
"There's no gray area for the black and white knight; he must win, losing is not an option."
"The Innocence is also a marvel of Gothic aesthetic, beautifully shot in black and white."
"Pretty much every photographer I know likes working in black and white at least occasionally."
"Take a black and white photo to see if you're going to get the contrast you're looking for."
"The lighting is possibly the most beautiful lighting in a black and white film I've seen."
"I'm most especially impressed with his mastery of black and white."
"The simplest kind of image is a binary image, which has only two levels: black and white."
"This is BW Zine, it's a collection of samples from black and white '80s self-published books."
"I have probably tens of thousands of black and white negatives that's primarily what I used to shoot years ago."
"This cut out black and white dress with this amazing black and white detail... it's so sexy."
"I'm loving this one because it's a classic black and white look but it has a lot of fun elements."